Bio Available Silica challenge anyone? So Easy

I went back to the Vitamin Shoppe to get the right one. I'm ready to start this challenge.:yep:

How many are you going to take? I just started too. I am taking 5 a day for the first 2 weeks and going to 4 a day from there. I called and talked with the company, they are very nice and friendly.
How many are you going to take? I just started too. I am taking 5 a day for the first 2 weeks and going to 4 a day from there. I called and talked with the company, they are very nice and friendly.

I don't know. I think I'm going to do the recommended 3 a day dosage.
Am I the only one who hasn't seen any outstanding results from this? I'd used cheapo Vitamin Shoppe silica before these. I am on my third bottle now and I really don't see enough of an increase in growth to justify paying $15+ for a bottle of 120 pills when I'm taking six a day.
The mineral silica is not very easy to assimulate. If you are taking a cheap brand that may be why you are not getting results. I never had luck with silicon / silica products until I tried Alta.

my .02 cents
The mineral silica is not very easy to assimulate. If you are taking a cheap brand that may be why you are not getting results. I never had luck with silicon / silica products until I tried Alta.

my .02 cents

That was my point. I am on my third bottle of Alta Silica and I am not seeing results that are drastically different from when I was taking Vitamin Shoppe Silica.
That was my point. I am on my third bottle of Alta Silica and I am not seeing results that are drastically different from when I was taking Vitamin Shoppe Silica.
Well, I guess every body's different because it made all the difference in th world for me ... I don't have an explaination for you, perhaps the other ladies may have ideas.

All I know is my nails look like I have acrylic on them!! and I don't. I NEVER had that happen before Alta Silica.
Hi ladies
I've been taking the silica since April 1 (3 pills per day with meals) I haven't seen any significant results and may not continue after I finish this second bottle.

Here are some comparison pics. Both pics are the day of a relaxer...6.5 weeks apart.

Hi ladies
I've been taking the silica since April 1 (3 pills per day with meals) I haven't seen any significant results and may not continue after I finish this second bottle.

Here are some comparison pics. Both pics are the day of a relaxer...6.5 weeks apart.


How are your nails? Any stronger?
Hi ladies
I've been taking the silica since April 1 (3 pills per day with meals) I haven't seen any significant results and may not continue after I finish this second bottle.

Here are some comparison pics. Both pics are the day of a relaxer...6.5 weeks apart.


I don't know... I think I'm seeing a difference. It looks fuller and longer to me.:yep:
I don't know... I think I'm seeing a difference. It looks fuller and longer to me.:yep:

Thanks Platinum!:kiss:
I definitely think its thicker but not longer. I feel like I've been working on the same 2 inches for APL for a year now:ohwell:

Here's hoping that I'll get a good growth spurt this summer:up:
I don't know... I think I'm seeing a difference. It looks fuller and longer to me.:yep:

I was about to say the same thing. It definitely looks fuller, especially for after a relaxer. I know when I first relax, it takes me a wash or two to get the fullness back in my hair.
Hi ladies
I've been taking the silica since April 1 (3 pills per day with meals) I haven't seen any significant results and may not continue after I finish this second bottle.

Here are some comparison pics. Both pics are the day of a relaxer...6.5 weeks apart.

Either its the way you took the picture or your hair is much thicker than the first picture!! Come to think of it, my hair seems to thicken up first and then get length...I was just telling someone that last week...So this could be a great sign, it certainly isn't hurting you, your hair looks healthy and full, very nice!:yep:
I was about to say the same thing. It definitely looks fuller, especially for after a relaxer. I know when I first relax, it takes me a wash or two to get the fullness back in my hair.

Thanks! I can see that its thickened up. I'm just anxious to reach APL so I can finally say "Mission accomplished":dance7:

Either its the way you took the picture or your hair is much thicker than the first picture!! Come to think of it, my hair seems to thicken up first and then get length...I was just telling someone that last week...So this could be a great sign, it certainly isn't hurting you, your hair looks healthy and full, very nice!:yep:

I agree. My hair does seem to go through a thickening phase before growth is apparent but I want my length NOW!!:wallbash:

ETA: Many thanks for the feedback ladies!:kiss:
Vevster this is a really good thread. I never even knew anything about it until you pointed it out. It took me a while to get through it. :grin:

As I am currently taking supplements for other health issues it would be easy to add this to my routine. I think I will start the challenge ASAP.

How are you doing, N.M.?

I'm doing good this has been beneficial to me. I didn't know I needed iron until this. I was wondering why I wasn't getting the effect everyone was talking about. Then you mentioned to someone else, "You may need an iron supplement". Checked with my Dr. and low and behold. :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy
:lol: This thread is pages and pages (41 and counting) talking about ALTA Silica!!! WTH :lachen:


and after those 40 odd pages you should definitely know that you named this thread BIO AVAILABLE SILICA. I didnt read thru all these pages to see that this was solely about Alta. I posted what I had which is the same thing, different brand.
I'm doing good this has been beneficial to me. I didn't know I needed iron until this. I was wondering why I wasn't getting the effect everyone was talking about. Then you mentioned to someone else, "You may need an iron supplement". Checked with my Dr. and low and behold. :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy
:grin: I am so glad my anemia challenges have been of value to others !! It took me a minute to figure out what was going on and my Doc was a little slow on the draw with the solution too! Silica and Iron must be like hand and glove ....
Vevster this is a really good thread. I never even knew anything about it until you pointed it out. It took me a while to get through it. :grin:

As I am currently taking supplements for other health issues it would be easy to add this to my routine. I think I will start the challenge ASAP.

This was the entire solution to my hair problem, I was extreemly low on iron and appearantly silica....along with likely every other mineral know to woman kind. This has be a true winner for me!

and after those 40 odd pages you should definitely know that you named this thread BIO AVAILABLE SILICA. I didnt read thru all these pages to see that this was solely about Alta. I posted what I had which is the same thing, different brand.
If you read just the FIRST post I was pretty clear. I believe there are biosilica challenges out there--- I think.... good luck with it! :up: :D

PS- it isn't the same thing.
If you read just the FIRST post I was pretty clear. I believe there are biosilica challenges out there--- I think.... good luck with it! :up: :D

PS- it isn't the same thing.

Both items are bio available forms of silica. I posted based on the title of the thread and skimming. I will be CHALLENGING myself to take this everyday no matter which brand is.
Anyways, I did not see a challenge when I searched.

Both items are bio available forms of silica. I posted based on the title of the thread and skimming. I will be CHALLENGING myself to take this everyday no matter which brand is.
Anyways, I did not see a challenge when I searched.

Good Luck CieraMichele!!! :eyebrows2
tacky update: vev starts sibling strife

so, i'm running low on the silica pills so i asked my sis if she's using the bottle I gave to her (really i gave them to her husband (back issue) who passed them on to her since he didn't see instantaneous results). first she looked at my hair then gave me the lips and attitude "No, I haven't used them yet but you're not getting them back." :ohwell:

in her defense my hair is shining something FIERCE!

i haven't noticed dramatic growth but the lusture's ridiculous...and i'm happy with that.

AJJ: yup my nails look like i've got acrylic on them also.

I should probably post this in the chlorophyll fact, I'm off to go read it but, vevster, if u can answer: What the hell is in that stuff? (I'm doing World Organics because I saw Isis' brand post first). I hope I don't OD on the stuff - I drink it by itself plus I spike my green smoothies with it. I may need a Chlorophyll 12-step soon. When I drink it I get such a sense of well-being. I just feel so peaceful.