Black/White question


Hello ladies,

I am a little bit hesitant to post this thread. I have looked around and I see some threads about the topic but none of them answer my question or are exactly the same. And I don't want to be posting off topic in someone else's thread.

This topic is about Black men and White women. Not Black women and White men. Though feel free to chime in.

I am not a racist and not "against" the situation. In elementary school when I first started liking boys I only liked Indian/brown and white guys. Most of the girls i hung out with were mixed race and my street has many mixed race people. Then in highschool my focus was on school but I fell in love with a really really black (dark) guy. Then when he left it was back to the white guys for me. All types of guys were in too me black white, chinese, and people referred to me as mixed or brown, light-skinned to try to explain it. I dated white guys only up until 2-3 years ago then it's been black and other non stop. Black guys made me feel more like a women, maybe just not being a teenager anymore and getting over that phase. (currently i have a crush on a guy that's not black so this is not an anti thread).

Well today in the T.O. 80% of the couples 35 and under that I see are black male and white woman. Even the teenage ones. When I see a white woman with a child she has a mixed child 60% of the time. It's summer and alot of couples are going out for walks, out and about etc. and it's always the situation above.
Today everywhere i looked every young couple i saw it was that situation. In the car, in the store. Out of the 10 couples i counted within a 2 hour time span 9 out of 10 were that situation, and the only black couple were obviously African. I am going to a wedding with this situation in 2 weeks time as well.

I am by no means "angry" or feel betrayed etc.. I still communicate and have love for my white boyfriends and understand what being attracted t someone who is like you but just a different colour and you like their colour too . I am Currently dating a black man and we feel like we're in love.

But is it the same situation in your areas? Is this just a trend I see here? Is it something popular? Like if he has one I have to as well? I just don't get it.

(Most of the times the women I see them with are not attractive, and they can be very large as well).

(Maybe the only thing bugging me suddenly is that it makes me feel unatttractive. Am I not "in" because of my skin). Lol I feel funny being out and about with my black boyfriend.

Sorry for the long post!!!! just wanted to get some feelings out and figure out if it's only located in some areas as trends.
Are you asking if BM with WW bother others? No, not me. I think the reasoning behind that coupling is sad sometimes, but I've never been "into" Black guys (not to say that there aren't plenty who are attractive) and even if I were I don't see any reason to be upset. It is what it is. I'm also not a jealous person by nature. I think you should find someone you really care about, and who loves you, no matter the color and love them with all of your heart. Life is too short to care about who's loving whom.
As for my area. There are only WP here. So I wouldn't know.

Yes this is more so what I'm asking. Not about getting hung up on it etc. Is this a trend? There are many reasons for it. I know that. First I was just attracted to white guys because that's all I saw on tv etc there was my reason.

I dunno, I feel like there's something I'm missing, something someone didn't tell me.

I live in Toronto Canada. Is this something that is more common here. Or something all over North America.
I see that your
from Canada...
it can be location most of
the time..
I go to school in Central Florida
and WW/BM couples are EVERYWHERE...but
back in my hometown
in South Florida its kinda non-existent.
OP, I understand where you're coming from. I'm not into any other than black men but, I live in Iowa where you see alot of black men w/ white women. You never see the white men with black women but, I won't get into that. Most of my cousins/son- men family that's here are into the white girls themselves and I've did some observing but, I've asked some of them and this is what I think. First of all, I'm not speaking on all white/black people so please don't anyone come in here and take offense to anything I say. I work w/ a lot of decent white women who I respect. On the other hand, the ones I see w/ black men are the more loose ones- meaning they do anything, I mean any thing. And they are bold! My older cousin wasn't in Iowa a week before he was getting down with this one girl. A couple days later she was being oral w/ some of his friends. Then to top it off she didn't mind passing out her momma's money. Just from being here (can't speak for everyone/everywhere) I think the black men is more infactuated w/ how submissive and permiscous they are. I also have met white girls who'll tell you in a minute that they love the way black guys- do it to them. Summing it up, I think it's mostly sexual/ financial. Some of the black guys I know that are w/ white girls don't treat them special at all and a couple said they'd never marry one- they don't trust them. I'm not saying there aren't black girls out there like this because we all know there are but, there's a big difference!
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Ah I see what you're saying Silver.

Well again in my area there are pretty much only WP. I grew up in East New York Brooklyn, and at the time everyone seemed pretty much to stay with their own culture. Black/Black, Latino/Latina, and there we only scattered Whites.

In my congregation the only mixed couples are WM and Non-White women. So I definitely think it depends on the area.
I see that your
from Canada...
it can be location most of
the time..
I go to school in Central Florida
and WW/BM couples are EVERYWHERE...but
back in my hometown
in South Florida its kinda non-existent.

:look:You've been gone too long.
You cannot go anywhere without seeing those couples. The worst part is that the y are most prominent in areas where its more well-to-do.

The only time it annoys me is the unending excuses black men use to enter these relationships. The strategies that lead up to dating white women. Its a set-up from the very get-go. Just be honest and say you don't like black women in that way. Don't date every Shaniqua and then turn around and say that your experiences with us made you dislike black women. You knew what you were doing, you just wanted an excuse. I personally am attracted to other races besides black. I've never made qualms with it and I don't have to use trifling black men as an excuse.

But, who am I to talk? I'm dating someone who is jewish!
I make an effort not to let it bother me. I think there are different motivations, sometimes it's love, sometimes it's buying into the beauty standard, sometimes it's a negative attitude towards, black women, and sometimes it just depends on location.

I see a lot of black couples. I think I see more black couples then white couples, but only by a slim margin. I see a lot of biracial babies though.

It only bothers me when black men talk nonsense about black women to justify dating white women. If you like white women, then just like white women. I can like the color green without hating other colors in the rainbow.
Ok so basically from the few replies I have seen is that it is everywhere. And by it I mean more BM/WW couples than BM/BW. It has always existed around here. I'm talking about greater in number than the other option. I just graduated from university, maybe I've been locked up too long and hadn't noticed. I thought we were the one's who determined what was cool. And I'm talking about younger couples not over 40 where it would be expected to me the other option.
Is that the Toronto, Ontario for T.O.? That a very, very multi-cultural city. Why would it be considered a "situation?" I honestly do not find this new, history has taught us differently. And perhaps, it occurs more because we're more lax racially than in previous generations (black male/white female). Whatever "it" is, it's occurring and, well, people are just people. Maybe it's something in our genetics that is telling us to forge these alliances? Of course, someone will say it's social/psychological...but even that's oftentimes dictated by genetics.:perplexed
Hello ladies,

I am a little bit hesitant to post this thread. I have looked around and I see some threads about the topic but none of them answer my question or are exactly the same. And I don't want to be posting off topic in someone else's thread.

This topic is about Black men and White women. Not Black women and White men. Though feel free to chime in.

I am not a racist and not "against" the situation. In elementary school when I first started liking boys I only liked Indian/brown and white guys. Most of the girls i hung out with were mixed race and my street has many mixed race people. Then in highschool my focus was on school but I fell in love with a really really black (dark) guy. Then when he left it was back to the white guys for me. All types of guys were in too me black white, chinese, and people referred to me as mixed or brown, light-skinned to try to explain it. I dated white guys only up until 2-3 years ago then it's been black and other non stop. Black guys made me feel more like a women, maybe just not being a teenager anymore and getting over that phase. (currently i have a crush on a guy that's not black so this is not an anti thread).

Well today in the T.O. 80% of the couples 35 and under that I see are black male and white woman. Even the teenage ones. When I see a white woman with a child she has a mixed child 60% of the time. It's summer and alot of couples are going out for walks, out and about etc. and it's always the situation above.
Today everywhere i looked every young couple i saw it was that situation. In the car, in the store. Out of the 10 couples i counted within a 2 hour time span 9 out of 10 were that situation, and the only black couple were obviously African. I am going to a wedding with this situation in 2 weeks time as well.

I am by no means "angry" or feel betrayed etc.. I still communicate and have love for my white boyfriends and understand what being attracted t someone who is like you but just a different colour and you like their colour too . I am Currently dating a black man and we feel like we're in love.

But is it the same situation in your areas? Is this just a trend I see here? Is it something popular? Like if he has one I have to as well? I just don't get it.

(Most of the times the women I see them with are not attractive, and they can be very large as well).

(Maybe the only thing bugging me suddenly is that it makes me feel unatttractive. Am I not "in" because of my skin). Lol I feel funny being out and about with my black boyfriend.

Sorry for the long post!!!! just wanted to get some feelings out and figure out if it's only located in some areas as trends.

This rings true for what I see here too....I have no feelings about it either way most of these women are with guys I wouldnt look at twice for the women some are pretty and some plain scary....
I'm in NYC..everything and anything pops up here-male/male, female/female, bm/ww, wm/bw, am/ww, wm/aw, aw/bm-still have not seen am/bw but I'm sure next corner I turn they'll be there. I do not care either way as long as the couple involved are happy and secure with one another-real love is a blessing so if they've found it..blessings to them.
I see that your
from Canada...
it can be location most of
the time..
I go to school in Central Florida
and WW/BM couples are EVERYWHERE...but
back in my hometown
in South Florida its kinda non-existent.

Skiggle, your siggie is a fascinating watch-like...... who's having the most joy, the rider or the ride?!:lachen:
Is that the Toronto, Ontario for T.O.? That a very, very multi-cultural city. Why would it be considered a "situation?" I honestly do not find this new, history has taught us differently. And perhaps, it occurs more because we're more lax racially than in previous generations (black male/white female). Whatever "it" is, it's occurring and, well, people are just people. Maybe it's something in our genetics that is telling us to forge these alliances? Of course, someone will say it's social/psychological...but even that's oftentimes dictated by genetics.:perplexed

People here read into things too much.
I called it a "situation" so I didn't have to keep repeating myself. It's not that big of a deal. I was using it normally, not trying to emphasize it as being good or bad. Sorry I did two science majors, we use words like that, we like shortcuts. I'll remove it if anyway thinks I meant something bad.

Yes it is very multicultural. My parents would have never met because they aren't from the same countries (or even the same side of the world) if it weren't for this city. I have nothing against that. Psychology/sociology actually says we are more likely to stick to people who look more alike us though. Well it's complicated.
It has always been like this with the bm/ww adults while I was growing up and many other mixes. But now that I'm grown up and I see that it's in my age group. It's not like I'm accepting you for you you are kinda stuff. It looks like a fad, it looks like men saying I don't like black women, I hear people talking about they want cute curly headed babies. Maybe I'm asking the wrong people. I'm not talking about really grown adults who have been looking and looking and have found someone of another race. I'm talking about little teenage children who have decided they DON'T want to be with black women. I don't know where this attitude is coming from. TV?

Anyway the thing that really had me looking a few months ago is when my non black non white friend asked me what is up with these black guys who like white women. She likes black guys and is planning on having mixed children. But because she is non white she doesn't like when guys tell her that they only like white girls. She told me then after they show her a picture she's like the girls are ugly. I could only tell her that I don't know. She seemed frustrated.
Something is up. What I'm seeing isn't more acceptance of other races, it's actually NON acceptance of certain races.

I get made fun of because I dated outside my race, yet these same black guys who make fun of me find it normal and say it's no biggie when their hommies are dating ww. I don't get it.

Anyway forget about it.
If you look at marriage statistics, most black men are married to black women.

Don't let it bother you. It's like a cancer I tell you. It makes people so ridiculously bitter!
Im in central texas (austin/san antonio) and I've seen about 2 black couples.
It's always a shock when I see them too because I see so many mixed race couples.

I try not to let it get to me though.
I'm dating a black guy right now for the first time in years so I'm just gonna be happy about my situation.

But location is a huge factor. In Houston and Dallas you see much more black couples than mixed. But whatever...