Bio Available Silica challenge anyone? So Easy

bump:grin:. Does anyone want to reserve a few bottles? It seems like a great deal. The bottles should remain fresh for 2 additional years if you keep them in a cool, dry place.
Did you confirm this with the company?

Nope, I confirmed with the person who offered them, but good point. I think I'm going to just buy a case for myself. The 2 year thing does hold for most vitamins and I knew that beforehand.
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that was gonna be my question....

I purchased mine from Vitacost for less than $12 with an expiration date of: Mar 09.

Oh okay, see your point. That was the best I could do on that. The shipping would have been about $4-$5 priority.
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reporting in and i'm loving this beauty from the inside stuff!

been on vevster's silica for a little over month

always get compliments on my skin but this time I HAVE noticed the difference...there's a real youthful texture to my skin

hair is growing - noticed less shedding

nail's growing

however, i must add that i'm also in on the green smoothie :lick: consistently since there's a lot of encouragement and tips from vevster's thread, so i can't honestly say it's just the silica.

oooh...and soon i'll be adding the liquid cholorphyll
reporting in and i'm loving this beauty from the inside stuff!

been on vevster's silica for a little over month

always get compliments on my skin but this time I HAVE noticed the difference...there's a real youthful texture to my skin

hair is growing - noticed less shedding

nail's growing

however, i must add that i'm also in on the green smoothie :lick: consistently since there's a lot of encouragement and tips from vevster's thread, so i can't honestly say it's just the silica.

oooh...and soon i'll be adding the liquid cholorphyll

This is a great report!! :clap: Believe me the Silica has a lot to do with it. I am adding Kelp and Spirullina to my internal beauty mix... Vester is the catalist for our beauty from within kick!! Yay!! The benefits for me have been overwhelming, I have people asking me what am I doing / using have I lost weight, color my hair, etc, etc...LOL

ETA: I have greatly reduced shedding. I'm wearing a protective style right now but even on my wash and comb days, minimal shedding. The good news is the benefits will continue over time with long term useage.
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reporting in and i'm loving this beauty from the inside stuff!

been on vevster's silica for a little over month

always get compliments on my skin but this time I HAVE noticed the difference...there's a real youthful texture to my skin

hair is growing - noticed less shedding

nail's growing

however, i must add that i'm also in on the green smoothie :lick: consistently since there's a lot of encouragement and tips from vevster's thread, so i can't honestly say it's just the silica.

oooh...and soon i'll be adding the liquid cholorphyll

I LOVE liquid chlorophyll. LOVE.
Okay, I just received my Alta today, and I just took my first one about 30 minutes ago. It smells like honey and syrup:grin: which isn't bad, but it reminded me of the vitamins my mom used to take which I believe were honey vitamins(anyone here of these?)

I will give you updates within two weeks.
Do Tell Vester... I've been eyeballing this stuff for a minute. What are the benefits. :rolleyes: Anyway if you say it's good, I'm ordering some today...:yep:
I have more stamina; the chlorophyl changes the way my body reacts to stress. The deodorizing is great. I had a nagging muscle in my hip that was bothering me --- no more!!! I haven't even finished my first week taking it. My memory seems sharper and my appetite is LOWER....

I can't wait to really get it in my system. Don't forget to get the DeSouza's brand. It is supposed to be the BEST :up: :yep:
I have more stamina; the chlorophyl changes the way my body reacts to stress. The deodorizing is great. I had a nagging muscle in my hip that was bothering me --- no more!!! I haven't even finished my first week taking it. My memory seems sharper and my appetite is LOWER....

I can't wait to really get it in my system. Don't forget to get the DeSouza's brand. It is supposed to be the BEST :up: :yep:

Darn it Vevster! I'm now REALLY considering this for internal benefits!
I have more stamina; the chlorophyl changes the way my body reacts to stress. The deodorizing is great. I had a nagging muscle in my hip that was bothering me --- no more!!! I haven't even finished my first week taking it. My memory seems sharper and my appetite is LOWER....

I can't wait to really get it in my system. Don't forget to get the DeSouza's brand. It is supposed to be the BEST :up: :yep:
Chile I need to send you a present, because you certainly have given me one Ms. Vester....!! ....runs off to purchase the green stuff :drunk:
Chile I need to send you a present, because you certainly have given me one Ms. Vester....!! ....runs off to purchase the green stuff :drunk:
I think you will find it a complement to what you are taking already! :yep:

Let me go take my bedtime dose...
What do you mean by this?
No body odor at all even after a long day. This includes feet etc.

Now don't get it twisted I'm not stinky, but I am talking about the normal smell that accumulates before you take your show is not there. Plus, when you go to the bathroom NO SMELL!!!!
No body odor at all even after a long day. This includes feet etc.

Now don't get it twisted I'm not stinky, but I am talking about the normal smell that accumulates before you take your show is not there. Plus, when you go to the bathroom NO SMELL!!!!

Really....hmmm. Do you have any brand or type recommendations ie liquid vs pills etc?

BTW I ordered two bottles. I think I'm going to drop the MSM and see what this can do alone , and I think MSM is causing me cystic acne as well so its probably for the best.

I want to get get kelp and alfalfa but I think I will wait a few months.

ETA: NM I see you said DeSouza's brand was best. Do you have any websites regarding this?
Really....hmmm. Do you have any brand or type recommendations ie liquid vs pills etc?

BTW I ordered two bottles. I think I'm going to drop the MSM and see what this can do alone , and I think MSM is causing me cystic acne as well so its probably for the best.

I want to get get kelp and alfalfa but I think I will wait a few months.

ETA: NM I see you said DeSouza's brand was best. Do you have any websites regarding this?
Nope, I heard this from my practitioner.
I'm still on the silica, my hair is all over the place. HAM. It is very hard to maintain neat braids but I am much new growth! My texture seems much softer and springier than it was before. When I take a braid down, I do notice some changes in length(more than usual) but my changes are more in thickness and texture....

My nails...MY NAILS....they are off the chain. wow. I really love them!

I just got some chloryphyll Friday, but I really dont like it too much.It has some kinda mint added and I dont like it...I have been mixing it with my goji and that helps. I am really looking forward to this....
I'm still on the silica, my hair is all over the place. HAM. It is very hard to maintain neat braids but I am much new growth! My texture seems much softer and springier than it was before. When I take a braid down, I do notice some changes in length(more than usual) but my changes are more in thickness and texture....

My nails...MY NAILS....they are off the chain. wow. I really love them!

I just got some chloryphyll Friday, but I really dont like it too much.It has some kinda mint added and I dont like it...I have been mixing it with my goji and that helps. I am really looking forward to this....
Ditto Ditto Ditto, I'm glad I don't have braids right now, it would be impossible!! My texture is so soft, my hair does not dry out like it did before, even now that I'm using the Mega Tek which is protein based on my natural hair. My hair is stronger, and it softer and more moist without my having to do so much extra to maintain the moisture like before.

And like you said about the nails, even if I chip an nail now it's still long!! LOL They are too long, I have to file them back each manicure. I don't want them to get past the length in my siggy, which they are longer now, so I have to keep fileing them back!! I never had this "problem" before!! LOL :giggle:
I'm still on the silica, my hair is all over the place. HAM. It is very hard to maintain neat braids but I am much new growth! My texture seems much softer and springier than it was before. When I take a braid down, I do notice some changes in length(more than usual) but my changes are more in thickness and texture....

My nails...MY NAILS....they are off the chain. wow. I really love them!

I just got some chloryphyll Friday, but I really dont like it too much.It has some kinda mint added and I dont like it...I have been mixing it with my goji and that helps. I am really looking forward to this....
FYI, the brand I take has not mint-- which can render homeopathics useless by the way.

It tastes like wheatgrass and is growing on me.