Bio Available Silica challenge anyone? So Easy

I'm still on the silica, my hair is all over the place. HAM. It is very hard to maintain neat braids but I am much new growth! My texture seems much softer and springier than it was before. When I take a braid down, I do notice some changes in length(more than usual) but my changes are more in thickness and texture....

My nails...MY NAILS....they are off the chain. wow. I really love them!

I just got some chloryphyll Friday, but I really dont like it too much.It has some kinda mint added and I dont like it...I have been mixing it with my goji and that helps. I am really looking forward to this....
I am so happy for you and AtlantaJJ and all the others reaping the benefit of this supplement!

I want to add that I graduated from purple and red rollers to Gray and Purple ones!

I'm really stretching my relaxer right now. I have 2 inches of new growth. I will prob make it to the salon next week for sure.
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I think these vitamins are also really helping out with my nails. I took some acrylics off recently (why did I ever put them on) and my nails were so thin they were painful. After 2 weeks of taking these vitamins I've noticed that my nails are getting stronger and thicker.
I think these vitamins are also really helping out with my nails. I took some acrylics off recently (why did I ever put them on) and my nails were so thin they were painful. After 2 weeks of taking these vitamins I've noticed that my nails are getting stronger and thicker.
I hear ya, I will never put on an acrylic or Solar nail again, thanks to Silica!
I WOULD LIKE TO JOIN MY BOTTLES ARE HERE! I got them last week. I started out with 3 a day now IM going to up it to 4 a day. I heard somebody say that it's better to take them at night is that true?
I WOULD LIKE TO JOIN MY BOTTLES ARE HERE! I got them last week. I started out with 3 a day now IM going to up it to 4 a day. I heard somebody say that it's better to take them at night is that true?
Take part of your 4 before bed.

Liquid Chlorophyll will help with low Iron. I'm gettting ready to take DeSouza's chlorophyl morning and night. I have a family inherited condition.

So do I Vevster! I have taken iron IV for years. I am waiting on my interim ferritin level now, but when I started it was 4. Thanks so much for the chlorophyll info. I am going to try that and the silica. How do you take the chlorophyll? Do you put it in a green smoothie?
So do I Vevster! I have taken iron IV for years. I am waiting on my interim ferritin level now, but when I started it was 4. Thanks so much for the chlorophyll info. I am going to try that and the silica. How do you take the chlorophyll? Do you put it in a green smoothie?
Every am and pm, I put 1 TB in a glass then cut it with some filtered water. I just chug it down. That way I get it everday.

You could put it in a green smoothie, I suppose, but I like to take it like medicine :yep:

how many should I start out with? would 2-3 be too much? I have never taken silica before.

thanks in advance Vev,
Take one with each meal if you like. I also like to take a 4rth before bed.
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I want to join this challenge, off to place my order.

This challenge has been going over 5 months, does anyone have any side by side comparison pictures.

I want to see the results from the silica.
Hey all, I have been a lurker, reader...avid nail fanatic and occasional poster. I watched this forum back when and started on Silica, but also on a few other vits. I experienced super growth of nails and hair everywhere. I wasn't sure which was working so I tapered off all to find which was working and save some $$. I can honestly say after these past couple months without Silica, my hair growth has slowed. My nails and hair don't shed or break.....but nothing extra, no extra growth. When I took Silica and broke a nail it was back in no time flat, now it's weeks. So I guess what my report is saying is, I have maintained what Silica gave me. Back to VS to get more right now.
Am I the only one who hasn't seen any outstanding results from this? I'd used cheapo Vitamin Shoppe silica before these. I am on my third bottle now and I really don't see enough of an increase in growth to justify paying $15+ for a bottle of 120 pills when I'm taking six a day.
I want to join this challenge. I bought the wrong one from the Vitamin Shoppe the other day. It only has 50mg of Silica:sad:. I can't take it back because I already opened it and took some:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:. So I'm going to go back to the Vitamin Shoppe and get the right one. How long before you seeing results?
Am I the only one who hasn't seen any outstanding results from this? I'd used cheapo Vitamin Shoppe silica before these. I am on my third bottle now and I really don't see enough of an increase in growth to justify paying $15+ for a bottle of 120 pills when I'm taking six a day.
How are your iron levels? We discussed this a few pages back folks had not seen the results had low iron.