I'm getting there ladies! I think I can make it by the end of the year. Check my siggie for an updated pic!
I'm still trying. I got a much needed trim 2 weeks ago and almost had a breakdown. And why I chose to get this trim the day before my bridal shower, I don't know
Anyway, it took me pretty much right back to where I am in the siggy pic erplexed, but with blunt even ends all the way across. I'm going to keep on trying for BSL by December. A girl can dream
I'm in on this one...
I relaxed today with alter ego. I am very happy with my growth and I hope to reach BSL by the end of the year.
Way to go ladies!
I am posting to show that I am aaalllmmmooossttt at APL..I can taste it
Hoping for my warm weather spurt soon...
You're still looking good. You would be surprised at what your hair can do in 8 months.
I relaxed yesterday after about 4.5 months and guess what. . .technically I'm BSL!!! YAYYYY!!!
I will take some more pics when I get my replacement bb monday or when I stop being sad and go get some batteries for my digi camera