~*~*Break Out Your Castor Oil - 2010 Edition~*~*

Just checking in. Applying my sweet almond oil/JBCO mix 2x a week definitely has my new growth sprouting.
How do you all deal with the "itchies"? Why does it itch? I got my jbco with lavender and tried it as soon as it arrived but my scalp.:nono:
Hello everyone. I've been hanging in there, oiling my scalp a minimum of 2x's per week with a combination of castor, coconut, and avocado oils. Right now my hair feels very soft from using it. The plain castor oil leaves my hair feeling very greasy and my scalp itchy, but it definitely helps to mix it with some of your favorite oils :yep:. I'm only about a month and a half post relaxer and I already feel that I have a substantial amount of new growth. My ends have been displeasing me lately, so I've been trimming them monthly, so I don't know about length progress, but I'm happy with the growth rate.
Checking in...I have been using my JBCO mixed with almond, and wgo. I apply it to my scalp and ends. I use it on my scalp everyother day, and I seal with it after I apply my leave in. The itches have stopped, except when I DC w heat because I have added some JBCO to my CON. I do feel my hair is getting thicker. I love my progress...:)
Will be DCn tonight with Motions CPR and JBCO mixture. Then I will be braiding up using the JBCO hairdress I got from Sams24-7. I also use a mixture of MT and JBCO on my scalp every other day and I have been noticing itchies too. I didn't know if it was from the MT or JBCO. Needless to say it felt good to wash my hair this morning :D
Dang my NG is sssoooo soft from using JBCO, which I apply 3 times a week. If my NG keeps coming in this soft I should have no problem with my stretch (I plan to go somewhere btw 12-14wks).
Mixed JBCO in with my DC today. Just about had a heart attack because I thought I had run out. Then I found the big bottle in my stash.:grin:
Greetings Fellow Challengers,

Haven't been here in ages, but am still holding down the JBCO fort. Hair is loving it...I am out of this challenge segment. I forgot to post my pic in time, ah well...there's always the next one. Will post pic soon. Hair is luvin' the castor oil.

I've also added another reggie, in a spray bottle, a mix of distilled water, rose water, Amla oil and vegetarian glycerin..read abt using rose water in another LHCF post. Btw, between JBCO, baggies and my spray, this head is happy, curly, and sooooooooo soft.
How do you all deal with the "itchies"? Why does it itch? I got my jbco with lavender and tried it as soon as it arrived but my scalp.:nono:

I know what you mean about it itching! When I use it on my edges it doesn't itch at all...but the rest of my head:blush:. Mixing jbco w/ regular castor oil has helped a bit, but somtimes I just use it the night before wash day because I can't handle all that itching for days. I'm gonna try the suggestions of mixing it with other oils and see if that helps.
^^^ I found that it only itched when I used JBCO uncut. However when I mixed it down with other oils. The itching stopped dead in its tracks.

Just stopping by. I have been using my castor oil mixturre 2x a week. I am about to start washing 3x a week, so I will be uping my usage. I only apply after I wash. And not apply on dry hair.
Checking in: Hey Ladies!! So I got my JBCO this week!!!! Yea me! I am integrating it into my regular mix of CO+MT, so I'm going to be stretching it out that way. So far so good! I"m about to get my hair twisted so I'll definitely make sure to be using it then!
Temi check out the list of EU links there is a seller on eBay and they also have their own site.

Thank you dear. I did, ordered and i had my new CO in 2 days plus a free gift!! :grin:

Checking in - been on a 2 day Haitus bc of BKT treatment but I will be applying again tonight !

Oh you know you need to PM me with details. I have a wedding in May and I want to BKT but a bit scared. What kind? Cost? Salon / DIY? Did you like your results? PM pleeeeaaaasssseee!!
Thank you dear. I did, ordered and i had my new CO in 2 days plus a free gift!! :grin:

Wow that was quick which brand did you get? Do you like it?

Oh you know you need to PM me with details. I have a wedding in May and I want to BKT but a bit scared. What kind? Cost? Salon / DIY? Did you like your results? PM pleeeeaaaasssseee!!

Heh Temi it was pretty simple and came out just fine.

I am washing for the first time tomorrow so the real test will be then. :lol:

Will PM you

x SG
Loving castor oil right now. I've upped my frequency to every other day, right after I moisturize my hair. Also I believe I will start mixing some castor oil in my prepoos. Trying to get that growth :grin:. Quick question: How much more growth does everyone think they're getting using the castor oil?
Wow that was quick which brand did you get? Do you like it?

I know right!! It is the Tropic Isle Living - I thought about getting the lavender one but didn't cos i'm gona add lavender oil instead. It has a much stronger smell that the Sams27 brand, I hope it's as good. I also got the EYL brand for free (3oz I think).
Hey ladies their is a discussion going on here about Castor Oil darkening the hair

have any of you ladies noticed your hair darkening in color?

The only oil I've read of that darkens the hair is amla oil.

No, I've never heard that castor oil darkens the hair, only that it can speed up growth and increase thickness, but darkness is definitely an added benefit, at least for me :yep:.
I'm still applying my castor oil to my scalp about 3x a week! I ran out of the jbco so I am using unrefined cator oil from India until I can replenish it.
I'm loving using castor oil, especially on my length. It keeps my hair really soft and I don't have to moisturize my hair as often.

Hey castor oil cuties! I found this thread after it was too late to join officially, but I have read through, purchased my castor oil, and started using it. I have baggied the ends of my canerows after water spritzing and applying my JBCO (EYL brand)and my ends feel amazing.

Has anyone doing scalp application got any new growth updates?
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