Be honest: Do you trust your Dh/SO??

I have nothing against gay people. I have 'em in my family, fight their cause, and love them like anybody else so I don't see being gay as being an extreme. She's open about her orientation so why not discuss it.

Extremes. Always... :lol:
I trust my dh. But I only 100% trust God if that makes sense.

I'm sorry you're feeling that way OP- I have no advice but I wanted to say thanks for your honesty in saying that. I believe many women feel this way regardless if it's warranted.

That is perfectly worded.

Humans are human and you never know what a human will do, but yes I do trust him. He hasn't given me a reason not to.
Maybe she wants to be with someone else. Seeing another woman is still cheating in my book.

The projection thing makes sense, didn't need a link for that. I'm just lost as to where sexual orientation comes in. You can be straight and projecting.
The projection thing makes sense, didn't need a link for that. I'm just lost as to where sexual orientation comes in. You can be straight and projecting.

It might not have anything to do with it. But I read the same post (other thread) and thought the same thing. I have no problem with a personals sexual orientation. It could be a deeper reason as to why OP feels that way and hasn't addressed, who knows.
So are you assuming since she doesn't trust all men it could be because she's gay or bi?

IDK about this one....I really think her problem is TRUST and nothing more.
Ok, I must be missing some information here.

ETA: I'm all caught up now...
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My husband knows I'm its no secret. If i have the urge to be with a woman, he will be the first to me

I think your feelings are normal considering the "openness" of your marriage. If you have the right to venture within the marriage I'm assuming that he has the same right with whatever gender partner he chooses.

I say your feelings of doubt are justified but maybe not divorce able. Just the price to paid for your arrangement.

Why would trust or jealousy be such a prominent factor?
Ok....I read the posts in the other threads.

OP, are you and your husband swingers? past swingers?

Do you know a lot of swingers?

I wonder if your issues are coming somewhere connected to the lifestyle?
You need to give a long hard thought towards going to therapy and sticking to it. Just from reading these posts, there are things going on that contain so many layers that just one post or word of advice will not do.
Wut does her being gay have to do with anything? ???

Wait...they're swingers?

Huh?? Lol

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So listen, if y'all swing (if I'm reading this and the other thread thread right) how can that be considered cheating?

I guess my confusion is this; if you already give him permission to screw around with other women, how can you get mad and not trust him when he's doing it because you gave him permission?

I'm just asking because I'm sort of confused.

Also, therapy. Therapy can take YEARS because its usually just not one thing, but a combination of things that have to be worked through. Its not something you can do in 6 weeks and call yourself cured. During times in my life when stress is the worst, I go once a week. When its not, its once a month. We've worked out a schedule that works best for both of us.

I've had a therapist most of my adult life. Not ashamed to admit it either. It takes a strong *** person to admit they can't get through some of the **** called life alone. Mental health is just as important as physical.

But anyway back to this other um... if you can't trust him, you shouldn't be with him.

I trust my husband, but I realize he's human and has the propensity to cheat. By the same token I know that he trusts me, but, I also am human and also have the propensity to cheat. It goes both ways.

So being armed with that knowledge, hell, I don't worry about it unless that day actually happens. If it does, I cross that bridge when I get to it.

Ok....I read the posts in the other threads.

OP, are you and your husband swingers? past swingers?

Do you know a lot of swingers?

I wonder if your issues are coming somewhere connected to the lifestyle?

We have swinged in the past. We have slowed down since getting married. Part of wants to least until I get my mind right
We have swinged in the past. We have slowed down since getting married. Part of wants to least until I get my mind right

Thank you for responding and being honest.

The problem here is that you are actually struggling with the lifystyle and what marriage represents.

It happens to a lot of people in the lifestyle, you aren't alone.

I honestly doubt you'll get the advice you need from this board.
Thank you for responding and being honest.

The problem here is that you are actually struggling with the lifystyle and what marriage represents.

It happens to a lot of people in the lifestyle, you aren't alone.

I honestly doubt you'll get the advice you need from this board.

I have to agree with you Windsy, not about the husband /swinging lifestyle. I also have to say that there are somethings, once done, can't be least not without a lot of work on both sides.


So listen, if y'all swing (if I'm reading this and the other thread thread right) how can that be considered cheating?

I guess my confusion is this; if you already give him permission to screw around with other women, how can you get mad and not trust him when he's doing it because you gave him permission?

I'm just asking because I'm sort of confused.

Also, therapy. Therapy can take YEARS because its usually just not one thing, but a combination of things that have to be worked through. Its not something you can do in 6 weeks and call yourself cured. During times in my life when stress is the worst, I go once a week. When its not, its once a month. We've worked out a schedule that works best for both of us.

I've had a therapist most of my adult life. Not ashamed to admit it either. It takes a strong *** person to admit they can't get through some of the **** called life alone. Mental health is just as important as physical.

But anyway back to this other um... if you can't trust him, you shouldn't be with him.

I trust my husband, but I realize he's human and has the propensity to cheat. By the same token I know that he trusts me, but, I also am human and also have the propensity to cheat. It goes both ways.

So being armed with that knowledge, hell, I don't worry about it unless that day actually happens. If it does, I cross that bridge when I get to it.


When we did swing..we did it together. I'm just scared he will do it by himself...especially if we stop. He said that was dumb for me to feel that way. It's whatever
I don't think it's dumb for you to feel that he's attracted to swinging at all. But I can see this being a problem when one wants to stop but the other one wants to continue.

I'm sure you have your reasons and it's your body and your right to stop. I just think most men wouldn't want to stop...especially if they had found a partner that was agreeable to it at first. There view is...why change?

Don't know much about it, but I read somewhere that 90% of the time it's the man's idea to take this up.
When we did swing..we did it together. I'm just scared he will do it by himself...especially if we stop. He said that was dumb for me to feel that way. It's whatever

Well then why aren't you both in counseling together, because you really should be. You're otherwise going to continue to feel like you can't trust him without some mediation between you.

And I do stand by what I said earlier. When a relationship starts out in that way, its almost expected to continue that way. And when you give your man permission to screw around, its not like he's going to like having that taken away unless you're both on the same page.

I suggest you have a heart to heart with him, tell him you're done with the lifestyle, and both of you should get into counseling.

Otherwise, if you're not going to talk, not going to go through the counseling to at least try to save the marriage, it will crumble.

We have swinged in the past. We have slowed down since getting married. Part of wants to least until I get my mind right

I think this is where the trust issues come from. I don't think this is about sexual orientation at all.I know people that swing and it starts off all fun and good, then when one wants to stop the other doesn't or vice versa--the trust issues come into play and they worry the person will "cheat" or find someone behind their back.

But thanks for being honest about what's going on.
Ok....I read the posts in the other threads.

OP, are you and your husband swingers? past swingers?

Do you know a lot of swingers?

I wonder if your issues are coming somewhere connected to the lifestyle?

this was the piece of the puzzle I was missing. Exits thread now.
Actually it was my idea to get in the lifestyle. There were things i wanted to try. I have said I wanted to stop, but would change my i was crying wolf. I'm afraid if i really mean it this time sh would go into Wtf mode. I got the most pleasure out of the lifestyle than he did. I.wont get into detail. So its a matter of really sticking to my guns
Actually it was my idea to get in the lifestyle. There were things i wanted to try. I have said I wanted to stop, but would change my i was crying wolf. I'm afraid if i really mean it this time sh would go into Wtf mode. I got the most pleasure out of the lifestyle than he did. I.wont get into detail. So its a matter of really sticking to my guns

That was my point. Do you think if you stopped, he would perhaps "cheat" or be with someone w/o your permission? That maybe the distrust issue/fear.