Castor Oil Challenge 2012 (June-December)

Did a JBCO, Coconut Oil, Grapeseed Oil pre-poo with a few drops of Tea Tree Oil (warmed in the microwave for about 20 seconds)

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I guess I'm joining this challenge.

What type of Castor Oil will you be using:

Tell us a bit about your hair:
Short, but relatively healthy. Growing out a cut

How will you be using your Castor Oil:
I have it mixed with coconut oil, glover's sulfur oil, and will add WGO today.
I'm using it as a prepoo daily since I'm washing daily again.
My name is in the first thread but I don't think I officially started this challenge. I think I was getting ready to BC so I stopped using castor oil for a while. Back on my game now.

What type of Castor Oil will you be using: I am using a mix of JBCO, sunflower oil, grapeseed oil, olive oil, vitamin E and essential oils.

Tell us a bit about your hair: I'm natural, low porosity, 4b with a thinning crown. I big chopped to 2" in August.

How will you be using your Castor Oil:
I oil my scalp with castor oil before my DC on wash days. I had only been apply castor oil 1 other time a week but will increase it to 2x during the week to stay with the challenge.

I really do think using castor oil regulary has helped my scalp and increase the fullness of my hair. The first time I big chopped my hair was thinner and you could see through it. Now my hair is much more dense and full.

My starting pic is in my AVI.
Still using JBCO at least two times weekly in one of my mixes to increase thickness... My hair is super thick and needs a relaxer really bad (18 weeks post this Thursday).

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So. I'm not washing daily. I will still try this weekend to see if I can create a JBCO mix with coconut oil and a bit of Glovers for sulfur, but create one that does not stink since I won't be immediately washing it out.
I have been using my oil more often but not tracking. Today I put my castor oil mix on my scalp and massage it in. I then put my DC on top so it has been on for a few hours.
So. I'm not washing daily. I will still try this weekend to see if I can create a JBCO mix with coconut oil and a bit of Glovers for sulfur, but create one that does not stink since I won't be immediately washing it out.

This is what I use also because JBCO is too thick for my liking so this is my way to thin it out!
im upping the amount i use on my nape since the girl who did my hair last ripped most of the hair back there off :(. im starting from bald now.
Applied my castor oil blend before my DC. Applied it to my crown again after I twisted up my hair. Will do a quick massage before bed tonight.
how comes I didn't get a tag for this challenge? :( I was in the last one. I just noticed this challenge today.
DominicanBrazilian82 said:
Applied JBCO to my hair via spray bottle concoction mixed with SAA, GSO, warm water and CON Argan Oil Moisturizer.

Aside from the jbco can you type out everything else... I like the idea of putting it in a spay bottle
CharnellG said:
Aside from the jbco can you type out everything else... I like the idea of putting it in a spay bottle


SAA - Silk Amino Acids
GSO- Grapeseed Oil
CON - Creme of Nature
Warm Water

Probably one of my best mixes for moisture.
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DominicanBrazilian82 said:

SAA - Silk Amino Acids
GSO- Grapeseed Oil
CON - Creme of Nature
Warm Water

Probably one of my best mixes for moisture.

Ohh silk amino acids?? Pleas this mixture light or does it leave your hair heavy and greasy... What exactly do you that's creme of nature (if im not mistaken I thought it was a brand) sorry for all the questions !
CharnellG said:
Ohh silk amino acids?? Pleas this mixture light or does it leave your hair heavy and greasy... What exactly do you that's creme of nature (if im not mistaken I thought it was a brand) sorry for all the questions !

In my original post I mentioned CON Argan Oil Moisturizer. When I explained the acronyms, I left that part out. The mix is very light. I used about 1/2 cup of water, two cap fulls of SAA (, about two dime sized squirts of the CON moisturizer, about a cap full of JBCO and about a tsp of GSO. These measurements are estimations, I never really measure. I shook it up and sprayed my sections to do my knot-outs.

My hair today is full of luster and is very soft :)
DominicanBrazilian82 said:
In my original post I mentioned CON Argan Oil Moisturizer. When I explained the acronyms, I left that part out. The mix is very light. I used about 1/2 cup of water, two cap fulls of SAA (, about two dime sized squirts of the CON moisturizer, about a cap full of JBCO and about a tsp of GSO. These measurements are estimations, I never really measure. I shook it up and sprayed my sections to do my knot-outs.

My hair today is full of luster and is very soft :)

I'm definitely going to try this mix. Thank you!
Put the castor oil blend on my temples this morning. Didn't massage it in but at least I put it on. If I have time tonight will oil my scalp with the castor oil blend and DC.
After washing, oiled my scalp with my castor oil blend. Applied my DC and sat under my heat cap for 45 minutes. Next time I will do this before I wash so I can get a good scalp massage in.
HELP!!!!!! I'm FREAKING OUT!!!!! Is my hair thinning????? I've been applying shapleys MTG directly to my scalp at night daily, then applying JBCO, coconut, avocado, and grapeseed oil to my hair. Then i do the green house effect over night. Also taking hairfinity vits. Soo tonight as I'm doing it I notice I can see my scalp through my hair wtf!!!!! I'm extremely scared, I've never seen this before Tonight and I do pay close attention to my sides because I'm ALWAYS wearing my hair up in a bun... I've NEVER noticed this! Could it be that because of all those thick oils it's making my strands stick to each other??? I'm hoping because I'm about to cry. In the 3 weeks I've been doing this to my hair I'm already noticing new growth. Also when I comb or brush my hair there is never any hair in the teeth or bristles. So wtf is going on. I'm supposed to be getting my sew in tomorrow and I was going to treat my hair the same but I can't risk this not knowing if it's cause my hair to come out. I'll be a plucked duck when I take it out... Someone PLEASE tell me I'm over reacting****hearts racing, about to cry **** :'( I'm posting this all over the forum. I really need answers and I really want my sew in tomorrow!


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Finally made my coconut-oil based concoction. It's mostly coconut oil with some JBCO in it. Last night I added a lil Glover's to a portion of it and used to oil my scalp as I was rolling my hair. I didn't want to add the Glover's to all of it just in case it's too stinky lol. And I don't want to have to redo the mixture.