Birth Order & Relationships

What's Your Birth Order?

  • Firstborn

    Votes: 46 37.4%
  • Middle Born

    Votes: 24 19.5%
  • Last Born

    Votes: 39 31.7%
  • Only Child

    Votes: 14 11.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm the only child (both parents) and my SO is the first-born. I do like the spot light but I am not spoiled. I like to share. My SO is definitely a first-born, LOL!
I'm the first born (and only child of my set parents).
But my mom had my brother 6 years later by a different man. (So I was an only child for awhile)
And then adopted 3 more.

I'm bossy, the reliable one (for others but I don't have my ish together for myself), very opinionated, stubborn, the planner, the visionary, the only one in the family with any dang sense.

My mother is the youngest of 7 and she plays the victim role all too well.
She is definitely the helpless one who needs somebody to dote on her.

My last relationship was with a narcissistic middle-child who always seemed to be in competition with everyone.

I naturally had control...but he always fought me to get it back.:look:
Our relationship was a mess.
I'm a first born and only for (14yrs). Its hard for me to analyze myself. I do like being in control but I will deny it if you confront me. I'm stubborn. I never knew I was so bossy until I watched some home videos of me as a child playing with cousins.

My daughter is the same maybe worse...its hilarious. Its like, this is how the game is played, this is your do it or you can't play. Wow!
I'm first born, but I don't relate to these at all. Actually out of all the personality assessments, birth order has always been the one I identify with the least.
I am the end all and be all lol. I am an only married to a first born. There is a 7 year gap between him and his brother and his brother is a true last born (that I really really want to smack most of the time because he is so spoiled but that is another thread). DH acts more like a middle and I am somewhat of an opposite of the only child (not a spotlight hog). Most of the time I don't want to be bothered and don't want you all up in mine. Just let me do what I do and be amazed later when I have moved on to other things lol.

I was always around adults and my dad was in the hospital a lot so I had to mature a tad bit faster than most. Hubby is an old soul so it works for us.

My ex was a last child out of 4. OMG I told his mom if I choke him out will she still like me. She volunteered to pay my bail :lachen: Never again!!!
I'm the last born and youngest--and i act like it--i like to be taken care of and everybody checking on me making sure im good okay? you need anything lux? yup thats me!!!! lmaooo :look::grin::lol:

i need to be treasured by everyoneeee..if i dont feel like I'm being even a lil bit treasured i get a wee bit stank a dank lmaooo

dh is a middle child and he is indifferent...he does like to be assured about stuff and seeks my opinion on everything--some days im like yess those socks look nice!!! ****!!! lmaoo:look:
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I think this was it?

I am the middle and only girl married to the youngest of 5. When I tell you I feel as if I am the mother of three children instead of two. The narcissism is on point, in that he has to be the center of attention and I swear he needs a mother more than a women. I am in constant battle with the attention I give my children and the not enough attention I could give him. EXHAUSTING to say the least. I am easy going and laid back and not drama filled. The youngest can be so drama filled.
I am the middle and only girl married to the youngest of 5. When I tell you I feel as if I am the mother of three children instead of two. The narcissism is on point, in that he has to be the center of attention and I swear he needs a mother more than a women. I am in constant battle with the attention I give my children and the not enough attention I could give him. EXHAUSTING to say the least. I am easy going and laid back and not drama filled. The youngest can be so drama filled.

Yep see nah. I don't have the patience. None at all!!
I am the middle and only girl married to the youngest of 5. When I tell you I feel as if I am the mother of three children instead of two. The narcissism is on point, in that he has to be the center of attention and I swear he needs a mother more than a women. I am in constant battle with the attention I give my children and the not enough attention I could give him. EXHAUSTING to say the least. I am easy going and laid back and not drama filled. The youngest can be so drama filled.

I guess because I'm the oldest and raised by two lastborns I don't mind the youngest. They are really all I know. Oldests and middles are foreign to me and bring out homicidal rage. Middles I tend to respect the most but I find them to be the most selfish of all. I don't understand and appreciate their ability to stick up for themselves or attempt make or incorporate their own rules. I'm like "oh hell naw! wtf is this?!" My two closest relatives just so happen to be oldests (one male, one female) however the basis of our relationship has always been opportunistic "what can you do for me?" or "I scratch your back, you scratch mine." Nothing is without strings attached.

Youngests tend to be the biggest suckers. :roadrunner:
I'm the quintessential eldest and ALL of my serious relationships have been with babies...I now know what I am doing wrong :look:
I am the middle but my younger brother is 13 years younger than me. I'm dating the last child but he does not act like the typical youngest child.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Interesting me and my dh are both first borns. Defined roles work for us well. He doesn't question the rules of the home and i just let him know what I need. I let him manage the business side;) works for us until, we start crossing into each other's territory lol.
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Onlies with Anyone:
Kanye (Only) & Kim WestDashian (Middle, Second Born)

Wait a second....Kim Kardashian is second-born?? :confused: I always thought she was the Oldest??? :look:
im a last born AND the only girl with 3 brothers. i am spoiled, fussed over, manipulative and charming if i do say so myself. but i run this. seriously. in my friends circle and my family i am the boss. everyone comes to me for help and i am always there because i always have the answers and i am always right:look:

im 27 and my parents still spoil me like a child. and i still live at home with my parents:yep: no high rent for me lmao.

im single now but when i think about it i usually date only children or older children. my best relationship was with an only. he spoiled me. gawd i miss that man.
what i will say is i tend to date and LOVE alphas because while ive always been the boss i enjoy a man that takes lead and charge. i just wanna sit back and ride along and say yes sir:lol: ok that may have been too much but really, i just like being in the passenger seat.
Michelle acts like a first born to me @barbiesocialite

might have more to do with her being Cappy though

hmm I havent really thought about her birth order.

My mother is a last born and a Capricorn. She's the consummate narcissist. Always appears mature, well-spoken and put together to outsiders. She's also a people-pleaser, busy-body, helicopter mom and a KIM type person. As the oldest I'm complete opposite IDGAF as life motto. I couldnt give two effs if I'm not the perfect wife, mother or if people like me. I'll say "ok, so? what's your point?" I do what I want. Behind closed doors my mother is extremely emotionally immature. She's not good at assertive communication in private, tries to make everything perfect, gets upset when people arent happy and she keeps her life movin because she's avoidant and refuses to admit she's wrong. The last thing she'll give someone a chance to say is "I told you so." Probably because she was told what to do growing up so she's always on a covert life mission to prove something. My dad is like that too--and my youngest brother.

IDK, Michelle could be like that. Also, youngest tend to be a bit warmer overall, Michelle gives warmer vibes (think Toni vs Tamar). Hilary Clinton reminds me more of a firstborn, she does her own thing, is less overtly lovey-dovey with her husband. Jackie O was a firstborn too. She didnt behave as romantically with her husband.
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I am the oldest child and grandchild and the description fits me.

DH is the oldest he isn't bossy though, I think we are both very mature which has worked really well for our relationship
this place is full of with firstborns running amuck.

welp. that explains everything. :lol:

then again the older sister is usually the prettiest. :gorgeous:
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I'm the youngest and only hit it off with first borns. I like to be taken care of and always will, and first borns like to typically have more control so it's a good match :yep:.

Youngest raised as an only due to age difference. I am the most responsible and self sufficient of all of them. .even cousins of which I was the youngest first cousin until I was a teen and only girl first cousin. I definitely have self centered/selfish tendencies. I prefer to date the oldest....90%of my relationships were with oldest. They do like toy with me, but they have that inherent let me take care of you vibe I like......though I know it's probably just so I'll do what they want me to do. Lol. My cousins definitely played those games as kids. Doting on me followed by requests of some sort. Lol.

I think being a Taurean sorta emphasized some Last born/only tendencies (over achiever/need to understood and "heard"), but eliminated others (less driven because they'd been coddled).
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This is exactly what I was thinking :lachen:

Some more middle girls need to join to cool this place down.

lawd don't say that. :lachen:

we don't need any more firstborns but we def already have enough middle people lol

Middles' self-esteem tends to be too high. lol They like to argue. Too passive aggressive. Too many opinions. Relentless. Worst of all, they're usually intelligent and make sense. They don't know when to quit. Will beat dat dead horse til after the funeral even though everyone else has gone home. :lol:

We need more youngests. Usually don't know what the hell they're talking about but will still nominate themselves the best most awesome-est smartest person ever. but hey, at least they're fun. Laugh with em. Laugh at em. Either way they'll make you laugh. :lachen: <---but that won't happen youngests don't need hair advice, she was born with hair naturally flawless just like a Pantene commercial lolololol
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