Bye EllePixie :(

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I wear my mask to keep my anonymity, and privacy. My online persona is just that, and doesn't reflect who I am IRL

So why put yourself on youtube if you want to stay anonymous?
You always have the option to stay anonymous by not puting your videos online :duck:
So why put yourself on youtube if you want to stay anonymous?
You always have the option to stay anonymous by not puting your videos online :duck:
I dunno how old you are, but during the 70s the was a comedian called the Unknown Comic. He would always wear a paper bag when he performed. Maybe he was her inspiration?

I would at least switch the masks up though. Keep things interesting you know?:drunk:
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*inhales air*

Awhh yes! It is that time of year again. The time of year when Great Gates are born!

This thread is hella funny. Wow at the mask wearing LHCF'er/YTuber! That shiit is funny arse hell! I don't think I ever seen anything like that before. It is kinda "different" and very distracting. But I guess I can see why you'd hide your face.

I think Mane&Chic aka SouthernTease did it best. She was able to do tutorials without EVER showing her face. You should check out her videos she had good camera angle techniques!
Aww that is too bad. I enjoyed her videos. Didn't she leave the board around the same time that Enso Naturals stuff was in effect? Maybe it was just a coincidence.
Dominican09 said:
Could neeeeverrrrrr finish watching her videos..ellepixe's...her voice and accent was annoying to me.

What kind of Accent did she have? Was she Hispanic?

Sent From My Pheauxne
Hispanic?? a la Sofia Vergara? :lachen: No...that drives me crazy too.

She reminds me of the actresses of Clueless, high pitch, from your nose kind of talk, and they say "like" all the damn time. I can only take seconds of that.
Ohhh okay it took me a minute. I didn't recognize her with the dark hair. She use to have shorter curly red hair. Wow her hair grew fast.

I remember she stop posting around the same time that LHCF Tea thread over at the "stick" blew up (been poofed so don't go over there looking for it lol). I remember they were calling her all kinds of mean things. Same time that other "older" lady (can't remember her name with the long texlax hair, 2 kids, she was a popular poster) left due to that same thread throwing shade.
AHeadOfCoils said:
Don't come for Elle. That's my girl and she's cool as ish.

Yeah I'm getting offended reading all these posts LOL sorry ladies, but if you knew her you'd feel the same way. She was missed when she stopped posting here. I hope she doesn't read this thread.

Sent from my iPhone 10 using LHCF
Ohhh okay it took me a minute. I didn't recognize her with the dark hair. She use to have shorter curly red hair. Wow her hair grew fast.

I remember she stop posting around the same time that LHCF Tea thread over at the "stick" blew up (been poofed so don't go over there looking for it lol). I remember they were calling her all kinds of mean things. Same time that other "older" lady (can't remember her name with the long texlax hair, 2 kids, she was a popular poster) left due to that same thread throwing shade.

Dang! I don't remember that. During that time, all I recall is the Moptop Maven/Nicole/Enzo scandals that kinda got blended in with the Type F shenanigans. I don't remember any personal shade being thrown...

Wait...give me a minute. I THINK I can recall something...Did the shade by chance cross over to another forum?
Yeah I'm getting offended reading all these posts LOL sorry ladies, but if you knew her you'd feel the same way. She was missed when she stopped posting here. I hope she doesn't read this thread.

Sent from my iPhone 10 using LHCF
Agreed, Elle was one of those cool posters that was really approachable and easy to talk to. I was sad too when she stopped posting. I can't help but feel the negative comments are personal, I could be wrong though because I'm not frequent in the other parts of the site like OT where it can get pretty ratchet. The chill peeps never stay long on this site though.
Agreed, Elle was one of those cool posters that was really approachable and easy to talk to. I was sad too when she stopped posting. I can't help but feel the negative comments are personal, I could be wrong though because I'm not frequent in the other parts of the site like OT where it can get pretty ratchet. The chill peeps never stay long on this site though.
I liked her and don't really know what people's issue with her was. Whatever she's doing, I hope she's happy.
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