Re: ~*~*Break Out Your Castor Oil - 2010 Edition Cycle 2~*~*

BG, I got my WGO from the Vitamine Shoppe and it was on sale for like 3.00!!! Seriously and the botttle is 8 fl oz. I don't think that it is that price regularly, but the bottle has lasted a loooooooong time.
BG, I got my WGO from the Vitamine Shoppe and it was on sale for like 3.00!!! Seriously and the botttle is 8 fl oz. I don't think that it is that price regularly, but the bottle has lasted a loooooooong time.

say whaaaat! I was doing some price comparisons but that sounds great, I'll check Vitamin Shoppe for sales. thanks! :grin:
I didn't know there was an Indian brand of Castor Oil. How does it smell? Consistency? Price? You like it? Okay, no more questions, lol.
I am a lurker I will join cycle 3. I use castor oil daily I mix the JBCO with normal castor oil (Had extra), coconut oil and sweet almond oil.
Applied my CO/WGO/Mega-tek mix to my hair this morning. My edge hair, near my left temple, is filling in nicely. The hair on the right side has filled in completely b/w these two CO challenges!!! Thank God! I don't know why the left side is so stubborn, but I've got something to combat that!
I have to be honest, since using wheat germ oil I have slacked on using my JBCO. I still use it daily to help slick down my edges ( mixed with gel) but no longer massage my scalp like I did at first.
I have got to get back on track..,.

You should mix them. It just packs more of a conditioning punch.

BG- I think many have jumped on the wheat germ oil kick- because of it having ceramides. It's so easy to add ceramides to your reggie with an oil, cause youcan prepoo with it, seal, add to dc's or moisturizers.

I wanted to add some ceramides to my reggie, so I am now sealing with a sunflower JBCO mix. I can not give up my JBCO, because the results have been GREAT as far as my hair getting thicker. JBCO for life.

Yep! I want some of the super smokey this time. I want it as close as to something hand cooked in a Hatian (or Jamaican) kitchen as possible.

im in even if its to late im gonna follow along anyway !!! is any one using an indian brand of castor oil????

Yes. I have some of this. It is yellow and smells like regular clear castor oil. I don't remember how much it cost coz I bought it a while ago and never used it till last week but I doubt it was expensive. I guess this means it has a good shelf life coz it was not refrigerated. I added it to the oil rinse mix along with the jbco and other oils. I think I'll use it to make my jbco go further since I can't buy jbco locally so I have to manage my useage so I don't run out.

I didn't know there was an Indian brand of Castor Oil. How does it smell? Consistency? Price? You like it? Okay, no more questions, lol.

Consistency - same as clear castor oil. Yes - it's fine. I have not used it straight and probably never will since I'm all about the blending. I've heard that many Indian people use it in their hair and we all know what their hair is like. It's possible or likely however that they have less refined versions in India that are similar to the Haitian and Jamaican kind. I don't think the Indian co I have is as potent as jbco so I'll consider it my stretcher oil (see comment above).
I recently got cornrows so its been super easy to apply my JBCO. I just take the applicator and go through my parts and gently massage it in. I do this every night. I'm down to 1 1/2 ounces of JBCO so I have to repurchase this soon. I'm going to continue using it beyond this challenge because my hair loves it so much.
I've been doing the exact same thing Evallusion, but in the am. I taught to myself my bottle is getting low I have to reorder before I run out.
I love using it to seal, it makes my ends curl up something lovely. Last night I used it on my nape, temples, ends, and some on my crown over infusium23.
I'm using the JBCO on my scalp and my glycerin/rose water/peppermint oil mix for moisture while I'm in braids. I have one more month to go in my micros, but the growth looks phenomenal. I had to give my scalp a much needed cleansing with ORS herbal cleanse and q-tips, felt great! Then the soothing JBCO on my scalp...definitely a great touch.

I can't wait to see the end results! Grow 'fro Grow!!
Well, I'm back with the program....I applied my JBCO twice this past week and again this morning (I air-dried after DC'ing yesterday with AOHSR and using Aphogee 2-min)
Not part of the challenge, but I added CO to my moisture spritz of distilled water, EVOO, veg glycerine, aloe vera gel, and honey with great results. My hair stays moisturized and soft day and night...this is definitely a new staple. I am really impressed with CO.
i'm still applying my jbco on my scalp every night.

for this week, no massaging it in because i'm getting ready to perm.
I'm still using castor oil on my scalp 2-3 times a week. Hope you ladies are doing well!!! Next week is my length check!
I agree. I have been using CO for the last 2 weeks and I love it.:grin: I've even shared it with my family; my mom, sister and 2 nieces who are natural and they LOVE it.
I can't believe I waited so long to try this. I would like to join the next challenge.

Not part of the challenge, but I added CO to my moisture spritz of distilled water, EVOO, veg glycerine, aloe vera gel, and honey with great results. My hair stays moisturized and soft day and night...this is definitely a new staple. I am really impressed with CO.
been a while since I checked in. still using JBCO and my edges are filling in nicely from damage done (IMO) from years of traditional wrapping.
I'm all out of JBCO but my order of 32 oz of Heritage Castor Oil arrived just in time! I mixed it with a bit of Rosemary EO and now I"m good to go. And by the way...32 oz is A LOT OF OIL!!!! I should last me through winter.
the indian brand of castor oil that i am using is red in color and it almost smells like a version of baby oil and its mixed with coconut oil and olive oil:)
Does this challenge end next week Tuessday?

Since my new braid install I've been applying jbco every other night and massaging. I love the way my ng feels with this stuff.
I have still been using my JBCO on my edges twice a week. I added a little peppermint oil, gives me a nice tingle on my scalp.
Awww....Reveal time coming soon :(

I am so excited, I took a pic on Sept 1st and it looks like I'm past BSL headed to MBL!
I am so excited....By the time I take a pic I will probably need a trim to right at BSL but I am just happy to have had so much growth...

My crown area grew out like crazy, and I think its because I focused a lot of my efforts there. I am going to buy that new bottle this weekend but I am going to do a BKT on the 18th so we'll see.....

This challenge was great...I will definitely be in the next one!