Hi would like to join the BSL...I just make SL April/May 2009..hope to be full SL summer and APL 2009...



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Well, I have been cowashing and moisturizing like a mad scientist, and also have been eating healthy and exercising daily, so I'm hoping that this will get me to BSL by December 2009; however, I'm still in search of a good moisturizing leave-in to help pull me through my six month stretches.

Anyone have any suggestions?:ohwell:
We are almost 6 months into the challenge. Have you guys made significant progress?

As far as I am concerned, I am at APL. I had to trim the little pointy pieces to even my hair. Between now and December, I think I will gain 3-3.5 inches which will put me a little below shoulder blade. My total for for the year will be about 5 inches. I may not reach BSL until 3/2010. I will continue to aim for December and stick to my regimen. Hopefully, I'll have a growth spurt.

ETA: I need 5.5 -6 inches to reach BSL by the end of this year.
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How far are you from BSL? You look there to me:lol:

I'm about two inches away, now. I was almost MBL but cut four inches.

Why are MekyakaKinkerbelle & Pixel Lady in dis thread Harpo?

Why can't I be in this thread?? :spinning: Ms Lady, I'm trying to make it to BSL just like everybody else in here!:yep: If you look at the second and fourth pix you can tell (those are the most current and, both, taken on April 10).

I'm still hanging in there...I'm going to take pix in about two more weeks.

HHG ladies!!
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Well, I have been cowashing and moisturizing like a mad scientist, and also have been eating healthy and exercising daily, so I'm hoping that this will get me to BSL by December 2009; however, I'm still in search of a good moisturizing leave-in to help pull me through my six month stretches.

Anyone have any suggestions?:ohwell:

Hollywood Beauty Olive Creme
click here for the pic: CRM H-DRESS D-H 7.51.JPG

I wanna join this challenge but I'm here so late... I'm just above APL but BSL is like 5" away, I wanna make it by New Year's Eve. Think I can do it in 7 months? BTW I gots MN :grin:

Now what is BSB, please?:look:

Thank you!

BSB stands for Below Shoulder Blade. It's a more accurate way of measuring Bra strap. People wear their bras in different places on the body. Which a lot of times is not really bra strap. Sometimes it's way too high, and sometimes it's way too low.
Thank you!

BSB stands for Below Shoulder Blade. It's a more accurate way of measuring Bra strap. People wear their bras in different places on the body. Which a lot of times is not really bra strap. Sometimes it's way too high, and sometimes it's way too low.

Your welcome!

Thank you! BSB makes good sense. Hmmm...BSB, huh!? I will re-check tomorrow (too lazy right now) because I'm sure I'm full BSB.
I'm joining the BSL by 12/31/09 at midnight group :grin: Is it me or does my bra strap look to be MBL in my siggy pic? :perplexed

I have the same issue. I have one bra that is right below the blades and the other bra which I use to measure BSL, sits low like yours. I will try to post a pic of it later on.
Just wanted to give an update. If you look in my fotki, you'll see that I made BSL again. Recently I did trim my hair so it's right above BSL. My goal is to have BSL hair while it's curly. Wish me luck again! Here's some things that I'm doing differently:

1. Oiling my hair before shampooing
2. Deep conditioning for 10 minutes, mixing my conditioner with EVOO (of course)
3. Using a tea rinse (This has really curbed my shedding :woot: )
4. Moisturizing everyday and applying oil each night, especially to my ends.
I got a trim Monday...people act like they don't know what "dust" and/or "only the ends, and it doesn't have to be blunt" means...even after I double checked it in the mirror and repeated myself she gave me a blunt cut when I looked away. I'm not APL anymore =( but I should be back there by Julyish. And instead of being barely APL...I will be full blunt APL (trying to look at the bright side here).

I think I have 3-4 inches to go after I hit full APL, if I measured correctly.
I am in like swimwear!

I have JUST JUST JUST reached APL and my goal is to make BSL in 6months (Novemeber for my bday).

I WILL DO IT. I may even post a starting pic
congrats girl!!! But where are the pics and what's your regimen:grin::grin:?

Thanks girl!

I'm on my iPhone right now. That's why I never post pics. I had my daughter post my Avatar pic. I'll post some soon though.

As for my regimen, I don't have a regimen. I just shampoo and condition with heat as needed. But I make sure to moisturize and seal every day.
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Thinking about getting a trim in July. I should still be able to make it by December though - at least I hope so