Ayurveda Lovers Unite!!!

I have the obscenely elaborate powder combination that I use to make my rinses. I mix it with a bentonite/rhassoul clay mix and let that sit on my head for 30 minutes once a week. My scalp is ridiculously clean, not to mention the rest of my hair.
Ronnieaj Okay, spill the beans. What is this mixture? And I have bentonite and rhassoul clay. I do a clay treatment once a week and my hair feels awesome afterwards! I would love to incorporate ayurvedic in with that.

Please, please come back and tell me.
I hear that the cadillac of Ayurveda oils is Neelibhringadi, that it will thicken and strengthen hair. It has been hard for me to find on the shelf.

gn1g Hmmm I have to look into this...There are a lot of indian groceries in my area, I've been a little embarrassed to go. Thinking they'd give me the side eye. But if i can get some of these things without having to order online that would be great. That was the biggest reason I kinda fell off my ayurvedic regimen. I was only using oils though and I have alma and henna and cassia powders and also a henna that includes a lot of other herbs...
I have the obscenely elaborate powder combination that I use to make my rinses. I mix it with a bentonite/rhassoul clay mix and let that sit on my head for 30 minutes once a week. My scalp is ridiculously clean, not to mention the rest of my hair.


I think I want to start doing rinses because I think i'm going to wig it for the winter so keep my hair braided. Do you ladies think I can effectively do the rinses with my hair in corn rows?? My plan is to still wash/cowash my hair weekly while in the corn rows and only take them down once per month (I can't braid so this would work out well for me)
@Ronnieaj Okay, spill the beans. What is this mixture? And I have bentonite and rhassoul clay. I do a clay treatment once a week and my hair feels awesome afterwards! I would love to incorporate ayurvedic in with that.

Please, please come back and tell me.

LOLOL, okay okay okay :grin:. I mix shikakai, aritha (I know they're super strong), 1tsp each, and at least 1T of cassia, maka, tulsi, hibiscus, fenugreek, and neem, and 3T each of amla and brahmi. My hair is a bit of a protein wh*re, so it can take the strength of these ingredients. In the winter I may do 2T of the maka, hisbiscus and fenugreek, since they're so moisturizing, and cut back a bit on the brahmi. I mix them all together and then I can just scoop out a mix to make my rinses.

All the ladies over at the mud wash thread made me try to figure out how to combine the clay treatments and ayurveda, and they mention thinning their washes with water. Well, why not thin it with a tea rinse mixture instead :look:? That's what I do, mix 2tsp of my clay mixture with 2tsp of the tea rinse. I lightly oil my hair, apply the mix, let it sit for 30 min, and then rinse. That's why the amount of shikaki and aritha I use is so small, since the bentonite and rhassoul are cleansing as well and I don't want it too strong. This allows me to do combine the two without taking up my whole day.

I hope that makes some sense :yep:.

I think I want to start doing rinses because I think i'm going to wig it for the winter so keep my hair braided. Do you ladies think I can effectively do the rinses with my hair in corn rows?? My plan is to still wash/cowash my hair weekly while in the corn rows and only take them down once per month (I can't braid so this would work out well for me)

I think you should be able to do them. I'm in twists and do them in twists all the time. I apply with an applicator bottle, which should help you with not agitating the cornrows too much. Just be sure to oil the hair first, also with an applicator bottle if need be, because the powders can be pretty strong and you want a buffer.
Ronnieaj oh it definitely makes sense. this is pure genius, period. i'm trying it as soon as possible (maka tea + clay, my hair menaced to divorce when I tried reetha or brahmi). I love you for sharing this.
I think you should be able to do them. I'm in twists and do them in twists all the time. I apply with an applicator bottle, which should help you with not agitating the cornrows too much. Just be sure to oil the hair first, also with an applicator bottle if need be, because the powders can be pretty strong and you want a buffer.


I never ever ever knew I needed to oil first. Interesting...will any oil of choice do?? I have so many that I stocked up on (a lot of ceramides) and i'd love to put them to use.

I never ever ever knew I needed to oil first. Interesting...will any oil of choice do?? I have so many that I stocked up on (a lot of ceramides) and i'd love to put them to use.

growinghealthyhair, I've used a ton of different oils before with good results. I tend to try to use an ayurvedic powder, so the coconut, vatika, amla, shikakai, etc., but this time of year I'm just as likely to do a heavier oil. I think the ceramide oils would be just fine, I've used WhGO, Rice bran before.
I just hit up the Indian store. I needed to go pick up hair and cooking supplies. The only thing they didn't have was Shikakai. That will be in tomorrow. I have to find somewhere that sells a few things they don't carry. I'm missing the Bhringraj and Maka.
You guys I really need help. I want to start a Ayurvedic routine to help strengthen and thicken my hair. I read that neem is good for thickening. I also want something that's will be good for a healthy scalp. I have areas where there is very thin hair and its so thin it looks bald. I really think ayurvedic powders can help me from what I've read just not sure of what recipes to use.


Sounds like you're on the right track with the Neem.

For me, incorporating my powders into my normal routine has resulted in healthier and fuller hair (I'm fine stranded).

I add Neem and Shikakai powders to a cheapie condish with some water to keep it from getting too thick. That is my primary cleanser/shampoo. I add castille soap to my hubby's mix cause he needs lather.

Then I add Brahmi, Henna, Amla and now Hibiscus powders to a cheapie condish and add some oils and water to make my condish. I use that condish to cowash and sometimes as a leave in.

I've added hibiscus to my moisturizing DC to make it even more moisturizing.

So I still do my normal routine of one weekly wash and DC and then cowashing whenever I feel like it in between. I don't worry about doing pastes anymore, maybe only twice a year.

I oil my scalp with a homemade bhringaraj-infused oil.

Some ladies also do tea rinses and oil infusions instead of pastes. There are many ways to incorporate the powders -- just find what works best for you! :)

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I'm sitting with my cassia/amla/maka/brahmi/protein treatment. I've also put a tablespoon of kapoor kachri by HESH just for giiving it a try :) !
this kapoor kachri gave a big scent to my paste ! but it smells good for me!

I made my paste too much liquid :( I didn't like the application I like it when it's not too thick not too liquid. but this time it was too much liquid :( !

I've mixed my powders with an horsetail/nettle/colsfoot infusion( viva to high silica content herbs:grin: !!)
I don't have burdock and marshmallow root anymore :( but that's okay.
This past Thursday, I did a henna gloss with Nupur henna, honey, wheat germ, safflower, and fractionated coconut oil, and water. The softness was incredible. I plan to do a henna gloss once a week preferably on Sunday.
My hair is so healthy thanks to ayurveda and vitamins+eating right. Someone random stopped me almost every day last week to ask what I was doing and how I did it. I do weekly treatments of aritha, brahmi, & amla powder + jasmine, coconut, brama/amla oil, and bhraji (sp?) oil in any conditioner I have laying around. Slather it on and clean house or something for a few hours, rinse & go!

I also add the oils to cantu shea butter for my weekly twist-outs, which are so healthy and shiny. :lick:
My hair is so healthy thanks to ayurveda and vitamins+eating right. Someone random stopped me almost every day last week to ask what I was doing and how I did it. I do weekly treatments of aritha, brahmi, & amla powder + jasmine, coconut, brama/amla oil, and bhraji (sp?) oil in any conditioner I have laying around. Slather it on and clean house or something for a few hours, rinse & go!

I also add the oils to cantu shea butter for my weekly twist-outs, which are so healthy and shiny. :lick:
omnipadme where r you buying your stuff locally? The places I have been are hit and miss.

Ive fallen off big time. I finally got some neem oil, so I think that will be my weekly oil (mixed with something else). I have some bhrami sitting around, maybe I should start oiling my scalp with it
I rarely do pastes anymore. I'm an oil and tea rinse girl, especially since I'm in twists now. I oil the hair the night before and do a rinse the following morning. Its great because it's almost no manipulation which keeps the twists looking neat. I may combine the powders with the bentonite/rhassoul mix I do, but the b/r is really easy to rinse out, and the powders are...not.

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I rarely do pastes anymore. I'm an oil and tea rinse girl, especially since I'm in twists now. I oil the hair the night before and do a rinse the following morning. Its great because it's almost no manipulation which keeps the twists looking neat. I may combine the powders with the bentonite/rhassoul mix I do, but the b/r is really easy to rinse out, and the powders are...not.

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how many times in a week do you rinse ? if it's more than once a week, don't you have too much frizz :s??
I've experimented with the powders to find the right mix for my hair. I find that I really like the way my hair looks and feels after using Amla powder. Its makes my curl pattern tighter and leaves my hair shiny. I mix the powder with a little Bhringraj and Brahmi and water. I prepoo with Vatika or coconut oil. Once a month, I'll do a Rhassoul clay mask. I find that my hair tangles less after I do the mask, so I may start doing these more.
I've experimented with the powders to find the right mix for my hair. I find that I really like the way my hair looks and feels after using Amla powder. Its makes my curl pattern tighter and leaves my hair shiny. I mix the powder with a little Bhringraj and Brahmi and water. I prepoo with Vatika or coconut oil. Once a month, I'll do a Rhassoul clay mask. I find that my hair tangles less after I do the mask, so I may start doing these more.
Doing regular bentonite or rhassoul clay masks have eliminated my SSKs and keeps my ends so smooth. I Mix brine, aloe vera gel and rhassoul or bentonite clay, let it stay on a minimum of 20 minutes and rinse out. Immediately after applying it to my hair and scalp, I massage my scalp for about 2 - 3 minutes. My DCs, henna treatments, ayurvedic pastes and co-washing are so much more effective. Plus I use less products and do not have to do long steaming and DC sessions anymore.

It is permanently in my hair regimen and I'll never stop doing them!

ETA: Ronnieaj up-thread talks about adding ayurvedic powders to her clay mix. Last week I substituted ayurvedic tea for the brine and it was a perfect treatment. (The tea consisted of amla, bhringra(?), green tea extract, and hibiscus.)
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