AYURVEDA USERS - Peep this...Indian Women have a LHCF too!

Whoa! It's hard for me to believe that Indian women have problems retaining length. God bless those people with beautiful hair. The color, length, growth, thickness, sheen, strength is just out of this world.
I was just over their lurking...I mean researching :grin: and they come to our site, too, lol. There was a thread there that said "Drink your way to waistlength hair" (remember that, ladies?) and the woman said she got the information off of LHCF. Nice to know we can help one another out ;).

Yes, I noticed that as well. At first I thought she was referring to a causasian hair site..then looked again.
I've noticed they mentioned longhaircareforum in some posts. :yep:

Maaan, Indian women don't have real problems retaining hair length. Maybe a few, but not very many. That's like when they put up Jessica Simpson's picture and said she's "fat" and needs to "lose weight". I love Indian women's hair. The rest of the world purchases it to use as weave. I'll have to try this oil when I run out of my avocado and almond oils.
I've noticed they mentioned longhaircareforum in some posts. :yep:

It doesn't seem they like the hair pic in the link above...ouch..."I don't find her hair impressive"...:look: They also don't seem to trust using ghee on hair. hmmm
I was surfing the net *bored* and came across this website. As I was reading some of the threads, I'm sitting here thinking...hummm....those of us that are big on using the Ayurveda method....I think we know more than the Indian Women do in terms of hair care. Although they have long hair, they have the same problems as we do in terms of retaining length, etc. Go and take a look...

Thank you for sharing :yep: ! :grin:
Maaan, Indian women don't have real problems retaining hair length. Maybe a few, but not very many. That's like when they put up Jessica Simpson's picture and said she's "fat" and needs to "lose weight". I love Indian women's hair. The rest of the world purchases it to use as weave. I'll have to try this oil when I run out of my avocado and almond oils.

If they didn't, there wouldn't be so many anti "hair fall" formulas in vedic medicine. The fact that many Indians use these products says they know how to AVOID or FIX the worst of it. They are simply better at fixing their problems. Veda is 4,000 years old, after all. They benefit from the tried and true.

IOW, why pooh pooh their problems because they aren't exactly the same as ours? Their issues are just as "real" as ours. I just wanna point it out cuz we can learn from them and they from us. Maybe they'll start using conditioners! ;) :yep:
I've noticed they mentioned longhaircareforum in some posts. :yep:

It doesn't seem they like the hair pic in the link above...ouch..."I don't find her hair impressive"...:look: They also don't seem to trust using ghee on hair. hmmm

Ghee is an animal product from cows and many people there are vegetarian and/or Hindu. I think this plays a huge part in their attitudes about it. Other cultures use ghee just fine, but notably many of those aren't Hindus.
Just FYI, we know FAR LESS about Veda than these women do. Let's not kid ourselves!!! Most of the ones on IL asking questions are wanting more info and/or where to find X products. By and large, if they don't know something, they have mamas and grandmas to ask, we don't.

Let's avoid being too cocky w/ herbs, they can really backfire on us and teach us what we DON'T know! Proceed w/ caution.
Yashikushi (no she's not Japanese ;) ) is the poster y'all wanna watch. She KNOWS her stuff. This child grows and dries her own henna and hibiscus! She knows the local names of the same herb in different areas of India. She's the guru over there fo sho. (She's their JustKiya :giggle:)

HOWEVER her recipes are NOT for us unmodified AT ALL. In addition to having a very different texture than most of us, she has THIGH LENGTH hair and her measures (in metric) are for that length.
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I was just reading of of Yashikushi's forums (My secrets of growing looooong hair)!! Wooow, I could spend an half the day drinking up this new information! :guiness:

I love how she mentions that her hair isn't THAT long....only knee length!! :rofl: :rofl:
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^^^ LOL...she's right too. There are folks much longer than she is! Many Sikh men are really, tho you'll never see it! ;)

LOL...my mistake, I thought she was merely thigh length! That's another poster. ;)
I've noticed they mentioned longhaircareforum in some posts. :yep:

It doesn't seem they like the hair pic in the link above...ouch..."I don't find her hair impressive"...:look: They also don't seem to trust using ghee on hair. hmmm

I know. When I read that I felt a little stab at my heart (I am quite proud of my LHCF sisters and their hair :yep:). But I guess we all have the tendency to criticize people from other sites (like on youtube, lol). But in the same post there was an indian lady that said she saw a pretty good hair oil by African Pride, or a similar brand, so it's good to know they don't completely discredit everything we do.
About the not impressed comment...I missed it until the post above (which says just how important I thought it to be :giggle: )...truthfully when you have people w/ waist-knee length, umm well? Then again...how many pics do y'all see there? Easy for that poster to say this when she and none of the others ain't showing her own pics, n'est-ce pas? Quite unlike many on this site....and the vast majority of them don't have waist-knee length hair OR THEY"D NOT BE THERE, would they? That poster certainly lacked tact, unlike most of them there...they are very sweet in general, so let it roll guys. That's like one person on that site, so why focus on that and start letting BW inferority complex kick in? Bump her! Don't let somebody get you down before you even get up.

One more thing...some of y'all are in denial about some things, IMHO. The sooner it's gotten out the way, the better! NO you don't know more than they do about ayurveda, NO compared to the average Indo-Pak woman most of us do NOT have long hair, NO you can't use their recipes "as is" on African textures and get their great results, NO you shouldn't be surprised someone said what she said (it's their space after all, not ours. Far worse has been said about them here! Let's not be too hypocritical on the matter. Some of the comments even on this thread are very bigoted). That said, you CAN benefit from many things they say/do and both sides can learn from the other.

Very few of y'all have ever seen an IndoPak woman after using Western products (no conditioner clearly) and not putting oil in her hair. Well, I have. Lemme tell y'all....you'd fall over. HAM-New Jacked City people! :giggle: Just goes to show that being realistic about what your texture is/does pays off in the end.
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Picked up a few tips on facial/skin care...


These women sure are OBSESSED with having fair skin complexion! Read in one thread a women was recommending other mothers NOT to use olive oil when massaging their babies' skins because it makes them "dark". :perplexed

And the media likes to portray that it's only Black women who have issues with complexion... :rolleyes:
Yashikushi is the mod of the hair forum. You'll find her posts thru out. Again...don't try them, just use for reference.
Picked up a few tips on facial/skin care...


These women sure are OBSESSED with having fair skin complexion! Read in one thread a women was recommending other mothers NOT to use olive oil when massaging their babies' skins because it makes them "dark". :perplexed

And the media likes to portray that it's only Black women who have issues with complexion... :rolleyes:

This goes back to ancient times w/ Indians....check the ragas. Anyway, "the media" you're referring to is mostly US based I take it, but this is common knowledge outside of the US.
Picked up a few tips on facial/skin care...


These women sure are OBSESSED with having fair skin complexion! Read in one thread a women was recommending other mothers NOT to use olive oil when massaging their babies' skins because it makes them "dark". :perplexed

And the media likes to portray that it's only Black women who have issues with complexion... :rolleyes:

EVERY group of color that has had contact with Europeans has this problem. EVERY, SINGLE, ONE
jamaraa - DONT try them? why? have you had bad experience with some of her tips??

LOL...I'm not crazy enough to try them as she gave them. :lachen: She has knee length hair, for starters. The measures she gives are far too much for my hair and most people's here. She's mixing up things in KILOS, but for her that makes sense. For us, it would cost us a fortune and jack our hair up.

She also has access to very fresh herbs...she grows her own henna and the like.

She knows her stuff, no doubt.....but as I said earlier in this thread, you must adjust things to fit YOUR hair type and needs. If you did exactly what she did unedited, don't be surprised if you're bald! :giggle:
EVERY group of color that has had contact with Europeans has this problem. EVERY, SINGLE, ONE

Sorry, but color issues here predate European contact by millena. (This is also true for societies other than India) This goes back to issues of class and status.....darker skins imply you work the fields and lighter skins imply that you don't. It's tied up in the caste system.

Can't blame this one on the White man. :grin: It's ain't ALL about White folks...except manybe for some Black folks! ;)