Bio Available Silica challenge anyone? So Easy

OK I'll bite. I just ordered some - I love vitacost anyway - and wil keep you posted when I get it.

I need a boost. I have been braided forever, but I don't want to take these out until I have some progress, which I really dont have that much of. Plus I am on the BSL in 08 challenge, and even now I am worried this was REALLY wishful thinking...........
OK I'll bite. I just ordered some - I love vitacost anyway - and wil keep you posted when I get it.

I need a boost. I have been braided forever, but I don't want to take these out until I have some progress, which I really dont have that much of. Plus I am on the BSL in 08 challenge, and even now I am worried this was REALLY wishful thinking...........
Be sure and read the article and find the right dose. Taking 1 a day prob won't cut it.
I got my order last week and started Thursday.

I did read the article - very excellent info - I don't know if I can make 4x a day, I am not good with pills. So far I am impressed at how digestible they are for me, and as I run I am hoping they will have other benefits for my joints.

I checked my daily vits, and they have chromium and selenium but no silica. Interesting.
I got my order last week and started Thursday.

I did read the article - very excellent info - I don't know if I can make 4x a day, I am not good with pills. So far I am impressed at how digestible they are for me, and as I run I am hoping they will have other benefits for my joints.

I checked my daily vits, and they have chromium and selenium but no silica. Interesting.
I think this silica is just Awesome! I hope you love it as much as I do...
I think this silica is just Awesome! I hope you love it as much as I do...
I'm currently taking bioSil and I know how important silica is for the hair and also how difficult for the body to absorb most brands of silica so I am very interested in this product and will add it to my vitacost shopping cart, I always shop there!! Great prices!! Thanks for the tip!
I'm currently taking bioSil and I know how important silica is for the hair and also how difficult for the body to absorb most brands of silica so I am very interested in this product and will add it to my vitacost shopping cart, I always shop there!! Great prices!! Thanks for the tip!
You are very welcome!!!
So far so good. Joints are feeling better and my hair has some positive changes. Now, I am also taking MSM and using Boundless tresses, so I don't know what's doing what, but my hair texture is changing. It's straighter. I was 3c with a little 4a and a small patch of bone straight hair. Now I'm 3c and 3b. Go figure. I just hope I can still wear my BAA!
I just ordered this so I'm in on this challenge. I was taking the Bamboo Silica from Vitamin Shoppe and I don't think it did anything special so I hope I get good results from this. Thanks for the info!
i think this is working for me already and i'm not even done with the first bottle. i'm wearing braids, but i have little afros all over. when i used mtg consistently, i noticed the fros, but i haven't used mtg at all, but my hair is doing something. the only new addition is the silica. i don't know, it could all be in my mind, but i think something is going on.

vev--how is your hair/skin? have you noticed any other specific changes with this product?
i think this is working for me already and i'm not even done with the first bottle. i'm wearing braids, but i have little afros all over. when i used mtg consistently, i noticed the fros, but i haven't used mtg at all, but my hair is doing something. the only new addition is the silica. i don't know, it could all be in my mind, but i think something is going on.

vev--how is your hair/skin? have you noticed any other specific changes with this product?

:lol: This is exactly my experience. Crazy puffy growth!!! My skin is silky and smooth. No more ashy legs. See my prev posts on this thread!
I've been seriously slacking off this year. I wanted to start taking this stuff at the beginning of this year and still have yet to do it. You ladies are really inspiring me to get started, along with my other resolutions.
i had slacked off, but have started bk last night taking the silica, i think it has helped with my skin. My hair newgrowth does seem like a looser curl. I will continue to use it to see more results.
No, it isn't.
I have BioSil also, I've been taking it. I'm not sure how it's different than this Silica. My order for this Silica will be waiting for me when I get home, I just checked tracking.

The one thing I noticed when I read the article that even if the BioSil is simular to this Silica, BioSil's recommendage dose of 6 drops per day is not nearly enough. I think the BioSil dose is only 600 mg...if I am remembering correctly.

I think we need about 3 times as much according to the article. I will verify this when I get home...I don't have all my facts in front of me here at work.

I have 1 bottle of the BioSil left, I'll see how I can work it in with this because I'm not going to waste it, costs too much:nono: My nails are growing like CRAZY so it must be doing something, my hair is growing too. I was already taking about 12 drops per day of the BioSil, then I started spliting it out to 12 drops twice per day and I think that did cause an increase in growth for my hair and nails.

I didn't know what the heck I was talking about. One is silica and the other is silcon.... I have some research to do....:look:
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It's odd that no one has written a review for the Alta Silica on There are a few good reviews written for both the BioSil liquid and tablets :look: I wonder why that is...

This is the discription for BioSil

Description Patented BioSil contains 600 mg of stabilized Orthosilicic Acid (monomeric, single-unit silicic acid). Each drop provides 1 mg of silicon. Bottle contains 600 drops of a concentrated 2% solution of biologically active silicon. Six drops per day provides a 100 day supply.
BioSil's Active Silicon is an essential partner of calcium for bones, glucosamine for joints, and antioxidants for healthier arteries and cardiovascular function.

The Importance of Silicon - Silicon is a trace mineral required for the formation of healthy connective tissue, bone, skin, hair and nails. Silicon is essential for collagen formation, healthy arteries and regulates calcium deposition in bones.

Absorption is Key - Dietary sources of silicon such as those found in food, horsetail and colloidal gel (silica) products, are very poorly absorbed because of their insoluble, polymerized forms. For absorption to occur, dietary silicon must be first converted to Orthosilicic Acid (monomeric silicic acid), the bioavailable form found in Biosil.

Why is BioSil Different? BioSil (Si{OH}4) is 20,000 times more soluble than silica (SIO2-found in horsetail and colloidal gels) and many times more bioavailable than other forms of silicon!

The only Biologically Active Silicon that works for:
  • Bones & Joints: support strength and repair
  • Hair: for growth and luster
  • Skin: elasticity
  • Cardiovascular: capillary strength
  • Nails: hardness and growtha
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 6.00 Drops
Servings per container: 100.00
Amount Per Serving
% Daily Value
Silicon (as stabilized orthosillicic acid)6 mg

This is the write up for Alta Silica:
Silica strengthens and supports healthy skin, hair, bones and nails. Using the finest quality Horsetail Extract with bioflavonoids, Alta Health Silica provides the pure ortho form soluble/collodial Silica by means of special extraction process. Silica is an essential trace mineral that plays a biological role in the processes by which bone, cartilage, connective tissue and skin are formed and is a component of collagen.

Consult a Health Care professional before taking this product if you are a pregnant or lactating woman, currently under medical care or are taking prescription drugs.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1.00 Tab
Servings per container: 120.00
Amount Per Serving
% Daily Value
Horsetail Herb Extract (Equisetum Arvense)1500 mg
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Interesting Article!! ( )

Beautiful Hair Comes From Within With Silica
Do you suffer from dry brittle hair that looks like your 90 years old? Not to worry dietary supplements could help boost the look and feel of your hair in a few short months.

Many people are unaware that beautiful hair is due largely to their intake of silica. Silica is a form of silicon, one of the most common elements in the earth, and that is literally where it is most found: in the earth. Most forms of stones and rock contain silicon in one form or another.

Silica is silicon in the form of Silicon dioxide, or SiO2. Appearing naturally as quartz, it is also the principal component of glass and sand. Silica is also a very common component of your body, and is contains in all of your connective tissues such as cartilage and tendons, nails, hair, muscle tissue and bone. Your complexion and shiny hair all depend upon silica, which apart from its other properties help your skin and hair to retain moisture and keep looking young.

Not only that, however, but it also strengthens your hair, and renders it less likely to become brittle and suffer from split ends and that dull look that so many women spend a fortune on trying to overcome with various types of hair conditioner. Conditioners are designed to keep the moisture in your hair; that is also one of the main properties of the form of silicon that we call silica. The term is often wrongly used for other forms of silicon such as silicates and silicones, although these do not take part in human biochemistry in the same way as silica does.

If your intake of silica is at its optimum, your skin and hair will be well hydrated, and maintain a luster that makes it attractive and young looking, rather than lank of frizzy. It is not an overnight effect, however, and you may have to take silica supplements for two or three months until you see visible effects. You should then be able to maintain the effects through diet, although silica supplements can be used if preferred. It is not only your hair that will benefit, but also your skin, as already suggested, will maintain a youthful hydrated look and the wrinkles will take longer to appear.

You will therefore tend to look younger for longer, especially if you also have a good intake of antioxidants to prevent free radical damage to your skin cells. Silica can help to prevent baldness, but it is stressed that it cannot be taken to cure it. It stimulates the growth of your hair and keeps it healthy and strong in addition to looking more beautiful and attractive.

Silica in all its forms is a trace mineral in our diets, and is a relatively rare component. It is also a very important mineral because human life depends upon it. There are certain food sources of silica that you can use to ensure that you get the maximum amount naturally that you can. The foods that contain most silica include cereals, especially oats and rice, which is why Asians tend to have the healthiest and strongest hair. Others are cucumbers, asparagus, lettuce cabbage, onions, potatoes and sunflower seeds. Fruits include strawberries, and if you eat a diet rich in these various foods, then you should have a good natural intake.

Other sources of silica include horsetail and oat straw, or the stalks left once the oats have been harvested. Although not conventionally eaten, these sources are used for the preparation of silica supplements. It has often been claimed that beer is a good source, but only because silica is frequently used in fine powder form to act a defoamer in beer.

Meat sources do not include much silica, and neither do processed foods. Most junk food diets are low in this mineral that is so vital for the condition of your hair, although it is not necessary to eat just a vegetarian diet. A good balanced diet is necessary to ensure that you do not become deficient in one nutrient because you are trying to increase your intake of another. That is a very easy and common error to make. If you include a reasonable amount of silica–containing foods in your diet then there is no need to eat only those foods.

As with many other trace elements necessary in human biochemistry, you do not have to take large amounts of silica to meet your daily needs, and it is not the foods that are rich in silica that is the only aspect of the mineral you should consider, but also in the form in which it is available for the body to use. This ‘bioavailability’ is very important with all forms of nutrition, not only silica, since if the body is unable to use it as part of its biochemistry, then it is of no use as a supplement.

As an example of this, the processing of foods, including grains, can convert silica to silicates that the body cannot use since its chemistry is unsuitable. Silicates have to be converted first to silicic acid which the human body can easily absorb through the intestines. This acid, then, would be a good supplement for those deficient in silica, though only very small amounts are needed by the body. In fact, silicic acid is the silica gel supplement that provides the silica needed for healthy hair, and is formed by the hydration of sodium silicate which itself cannot be absorbed by the intestines and take part in the human biochemical reactions needed.

The reason for the importance of silica is that it is converted to orthosilicic acid that is an essential part of the biochemical pathway for the formation and stabilization of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) or mucopolysaccharides, that are essential to human life. Chondroitin sulfate is an example of a GAG. As one ages, ones ability to produce these compounds in the stomach reduces, and is one reason for aging skin and hair.

The effect of silica in the human body in general, and on the hair in particular, has been proved, and as you age you will find the need for some form of supplementation. Even younger people who do not include an adequate quota of silica in their diet should consider a supplement containing this little known but essential trace element for bouncy, attractive and youthful hair.

It is known fact that beautiful hair comes from within with silica.
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I have BioSil also, I've been taking it. I'm not sure how it's different thank this Silica. My order for this Silica will be waiting for me when I get home, I just checked tracking.

The one thing I noticed when I read the article that even if the BioSil is simular to this Silica, BioSil's recommendage dose of 6 drops per day is not nearly enough. I think the BioSil dose is only 600 mg...if I am remembering correctly.

I think we need about 3 times as much according to the article. I will verify this when I get home...I don't have all my facts in front of me here at work.

I have 1 bottle of the BioSil left, I'll see how I can work it in with this because I'm not going to waste it, costs too much:nono: My nails are growing like CRAZY so it must be doing something, my hair is growing too. I was already taking about 12 drops per day of the BioSil, then I started spliting it out to 12 drops twice per day and I think that did cause an increase in growth for my hair and nails.

I didn't know what the heck I was talking about. One is silica and the other is silcon.... I have some research to do....:look:
Welcome to the challenge!

Hopefully in a few months we will all post reviews on! I didn't because In part I didn't want the price to go up :sekret:
I just bought a bottle at the Vitamin Shoppe. Started taking it yesterday let's see how it goes. Vester how long or how much did it take to see any results?
Its too early for me to notice any results with my hair, its about two weeks so far - but I'm more regular . Anyone else notice this?
I just bought a bottle at the Vitamin Shoppe. Started taking it yesterday let's see how it goes. Vester how long or how much did it take to see any results?
I had to go through a bottle and noticed on my 2nd bottle.

With all supplements this depends on how deficient you are and how well you absorb vits in general.