~*~*Break Out Your Castor Oil - 2010 Edition~*~*

Wow! Is Sam's still on backorder? They're still taking orders, but I don't want to order from them if they don't really have the product?!

I still am using the regular castor oil daily. So far so good, but I'm about to get twists, so hopefully it'll be a little easier to apply throughout my scalp.
Hey guys, just checking it. I've been using my castor oil 2x a week but thinking of bumping it up to 3-4x times a week - I'll try that out and if my hair feels too heavy I'll cut it back down.
Happy growing everyone!!
I am not on the challenge or anything but sam's is having a sale and they got a new shipment of jbco in (according to their website).
Save 20% by using the code: 03-11-10
The code is also the expiration date of the sale.
I just ordered a few minutes ago!
I am not on the challenge or anything but sam's is having a sale and they got a new shipment of jbco in (according to their website).
Save 20% by using the code: 03-11-10
The code is also the expiration date of the sale.
I just ordered a few minutes ago!

Not on the challenge either but thank you. I just ordered two big bottles.
I am still applying the CO/grapeseed mix, but I am still experiencing the headaches?? Is anyone else having them too? I am seeing results from using the CO and don't wanna stop? I am using a brand from the Vitamin Shoppe by Home Health (cold pressed). What is a good oil to add to the CO to help alleviate these headaches? Or any other suggestions, sorry, if this has been addressed already, I have missed some postings.
checking in!! Used my JBCO and BeeMine mix! This is my first time mixing them together; for the past two or three weeks I have been alternating them every other day
Wow! Is Sam's still on backorder? They're still taking orders, but I don't want to order from them if they don't really have the product?!

I still am using the regular castor oil daily. So far so good, but I'm about to get twists, so hopefully it'll be a little easier to apply throughout my scalp.

Sam's back in stock! :yep::yep::yep:
Checking in: I've been out of the country and away from my stash for the past week. But I'm back now and just gave myself a nice DC (with JBCO in it of course). Will be applying my JBCO mix to my scalp as well.
Yippee! I got my Sams shipment yesterday. There is such a difference to JBCO and the type I have purchased from walmart. I thought I didn't like castor oil becsue it so heave and sticky. Surprise, surprise the jBCO was pretty light and not greasy. I loved it and won't be living without it. Also purchased their JBCO hair pomade. It's wonderful.
checking in! Still using JCBO every other day in my mix. I started applying jbco to my face and neck at night after cleansing and my skin feels soft and supple in the morning! I have had no breakouts, my dry areas on my face are no longer dry and the oily areas aren't as oily. I love this stuff. great for hair skin and its also good for cracking nails.
just checkin in - washed, twisted and oiled with castor oil. Still haven't ordered JBCO. Trying to decide whether to get the original or lavender scented.
I'm also still applying 2x's a week, but I'm thinking of increasing this to 3x's my hair has been drinking this stuff up like no tomorrow. I put it on my scalp, then touch my scalp the next day, it's practically dry.
checking in...applied mine last night. I am back on track. I slipped for almost a week. Ewww.
Checking in. I'm trying to figure out when I should apply. I am finding that if I apply at night the next day my face is very greasy. I work out in the morning so I think that is playing a role. So far so good though.
Checking in! Wednesday I used the end of my Home Health CO. Then Saturday I cracked open a new bottle of JBCO. The difference of the two on my hair is like night and day. I don't ever wanna run out of JBCO again! The effects of JBCO are instant. Regular CO is just ok.
MY JBCO is running out and I am trying to use it sparingly. I know this defeats the whole purpose but I don't know when i'll get more.
Checking in. I ordered some JBCO and it was delivered to my house today! The only problem is that I am currently in TX!! Geesch, but when i get home I'm gonna crack it open. I've been slacking or the past few days b/c I've been traveling and I couldn't bear the thought of the TSA throwing out my CO, so right now I'm just using a mix of castor oil and some hair butter. Once I get home I'll resume my use of my CO concoction.
Checking in! I'm excited to report that something special is going on. I learned that I get even better growth when I sleep when a plastic cap. :up::yep: I'm wigging it so it cool.
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