Bio Available Silica challenge anyone? So Easy

Read most of this thread and I just ordered a bottle. I will definitely keep my eyes open for any signs of side effects. I plan on only taking one a day though........not the mega doses the OP recommends.
Long-term use or very high doses of horsetail (or silica) supplements have caused irreversible kidney damage, especially in people with existing kidney or heart disease. People with eodema (fluid retention) should also not take silica (or horsetail) supplements.

I found this on the following website:

Silica at normal amounts is good for you"

Why silica is good for you

Silica is a trace mineral, which means the body only needs a very small amount of it to stay healthy.

Silica is found most predominantly in the connective tissues - skin, blood vessels, cartilage, bone, teeth, tendons and hair. Silica is really beneficial for the health of blood vessel walls (the aorta is has really high concentrations of silica).

Silica is used to keep bones, cartilage, tendons, blood vessels and artery walls healthy. It is also required by the nails, hair and skin to stay in good condition and is useful in counteracting the effects of excessive aluminium in the body, which is implicated in the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Silica is also involved in the formation of healthy bone tissue and collagen, the framework which makes the body "stick" together, without which, the body would fall apart.

Important silica facts

•Silica is short for silicon dioxide
•Silica is also called silicon and is a natural substance while silicone is a man-made industrial substance which is popularly used in breast enlargement operations
•Silica is present in soil, plants and water
•Silica has a similar healing effect on cartilage and joint degeneration as sulphur
•Silica is important for the health of hair, skin and nails
•Silica is needed by the body to make the connective tissue collagen
•Water, as well as beer and coffee (both made with water) are the main ways most people get adequate intake of silica (over half of the daily intake).
•Beer can contain anywhere from 19-60mg silica per kg of beer (approximately 1 litre of beer), which provides adequate intake of silica, but it may not be a heart healthy decision to drink that much beer every day
•Some anti-caking and anti-foaming additives in foods are are made from silica
•Silica may help to counter the effects of too much aluminium in the body, which some studies suggest is implicated in Alzheimer's disease
I tried taking BioSil a few months ago and it was the worst experience. My skin and hair became painfully dry and it took weeks to reverse. Also, no matter what I mixed the drops in, it still tasted bad. :nono:

I still have 3/4 of a bottle left...
SMO: so I would assume if someone were to take a supplement such as Biosil or Silica/Horsetail they should do the cycle on/off method. 6 weeks on 2 weeks off.

Thank you for the article information!!.
SMO: so I would assume if someone were to take a supplement such as Biosil or Silica/Horsetail they should do the cycle on/off method. 6 weeks on 2 weeks off.

I wish I could have made it that far to see if BioSil had any impact on my growth. Unfortunately, after 2 weeks of using it daily I had negative results. It just didn't agree with me...:sad:
that's terrible you had such a bad reaction. Even if you dropped the dosage by half? Have you tried that? or even less than half.

I'm bad with this, but when I take supplements I have to up my water.
Yep, I experimented with the dosage. The only dosage that seemed to agree with me was "zero" drops! :ohwell: It felt as if the BioSil was leeching moisture out of my system. I had to correct with lots of additional oil to my diet (omegas, olive, vit E). No matter how much I drank, water did not help. It was weird, scary...:nono:
wow hopkinstudent. WOW.

I would bring this up with my DR. if I were you. If you take a multi, silica is included. The DR. can give a blood test and test your levels.