Birth Order & Relationships

What's Your Birth Order?

  • Firstborn

    Votes: 46 37.4%
  • Middle Born

    Votes: 24 19.5%
  • Last Born

    Votes: 39 31.7%
  • Only Child

    Votes: 14 11.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Have you ever thought about how your birth order plays into how you get along with others in relationships? barbiesocialite has been mentioning this in different threads and I got curious about the people I've paired myself with and how I behave in those relationships.

I'll try to come back and add some visuals to break up the text, but let's chat about it if you're interested.

  • What's Your Birth Order
  • Is there a significant relationship that comes to mind around this topic?
  • Is this accurate for you?

Firstborns (Control Freaks): the leader, a good citizen, responsible, responsive to parents’ expectations, well-organized, precise, and prone to perfectionism. Tend to be conscientious, ambitious, organized and dominant in relationships. Oldest sons tend to be take-charge types, leaders and oldest daughters are likely to be more bossy, confident and aggressive than their younger sisters.

Middles (Go with the Flow): Middleborns are the Type O blood of relationships: They go with anyone. As a general rule, middles tend to be good at compromise—a skill valuable to them as they negotiated between bossy older sibs and needy younger ones. Some middle children tend to be secretive for the same reasons. has less of a clear-cut role in the family; instead, she often makes a place for herself outside the family, creating a network of close friends, venturing away from the family physically, and breaking the mold intellectually as well.

Lastborns (Treasured): Lastborn children are beloved, treasured, and babied for much longer than their older siblings (and often by their older siblings). Takes on the baby role, easygoing, spontaneous, used to being noticed and fussed over, charming, and manipulative. Exceptions to this are common if the last born is several years younger than her/his siblings and is raised like an only child.

Only Children (Spotlight Hogs): The stereotype about only children is that they are pampered and precious, and thus will have trouble ceding the spotlight to anyone. Many often have characteristics both of first children (capable, perfectionistic) and of youngest children (attention-seeking, self-centered). They tend to be responsible and often mature faster than children with siblings because they are always around adults.


Firstborns with Firstborns:
Bill and Hillary Clinton

The ultimate political power couple, two firstborns, is a classic combination of control, dominance and striving. Two firstborns often butt heads, says Cane, because both want to be in control of every situation. "They may fight over what movie to see, how to raise the children, where to live." All relationships have these issues, of course, but these two strong personalities, used to getting their own way, may feel them more intensely.

First Born with Middle:
Will & Jada Smith (FIRST BORN (Jada) / MIDDLE CHILD (Will)

This can be a fine pairing most of the time, but the middle child's tendency to mold his- or herself around a partner may leave this person in danger of not following her own dreams. Of course, a lot depends on how domineering the firstborn partner is, and how "classic" the middle child's accommodating personality is. Remember, such variables as gender and age spacing play a role in how close your personality hews to the birth-order line.

First & Last Born:
Barack & Michelle Obama (FIRST BORN (Barack) / LAST BORN (Michelle)

This pairing has some good mojo behind it: The youngest child is cared for, while the older sibling can exert control. The baby of the family tends to be the type who needs attention; the firstborn, who was alone for a while in the family, doesn't need to seek attention, because he or she usually got it.

Middle with Middle: The middle child’s smack-in-the-center, sensitive, compromising nature gives this pairing an edge in keeping a relationship healthy. In studies of marital satisfaction, middle children fare best all around. Even so, if both tend to be the secretive type, they could have difficulty communicating.

Youngest with Middle: While as a rule, middles can usually have harmonious relationships with someone from any birth order, this combo may present some issues. That's because middles morph into the styles of the other types, depending on the dynamics of their particular family. A middle child with a much younger sib may act more like a lastborn (and the opposite situation may make the middle more like a firstborn).

Last Born with Last Born:
Courtney Cox & David Arquette

These two can have a lot of fun—a pair of carefree, risk-taking lovers nearly always do. But the classic conundrum here is that no one wants to be in charge. Both may prefer to be the kids' friend, not the heavy hand when it comes to discipline or neither wants to handle the finances or make other important decisions – which puts a strain on a marriage.

Onlies with Anyone:
Kanye (Only) & Kim WestDashian (Middle, Second Born)

Unlike the other birth-order positions, only children haven't been studied as much. Most people assume an only child will resemble a firstborn in relationships since they are, after all, first, but that doesn't take into account the fact that an only never had an advisory (or bossy!) role with younger sibs. An only with a firstborn can be a good match if the only child acts less classically "firstborn." And an only with the lastborn can present issues if the only has had little experience with the relatively immature, attention-seeking behavior of the baby of the family. Perhaps no surprise, middles and onlies make a good match, with the middle child accustomed to the needy side as well as the possibly bossy side, of his or her "only" love.
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This reminds me of the alpha/beta thread happening in the Relationship forum.

I'm the oldest child and grandchild.

I'm *THE* boss.:look:

BUT I'm the only girl and my closest in age cousins are male. I'm always the center of attention and always the victim. :look:

ALL of my closest friends (except my bff) and ALL of my SOs except my first bf are onlies or youngest children. I'm the bus driver. They ***** and moan about riding in my bus. But they ride in it anyway. :look::lachen:
I'm the youngest of two, and I always thought I was dominant until I got married to a first born of four kids (three little sisters). :look: I'm realizing he runs this place. :lachen: He just lets me think I do.

When we first got married he used to try to bribe me to iron his clothes and then I went home with him and saw him offer his baby sister a dollar to iron his clothes and she did it. :look:

If only I had known....
Grandchild too? No wonder *eye roll* :giggle: My brother is the oldest grandson, I'm the oldest granddaughter. We're the favorites :look: Okay, I'm done derailing :)
My family is all out of wack then!! I'm the youngest of 3 by 11+ years and I'm the most mature, independent and a perfectionist. My brother and sister are spoiled brats who are totally irresponsible, and my sister calls me for everything. I guess since our mom died when I was 12 I didn't really get to be the spoiled bratty baby. I was her favorite though... Only because I'm so much better than my siblings lol jk :look:
I'm the oldest. I usually end up with men born towards the end. Not always last, sometimes second to last etc.

I purposely run from middles. I do not have the time and patience that they require. I also do not have a chip on my shoulder and I prove myself to no one. They're a lot of work imo.

I only dated 1 more first born and we could relate. We are great as friends.

The majority of my girlfriends are first borns and we get along great. We're opinionated and we're there to smack each other into reality when needed without holding grudges.
Well I'm a twin but technically last born since I'm 9 minutes behind. But I'm the boss and always have been. I'm more responsible and usually everyone in my family comes to me to "fix" things.

And my guy is the oldest of 3 and he does whatever I tell him to do whenever I tell him to do it. Strange.
I'm a middle! The article is true, I've dated all across the board and I'm very flexible in relationships and can adjust if need be. My longest relationships have been with guys who were the oldest, and I liked them because they were willing to give me the attention I was so starved of growing up :lol:.

I think my next fave would be with other middles, we get each other.

I don't like dating people who were the youngest as much. Onlies I don't really like.
Well I'm a twin but technically last born since I'm 9 minutes behind. But I'm the boss and always have been. I'm more responsible and usually everyone in my family comes to me to "fix" things.

And my guy is the oldest of 3 and he does whatever I tell him to do whenever I tell him to do it. Strange.

don't believe the hype.

He's playing games. :look::

Oldests love to play mind games with the youngest. :lachen:
I'm the youngest of two, and I always thought I was dominant until I got married to a first born of four kids (three little sisters). :look: I'm realizing he runs this place. :lachen: He just lets me think I do.

When we first got married he used to try to bribe me to iron his clothes and then I went home with him and saw him offer his baby sister a dollar to iron his clothes and she did it. :look:

If only I had known....


your DH is awesome! :lachen:
I'm the youngest and only hit it off with first borns. I like to be taken care of and always will, and first borns like to typically have more control so it's a good match :yep:.
Lastborn raised as an only and yes I’m the perfect blend of both and I’m definitely more mature than those idiots that came before. I’m not in the least self-centered even though my mother often has to remind me that she’s given birth to other people as well, who goes around bragging about their past failures.

Sadly I was also married to a last born raised as an only.
Lastborn raised as an only and yes I’m the perfect blend of both and I’m definitely more mature than those idiots that came before. I’m not in the least self-centered even though my mother often has to remind me that she’s given birth to other people as well, who goes around bragging about their past failures.

Sadly I was also married to a last born raised as an only.

said like the baby. :kiss:
I'm the middle.

I can't STAND dating last born men. So annoying. barbiesocialite said it perfectly in one thread. I forgot exactly what was said about last born but it was on point.

I prefer being with a middle or first born. the vibe is much better.
I'm the middle.

I can't STAND dating last born men. So annoying. barbiesocialite said it perfectly in one thread. I forgot exactly what was said about last born but it was on point.

I prefer being with a middle or first born. the vibe is much better.

I think this was it?

youngest can't escape narcissism. :lol: They love self-promotion, taking credit and patting themselves on back for themselves on the back for random thoughts/feelings they themselves decided. :lol:
I think this was it?

Lol OMG yes!!! They want credit and do self promote. Can't stand it. No respect for that mess lol. I know I sound extra passionate about this but this is bc I seriously dated a last born and I'm about to go ghost on the one I'm currently dating. They are not for me.
I'm the oldest child and grand child married to a last born. I'm also an high Alpha, low Beta.

I'm bossy and aggressive and dh is used to it because his older brother is the same way. Dh loves attention, he is his parents cherished baby boy, lol. I find it cute.
I am the baby. I married a baby. He could not do a thing. I said let's wash the car. He said can I borrow three dollars? I said let's go and help your sister pain. He scowled. His sister said, that negro does not want to do work.

I am the youngest of three. My siblings are impotent and dependent, manipulative. I worked a lot. They expect to be provided for. Their expectations are incorrect.
i'm a first born but i don't find any of those traits in myself. i'm more of a combo between middle and last.
I'm the baby and my older siblings are much older than me so I was raised like an only child for some years. My ex SO is the oldest and my best friend is the oldest girl. I like to think that I secretly control their lives. :look:
I'm the first born and some of my closest friendships are with other first borns. I do tend to draw middle and last borns though. As for men, I always encounter middle or last borns.

Sidenote: The description for the middle sibling could not be more wrong for my middle sister.:look: Out of all of us she is the most inflexible when it comes to relationships.:lol: And everyone in my family is a control freak.:lol:
Interesting thread.

I am a firstborn (of 3 girls) and my SO is a middle (2nd of 4 children.) I do find myself nodding at most of the firstborn traits. I've been called bossy since I was a child. :look: Wile asserting dominance comes naturally in my sibling relationships, this has been more of a challenge when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex. Maybe because I had no brothers or any close male cousins, I haven't had the life experience and tend to be very uncomfortable with it, but I've grown a lot in this regard over the years.

And I'm not overbearing or domineering, because that isn't my personality per se, but more so being assertive in getting my needs met. Now that I'm squarely in my 30s, in this relationship, I've been much more vocal about what I need and how I need it, and he's risen to that challenge accordingly.

Perfectionism is a double-edged sword, and has been a challenge all-around in multiple areas of my life, including relationships.

My SO is a middle born, go-with-the-flow, and I love it lol. Out of anyone I've ever dated, he's been the most willing to work at the relationship, compromise where it needed to be done, and he works hard at keeping me happy. His older sibling is also a female, so maybe that also plays a role into how he views/treats me. Again, I'm making no complaints because for the most part, I get what I want/need. :lol: I also think because he's so flexible, is what makes many aspects of our relationship work. At the same time he is very traditional masculine, so there's a nice balance.

Now that I come to think about it - all of my past major relationships were ALL with first borns. Interestingly, maybe that plays a role in why it didn't work out?
Interesting thread.

I am a firstborn (of 3 girls) and my SO is a middle (2nd of 4 children.) I do find myself nodding at most of the firstborn traits. I've been called bossy since I was a child. :look: Wile asserting dominance comes naturally in my sibling relationships, this has been more of a challenge when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex. Maybe because I had no brothers or any close male cousins, I haven't had the life experience and tend to be very uncomfortable with it, but I've grown a lot in this regard over the years.

And I'm not overbearing or domineering, because that isn't my personality per se, but more so being assertive in getting my needs met. Now that I'm squarely in my 30s, in this relationship, I've been much more vocal about what I need and how I need it, and he's risen to that challenge accordingly.

Perfectionism is a double-edged sword, and has been a challenge all-around in multiple areas of my life, including relationships.

My SO is a middle born, go-with-the-flow, and I love it lol. Out of anyone I've ever dated, he's been the most willing to work at the relationship, compromise where it needed to be done, and he works hard at keeping me happy. His older sibling is also a female, so maybe that also plays a role into how he views/treats me. Again, I'm making no complaints because for the most part, I get what I want/need. :lol: I also think because he's so flexible, is what makes many aspects of our relationship work. At the same time he is very traditional masculine, so there's a nice balance.

Now that I come to think about it - all of my past major relationships were ALL with first borns. Interestingly, maybe that plays a role in why it didn't work out?

you've previously been dating other firstborns?????? girl. you must be traumatized. lol :nono::nono::nono:
I'm confused about one child being focused and driven and the others not having it together. I think parenting comes into play versus personality and birth order.

No matter where we were placed we had to do well. It wasn't an option.
I'm confused about one child being focused and driven and the others not having it together. I think parenting comes into play versus personality and birth order.

No matter where we were placed we had to do well. It wasn't an option.

Parents birth order matters too.

As well as gender.

Not all parents are equipped for certain birth orders and genders.

I know a family where the three oldest are Phd/ivy attorney/mba and the youngest spent most of his life being a juvenile delinquent. The mother was the oldest of like 10 (matriarchal) and the father was middle child (Mr. Laid Back).

The three oldest were girls, one a set twins and the family baby wasnt just a baby, he's spaced apart, an accident and the only boy. He's been spoiled and coddled straight out of the womb. It took him forever, well into his twenties, to finally get his ish straight.

btw, this family isnt American.