Well-Known Member
tacky update: vev starts sibling strife
so, i'm running low on the silica pills so i asked my sis if she's using the bottle I gave to her (really i gave them to her husband (back issue) who passed them on to her since he didn't see instantaneous results). first she looked at my hair then gave me the lips and attitude "No, I haven't used them yet but you're not getting them back."
in her defense my hair is shining something FIERCE!
i haven't noticed dramatic growth but the lusture's ridiculous...and i'm happy with that.
AJJ: yup my nails look like i've got acrylic on them also.
I should probably post this in the chlorophyll fact, I'm off to go read it but, vevster, if u can answer: What the hell is in that stuff? (I'm doing World Organics because I saw Isis' brand post first). I hope I don't OD on the stuff - I drink it by itself plus I spike my green smoothies with it. I may need a Chlorophyll 12-step soon. When I drink it I get such a sense of well-being. I just feel so peaceful.
Well, I guess the easiest way to explain is that chlorophyl is to plants what blood is too us humans.... I'm glad it is enhancing your life