Bio Available Silica challenge anyone? So Easy

Hi all Ive never posted before just paid my $5 bucks.

I have been taking Biotin since January. I am thinking about joining this challenge.

does anyone know the difference in these two supplements?

Will taking them together be a problem?

Welcome, and GO FOR IT!!!
Good Morning,

I received my two bottles in the mail yesterday. I just took my first pill a few minutes with my breakfast. I will keep you all posted. Now, I need to go back to the beginning of this thread and read the article.

Thanks Vevster!
Good Morning,

I received my two bottles in the mail yesterday. I just took my first pill a few minutes with my breakfast. I will keep you all posted. Now, I need to go back to the beginning of this thread and read the article.

Thanks Vevster!
Enjoy! Let us know your progress!!!
Im a newbie here but heres soemthing id love to try just got my 4 bottles in the mial today, and ive started so here goes ill post before and after when ive used 3 bottles, keep your fingers crossed becuase my hair raley grows, im hoping this works.:perplexed:newbie:
Im a newbie here but heres soemthing id love to try just got my 4 bottles in the mial today, and ive started so here goes ill post before and after when ive used 3 bottles, keep your fingers crossed becuase my hair raley grows, im hoping this works.:perplexed:newbie:
:yay: Please post your results!
I have a mini update. I have been taking this along with Jarrows Chlorella, in capsules, and my hair does see like it has grown in way thick, lol, and is also more straight in some areas. My nails are extremely strong and able to grow out longer, and my skin is back flawless. So i am happy with it, and will give another update proably once im done with my second bottle. Thanks Vevster for letting me know about this!
I have a mini update. I have been taking this along with Jarrows Chlorella, in capsules, and my hair does see like it has grown in way thick, lol, and is also more straight in some areas. My nails are extremely strong and able to grow out longer, and my skin is back flawless. So i am happy with it, and will give another update proably once im done with my second bottle. Thanks Vevster for letting me know about this!

You are very welcome!! I love sharing good things :grin:
I have ordered this last week and hope to get it this week. I listened to the webcast interview and I am looking for the benefits that it has for demylinating disease and necrosis.

Interesting that is states not to use with a calcium supplement as the Silica may loose its effectiveness. It says that this will perform better than calcium. I am looking forward to the many health benefits of this supplement.

Thanks for posting the interview!

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I have ordered this last week and hope to get it this week. I listened to the webcast interview and I am looking for the benefits that it has for demylinating disease and necrosis.

Interesting that is states not to use with a calcium supplement as the Silica may loose its effectiveness. It says that this will perform better than calcium. I am looking forward to the many health benefits of this supplement.

Thanks for posting the interview!


You are welcome!!!:grin:
I finally recieved my 2 bottles and I am taking this along with my multi-Vit

I am finding that I am having some serious night sweats and I am getting some issues with my face. I started out with 3 per day. I am going to skip today and then work up to 3 per day.

We will see how things go. I will continue to use them to all of the bottles are gone and hope to see some healthy benefits.

Thanks again.

Hey Vevster, I will join the challenge and try this Silica brand too. Hope it helps with both hair and eczema:yep:. Started today, 3/15/08.
I have gone through 2 bottles and nothing special so far. Maybe I just dont respond well to supplements. I hope everyone else has great results.
I am on my 2nd bottle....not sure what's going on lengthwise with my hair (til I flatiron) but my nails are growing *very* quickly and they are rock hard :yep: broke a pair of nail clippers trimming them :eek:
I was taking 2-3 tabs a day-mostly 3 tabs. I have taken silica before and nothing special. My nails are the same as well. Liquid protein supplements are the only supplement if I take regularly do I notice an improvement in hair and skin. It is probably because of my eating habits and not getting enough protein in my diet. I am not knocking silica, just does not do remarkable things for me. I will finish my third bottle though.
I was taking 2-3 tabs a day-mostly 3 tabs. I have taken silica before and nothing special. My nails are the same as well. Liquid protein supplements are the only supplement if I take regularly do I notice an improvement in hair and skin. It is probably because of my eating habits and not getting enough protein in my diet. I am not knocking silica, just does not do remarkable things for me. I will finish my third bottle though.
For the 3rd bottle, try 2 3x a day. The litmus test for silica is the nails. If your nails are the same, you may be deficient.

*just a suggestion*

Thanks for the advice but I probably wont take 6 silica tabs daily. Part of the nail problem has to do with the amount of times I have to wash my hands at work. The soap and frequent washing keep my nails softer in general. I dont think I'm necessarily deficient. I also get some silica in my HSN vits. Overall I have more than quadrupled my previous intake. Just wanted to follow through and report my results since my 2 months were up. I'm glad others are getting good results.
Thanks for the advice but I probably wont take 6 silica tabs daily. Part of the nail problem has to do with the amount of times I have to wash my hands at work. The soap and frequent washing keep my nails softer in general. I dont think I'm necessarily deficient. I also get some silica in my HSN vits. Overall I have more than quadrupled my previous intake. Just wanted to follow through and report my results since my 2 months were up. I'm glad others are getting good results.

Okay, no prob!
I am in - But - i understand that we can only take Alta?
I have Biosil drops - and I am going to finish that first - if I can't be in the challenge - that is ok.
I wanted to wait after I finished a second bottle to say anything. But, I'm definitely noticing my big usually saggy DD breasts "lifting". I dont know if this is even possible with silica, but I feel like they have raised up an inch or so. I rarely exercise so that cant be it. When I stand I can definitely feel them higher and in the mirror.I hope it continues as months go by.
Also, my TMJ is virtually gone and I can open and close my moth now with ease.:grin:
As for my hair, Im natural so its hard to notice new growth. I have been using a few dominican products and my hair has stopped shedding by 90 percent. DOnt know if its the silica or both, but Im happy so far. I also want to say I have been taking digestive enzymes with meals, so Im sure the silica absorption is pretty good. I want to wait for another bottle to see if theres significant growth or if I will finally stop this shedding of hair that has made me break even each year in terms of growth. Either way, Ill be happy.
I wanted to wait after I finished a second bottle to say anything. But, I'm definitely noticing my big usually saggy DD breasts "lifting". I dont know if this is even possible with silica, but I feel like they have raised up an inch or so. I rarely exercise so that cant be it. When I stand I can definitely feel them higher and in the mirror.I hope it continues as months go by. :grin:
As for my hair, Im natural so its hard to notice new growth. I have been using a few dominican products and my hair has stopped shedding by 90 percent. DOnt know if its the silica or both, but Im happy so far. I also want to say I have been taking digestive enzymes with meals, so Im sure the silica absorption is pretty good. I want to wait for another bottle to see if theres significant growth or if I will finally stop this shedding of hair that has made me break even each year in terms of growth. Either way, Ill be happy.
:woot: well silica supports connective tissue so I don't doubt that it is helping those ole booies! :up:

What great feedback! Thanks for checking in!
I have been in this challenge since the beginning and my hair has definitely experienced a boost. I cant post as much as I used to , but oNce I return home, I will post pix of my results.

Nails are also very tough...

Thanks VEV
:woot: well silica supports connective tissue so I don't doubt that it is helping those ole booies! :up:

What great feedback! Thanks for checking in!

Hi vev,

I just wanted to know appox how many inches per month are you getting with these Bio silica pills?
Bump how is it going ladies? How is the prpgress? Any growth?

I am still not sure about my hair length(I am braided and natural). I have tons of new growth all over, outside of the braids, that is hard to keep up with. When I am not at work I keep a scarf on to keep all this new pouf flat, until it gets long enough to stay caught in a braid.

My NAILS however are off the chain. They have always been white, but they are growing quite fast and are much stronger. The real test wiill be when I start gardening n a few weeks, which usually kills them.

I just upped to 4 a day, wondering what exciting progress I will make in the next month!
I need to stay consistent. blah, when ever i do though my nails can grow out longer and stronger than usual and my skin look/feels extremely smooth. I just started taking another supplement called Emerald Balance that has bamboo silica/and horsetail in it. I forgot how much, but can you get to much silica? Does anyone know?