Hey ladies - I'm still in, trying to hold on and make it by then end of the year! I got a trim in February so I need to post update pics soon. I'm working on it! Keep growing!!!
Here is my progress so far.
i did a new length check pic today and i'm officially claiming APL! hopefully by my one-year BC anniversary in june i will be full APL, and from there i'm shooting for BSL. i'm really optimistic that i can make it by the year's end, maybe even by my birthday in october.
I'm still trying. I got a much needed trim 2 weeks ago and almost had a breakdown. And why I chose to get this trim the day before my bridal shower, I don't know :ohwell:

Anyway, it took me pretty much right back to where I am in the siggy pic :perplexed, but with blunt even ends all the way across. I'm going to keep on trying for BSL by December. A girl can dream :drunk:
I relaxed today with alter ego. I am very happy with my growth and I hope to reach BSL by the end of the year.
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Way to go ladies!

I am posting to show that I am aaalllmmmooossttt at APL..I can taste it :lol:


Hoping for my warm weather spurt soon... :yep:
I'm still trying. I got a much needed trim 2 weeks ago and almost had a breakdown. And why I chose to get this trim the day before my bridal shower, I don't know :ohwell:

Anyway, it took me pretty much right back to where I am in the siggy pic :perplexed, but with blunt even ends all the way across. I'm going to keep on trying for BSL by December. A girl can dream :drunk:

You're still looking good. You would be surprised at what your hair can do in 8 months.
I relaxed yesterday after about 4.5 months and guess what. . .technically I'm BSL!!! YAYYYY!!!

I'm not really claiming it yet though b/c it isn't fully there enough for me.

Sorry I don't have pics. I took some yesterday but, unfortunately, I took them with my BB and some idiot stole my phone last night :( I'm soooooo sad about it, I haven't really done much all day.

I will take some more pics when I get my replacement bb monday or when I stop being sad and go get some batteries for my digi camera :yep:
I'm still in sorta...I have not had a touch up in 18 wks and I'm really dragging my feet on doing so. Torn between trying to go natural or not again...Sigh...I'm sure if I were to get a touch up I'd be really close to bra strap. I don't know what I'm going to do except take it one day at a time for right now... I really loathe to chop but I don't think there's anyway I could transition without chopping and I really want bra strap so bad I can taste it! I'm thinking about just having my new growth flat ironed or something every now and then to see where I am until I decide what the heck I'm going to do.
I relaxed yesterday after about 4.5 months and guess what. . .technically I'm BSL!!! YAYYYY!!!

I will take some more pics when I get my replacement bb monday or when I stop being sad and go get some batteries for my digi camera :yep:

I can't wait to see your updates! Congrats! Feel better about your BB...someone did away with mine about a month ago as well.
Im still going strong with this year sretch. I will be 8 months in on the 30th! Im addiing some color to my hair tonight or tomorrow with jazzing hair dye.
I'm still plugging away. I've just reached my one year on LHCF and I wanted to share a pic of my hair in its natural state May 3rd 2008 vs. May 3rd 2009. Its hard to really see growth when its not straightened, but you can still see a difference. I'm learning to be patient and enjoy the process.

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I just flat ironed my hair and I have 5 inches until BSL.:perplexed
I've been way too scissor happy since I started transitioning and I have cut at least 2 inches.

I don't know if I am going to make it by the end of the year.
Hi ladies hope everyone is working hard at getting to BSL. My dumb self forgot to take pictures of my newly relaxed hair and now it's braided up till July. So I will do an update then.
STill sticking with this challenge. Still bunning and using my MT mix. Still hoping for BSL by Dec. 31st 2009!!!:yep:
Hello to LHCF and I am so anxious to see my end results but I know that patience is a virtue, so just looking forward to the journey. Thnx in advance for all the inspiration and much needed encouragement. I see soooo many suprrr delicious hair it's not even funny. Soooo excited...let the fellow hairship begin:grouphug:
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