Bio Available Silica challenge anyone? So Easy

UPDATE on Lab Results!!!

Ya'll won't believe what my ferritin (iron) level is....It is a 20!

That is super low! For all I know, that could be the key as to why my nails are suffering the way they are and the reason I am so tired. I'm surprised my hair is doing okay.

My doctor told me that I should take one over-the-counter iron tablet a day. She recommended Slow Fe because of its high potency and its gentleness on the stomach. Hopefully one a day will do the trick.

AtlantaJJ, what iron supplement did your doctor recommend? Was it over the counter? How much iron are you taking daily?

My doctor wants me to supplement with the iron for 3 months and then redo the blood test.

I'm hopeful that increasing my iron intake without overdoing it will be the key and then the Alta silica can work its magic!

I had a similar problem before. My hematocrit levels were super super low and I had to start taking iron as well. I recommend taking your iron with some juice for a little vitamin c which can help absorption. I also drank some red wine 2-3 times a week to give me a little iron boost too. Don't forget to increase your intake of LEAN protein. Good Luck and keep us posted! :sneakyhug:
Liquid Chlorophyll will help with low Iron. I'm gettting ready to take DeSouza's chlorophyl morning and night. I have a family inherited condition.
The recomended Silica has turned my nails from weak, soft and tearing into strong, hard talons. :pepper:

After taking of my acrylic nails, my natural nails were horrible. I thought it would take months to heal and repair, it was so painful and unsightly I even thought about having the acrylics put back on.

I saw this thread and said what the heck. I ordered my Silica from vita cost about a month ago. The first week I took two per day, the 2nd week three per day and now I am holding steady at four per day.

Thank you for this challenge and this thread:2cool:
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The recomended Silca has turned my nails from weak, soft and tearing into strong, hard talons. :pepper:

After taking of my acrylic nails, my natural nails were horrible. I thought it would take months to heal and repair, it was so painful and unsightly I even thought about having the acrylics put back on.

I saw this thread and said what the heck. I ordered my Silica bout a month ago. The first week I took two per day, the 2nd week three per day and now I am holding steady at four per day.

Thank you for this challenge and this thread:2cool:

Is this the Alta silica that you're speaking about?
Is this the Alta silica that you're speaking about?

Yes. I got it from

The recomended Silica has turned my nails from weak, soft and tearing into strong, hard talons. :pepper:

After taking of my acrylic nails, my natural nails were horrible. I thought it would take months to heal and repair, it was so painful and unsightly I even thought about having the acrylics put back on.

I saw this thread and said what the heck. I ordered my Silica from vita cost about a month ago. The first week I took two per day, the 2nd week three per day and now I am holding steady at four per day.

Thank you for this challenge and this thread:2cool:
Congratulations!!!! :woot:
Sista Vester gets the JJ Challenge of the year award!!

Thanks to her sharing this invaluable information, I have hair springing out of my head and finger nails to die for !!!!!

Vester girl YOU ROCK!!!
The recomended Silica has turned my nails from weak, soft and tearing into strong, hard talons. :pepper:

After taking of my acrylic nails, my natural nails were horrible. I thought it would take months to heal and repair, it was so painful and unsightly I even thought about having the acrylics put back on.

I saw this thread and said what the heck. I ordered my Silica from vita cost about a month ago. The first week I took two per day, the 2nd week three per day and now I am holding steady at four per day.

Thank you for this challenge and this thread:2cool:
Girl think of the money and the time we are saving!!! My nails were trashed after 20 + years of acrylics!! Now I'm a nail polish addict because I enjoy doing my own manicures!!
I am back on it, 4 a day at night, and my skin is bk blinging again! i really like this stuff, because i feel like i see instant results in my skin looking so vibrant. I get many compliments !
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Thanks for the info on the ferritin level. Take a look at the last paragraph about iron. I never heard of a ferritin level. :grin:
Diet and Dietary SupplementsSometimes an effective way to promote healthy hair growth is from the inside out. There are many vitamins, minerals and supplements that can be incorporated into your diet to help nourish your hair. But do not rely on supplements alone, they are not supposed to be taken as a “cure” for balding or thinning hair; rather they are a good complementary treatment to help provide optimal health for hair growth. Just like many other nutritional supplements, it takes about 4 – 8 weeks to notice a difference, so anticipate accordingly. Also, it is best to obtain these supplements through food first. A healthy, balanced and nutritious diet is key to not only having healthy hair but imperative for an overall healthy lifestyle.

In this day and age, numerous trend or fad diets have come and gone, and many have placed an emphasis on restrictions of certain types of foods, including protein and more popularly, carbohydrates.
Protein is a very important aspect in a nutritious diet. Protein that is eaten is then broken down into amino acids, which are used to construct new body tissues, including ones found in the hair, skin, hormones and more. An adequate amount of protein in your diet will definitely help support healthy hair growth. Lean meats, soy, legumes, grains, dairy, fish, eggs, poultry, nuts and seeds are all exceptional sources of protein.Recently, there has been a trend in cutting out carbohydrates from people’s diets. Carbohydrates are not necessarily bad for you. They do help provide the energy for activity and body tissue and hair growth. Carbohydrates are also a good source of b-complex vitamins. Cereals, fruits, breads, veggies and pastas are sources of carbs. Try incorporating more nonrefined, natural carbs (such as whole grains, cereals, legumes, brown rice, potatoes, yams, fruits and veggies) and consume less overly refined carbs, such as sugar, white flour and breads

Iron: Along with your typical blood test, iron, total iron binding capacity (TIBC), transferring saturation and ferritin are also tests that women who are suffering from hair loss should consider getting. About 20% of women, 50% of women in pregnancy and about 30% of men have an iron deficiency. Having an iron deficiency not only poses a health problem, it is also a common cause of hair loss, typically telogen effluvium. Many women do not even realize that they could possibly anemic, until they perform this test.
A ferritin level of 70 is considered healthy for a woman, but usually a level of 100 is necessary for good hair growth.
Iron can be taken as tablet supplements, through red meat, dark meat of chicken or turkey, liver, green leafy veggies and dried fruits. Dairy, caffeine and calcium can decrease iron absorption, while vitamin C and L-lysine help your body absorb iron.

Bingo!! I fired my doctor and I've been working on my iron and my life has changed ever since!! I am so glad you found this information. This says 100 is optimal!! I heard 70, no matter I take my iron almost every day. I will post what I take when I get home. I take it with Vitamin C / Amino blend that helps with absorption.
UPDATE on Lab Results!!!

Ya'll won't believe what my ferritin (iron) level is....It is a 20!

That is super low! For all I know, that could be the key as to why my nails are suffering the way they are and the reason I am so tired. I'm surprised my hair is doing okay.

My doctor told me that I should take one over-the-counter iron tablet a day. She recommended Slow Fe because of its high potency and its gentleness on the stomach. Hopefully one a day will do the trick.

AtlantaJJ, what iron supplement did your doctor recommend? Was it over the counter? How much iron are you taking daily?

My doctor wants me to supplement with the iron for 3 months and then redo the blood test.

I'm hopeful that increasing my iron intake without overdoing it will be the key and then the Alta silica can work its magic!
See BINGO!! Auntie J told you right LOL I'll PM you when I get home what I'm using. It's OTC and I supplement my iron with a Vitamin C / Amino blend that helps boost iron absorption. I am so glad you got to the bottom of this!! :clap:
Liquid Chlorophyll will help with low Iron. I'm gettting ready to take DeSouza's chlorophyl morning and night. I have a family inherited condition.

I remember a thread about Chlorophyll for hair growth. I had no idea that it helped with low iron. I will be looking into this. Thanks Vevster!!
See BINGO!! Auntie J told you right LOL I'll PM you when I get home what I'm using. It's OTC and I supplement my iron with a Vitamin C / Amino blend that helps boost iron absorption. I am so glad you got to the bottom of this!! :clap:

Thank you Auntie J! You were on-point with your advice! :kiss:
Sista Vevster gets the JJ Challenge of the year award!!

Thanks to her sharing this invaluable information, I have hair springing out of my head and finger nails to die for !!!!!

Vevster girl YOU ROCK!!!

You too! You are my co-pilot on this challenge, bringing in the IRON factor!!!

SYNERGY at it is FINEST!!!!!
Bingo!! I fired my doctor and I've been working on my iron and my life has changed ever since!! I am so glad you found this information. This says 100 is optimal!! I heard 70, no matter I take my iron almost every day. I will post what I take when I get home. I take it with Vitamin C / Amino blend that helps with absorption.

Cool and waiting your post about the Vitamin C / Amino blend. :grin:
Sista Vester gets the JJ Challenge of the year award!!

Thanks to her sharing this invaluable information, I have hair springing out of my head and finger nails to die for !!!!!

Vester girl YOU ROCK!!!

I agree. I would NEVER have know about this type/brand of Silica if not for Vester! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
I back on it, 4 day at night, and my skin is bk blinging again! i really like this stuff, because i feel like i see instant results in my skin looking so vibrant. I get many compliments !

Is it better to take them at night? I have been taking them in the morning. I'll switch to night time if the results are better.
Yup I've decided to do two in the a.m and two in the p.m. Hopefully it doesn't keep me awake the way Biotin did (before I stopped taking it because of the massive pimples it caused).
Well, see how it goes and always listen to you body-- which I know you are planning to do :yep:
Hey Vevster,

Just letting you know that I would like to join this challenge. I just purchased two bottles of Alta silica from the Vitacost website. I will let you know when I receive them in the mail so that I can begin the challenge ASAP:grin:

Thanks so much for the wealth of information you have provided. This challenge has also encouraged me to start leading a more healthier lifestyle and eating correctly. Thanks so much for starting this challenge.:grin:
Hey Vevster,

Just letting you know that I would like to join this challenge. I just purchased two bottles of Alta silica from the Vitacost website. I will let you know when I receive them in the mail so that I can begin the challenge ASAP:grin:

Thanks so much for the wealth of information you have provided. This challenge has also encouraged me to start leading a more healthier lifestyle and eating correctly. Thanks so much for starting this challenge.:grin:
You are welcome! Great Success with it!
I have an opportunity to purchase 4 cases of Alta Silica (12 bottles each), but the catch is that the exp. date is 6/08. We all know that exp. dates don't mean much on vitamins, so I'm inclined to buy them.

Would anyone want to purchase a few bottles from me at a significant discount? I could certainly do better than the $13-15 most are paying. Send me a PM if interested.
I have an opportunity to purchase 4 cases of Alta Silica (12 bottles each), but the catch is that the exp. date is 6/08. We all know that exp. dates don't mean much on vitamins, so I'm inclined to buy them.

Would anyone want to purchase a few bottles from me at a significant discount? I could certainly do better than the $13-15 most are paying. Send me a PM if interested.

what is the significant discounted amount + shipping?