I haven't did a length ck since April and probably won't until somewhere between July-Sept but I hope I'll be bsl when I do or at least by Dec. From my meausurements it looks like I need about 3". :/

Hang in there! I'm about 2-2.5 in. away and I'm like, "Just GROW already!" :lachen:. I'm not planning on doing a length check until August, so hopefully I will reach my goal by then (if not sooner).
Pics coming soon!!! I measured my hair recently and am about 3 inches away from BSL and pretty excited :grin:!!! I don't have any pics up because my camera broke:wallbash:, but I'll have some up pretty soon!!!!
I'm still debating on straightening my hair at the end of june for a length check. But for now I just stretch my wet hair for length. I gained about an inch since the end of March. Not too bad. Still dampening, moisturizing, and putting my hair in twists at night, but some nights I don't baggy them, just tie up with silk scarf.
Still hope to be BSL in Dec. (confession) I have alot of back fat:blush:, so not sure how to check for BSB length...any suggestions for big girls(besides, "lose weight":look:)

May to June comparison
I'm still debating on straightening my hair at the end of june for a length check. But for now I just stretch my wet hair for length. I gained about an inch since the end of March. Not too bad. Still dampening, moisturizing, and putting my hair in twists at night, but some nights I don't baggy them, just tie up with silk scarf.
Still hope to be BSL in Dec. (confession) I have alot of back fat:blush:, so not sure how to check for BSB length...any suggestions for big girls(besides, "lose weight":look:)

May to June comparison

I know what you mean. My bra doesn't sit in the same spot as someone who is smaller, so where is BSL?
July 2nd I"m back to protective styling--another sewin. Plan to do those through the rest of the year---so hopefully by 12/31 I will be BSL! :woot:
Here's my most recent pic. I wont call it an "update" until the end of the summer or my next relaxer... not the best pic, I know...

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I have 2 more inches to go!! I am so excited. I did not think that I would make it this year. Wet bunning is really my best friend when it comes to hair growth.
can i join? i just got a relaxer on monday and i'm close enough to apl to want to aim for bsl by the end of the year (i'm not sure if it's possible but i'm going to try lol)
here's a picture

its taken me a long time to get to this point but i wasnt really consistent with anything until about a few months ago...does anyone have any tips to get the max growth
Checking in. I don't really have an update. I'm doing the HYH Challenge, and I'm kind of hiding my hair from myself as well. So, I don't know how far I am from BSL. I have been bunning daily for about 3 weeks. After one more week, I may just stretch my hair down to see where I am. I'm actually surprised that I haven't been doing that every other day. Normally I would. :lachen:

does anyone have any tips to get the max growth

Little to no manipulation. Protect and moisturize your ends. Eat right and drink water.
Most of my hair is at the top of my brastrap but I am not calling it until all of my hair is there (I have a W). When that happens I will post a pic. I am continuing with my co-wash, weekly DC, PS and sealing my ends. These pratices will hopefully allow me to retain my length and help me get to my goal of waistlength with a maintainence length of MBL.
Can y'all tell me what length I am? Due to my hair being so thin, I feel like I'm still APL and my thickest part is probably SL. My ends are terribly thin because I have the Wu tang shape at my nape ( and I have thin/fine hair overall. :nono::wallbash: I know cutting and trimming won't help because I've done that before and it just grows back the same way.

Here's a pic. I just had a fresh relaxer a couple of days ago.

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Just peeking in ladies! Hopefully through prayer and hard work I will be in the 2010 challenge. Lots of luck to you all!
Ok so I relaxed today after about 12 weeks post (I think) I probably should have paid more attention to the calendar but whatever. I also trimmed so I need your help ladies. I want to know from you all if there is a significant difference in length from today and the last pic I posted..Thanks.

My ends are starting to look and feel thin. This has happened before. I am starting to think at a certain length this happens. Kinda not happy right now.

Okay, I relaxed yesterday and I am happy with my hair. I had an inch of new growth of which I had to trim about .25 or .50. No worries, I really needed the trim. My ends look good. My hair feels good and looks good. I think I may cut my bang again.

I think it is safe to say that I am not going to reach BSL by the end of the year but I will probably be two inches from BSL and I will be very happy with that.

I am in the hide your hair challenge, so no pics until December. I can't wait to see what my hair looks like then.