Bio Available Silica challenge anyone? So Easy

The silica definately works on the nails if your body is absorbing it correctly...I'm trimming mine weekly !! Great side effect :grin:

Did you notice any changes in your nails? If so, how long did it take?

Because I've been taking the Alta Silica 3x a day for three weeks (I'm still on the first bottle) and my nails are still the same length. They are still growing slowly, still soft, and still breaking off very easily.

I listened to the audio interview you provided and the parties said that the health of the nails is a good indication that the silica is working.

Should I continue with the same dosage and finish the second bottle before making any changes or should I increase the dosage on the second bottle?

Just a couple of other things to consider...
Check your daily water intake...
Check your overall diet to include protein intake...
Check your activity level (just good for health / circulation in general)
Are you eating at least 3 meals a day, don't skip meals, etc....
And have you had your blood count checked for iron?

I got the iron situation straight and now thanks to this challenge with the Alta Silica, I am quickly catching up with hair, nails and skin!!
Just a couple of other things to consider...
Check your daily water intake...
Check your overall diet to include protein intake...
Check your activity level (just good for health / circulation in general)
Are you eating at least 3 meals a day, don't skip meals, etc....
And have you had your blood count checked for iron?

I got the iron situation straight and now thanks to this challenge with the Alta Silica, I am quickly catching up with hair, nails and skin!!

:clap: Congratulations!! :grin:
Just a couple of other things to consider...
Check your daily water intake...
Check your overall diet to include protein intake...
Check your activity level (just good for health / circulation in general)
Are you eating at least 3 meals a day, don't skip meals, etc....
And have you had your blood count checked for iron?

I got the iron situation straight and now thanks to this challenge with the Alta Silica, I am quickly catching up with hair, nails and skin!!

Thank you so much for your guidance and suggestions!

-I'm drinking at least 6 glasses of water a day. Drinking only water during the lent season really helped me with increasing my water intake.
-My overall diet is pretty good. I eat fish almost every day and I eat a salad almost every day with spinach leaves. I try to have at least one fruit every morning.
-I do cardio for 35-40 minutes 3 days a week. I've been doing this pretty consistently for over three months. My dad and I are working our way to running again!
-For the most part, I do eat 3 meals a day. The only time I skip a meal is on Thursday when I fast for lunch.
-Now you got me there with the iron! I was diagnosed with a mild case of anemia. My doctor gave me prenatal vitamins two years ago so that I could increase my iron intake. I took them consistently for three months straight. The prenatal vitamins made me sluggish and didn't help my nails at all. But thanks for the reminder because I do need to get my blood count checked for iron levels. I'm taking a multi-vitamin with the 100% daily value of iron but maybe that's not enough.

How much iron do you take daily? How long were you taking the Alta Silica before you noticed changes in your nails?

I increased my daily Alta Silica intake to 6 tablets (two tablets 3x a day) a week ago. No noticeable improvement in my nails just yet but I'm going to be patient and let the silica do its thing. I will be starting on my second bottle tomorrow. After 20 days (when the bottle will be finished), I'll let you know if there has been any change in my nails.

In the meantime, I may need to see the doctor. Because I've been feeling really tired these past few months despite my increase in water intake, doing cardio 3x a week, eating better, and getting an average of 7.5-8 hours of sleep each night.
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Thank you so much for your guidance and suggestions!

-I'm drinking at least 6 glasses of water a day. Drinking only water during the lent season really helped me with increasing my water intake.
-My overall diet is pretty good. I eat fish almost every day and I eat a salad almost every day with spinach leaves. I try to have at least one fruit every morning.
-I do cardio for 35-40 minutes 3 days a week. I've been doing this pretty consistently for over three months. My dad and I are working our way to running again!
-For the most part, I do eat 3 meals a day. The only time I skip a meal is on Thursday when I fast for lunch.
-Now you got me there with the iron! I was diagnosed with a mild case of anemia. My doctor gave me prenatal vitamins two years ago so that I could increase my iron intake. I took them consistently for three months straight. The prenatal vitamins made me sluggish and didn't help my nails at all. But thanks for the reminder because I do need to get my blood count checked for iron levels. I'm taking a multi-vitamin with the 100% daily value of iron but maybe that's not enough.

How much iron do you take daily? How long were you taking the Alta Silica before you noticed changes in your nails?

I increased my daily Alta Silica intake to 6 tablets (two tablets 3x a day) a week ago. No noticeable improvement in my nails just yet but I'm going to be patient and let the silica do its thing. I will be starting on my second bottle tomorrow. After 20 days (when the bottle will be finished), I'll let you know if there has been any change in my nails.

In the meantime, I may need to see the doctor. Because I've been feeling really tired these past few months despite my increase in water intake, doing cardio 3x a week, eating better, and getting an average of 7.5-8 hours of sleep each night.
Another recommendation: try homeopathic Iron

Ferr Phos is a cell salt that my doc gave me for anemia. You take it under your tongue.
Thank you so much for your guidance and suggestions!

-I'm drinking at least 6 glasses of water a day. Drinking only water during the lent season really helped me with increasing my water intake.
-My overall diet is pretty good. I eat fish almost every day and I eat a salad almost every day with spinach leaves. I try to have at least one fruit every morning.
-I do cardio for 35-40 minutes 3 days a week. I've been doing this pretty consistently for over three months. My dad and I are working our way to running again!
-For the most part, I do eat 3 meals a day. The only time I skip a meal is on Thursday when I fast for lunch.
-Now you got me there with the iron! I was diagnosed with a mild case of anemia. My doctor gave me prenatal vitamins two years ago so that I could increase my iron intake. I took them consistently for three months straight. The prenatal vitamins made me sluggish and didn't help my nails at all. But thanks for the reminder because I do need to get my blood count checked for iron levels. I'm taking a multi-vitamin with the 100% daily value of iron but maybe that's not enough.

How much iron do you take daily? How long were you taking the Alta Silica before you noticed changes in your nails?

I increased my daily Alta Silica intake to 6 tablets (two tablets 3x a day) a week ago. No noticeable improvement in my nails just yet but I'm going to be patient and let the silica do its thing. I will be starting on my second bottle tomorrow. After 20 days (when the bottle will be finished), I'll let you know if there has been any change in my nails.

In the meantime, I may need to see the doctor. Because I've been feeling really tired these past few months despite my increase in water intake, doing cardio 3x a week, eating better, and getting an average of 7.5-8 hours of sleep each night.

I just scanned your diet, which I'm sure you didn't list everything you are eating, but a couple of questions: are you getting calicum through dairy or soy products or some means other than a multi-vitamin ?

Please go to the doctor and get your blood work done. Ask for a full panel blood test. My Serum Ferritin was super low and I take a specific iron supplement to keep it at a healthy level. I could tell the difference in my energy level right away and my hair started growing back :blush:

The other thing you might consider since you are very active is your protein intake, if you only eat meat once per day that may be too low. You may want to look at beans and rice and tofu if you are opposed to meat. I suggest adding tuna and or salmon (they come in the cool little packs) to your daily salads.

Other ways of getting extra protein would be low fat / non fat dariy products (cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese (on your salad?) etc.) egg whites, and or protein smoothies. If you are lactose intollerant there are some good soy subsitutes on the market you can try. It's idea to have a serving of protein at least 3 times per day (appx 14 - 25 grams per serving).

Sounds like you have the fruits and veggies part covered.

HTH - get to the doctor and let us know what you find out...
My update, I want to thank Vester for suggesting the challenge, I definately see a marked difference in my hair growth and my nail strength. The other thing is that I am running in the mornings and I hardly have an ache or any kind of pain at all in my legs and joints. My tail would have been falling off if I was running for 5 days in a row in the past.

I'm 45 years young but I feel like I did when I was 20. (I also have a 27 year old fella at work trying to talk but that's another story :look:) I am totally pain / ache free and my energy is through the roof. I was in decent shape before but I think the silica has just pushed me on over the top to great health. The nice hair and nails are gravy!! I have to trim my nails with every manicure to keep them at their current length. I may let them grow out some in the summer. I will never wear acrylic nails again. Who needs them?

:yep: :drunk: :spinning:
My update, I want to thank Vester for suggesting the challenge, I definately see a marked difference in my hair growth and my nail strength. The other thing is that I am running in the mornings and I hardly have an ache or any kind of pain at all in my legs and joints. My tail would have been falling off if I was running for 5 days in a row in the past.

I'm 45 years young but I feel like I did when I was 20. (I also have a 27 year old fella at work trying to talk but that's another story :look:) I am totally pain / ache free and my energy is through the roof. I was in decent shape before but I think the silica has just pushed me on over the top to great health. The nice hair and nails are gravy!! I have to trim my nails with every manicure to keep them at their current length. I may let them grow out some in the summer. I will never wear acrylic nails again. Who needs them?

:yep: :drunk: :spinning:


How many tablets are you taking each day? I will be on my second bottle starting tomorrow. :yep:

How many tablets are you taking each day? I will be on my second bottle starting tomorrow. :yep:
I'm taking 3 pre day, first thing in the morning, one at lunch (when I can remember :look:) and one at night before bed. I'm faithful with the morning / bed dose. I will be doubling up soon.
I'm taking 3 pre day, first thing in the morning, one at lunch (when I can remember :look:) and one at night before bed. I'm faithful with the morning / bed dose. I will be doubling up soon.

Thanks for responding back so fast. :yep: Don't laugh, but I get all three out of the way in the morning or at lunch. :yep: I've never been good at taking pills, at the time I'm suppose to take them. :nono:
Im still taking them, and I am really really loving my nails. I run too and my knees are a little less stiff than they normally would be, come to think of it.

My hair is still a HAM - alot of new hair, soft and puffy. again, I don't know about length yet but it does seem that I have to rebraid more braids more often, I don't think it's slippage.

I am taking 4 a day - 2 in the am, two pm.
I just scanned your diet, which I'm sure you didn't list everything you are eating, but a couple of questions: are you getting calicum through dairy or soy products or some means other than a multi-vitamin ?

Please go to the doctor and get your blood work done. Ask for a full panel blood test. My Serum Ferritin was super low and I take a specific iron supplement to keep it at a healthy level. I could tell the difference in my energy level right away and my hair started growing back :blush:

The other thing you might consider since you are very active is your protein intake, if you only eat meat once per day that may be too low. You may want to look at beans and rice and tofu if you are opposed to meat. I suggest adding tuna and or salmon (they come in the cool little packs) to your daily salads.

Other ways of getting extra protein would be low fat / non fat dariy products (cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese (on your salad?) etc.) egg whites, and or protein smoothies. If you are lactose intollerant there are some good soy subsitutes on the market you can try. It's idea to have a serving of protein at least 3 times per day (appx 14 - 25 grams per serving).

Sounds like you have the fruits and veggies part covered.

HTH - get to the doctor and let us know what you find out...

-I used to eat yogurt everyday in addition to getting 40% DV of calcium from my multivitamin but I got tired of yogurt. I guess I'll go back to eating it. I also eat almonds everyday which has 8% DV of calcium per serving. I don't drink milk or eat cheese. I'll look at some soy products to see if I can get some more calcium intake.

-I will definately get a full-panel blood test and let you know the results!

-I actually eat tuna/salmon almost everyday. I buy the little packs and add them to my salad! I also have a meat for dinner. But I'm probably not getting 3 servings of protein a day. I bought some black beans from the grocery store the other day that I want to incorporate into my diet. Egg whites is another good option for me.

Wonderful tips! Thanks so much!
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-I used to eat yogurt everyday in addition to getting 40% DV of calcium from my multivitamin but I got tired of yogurt. I don't drink milk or eat cheese. I'll look at some soy products to see if I can get some more calcium intake.

-I will definately get a full-panel blood test and let you know the results!

-I actually eat tuna/salmon almost everyday. I buy the little packs and add them to my salad! I also have a meat for dinner. But I'm probably not getting 3 servings of protein a day. I bought some black beans from the grocery store the other day that I want to incorporate into my diet. Egg whites is another good option for me.

Wonderful tips! Thanks so much!
I'm glad they were helpful,

You can jazz your yogurt up by adding flax seeds, and protein to get an extra boost. You can add in season fruit and nuts as well for variety.

Combine your black and other beans with brown (better) or white rice, they make a complete protein when combined.

Keep us posted
Im still taking them, and I am really really loving my nails. I run too and my knees are a little less stiff than they normally would be, come to think of it.

My hair is still a HAM - alot of new hair, soft and puffy. again, I don't know about length yet but it does seem that I have to rebraid more braids more often, I don't think it's slippage.

I am taking 4 a day - 2 in the am, two pm.

Awww, I hope you see some improvement soon. :yep:
My update, I want to thank Vester for suggesting the challenge, I definately see a marked difference in my hair growth and my nail strength. The other thing is that I am running in the mornings and I hardly have an ache or any kind of pain at all in my legs and joints. My tail would have been falling off if I was running for 5 days in a row in the past.

I'm 45 years young but I feel like I did when I was 20. (I also have a 27 year old fella at work trying to talk but that's another story :look:) I am totally pain / ache free and my energy is through the roof. I was in decent shape before but I think the silica has just pushed me on over the top to great health. The nice hair and nails are gravy!! I have to trim my nails with every manicure to keep them at their current length. I may let them grow out some in the summer. I will never wear acrylic nails again. Who needs them?

:yep: :drunk: :spinning:
FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so exciting!
I am now officially on this challenge! I had already upped my intake of silica to 6000 mgs per day thanks to this post, but it was the Puritan's Pride brand. Once I finally received my alta silica from ebay (a seller was auctioning 12 bottles at a time for about $41!), I noticed that the pills look very similar, and have the same listed ingredients. However, even though my pills are expiring this June, they have a strong smell as if they are some how 'fresher' and so I am hoping :crossfingers: that these will increase my hair growth from .5" to 1.25" like another poster has achieved.

So, I stocked up by purchasing 480 days worth of Alta Silica! I am praying I didn't just waste $164!!:nono:

Good luck to all of us!
I am now officially on this challenge! I had already upped my intake of silica to 6000 mgs per day thanks to this post, but it was the Puritan's Pride brand. Once I finally received my alta silica from ebay (a seller was auctioning 12 bottles at a time for about $41!), I noticed that the pills look very similar, and have the same listed ingredients. However, even though my pills are expiring this June, they have a strong smell as if they are some how 'fresher' and so I am hoping :crossfingers: that these will increase my hair growth from .5" to 1.25" like another poster has achieved.

So, I stocked up by purchasing 480 days worth of Alta Silica! I am praying I didn't just waste $164!!:nono:

Good luck to all of us!

You won't be sorry, I must say out of all the supplements I have tried this one has made the most notable, fastest results...I have witnesses and I am offically documenting my progress on the 15th of every month to mark my progress!!
I am now officially on this challenge! I had already upped my intake of silica to 6000 mgs per day thanks to this post, but it was the Puritan's Pride brand. Once I finally received my alta silica from ebay (a seller was auctioning 12 bottles at a time for about $41!), I noticed that the pills look very similar, and have the same listed ingredients. However, even though my pills are expiring this June, they have a strong smell as if they are some how 'fresher' and so I am hoping :crossfingers: that these will increase my hair growth from .5" to 1.25" like another poster has achieved.

So, I stocked up by purchasing 480 days worth of Alta Silica! I am praying I didn't just waste $164!!:nono:

Good luck to all of us!
Which pills are expiring in June? The ones you bought on ebay? If you have so many, you should take the therapeutic dose(build up to it)! That would really make a difference.
Okay I FINALLY got the silica in the post yesterday.. it feels like it took AAAAGEES to get here, but I finally have! Man I'm so late to this challenge, but I'll still be reporting any noticeable changes that I observe in the coming weeks :)

PS. I loooove the smell of the tablets hehe