Ateyaaa from You Tube

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So does that mean her hair breaks, or she just cuts it? It's just strange how she uses mostly protein products, and I barely hear her talk about moisture-based products to often. I know one thing, she surely uses pleaty of heat :perplexed
I was wondering the same. Her hair is very beautiful and i just started doing a regimen somewhat with Aphogee products.

It does somewhat look a little longer in length or maybe it has gotten thick.

But thats how i am as long as i have healthy hair i really could careless about what length it is as long as i can manage it at home.(couldnt do that with short short hair)--but if i had to live with a bob(even though im natural)--then as long as its healthy im satisfied.

^^^^ but yea ITA about the heat and the those fine tooth combs(i think in one youtube i see her use it looked like a fine tooth comb) that she uses especially when her hair looks so thick....
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I love that swing she has going on however my hair is much too thick for any of her techniques. I wish I could part my hair that easily after 8 months post. Aint no way.
I think she keeps it cut to that length lol. Her ends usually look nice and her hair is always bouncy and shiny so whatever she's doing must be working.

Yeah, this thread will probably go to Ateyaaa thread heaven lol. Maybe not, it shouldn't get too uncivilized in here.
If the heat scares you then you should see how she puts in her touch ups!!! :blush: Talk about overlapping and she combs the relaxer it into some of the strands (not on purpose though).

All in all I have watched her hair grow noticeably throughout her videos and she did say her hair was coarse... I'm thinking by the way she perms and styles it with heat and by how much protein she uses in her products that her hair is thick and can take it. She does keep stressing that you should do what works for you... even though darn near everyone has made a video of them mimicking her products and regimes.

With that said, I love watching her videos because she is bubbly and funny even when she isn't trying to be funny and she seems like a sweet person to her viewers. That's not saying much about who she is for sure but going by what I see, if I crossed paths with her, we would more than likely become really close friends.
Somebody posted this last week. I don't think that thread was locked. Or was it?

Anywho, I'm going to steal her phrase "when I say great I mean wonderful"
I noticed some growth. It's not LHCF standard growth regulations but its longer that before.

It looks like she keeps it cut into a nice bob.
This is my 2 cents:

Even if her hair IS breaking off, she is cool with it and her hair is ON POINT.

Everyone isn't "like us". Her regimen works for her. Youtube and the internet is full of info and tips, our way isn't the only way.

I think that it's both. She is relaxed bone straight and she uses a lot of heat. While it's not making her hair look unhealthy, I think it limits the amount of hair she can retain... not to say she can't have long hair, but people regardless of their texture rarely get to ultra long lengths with that amount of heat/manipulation, plus she is bone straight. It looks as if she trims frequently also because her ends are always so nice and blunt, so it is most likely a combination of things imo.

Not that it really matters. Sure, I get discussions about her, but not heated discussions.

Can't we let the poor woman do her hair the way she wants? :lachen:
Oh wow was it really that serious. Its not that serious to each their own for their regimen. I love her bounce,shake, shine in her hair.(kind of reminds of Tarajji's hair in Jamie foxx's video) And their are others on the youtube that have done her somewhat same regimen.

I guess i dont come over to Hair thread that much to know anyway.

Yep ITA please lets not get heated over her regimen its not that serious.

Her hair is very beautiful as many beautiful ladies hair on LHCF and any other forum.
Honestly - I don't care.... I don't relax, and WON'T - So her videos are entertainment.
I am sure she has helped some folks out there.
Every black woman in America is not on LHCF....

So - hey - let her do her Thang.
I know ALOT of women who need SOMTHIN'........their hair looks awful....
lmao, I'm surprised her name hasn't been added to the censored list yet.
Next time someone tries to make a post about her, it's gonna look like "A****** uses a lot of protein and heat and she overlaps her relaxer!!!"

Same stuff, new day.
I love her hair and I ran out to the bss on sunday just to get aphoghee and i did a treatment and it was great! then i ran out again tonight and got even more aphoghee products inspired by her. IMO I think she is funny and seems nice and she always says "this works for MY hair and not for everyone"
lmao, I'm surprised her name hasn't been added to the censored list yet.
Next time someone tries to make a post about her, it's gonna look like "A****** uses a lot of protein and heat and she overlaps her relaxer!!!"

Same stuff, new day.
OMG I am literally over here HOWLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She's a beautiful person and she's very funny. I like how she says "People!" :look: I hope this thread doesn't get :padlock2: like the others.
She's a beautiful person and she's very funny. I like how she says "People!" :look: I hope this thread doesn't get :padlock2: like the others.

I like when she says that too. You can tell she is really liked because subscribers "send" her products and she'll try them out in her videos. Last I saw on her video she's going to be working with Clutch online magazine. Congrats Ateya Richard.
She Got That SWANGALANG GOING ON! GO TEYA!:rocker::rocker::rocker:
OMG! ur hair looks like the bombesque up in that siggy!!!!!!!!!:yep::yep::yep:

ok, to ateeyah..i like she personality..i may not agree with all that she does with her hair, but, she makes me smile..very funny girl...i didnt know about her until i heard her in LHCF..:yep:
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