Bio Available Silica challenge anyone? So Easy

I had to go through a bottle and noticed on my 2nd bottle.

With all supplements this depends on how deficient you are and how well you absorb vits in general.

Ok Thanks, but how do you determine how your body is absorbing it? I take Ultra Nourish Hair from GNC I see my urine is bright yellow from the vitamins so I guess it's absorbing.
Ok Thanks, but how do you determine how your body is absorbing it? I take Ultra Nourish Hair from GNC I see my urine is bright yellow from the vitamins so I guess it's absorbing.
I'm not quite sure, Nappyme, I guess the results after taking something for a while?
i am joining, thanks Vev. I will report back in 30 days.
what, What, WHAT? I have the owner of LHCF joining my challenge! Awwww shucks!!!!!!!


I can't wait to hear your results, Bev. I was just checking my new growth on me this weekend. :up:
I don't know about my hair - still too soon to tell - but my NAILS are starting to take off - they have always been healthy but they are really zooming along in length......
I think I have a little growth(need to relax to really tell)...but I can really tell in my nails!!! Cool challenge! :yep:
I'm in. I got mine two days ago. BTW, I read that horsetail extract can
deplete your vitamin B-6. Anyone else heard this? Here's the quote:

Taking horsetail by mouth may deplete vitamin B6 (thiamin) from the body. It is recommended that if you take horsetail on a regular basis, you should also take a quality multiple vitamin or at least a B complex supplement daily.

Here's the link to the article:
I'm in. I got mine two days ago. BTW, I read that horsetail extract can
deplete your vitamin B-6. Anyone else heard this? Here's the quote:

Taking horsetail by mouth may deplete vitamin B6 (thiamin) from the body. It is recommended that if you take horsetail on a regular basis, you should also take a quality multiple vitamin or at least a B complex supplement daily.

Here's the link to the article:

I checked with my doctor and she said she has never heard of this. I guess those concerned can take a multi or bcomplex :shrug:

I also see the operative word is MAY here also.
Hi Vevster,

Thanks for providing info on this supplement. My nails grow extremely slow AND break off. Hopefully, this will speed up my nail growth and increase its strength. Also, I'm looking forward to hair and health benefits!

I will post progress pics of my nails and my hair after some time has passed.
Hi Vevster,

Thanks for providing info on this supplement. My nails grow extremely slow AND break off. Hopefully, this will speed up my nail growth and increase its strength. Also, I'm looking forward to hair and health benefits!

I will post progress pics of my nails and my hair after some time has passed.

I really really think this cold help your nails. Mine are usually ok, but in winter tend to stay short. They are sooooo strong and growing quickly. I really need to get them done now. I look forward to spring/summer to see how my growth is then!

I am getting alot of frizz even outside my braids, I can tell its new hair as its too short to catch in the braids themselves. what does this mean? Oh, I'm looking a HAM:lachen:
I'll be ordering this Friday. I was taking Bamboo Silica so I know Silica works:grin: I'll be taking this with b50 complex and my multi vitamin and of course my beloved BT:yep: I want to add biotin but I'm not a fan of 2 inch whiska's:rolleyes: hmmmmm...decisions.decisions.
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I haven't been posting much in the Haircare forum. However, this thread caught my attention.:grin: I haven't taken any supplements since September (except for Fruta Vida which is a nutritional drink), because I was getting so frustrated with taken so many pills at one time 2-3x a day. Yesterday, I ordered two bottles of the Silica that was mentioned in this thread and should be receiving it soon. I also ordered a liquid multivitamin last week and should be receiving it soon as well. I will stick to just taking the silica, multivitamin, and Fruta Vida. The fruta Vida is something that I will mix in my green smoothies so as not to seem like I'm taking so many things.

I've noticed that since not taking my supplements, that my skin has changed dramatically as far as being more dry than normal. I'm getting married at the end of May...and need to get my skin and body in check.
I ordered a bottle yesterday to see how I like it along with my regular multi-vit. I'm tryna get hair to the flo' nah mean??? LOL j/k just mid back maaaaaaaaaaaaybe waist.
I need the therapeutic dosage of this for various aches and pains. I ordered Saturday and received an email today saying that my order has shipped via UPS. I'll post an update after I've used the first bottle. Thanks for the info Vev!
Hi all Ive never posted before just paid my $5 bucks.

I have been taking Biotin since January. I am thinking about joining this challenge.

does anyone know the difference in these two supplements?

Will taking them together be a problem?
