Bringing up marriage....


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, I want your opinions.... Should a woman bring up marriage in her relationship? If so, when and how often?


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IMO it depends on your view of a relationship. For some, a relationship is a precursor to marriage and for some it's just dating.

I'm one of those who believes that it's a precursor to marriage so I don't wait until the relationship begins to bring it up, so it's brought up quite early. I don't ask about marriage directly but more holistically like where do you see your self x years from now. What are your views on marriage, sex and children etc.

Yes I'm pretty bold but if you both are on the same page it doesn't seem as intimidating.

I think that it's not necessarily about who goes first but if you want to know you should ask. IMO, you need to know if you're wasting your time upfront.

I don't think that you should nag your SO about it, it should be something you both want as both see it as a natural progression. From my few relationships I've notices that if a man wants to marry you and he knows that you see it in your future, he talks about it as much as you do.
I think marriage should be talked about on the first date:look: No not what you think:lol:. I don't expect him to get down on one knee on the first date, but if he does RUN!:look: I think one of the first topics you and a potential mate should talk about is marriage. A lot of men and women don't want to get married. God forbid you find that out 2 years into the relationship. If he doesn't bring it up don't be afraid to ask him, what do you think about marriage? Do you see yourself being married in the future?

As for year 2, I think by year 2 a couple should have already talked about marriage. If 2 years go by and you don't think you can be with that person for the rest of your life, there is no reason to continue on with the relationship.
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Marriage is something I'd bring up even before the first date.:look: I don't approach dating like most people do in that I prefer to have things like marriage, kids, religion, all the potential deal breakers on the table before going on a date with someone.:yep: If we're not on the same page, no need to waste each other's time.