Calling In The One And Femme Belles..........

Thank you!! :)

You know, I never realized just how much we as women tend to bash men or have a negative view of them until I read TQC, and now listen to my good girl friends. It's like, "wow....I used to sound just like them...full of so much hate, resentment, bitterness and cynicism when it comes to men" :nono:

It's so clearly obvious now. Idk about anyone else. Now when I listen to them I see just how much I've changed, because I no longer think the same way they do anymore.

Then I think to myself.... "Hmm...well no WONDER you ladies are single.... Men are probably subconsciously picking up on your negative views about them..". : look:

Don't get me wrong, I still have some work to do, but I can see how I've come a looong way. Men used to be "the enemy", and now they are more the "partners". I feel like I understand men SO much better now. I feel much happier too :yep:

Another great post.

When people are bitter, resentful or cynical ultimately it is a form of their self-expression. Your self-expression and self-presentation is your business card. And ultimately it is a choice. Regardless of the reason of why people are bitter, resentful, bitter or cynical they are protective measures that serve us and not in a positive way.

Ridding yourself of these traits takes work and being conscious and catching yourself when the ugly monster wants to come out. When these ugly traits come out they will always kill the very thing you wanted to accomplish in the first place. Let me give an example, the other day I went to a charity function to pack food stuff for the homeless and a young woman gave me a card with a task job I was unable to do as it would have me standing in the sun for a long period of time, when I went to ask her if I could kindly switch to another job she waved her hand and said sharply, "I don't have time for this, you are not the only one here." The ugly monster almost stepped out to tell her off and leave (even though I tend more than often to over look rudeness unless I have had a challenging day), however I got it!!!!! My light bulb moment.

If I let that part of my personality take over it would have stopped my ultimate goal which was to pack food for the homeless. So, I quietly stepped back and politely said okay. When I got inside, I was able to speak to someone calmly no drama (and no mentioning this woman) and they switched me to another job and voila the day was saved. I even went afterwards to thank the team because I realize this woman was only doing her job. It is just about supreme self awareness and discipline.

I used to complain about my work all the time, I mean all the time. When I got that I was not having conversations with people, I was just complaining about my life I got real with myself. When you complain all the time, you don't want to take responsibility for changing a situation or facing a situation.

I was like oh, don't want to be complaining about life to men especially past issues that they can't resolve. I want men to see a spark in my eyes because they are wondering, "what is she up to?"

Almond Eyes
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This thread and the thread on Serena Williams' engagement has really inspired me. How do we get our mindset completely right to usher in our destiny? I believe marriage/motherhood is my destiny but how do I continue to believe that even when nothing seems to be happening in the here and now LOL. Thoughts? From MM's blog, it seems like she set goals and really shifted her mind and actions to main her level of happy. Then things started happening for her. Let's discuss...I want ALL of us amazing BW to win. :yep:

ETA the quote form MM's journal:
"It is said that, “thoughts become things.” My thoughts the past year have been: I miss working in politics, I see myself having a lifestyle website, I want to see the world, I need to find my purpose, and I want to be happy.

By some miracle (or perhaps the wizardry of positive thinking), I am now the UN Advocate for Women’s Political Participation & Leadership; The Tig was born; the recent stamps in my passport range from Rwanda to Malta to Afghanistan; in the past week alone I met President Obama and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and above all — I am blissfully, fully, unapologetically happy.

Join me in being a dreamer. Your life can be greater than you ever imagined."
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@Belle Du Jour, I'm no expert, but beyond positive thinking I find that honest self-evaluation and reflection work wonders. The activities in "Calling in the One" are quite instrumental in helping with self-evaluation. Are you reading or have you read the book?

Yes, it's a great book! But I feel like I'm beyond the evaluation part and I know what I want. I know exactly what I want. I think I need to more clearly enunciate it this year like MM did in that journal entry and try to attract (or seek?) opportunities to make those dreams a reality.
Yes, it's a great book! But I feel like I'm beyond the evaluation part and I know what I want. I know exactly what I want. I think I need to more clearly enunciate it this year like MM did in that journal entry and try to attract (or seek?) opportunities to make those dreams a reality.

I had a lovely post typed out and then lost it. :(

When I saw that underline, I got excited for you! I think you're right, the more you declare your intentions and get clear on what you want, you will certainly attract them/opportunities to fulfill them. Or in this case, him. ;)

Are you also keeping a journal? I think what MM did at some point was to declare her intentions and then stepped out of the way in order to allow them to manifest. Once you make your intentions clear I think you will be presented with opportunities to attract what you're seeking. I hope that 2017 is the year you meet your husband!
I had a lovely post typed out and then lost it. :(

When I saw that underline, I got excited for you! I think you're right, the more you declare your intentions and get clear on what you want, you will certainly attract them/opportunities to fulfill them. Or in this case, him. ;)

Are you also keeping a journal? I think what MM did at some point was to declare her intentions and then stepped out of the way in order to allow them to manifest. Once you make your intentions clear I think you will be presented with opportunities to attract what you're seeking. I hope that 2017 is the year you meet your husband!

Amen! I'm going home right now to clearly write some dreams/goals down. I'm excited. No more looking back-- only forward ad upward :yep:
I know right!!!!!!!!!!

A colleague of mine who is black, has a love coach that she speaks to weekly.

Personally, I believe that we all have blind spots that can get in the way of attracting the one or the right one.

For everyone the way is differently, though many women are saying these days, I need help and they are getting help. For some it could be therapy for deeper past issues and for others it may require a coach to brush up on a few areas. or group awareness trainings. You can never see sometimes yourself as they way you can see others or others see you.

I don't think Meghan came out of no where, I think she worked on herself and had help her mother is a clinical therapist and into Yoga. Good for her.

Even Allison Armstrong, I think she also had to attend a few group awareness seminars to reach the conclusions in her books. No one great ever does it alone.

I think many women these days understand that you are what you attract.

Almond Eyes

Hmmm, I'm thinking about getting a coach again...I've had different ones for different goals and they were always great. But it is $$$ last coach had a "come to Jesus" moment in her own life and started reading a lot of books and got therapy. She got married in her early 40s then started her own business to coach other women to do the same. I think I'm pretty good where books are concerned. I need practical application skills. I also know someone in real life who worked with a male dating coach and got married a short time later. The question is how to find the right coach?!
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Hmmm, I'm thinking about getting a coach again...I've had different ones for different goals and they were always great. But it is $$$ last coach had a "come to Jesus" moment in her own life and started reading a lot of books and got therapy. I think I'm pretty good where books are concerned. I need practical application skills. I also know someone in real life who worked with a male dating coach and got married a short time later. The question is how to find the right coach?!

Great question.

Basically, therapy is for people who have suffered deep traumas from the past. They need to complete those issues.

A coach deals with the future and goals. Some people see both a therapist and a coach.

Books are great, then some people have trouble implementing and don't have the right people around them to keep them accountable.

That is when a coach comes in.

Everyone has different needs when it comes to finding the right coach, some people want a coach that will have the answers and generate the options and help with the application, other coaches believe that you as the client have to generate your own answers.

Most coaches should offer a free session so you can see if the person is right for you.

I haven't checked, maybe does Allison Armstrong offer individual coaches with her team.

Almond Eyes
This thread and the thread on Serena Williams' engagement has really inspired me. How do we get our mindset completely right to usher in our destiny? I believe marriage/motherhood is my destiny but how do I continue to believe that even when nothing seems to be happening in the here and now LOL. Thoughts? From MM's blog, it seems like she set goals and really shifted her mind and actions to main her level of happy. Then things started happening for her. Let's discuss...I want ALL of us amazing BW to win. :yep:

ETA the quote form MM's journal:
"It is said that, “thoughts become things.” My thoughts the past year have been: I miss working in politics, I see myself having a lifestyle website, I want to see the world, I need to find my purpose, and I want to be happy.

By some miracle (or perhaps the wizardry of positive thinking), I am now the UN Advocate for Women’s Political Participation & Leadership; The Tig was born; the recent stamps in my passport range from Rwanda to Malta to Afghanistan; in the past week alone I met President Obama and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and above all — I am blissfully, fully, unapologetically happy.

Join me in being a dreamer. Your life can be greater than you ever imagined."

This is Law of Attraction at work. Start with studying LOA principles.
ETA the quote form MM's journal:
"It is said that, “thoughts become things.” My thoughts the past year have been: I miss working in politics, I see myself having a lifestyle website, I want to see the world, I need to find my purpose, and I want to be happy.

By some miracle (or perhaps the wizardry of positive thinking), I am now the UN Advocate for Women’s Political Participation & Leadership; The Tig was born; the recent stamps in my passport range from Rwanda to Malta to Afghanistan; in the past week alone I met President Obama and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and above all — I am blissfully, fully, unapologetically happy.

Join me in being a dreamer. Your life can be greater than you ever imagined

Wow! Powerful quote from MM! :grin:

I definitely do believe that your "thoughts become things". :yep: