Double standard with interracial marriage and dating!

But isn't that how we justify the interracial dating when black men are with white women - we play like they're the men no one else wants (Ice T and Coco vs Taye Diggs and his wife).

When we see a brother with a white woman, the confident side of black women says "there must be something wrong with him, 'cuz there's not a damn thing wrong with us". The meek side of black women has us thinking "wow, what is going on?? Is there something wrong with us??".

Again I wonder - why should it be any different when the tables are turned?? How do we expect them to act??

And the fact that they noticed - is it really a bad thing???

i have never looked at black men who date/marry women of other races as something being wrong with them. i have seen too many to name to wonder about each case. never tried to justify it. to me its whatever floats your boat. if he/she be purple as long as you are happy with your choice then thats great. too much time to think on other things. i cant get pissed about it. my response was to the situation the OP was in and i do believe that on many fronts white women think they are better that everyone. why shouldnt they though, just by being born white they were born in priviledge. thats their mentality.
But isn't that how we justify the interracial dating when black men are with white women - we play like they're the men no one else wants (Ice T and Coco vs Taye Diggs and his wife).

When we see a brother with a white woman, the confident side of black women says "there must be something wrong with him, 'cuz there's not a damn thing wrong with us". The meek side of black women has us thinking "wow, what is going on?? Is there something wrong with us??".

Again I wonder - why should it be any different when the tables are turned?? How do we expect them to act??

And the fact that they noticed - is it really a bad thing???

None of those things you mentioned do I ever think or feel seeing a black man with a non-black female. :nono: I'm really never that concerned what someone I could care less about or don't even know a coupled man is a coupled man and I look at him as such regardless of the color of his girl. Just because we share the same skin color I do not feel that I own him or that he was stolen from me, I don't feel that way about any taken man, the world is full of them.

I believe those feelings above are projected on the whole entirety of black women waaaay too much.
None of those things you mentioned do I ever think or feel seeing a black man with a non-black female. :nono: I'm really never that concerned what someone I could care less about or don't even know a coupled man is a coupled man and I look at him as such regardless of the color of his girl. Just because we share the same skin color I do not feel that I own him or that he was stolen from me, I don't feel that way about any taken man, the world is full of them.

I believe those feelings above are projected on the whole entirety of black women waaaay too much.

I agree SvelteVelvet, when I see a black man with another race of woman I don't even flinch, I don't care. Not all black women are that way.

My son had a great time, and I think I will take him just because I want him to have a great childhood and meet new people and I can't let others control our happiness...there were nice people there too but the glares made me uncomfortable.

Thank you all for your input.
I believe this is true. It's an amazing Miss Anne/Scarlett O'Hara complex thingy. They really do see themselves as marginally better than most if not all Black women. They do well to hide it most of the time, but pay slips out every now and again.

Truth! You can't convince me other wise either!! My gramma has always told me that white women think they are "queen of the whole world" because society has pretty much told them so.

A white woman can choose who she wants, because she's the prize, the only when we come in and snatch up one of theirs - its just as much, if not MORE a slap in the face to her, as some black women feel vice versa.

I'm almost tempted to start a spin off in OT....but I ain't stupid, not on this Wednesday afternoon!
None of those things you mentioned do I ever think or feel seeing a black man with a non-black female. :nono: I'm really never that concerned what someone I could care less about or don't even know a coupled man is a coupled man and I look at him as such regardless of the color of his girl. Just because we share the same skin color I do not feel that I own him or that he was stolen from me, I don't feel that way about any taken man, the world is full of them.

I believe those feelings above are projected on the whole entirety of black women waaaay too much.

I agree with your last statement - that it's a projected notion. That the feelings of some are cast across the whole agree as the feelings of all.

BUT how is that any different than what this post is about?? Some folks have encountered white women with a superiority complex that may or may not be attributed to the fact that they are white, and now it's a symptom of white women in general?!?!

We don't want to be generalized but yet, we turn around and generalize (and by "we" I mean some of us)?

I agree SvelteVelvet, when I see a black man with another race of woman I don't even flinch, I don't care. Not all black women are that way.

My son had a great time, and I think I will take him just because I want him to have a great childhood and meet new people and I can't let others control our happiness...there were nice people there too but the glares made me uncomfortable.

Thank you all for your input.

I guess I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to noticing folks - I look at couples in general. Don't know why - maybe it's cuz I'm single. White, black, asian, hispanic, whatever. I like seeing folks coupled up and happy.
I agree with this totally:yep:. And sadly, it's not just White women, but most women. Let an Indian, Latino, Asian or other man be with you, and some of their women will be just as crazy as some of us. The truth is, we are all a little "possessive" of our men!:grin:
I'm not sure if this is the case in your situation, but IMHO - white women have an absolute sense of superiority. They are free to date mate and marry whomever because of this, and feel that black women are beneath them when it comes to dating white men.

but thats just my measly humble opinion. good thing this thread is in the relationship forum and not OT! :lachen: