Ateyaaa from You Tube

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Her hair is gorgeous. I like her makeup videos too. She had me thinking about trying a wig for a minute, but I couldn't bring myself to go there. :lachen:
Her hair looks super healthy, shiny and has that MOVEMENT.

To reply to OP, I think her hair has grown from the last vid she did... She is also growing a following over on YouTube. Not just for hair, but her personality is so sweet.
She has beautiful hair and the swang like no other...whatever she is doing to her hair, it is obviously working for her.
I think she has a great attitude.:grin:
I love Ateya! I may not agree with some of her practices but at the end of the day what does that have to do with me? I know what works and what doesnt work for my hair. Everybody has different regimes and practices for healthy(long) hair. If we didnt their wouldnt be a hair forum like this; with different views and practices for healthy (long) hair.
As long as my hair is growing, that's all I care about.

No, I don't think her hair practices are the healthiest but whatever. It's her hair not mine, you got to let people do what they are going to do.

I need to start me a youtube thingy. LOL.
I've seen a gazillion threads about her here but I watched her video for the first time tonight! Lol. I watched some others too, well skimmed cause I'm lazy. But anyway, I don't see what the big deal is. No need to call the hair police. :lachen: She is doing her and I'm gonna do ME....... I think anyone that finds her methods questionable/non-LHCF approved should do the same- I mean we all have made hair mistakes right? :sekret:

I'm actually hating on her cause my hair didn't have that shine, swang, fullness or bounce and I probably did the same stuff she did when I was relaxed :wallbash: I was using fine tooth combs, blow drying, flat ironing 1x/wk or more... and relaxing from root to tip! :blush: in the end I realized it didn't work for ME (well thinning hair never works for me and neither does breaking hair that "didn't grow").

I think she seems really cute and bubbly and like someone said, I'd probably be friends with her if I knew her IRL too! :grin:
I love Ateya! I may not agree with some of her practices but at the end of the day what does that have to do with me? I know what works and what doesnt work for my hair. Everybody has different regimes and practices for healthy(long) hair. If we didnt their wouldnt be a hair forum like this; with different views and practices for healthy (long) hair.

:yep: Well put!
I've noticed Ateya's growth. She posted a vid not too long ago showing her hair from last year to now. It had grown about 4 inches. No, its not long by "our" standards. but its growth. and she trims every time she relaxes as well. I will say that I like her vids because i use heat frequently. Heat isn't the devil,lol. It works for some people. ;)
I've noticed Ateya's growth. She posted a vid not too long ago showing her hair from last year to now. It had grown about 4 inches. No, its not long by "our" standards. but its growth. and she trims every time she relaxes as well. I will say that I like her vids because i use heat frequently. Heat isn't the devil,lol. It works for some people. ;)
She doesn't trim everytime she relaxes.

She has a video where she answered questions from subscribers and that was on the the questions she answered. She said she trims about 2 or 3 times a year if all that.
Ateya put my on Design Essentials Moisturizing Hair gel so I have nothing but kind

I love that stuff!
She doesn't trim everytime she relaxes.

She has a video where she answered questions from subscribers and that was on the the questions she answered. She said she trims about 2 or 3 times a year if all that.
My bad. I meant every other relaxer. I think she goes 8 to 10 weeks if i'm not mistaken
Oh, ok... I saw this video last week and I really thought her hair had grown quite a bit. It was actually the FIRST thing I noticed when I saw the video... :look:... it looks thicker and at least a few inches longer. I dunno!
Can't we let the poor woman do her hair the way she wants? :lachen:
NO! NO! and NO!

Our way or the highway! If she doesn't us an LHCF approved reggie she is in violation of the the rules.

I find it funny that these threads keep on getting locked. Why is anyone so heated about it? I think sometimes we need to take a deep breath, step back and realize that it's just hair.
What's crazy is with all of that, her hair is still banging...and that's really all that matters. It's more than you can say for a lot of other chicks.
Okay for all who thinks her hair hasn't grown you can check out her "Questions" video I think it has grown since she started her regimen......not sure how much maybe 4-5 inches. No, she doesn't follow the "LHCF" rules(not everyone does) but her hair is still very healthy not to mention it has the "SWANG SWANG and the BLANG BLANG. She is doing what works for her:)
If the heat scares you then you should see how she puts in her touch ups!!! :blush: Talk about overlapping and she combs the relaxer it into some of the strands (not on purpose though).

All in all I have watched her hair grow noticeably throughout her videos and she did say her hair was coarse... I'm thinking by the way she perms and styles it with heat and by how much protein she uses in her products that her hair is thick and can take it. She does keep stressing that you should do what works for you... even though darn near everyone has made a video of them mimicking her products and regimes.

With that said, I love watching her videos because she is bubbly and funny even when she isn't trying to be funny and she seems like a sweet person to her viewers. That's not saying much about who she is for sure but going by what I see, if I crossed paths with her, we would more than likely become really close friends.

Was that necessary??
To me her hair has grown, some and more into a V shape. In one of her vids she shows pics of her hair when she began her regime. It also looks much thicker than when I first started watching her vids. She also stated b4 that she trimmed with every t-up but was not going to be doing that because she wanted to let it grow out. I think since that relaxer vid she has been lurking or is a member of a hair board, if not this one than one of the few others because she even stretched her t-up a few wks longer than her usual.
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lol, this has gotten old. I don't see why Ateya is always singled out. That amazes me. She isn't the only lady on youtube doing hair tutorials.
lol, this has gotten old. I don't see why Ateya is always singled out. That amazes me. She isn't the only lady on youtube doing hair tutorials.

B/C she has that gorgeous hair w/ the "swang swang and blang blang" and she is not following the "LHCF" rules:grin:
B/C she has that gorgeous hair w/ the "swang swang and blang blang" and she is not following the "LHCF" rules:grin:
Agreed. But it does more harm than good. Because we all know that stuff on here doesn't always work for everyone. When i first joined the forum, ladies told me don't jump on every bandwagon. So why is it hard to believe that her regi can work? She isn't shoving it down anyone's throat. I just don't understand this constant thing. And its always the same thing. Like dang, its not that serious. Why should we care what she does to her hair?
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