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UPDATE on Lab Results!!!
Ya'll won't believe what my ferritin (iron) level is....It is a 20!
That is super low! For all I know, that could be the key as to why my nails are suffering the way they are and the reason I am so tired. I'm surprised my hair is doing okay.
My doctor told me that I should take one over-the-counter iron tablet a day. She recommended Slow Fe because of its high potency and its gentleness on the stomach. Hopefully one a day will do the trick.
AtlantaJJ, what iron supplement did your doctor recommend? Was it over the counter? How much iron are you taking daily?
My doctor wants me to supplement with the iron for 3 months and then redo the blood test.
I'm hopeful that increasing my iron intake without overdoing it will be the key and then the Alta silica can work its magic!
I had a similar problem before. My hematocrit levels were super super low and I had to start taking iron as well. I recommend taking your iron with some juice for a little vitamin c which can help absorption. I also drank some red wine 2-3 times a week to give me a little iron boost too. Don't forget to increase your intake of LEAN protein. Good Luck and keep us posted!