~*~*Break Out Your Castor Oil - 2010 Edition~*~*


Hey castor oil cuties! I found this thread after it was too late to join officially, but I have read through, purchased my castor oil, and started using it. I have baggied the ends of my canerows after water spritzing and applying my JBCO (EYL brand)and my ends feel amazing.

Has anyone doing scalp application got any new growth updates?

I'm with you, VeePickni....

I started using JBCO about 3 weeks ago, and I'm in love, I have it in an app bottle and apply to my scalp and I add it to my DC's. :lick:


I'm going to follow this thread and post from time to time, if that is ok with you ladies.
Check in... I skipped using JBCO prior to my Tuesday wash due to some experimentation. I will hot oil with it this evening or Saturday. I believe I am seeing growth but I will not know exactly how much until I [bone] straighten in June.
Hi hairfromheaven, do you (co)wash before each application, or just keep applying as scheduled and then wash your hair whenever you're ready?

Hey castor oil cuties! I found this thread after it was too late to join officially, but I have read through, purchased my castor oil, and started using it. I have baggied the ends of my canerows after water spritzing and applying my JBCO (EYL brand)and my ends feel amazing.

Has anyone doing scalp application got any new growth updates?

Glad you had such good results! I asked a similar question earlier, namely how much more do the ladies feel their hair is growing with the castor oil, but so far I haven't gotten any responses. I would like to know if anyone actually measures their growth so they can compare how much more growth they received in concrete figures as opposed to when they didn't use castor oil. IMO, I feel that I have experienced increased growth using the castor oil. Not only that, my NG feels softer as well.
Checking in...WOW...there seems to be a marked difference b/w regular castor oil and JBCO ( at least for me). My hair responds differently to the JBCO; it makes it softer and looks really shiny. I've used it in a couple of different ways since received. I will be getting this JBCO specifically for my hair, but will still purchase the regular castor oil for my OCM.

***in love with JBCO***
Hi Ladies,
I am still using my castor oil, decided to add avocado oil in the mixture. Unfortunately I got a much needed trim 2 wks ago with my relaxer, so, I will probably be missing an inch or two of my new growth with this challenge.:perplexed But I am liking the castor oil minus the headache side effects.:yep:
I am definitely seeing more growth than I usually do around this time (6wks post relaxer) :yep:. I need to order more JBCO at the end of the month before my stash completely runs dry....or I may have to start doing some "drive bys" by my cousins' house to swipe back what I gave them cus I just know they don't use it!!!!
Hi everyone, checking in. I've missed this thread. I have been using my JBCO, I have even used my Lavender scented ones a few times. I still love this oil. I have put it in my Shealoe mix and it's wobderful as well. I always add it to my DC and my hair is thanking me.

My hair hasn't darkened, in fact I can still see the henna on my hair from months ago. I am def going to step it up with my JBCO scalp massages since I have been kinda slipping, my hair isn't giving me the thickness I wanted since I haven't been loving it right.
I'm still mixing my JBCO with my Beemine Sulfur Mix at least three times a week...can't tell if it's helping my growth or not though; I need a MAJOR trim so I when I do my length check next month I will do a before and after trim pic so I can tell
Checking in...WOW...there seems to be a marked difference b/w regular castor oil and JBCO ( at least for me). My hair responds differently to the JBCO; it makes it softer and looks really shiny. I've used it in a couple of different ways since received. I will be getting this JBCO specifically for my hair, but will still purchase the regular castor oil for my OCM.

***in love with JBCO***

I want some JBCO! Wish I could find some offline. Waah! :cry:
Checking in. :wavey: Still using my castor oil mixture on scalp. I have also starting using Care Free Curl Gold on my hair. The combination seems promising. Very moisturizing, but not greasy or heavy.
Checking in. I haven't been focusing on my ends. I'm late, but I'll start doing that tomorrow.
checking in. I've been using lavender JBCO for the past couple of weeks on my scalp, ng and ends at least 4-5 times a week.

My lavender JBCO does not smell like lavender. :(
Been using jbco mixed w/ jojoba instead of sweet almond oil
I use it on my scalp, nape and edges...My hair is really poofy but I was also under processed last relaxer so...

how long are you guys massaging for?
I probably apply my castor oil on 5-6 times a week diluted with other growth oils. I do notice that my hair feels thicker and longer, but that could be because I am wearing more stretched styles and am taking more notice of my hair. Either way, I love castor oil!
I just ordered JBCO online (the lavender one)and I'm planning on using it 2X weekly. Never tried it before but I hope it'll actually thicken my hair.

Ok so I discovered this thread real real late, but better late than ever. I'll extend this challenge for an extra 2 months and see how it goes...

Checking in next month, good luck ladies,
My hair growth has been on point! I'm 8 weeks post relaxer and I can definitely feel my mini-fro under my relaxed hair :grin:. I think I can make it to 12 weeks. My hair is still pretty manageable right now.
Still using my JBCO. Because of a setback I have had I am not seeing much progress. We'll see what happens by the end of this challenge.

My Lavender JBCO does smell like Lavender to me. I have only smelled it in the jar and when I did use it on my hair It didn't smell like regular JBCO to me.

I am thinking of mixing my JBCO with my Afroveda growth oil to help with this setback. I need something.
Ok I decided to use my JBCO and Afroveda not mixed. I will use one a day and massage it in, since Afroveda says use every other night, on the nights I am not using it will be JBCO time.
I have to say that this oil is good!! It doesn't just sit on your hair like most of the oils out there. I think my hair really likes it... Yay!!!