AYURVEDA USERS - Peep this...Indian Women have a LHCF too!

LANGT not literally bald. Let me make this clear. Yashikushi's recipes are tailored to HER hair and she knows what she's doing w/ herbs. For people who don't know what they're doing w/ herbs, they need to start slow and small. Her recipes will not work the same on hair of a different texture. I know this because I know what ingredients she's using and how they work.

For African textures, her recipes are far too drying, IMHO....but folks should try them and seee for themselves. I won't! :giggle:
Sorry, but color issues here predate European contact by millena. (This is also true for societies other than India) This goes back to issues of class and status.....darker skins imply you work the fields and lighter skins imply that you don't. It's tied up in the caste system.

Can't blame this one on the White man. :grin: It's ain't ALL about White folks...except manybe for some Black folks! ;)

The caste system was based on socio-economic factors. Not skin color.
jamaraa - oh i havent even read them all yet lol..!
but i dont see how one would go bald tho?

Langt if you want more information on using the powders on textured hair - here is a link to a current six month challenge:


As with anything, you have to figure out what's right for you. I remember when Carol's Daughter was the rage and her products literally took my hair out. I also, know that I can't use anything with petroleum, mineral oil, lanolin, castile, and heavy duty proteins. But that's me. Other ladies on the board swear by products with these ingredients in them. So you might check out the thread above if you are interested in exploring it further.

Also, a lot of the recipes that the ladies on this board use are the same ones that are suggested on idusladies. I don't really have a problem with them but that's just me.
Thank you so much for all this info. Its certainly helpful. I will have to stock up on some of these oils and powders.