Bye EllePixie :(

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Naw, just hit your menu button and hit browser. Both my DROID and iphobe have that option.

I ain't look at your profile-my smart phone did. :p

Thanks, just downloaded this app to read this thread while I was on the road. Ima check out all that soon.

Sent from my DROID RAZR
Some of ya'll need to step your post per page game up! 40 post per page all day errrr day! Who's with me?!


Elle will do bigger and better things. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders and is not too concerned with negativity. I hope she does well with her future endeavors. She seemed really cool to me. We have had plenty of women who used to post here and U tube, who have done fab things for themselves. More power to her and much success!:yep:
Never let this thread die..

Based on the heading, I thought she had died or something. I am glad to hear she is alive and well. There has always been turn over in the youtube world; it is not surprising to hear people get bored or burnt out. Best of luck to her.

that's what I thought too
Based on the heading, I thought she had died or something. I am glad to hear she is alive and well. There has always been turn over in the youtube world; it is not surprising to hear people get bored or burnt out. Best of luck to her.

I dunno how old you are, but during the 70s the was a comedian called the Unknown Comic. He would always wear a paper bag when he performed. Maybe he was her inspiration?

I would at least switch the masks up though. Keep things interesting you know?:drunk:

I watched a masked lady on youtube doing hair tutorials. I felt sorry for her b/c I thought she was sick-- surely she was a cancer patient. Nope. When it was apparent she was just wearing surgical masks for the heck of it, I became quite uncomfortable watching the videos. The same with people who don't show their faces or blur their videos. It is beyond weird.

I know. Eyes are what identifies you. If DH just covered up his grill or say someone from the street, I would recognize them. Eyes are the window to the soul. Ain't that what they say? Lol

Maybe get the face blur and the voice distortion like they do on the first 48.

Sent From My Pheauxne

wow I got thru the entire thread....y'all above^^ made me die and come back to life:lachen::lachen::lachen:
I was wondering why this thread is still going and hafta say I'm at a loss at how silly folks can be. I don't see what the big deal is in @**SaSSy** wearing a mask unless she was showing us how to apply makeup and her face was fully covered. If her vids are about doing hair, why would we need to see her face? I have made a few vids demonstrating how I twist and I haven't had anyone tell me they didn't learn anything because my face was not shown. Or in the photos where I show how to do a waist exercise, my face is "blacked out" and it doesn't seem to take away from the "message".

Y'all sho make a mountain out a molehill. I don't even see the humor in the mask suggestions. I can understand folks asking why she would wear the mask, but after she shares why, can't we just let her be? Because you cannot see her face she's ingenious? :rolleyes: Y'all are just something else.

And yes, whoever called this e-bullying is not far from wrong. I mean, earlier in this very thread someone stated that she couldn't get past another person's teeth in a video. Like really, people? And you wonder why Sassy may not want to show her face. What if she had a cleft lip? Would you all still feel OK about making fun? What if she was insecure about her face and rather than be teased or others have fun about it, she just needed the support of others in order to feel like she's among family?

I don't even know why moderators are letting this thread go on. There's nothing being discussed anymore about Ellepixie. It's just getting silly at the expense of one of us.
No they weren't just saying that. Did you read the same thread I was? There were 2 doc threads yesterday you know. I don't care either way. Just answered on why I think it's not closed yet. I don't even remember Elle that much to even care. :lol: She seemed ok to me from her videos.

There were four in total :yep:. Only one by me :look:. 2 poofed, 1 locked, 1 just didn't take off lol.
2 of them were very enlightening about some people here.
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