Im in!! Im In !! Im IN!!!
I could get anothewr 3 1/2 inches by dec . i would be officially bsl and have room to trim.
I will wash once weekly with ntm kerafix as a pre con and humctress for my con. Every other week nexxus emergencee. I still take my vitamins.


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I'm joining. I'm doing the Hide Your Hair for 6 Months challenge, so I won't be able to update until December. I'll post a picture when I straighten for my starting picture next month. BSL is my goal. So hopefully hiding my hair will get me there. :yep:
Hey ya'll on vacation but couldn't stay away too long. I had a quick weave on for about a week and a half and hated it, I'm waiting til I get back home on Mon. to resume my care. My hair really needs it. I am experiencing good length retention but I am not noticing any thickness, so I will be focusing on that when I get back. And I have just decided to texlax my hair, wanted to go natural all the way but just can't do it. But I will try and stretch for a good 14-20 wks. I have been hearing good feedback on Shikakai and JBCO so will be ordering those today as well as Bentonite Clay.
I'm about 4 inches from BSL. I will be relaxing in July and will know then exactly how far I am from reaching my goal. I'd like to be FULL BSL by Christmas!:yep:
Ms Twana, it looks like you may already be BSL if your hair was straightened

Ok so I am relaxing in two days, will be showing the pics then
Ms Twana, it looks like you may already be BSL if your hair was straightened

Ok so I am relaxing in two days, will be showing the pics then

ME....:rolleyes: Girl I WISH!!! :lachen:

My hair MAY be about your length in your siggy. It's probably a little shorter though. I guess I can't REALLY tell though because I haven't had a GOOD straightening yet. But, when I stretch my hair out, it's not anywhere NEAR BSL yet. :ohwell:
I'm soo late, I'm at about APLish, and for the next 6 months I'm going to be doing some major TLC to my hair... Pics coming as soon as I get camera up and running!!!
I had my hair straightened yesterday for my wedding and I was soooo excited to see the progress. I'm not BSL, but I'm on my way. Yippee!!!!:drunk:
Hi ladies my hair was just touching by bra as at April but I got a much needed trim that took me back to inbetween APL and BSL. My goal is healthy long hair but I WILL get to BSL by year's end!!! LOL
My guess is that I'm APL. I have been bunned and braided under half wigs for the last two months. I am 13 weeks post and I need to touch up soon so I will add that picture to my strip when I do.
My ends are starting to look and feel thin. This has happened before. I am starting to think at a certain length this happens. Kinda not happy right now.
I'm still hanging in there. My hair is steadily growing and i'm steadily chopping. lol~ Trying to keep it thick and healthy to the ends while attaining length is quite a challenge...but i'm up for it! We can do this, Chicas!
i just ordered some MSM online. it was a full $10 cheaper on ebay. and free shipping. it supposedly loosens hair texture, makes it healthier, and increases growth. all pluses for me. and its good for the whole body. BSL by Dec 09 here i come!
WOW so I totally forgot to post pics lol I'll try to take some tonight or the next time I flat iron. Haven't decided if I'm going to airdry tonight or not :rolleyes:
i took pics when i straightened yesterday, but no length shots since my camera screen is broken and i can't figure out how to get to the self timer :lachen:

i will be getting a new camera soon, but i am either back to APL after trimming last month or i will be next month (my money is on next month). the trim probably set me back 2 months, but i needed it! i'm going into braids for 2 months after i wash my hair. if i can retain it all (which i usually don't have a problem doing), i can be BSL by december.
About to enter week 14 of an 18 week stretch. My hair was playing games with me some weeks back but I'm good now.

I should still make it by Christmas. I need a trim though, so I'm hoping I still make it.
Hey guys back from vaca...3x darker might I add:grin: I wanted to quickly update on the two vitamins that I have added to my diet a/b 3 wks ago. Which is Gelatin 650mg and MSM 1,000mg. And my hair has gotten noticeably thicker and new growth softer. Yippee skippee....Now the bad thing about taking things together is that I don't know what to give credit to:rolleyes: Any way I will continue to see what happens and keep you guys updated.

Also washed yesterday w/ Giovanni Tea Tree, co rinsed with V05, dc/ with Lekair 30min w/heat, leave-in'ed with Giovanni Leave In, moistured with Elasta QP Mango and sealed with combo. Castor, Evoo, Jojoba+ Amla.

next wash in 2 days will be a cowash and I will attempt the ACV rinse for the 1st time.
I haven't did a length ck since April and probably won't until somewhere between July-Sept but I hope I'll be bsl when I do or at least by Dec. From my meausurements it looks like I need about 3". :/
So I ddiscovered I made APL (yay me!) and decided it's high time to join this challenge. I have about 3-3.5 in to BSL/BSB so we'll see if that's possible. Sorry I don't havea starting picture my camera went to the electronic store in the sky... Q_Q
So I ddiscovered I made APL (yay me!) and decided it's high time to join this challenge. I have about 3-3.5 in to BSL/BSB so we'll see if that's possible. Sorry I don't havea starting picture my camera went to the electronic store in the sky... Q_Q

congrats girl and you should be able to hit BSL by year's end!!!!:yep:
So I ddiscovered I made APL (yay me!) and decided it's high time to join this challenge. I have about 3-3.5 in to BSL/BSB so we'll see if that's possible. Sorry I don't havea starting picture my camera went to the electronic store in the sky... Q_Q


I'm still protective styling, of course, because I'm also doing the Hide Your Hair Challenge. I can't wait to straighten my hair and see that I'm BSL. Although I don't really know if I want to be BSL or BSB because I can't really tell the difference between the two on me. :lachen:
Hey guys! I havent checked in for a while. I'm currently in a sew-in that I got for my Miami vacation in May. I'll probably be taking it down tonight or tomorrow. When I saw my hair last, I was about three inches from BSL with a healthy blunt and thick U-shape and that was a month ago. I have about 2 or more inches of new growth under here so hopefully I'll be super close to BSL once I take this sew in out! I have pics in my cam, but the batteries are dead. As soon as I get some new batteries, I'll upload and update my album.
I just took progress pics after my last touch-up yesterday and I've barely reached armpit length. It just seems like my hair grows so slowly and once I hit armpit length it just seems to stagnate and not get any longer than that.

I noticed a section in the back in the middle that seems shorter. I think it's from cross-wrapping. I guess I'll have to stop that...

I'm just hoping to barely reach bra-strap by December.
Hi ladies, not APL yet, but I love stopping in on this thread to see what you are all doing to acheive your BSL goal. I am hoping to be able to join the 2010 challenge. Good luck y'all!