Bye EllePixie :(

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It's not like she can't see the posts lol. She can't post anything, but she can read and thank. That's what happens when you keep your profile even when you don't pay for your subscription,
Ohhh okay it took me a minute. I didn't recognize her with the dark hair. She use to have shorter curly red hair. Wow her hair grew fast.

I remember she stop posting around the same time that LHCF Tea thread over at the "stick" blew up (been poofed so don't go over there looking for it lol). I remember they were calling her all kinds of mean things. Same time that other "older" lady (can't remember her name with the long texlax hair, 2 kids, she was a popular poster) left due to that same thread throwing shade.

u talkin about dlewis?? she wasn't an "older" lady :lachen: lmao
Nope. Mid 30s.

no, im older then her. she was mid 30's

*inhales air*

Awhh yes! It is that time of year again. The time of year when Great Gates are born!

This thread is hella funny. Wow at the mask wearing LHCF'er/YTuber! That shiit is funny arse hell! I don't think I ever seen anything like that before. It is kinda "different" and very distracting. But I guess I can see why you'd hide your face.

I think Mane&Chic aka SouthernTease did it best. She was able to do tutorials without EVER showing her face. You should check out her videos she had good camera angle techniques!

I watched a masked lady on youtube doing hair tutorials. I felt sorry for her b/c I thought she was sick-- surely she was a cancer patient. Nope. When it was apparent she was just wearing surgical masks for the heck of it, I became quite uncomfortable watching the videos. The same with people who don't show their faces or blur their videos. It is beyond weird.
I noticed a long time ago that the same courtesies people are extended in real life don't seem to apply to the internet. The way people approach and talk to one another on the internet is a lot more bold and at times a lot more rude than they would in person. I highly doubt that half of the things people type are what they would actually say if they were face to face with somebody. A lot of it can be very unnecessary. I get why she or anyone else would take a break from blogging and vlogging.
virtuenow said:
I watched a masked lady on youtube doing hair tutorials. I felt sorry for her b/c I thought she was sick-- surely she was a cancer patient. Nope. When it was apparent she was just wearing surgical masks for the heck of it, I became quite uncomfortable watching the videos. The same with people who don't show their faces or blur their videos. It is beyond weird.

Didn't like her much. She was rude, controversial and always reading more into a person's post. I had her on ignore at one point and never read anything she wrote. She and I never had any interactions because I am mostly a lurker but I have seen how argumentative she was in posts so I stayed far away from responding to any posts she made or commented in. Couldn't stand her here so i never watched her videos.
Well I thought she had beautiful hair.

As for surgical masks the ones with the elastic ear loops suck-take your ears off. The best ones are the ones that tie across the head and beck. Maybe a ski mask would be more comfortable. Or a stocking cap.
Didn't like her much. She was rude, controversial and always reading more into a person's post. I had her on ignore at one point and never read anything she wrote. She and I never had any interactions because I am mostly a lurker but I have seen how argumentative she was in posts so I stayed far away from responding to any posts she made or commented in. Couldn't stand her here so i never watched her videos.

I've seen this A LOT, and everywhere. When people start doing that on YT, I hit unsubscribe.

I've seen it a lot!! I don't know, I just have this thing about people getting loud and boisterous via internet. It's an automatic turn off.

Or they do it on the forums too. Therefore, I ignore.

I see all sorts of things, but heaven forbid if you point it out, then you're a hater and a troll.

I'm like NO I'm just not up someone's butt so far that I can't see things for what it really is. People can and have shown their butts, their entire butts, the crack AND the hole, and folks will still take up for them left, right, and center.

And that one person that actually says otherwise? They're the crazy ones.

I think that a lot of folks are just...special and need to take a seat. Take seventeen seats, in fact.

Honestly, if it wasn't for the sane people that I've actually met, spoke to, and came in contact via the hair thing, I wouldn't want to be bothered.
I watched a masked lady on youtube doing hair tutorials. I felt sorry for her b/c I thought she was sick-- surely she was a cancer patient. Nope. When it was apparent she was just wearing surgical masks for the heck of it, I became quite uncomfortable watching the videos. The same with people who don't show their faces or blur their videos. It is beyond weird.

#61, #62
Well I thought she had beautiful hair.

As for surgical masks the ones with the elastic ear loops suck-take your ears off. The best ones are the ones that tie across the head and beck. Maybe a ski mask would be more comfortable. Or a stocking cap.
I was thinking a Halloween mask. She could be someone different every week that way.
I'm new here but I was subscribed to her from my old yt and I liked her at first. Later on, I'd read some of her comments and listen to some of her product reviews and think, wow, why do companies send her things after all of that? She was entertaining tho.
I have no idea what is going on in here really....

Just peeked in to see what the ruckus is allabout...

the mention of various masks has me crying....:lachen::lachen::lachen:



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I noticed a long time ago that the same courtesies people are extended in real life don't seem to apply to the internet. The way people approach and talk to one another on the internet is a lot more bold and at times a lot more rude than they would in person. I highly doubt that half of the things people type are what they would actually say if they were face to face with somebody. A lot of it can be very unnecessary. I get why she or anyone else would take a break from blogging and vlogging.

A lot more? Most off the people who act like this would never be bold enough to part their lips irl, that is why they act out on the internet. They are insecure about themselves and looks. It is one thing to disagree and take a stand. However, I can only imagine how these "cyber bullies" would take if the tables were turned on them.
Didn't like her much. She was rude, controversial and always reading more into a person's post. I had her on ignore at one point and never read anything she wrote. She and I never had any interactions because I am mostly a lurker but I have seen how argumentative she was in posts so I stayed far away from responding to any posts she made or commented in. Couldn't stand her here so i never watched her videos.

ITA. She was an absolute prick in my book, so I bid her good riddance. May her font and vids rest in peace.
I think its a little naive to think most people that are rude and full of attitude online aren't half as bold irl. I've met the loudest most obnoxious, always ready to fight, ignorant biddies irl that I ignore and never let in my circle. Yes ladies irl mean girls do exist and some happen to own computers.
I think its a little naive to think most people that are rude and full of attitude online aren't half as bold irl. I've met the loudest most obnoxious, always ready to fight, ignorant biddies irl that I ignore and never let in my circle. Yes ladies irl mean girls do exist and some happen to own computers.

I shouldn't generalize, I can only speak from my experience. I have been on a couple of forums for quite a few years and you kind of get to know the players. At meet ups I found on average the most critical and rude to be more shy and not as perfect looking as you would think they would be since they would have so much to say about someone else's looks and shape. They always appeared so different from their internet personas. Of course there are always exceptions to the rules.
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