Calling In The One: 2017

Belle Du Jour

Well-Known Member
After a conversation with someone earlier this evening, I felt inspired to work through this book again. I feel like I'll be coming to it from a different perspective because I've been doing a lot of internal work. I really believe in this book... January is the perfect time to start over right? :look: Any interest in doing this as a challenge and sharing our results?
A few of us are doing the challenge and using Group Me for our discussions. People felt more comfortable taking it off the board. We're starting Week 4 this Sunday, though.

If you're interested in joining, @Chocoluxe can add you.
@Chocoluxe may I be added as well? I'm ready to tackle this book

Eta: nvm I just realized yall are on week 4. I don't want to hold you all back
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Since some people missed the boat, might be good to set a future date with a new start time...
I'm not sure I'm ready to pick this book up yet but maybe this Summer....
Anyone of you all who are reading it now, maybe you're willing to lead or start the thread later?
I am also interested. I was in the group before but didn't finish. I think I'm better prepared internally to tackle this challenge.
So is there a March session? My book will be coming in Monday and I'd really to start with others. I slacked the past few months due to a broken heart, so now I'm focused on getting in tune with myself.
I'm reading now. Is anyone going to start a May challenge or am I doing this alone. I would host but this is the first time I'm reading and I don't know what to expect.
How do we start? I'm ready to work! Do we need someone to host? I would but I don't even know where to begin.

@MzLady78 you've read through this once right? How do you feel about it? You can pm me if you feel more comfortable.

I started it with the group @Flourishnikov put together at the beginning of the year, but I didn't get that far. I dropped up after the drama with my ex and old dude because I wasn't interested in meeting anyone at that point. I'm still not really there, but I think it may help with some of the internal work I have to do.

What we did was start a private group on the Group Me app, and set 8:00 every Sunday night as the official discussion time, but of course people posted whenever they had something to say.

Maybe she can chime in and say how it went for the rest of the group.
I started it with the group @Flourishnikov put together at the beginning of the year, but I didn't get that far. I dropped up after the drama with my ex and old dude because I wasn't interested in meeting anyone at that point. I'm still not really there, but I think it may help with some of the internal work I have to do.

What we did was start a private group on the Group Me app, and set 8:00 every Sunday night as the official discussion time, but of course people posted whenever they had something to say.

Maybe she can chime in and say how it went for the rest of the group.
I keep reading that you don't necessarily have to want to date or find someone to participate. It makes you take a long hard look at yourself. I'm hoping that's true. That this (along with therapy) will help me make some changes for when I finally am ready to "call in the one".

@Flourishnikov I was still looking for you under Chocoluxe. That's why I didn't @ you in my above post. How did things go for you?
I keep reading that you don't necessarily have to want to date or find someone to participate. It makes you take a long hard look at yourself. I'm hoping that's true. That this (along with therapy) will help me make some changes for when I finally am ready to "call in the one".

@Flourishnikov I was still looking for you under Chocoluxe. That's why I didn't @ you in my above post. How did things go for you?

It's true. :yep: This book is hardcore.

In fact, I'd venture to say that if you if you can't afford therapy, THIS BOOK is pretty much the next best thing imo.

I still haven't finished it because I'm "stuck" on a chapter. :ohwell: It is intense. It's like a course. I just don't have the time right now, otherwise I'd join you ladies. I just have a lot on my plate at the moment, and I'll be going out of town this month, so this month isn't good for me personally to start.

BUT, I will say that this book definitely helped me to heal a lot of past baggage I had, and I haven't even finished half of it yet. I will definitely finish it eventually though. :yep:

It really is that good.
I'm on Lesson 12. An interesting thing happened a few lessons back. There was an exercise on forgiveness so I decided to forgive my ex-fiance. It's a fresh breakup and I really didn't think that I was ready.

For some reason, my left ring finger had been hurting for over a week. It felt like it had been smashed in a door. I did the exercise and went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night, grabbed my finger and reminded myself that I forgave him. I bent my finger and it didn't hurt anymore. I must have bent it 50 more times in disbelief. I'm still pain free (not my heart, just my finger). Forgiveness doesn't excuse what he did or allow me to pretend that I'm okay. It only releases from any debt that I feel like he owes me. The exercises are definitely helping me.

Right now, I'm still completely brokenhearted and not in any shape to lead a group. If someone sets it up, I will chime in with my thoughts or I'll keep doing so here.
I'm reading and still in the beginning. I haven't done anything except the first 2 lessons which are easy enough. I'm now reading lesson 4 and I already know I'm going to have trouble picking essence qualities and writing affirmations. Trying not to focus on it so when it comes time to do it hopefully it comes easily.
Is it weird that today I have been repeating that "I am connected to everyone and everything" in lesson 2 and I feel like it has really helped keep me even tempered today. I haven't been nearly as annoyed by people today as I have been all week. Unclear how much this mantra is responsible for my mood today but I'll give it the credit.