Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women?’

Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

I don't live in Atlanta, but if I did I wouldn't bother seeing the movie. I'm personally tired of listening to all the reasons a.k.a. bull**** as to why black men date/marry white women, and lately I've been wondering why any black woman in her right mind would want a black man.

I honestly wish black women would stop wishing and waiting for her 'black king' and find true love elsewhere, but I know that for most black women there is no man more alluring and attractive than a black man and that no other man will do. I can truly respect that. Only God knows the race of my future 'Prince', but you rest assured that I'll be damned if I pass up a chance at true love just because he isn't black.
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

I hesitated to post here, but this is my 2 cents. I find it amazing that so much studying is going on as to why our race dates outside the race, when we are still the statistically lowest group (both BM and BW) to go there. I mean, we live in an integrated society, gosh darn it..It’s going to be a byproduct of this. I’ve never heard any study about why WM date Asian women and vice versa. I’ve never seen a study on the amount of Latina women or Middle Eastern women or men who date outside the race. Yet, we are always the ones when the media shows images of interracial relationships, like we are the poster children of it or something! I have many Black and non-Black friends. And my non-Black friends never get into these discussions on the level that we do. If they step outside their race, it’s gravy. If not, so be it. Of course they have the same issues of parents/family accepting this non-member of your race SO, what will the kids look like, etc. But it just never gets this deep. And I really hesitated to say this (please don’t throw stones), but I feel like many movies about the state of BM/BW relationships are about to crop up. It started with the Tired Black Man, which may have been an excellent movie (according to RR, Adequate and SummerRain). However, I feel like this topic is about to get exploited to the fullest, and not all movies will examine from a positive aspect like TBM. And I have the feeling that most of the patrons will be BW! This is a mighty industry. Aspiring filmakers, ready, set, shoot :lol:!
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

I just think that it's sad that those people never say :" I just fell in love". Instead they give 10.000 reasons that have nothing to do with love, it's really sad.
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

Its coming to Orlando in a couple weeks, I'm actually looking forward to seeing it.
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

I hesitated to post here, but this is my 2 cents. I find it amazing that so much studying is going on as to why our race dates outside the race, when we are still the statistically lowest group (both BM and BW) to go there. I mean, we live in an integrated society, gosh darn it..It’s going to be a byproduct of this. I’ve never heard any study about why WM date Asian women and vice versa. I’ve never seen a study on the amount of Latina women or Middle Eastern women or men who date outside the race. Yet, we are always the ones when the media shows images of interracial relationships, like we are the poster children of it or something! I have many Black and non-Black friends. And my non-Black friends never get into these discussions on the level that we do. If they step outside their race, it’s gravy. If not, so be it. Of course they have the same issues of parents/family accepting this non-member of your race SO, what will the kids look like, etc. But it just never gets this deep. And I really hesitated to say this (please don’t throw stones), but I feel like many movies about the state of BM/BW relationships are about to crop up. It started with the Tired Black Man, which may have been an excellent movie (according to RR, Adequate and SummerRain). However, I feel like this topic is about to get exploited to the fullest, and not all movies will examine from a positive aspect like TBM. And I have the feeling that most of the patrons will be BW! This is a mighty industry. Aspiring filmakers, ready, set, shoot :lol:!

I so agree with your post! This whole scenario is pretty played out to me, and lately i've seen a surge of this topic in all media mediums and I shake my head each time and ask 1)why and 2) who gives a rats arse. This movie apparently showcased documentary style interviews from rapid folks off the street and i'm guessing they chose the most controversial to highlight in the film.
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

I just think that it's sad that those people never say :" I just fell in love". Instead they give 10.000 reasons that have nothing to do with love, it's really sad.

Yes, very contrived and very sad.
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

Ummm, I live in Atlanta and it didn't cross my mind to see this!!! Some black filmmakers are always bringing frivolous issues to the big screen. How about we make a movie about something other than how Big T couldn't escape the streets and eventually died. I also think that issues like this arise because contrary to what most people say, some of them still have an issue with a black man dating a white woman especially if they don't have a black man themselves.
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

I just think that it's sad that those people never say :" I just fell in love". Instead they give 10.000 reasons that have nothing to do with love, it's really sad.

If only that and everything else in the world was that simple!
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

If only that and everything else in the world was that simple!

Yeah. But really if they are not in love and have to give so many reasons than I don't know why they are in such relationship to begin with.
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

Ummm, I live in Atlanta and it didn't cross my mind to see this!!! Some black filmmakers are always bringing frivolous issues to the big screen. How about we make a movie about something other than how Big T couldn't escape the streets and eventually died. I also think that issues like this arise because contrary to what most people say, some of them still have an issue with a black man dating a white woman especially if they don't have a black man themselves.

I agree with this (see my post above about living in an integrated society). However, I definitely think there is (or has become) a market (meaning $$making market) targeted at Black women to “explain” why they are in the scenario they are in. And there is moooooooooooney to be made from this new “genre” of films and books. And Hollywood sees it! There definitely is not one simple answer for why Black men date outside the race. And that’s why I said: “aspiring film-makers, ready, set, shoot:lol:!”
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

No and I don't plan to. I have come to the place where I don't care. I don't need to see some sterotype driven movie that tells me who i am because I am a black women. I define me.
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

Yet another attempt to 'big up' the WW:wallbash:
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

No and I don't plan to. I have come to the place where I don't care. I don't need to see some sterotype driven movie that tells me who i am because I am a black women. I define me.

Oh no! Don’t let a movie like this get you to that point. I actually think this is going to be like that time after Boyz in the Hood came out (I was really young, too young to see it in theaters). But for the next 5-6 years, all the movies were ghetto, gangsta kill em type movies. And sadly, when I saw Boyz in the Hood, I realized that it was an excellent movie with a message. But the copycats were not. Then the Waiting to Exhale movie genre (women hate men) movies came out, and the same thing. All these copycat movies came out. Then the “classy Black films” started rolling out “The Best Man,” “The Brothers” “Two Can Play that Game,” (I must be missing one). Now, “Tired Black Man” came out, and although I didn’t see it, from what other LHCF members said, it was a great film. Unfortunately, when someone takes the time and effort to make a great film in a “breakthrough” genre, imitators/copycats follow. And they don’t usually take the time and effort to make a quality film, not just cashing in on stereotypes. It’s sad, but true.
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

Oh no! Don’t let a movie like this get you to that point. I actually think this is going to be like that time after Boyz in the Hood came out (I was really young, too young to see it in theaters). But for the next 5-6 years, all the movies were ghetto, gangsta kill em type movies. And sadly, when I saw Boyz in the Hood, I realized that it was an excellent movie with a message. But the copycats were not. Then the Waiting to Exhale movie genre (women hate men) movies came out, and the same thing. All these copycat movies came out. Then the “classy Black films” started rolling out “The Best Man,” “The Brothers” “Two Can Play that Game,” (I must be missing one). Now, “Tired Black Man” came out, and although I didn’t see it, from what other LHCF members said, it was a great film. Unfortunately, when someone takes the time and effort to make a great film in a “breakthrough” genre, imitators/copycats follow. And they don’t usually take the time and effort to make a quality film, not just cashing in on stereotypes. It’s sad, but true.

It might be a great film but I am tired of hearing about what is wrong with black women. Most of the stereotypes people attribute to black women, I have never found to be true. In fact, the opposite is true.
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Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

It might be a great film but I am tired of hearing about what is wrong with black women. Most of the stereotypes people attribute to black women, I have never found to be true. In fact, the opposite is true.

I agree with this. I definitely think people are cashing in on this “cash cow,” of Black relationships gone bad. But I will not allow myself to get angry at what I see. Because there are a lot of good men we don’t “see” that aren’t misbehaving in this manner.
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

I hesitated to post here, but this is my 2 cents. I find it amazing that so much studying is going on as to why our race dates outside the race, when we are still the statistically lowest group (both BM and BW) to go there. I mean, we live in an integrated society, gosh darn it..It’s going to be a byproduct of this. I’ve never heard any study about why WM date Asian women and vice versa. I’ve never seen a study on the amount of Latina women or Middle Eastern women or men who date outside the race. Yet, we are always the ones when the media shows images of interracial relationships, like we are the poster children of it or something! I have many Black and non-Black friends. And my non-Black friends never get into these discussions on the level that we do. If they step outside their race, it’s gravy. If not, so be it. Of course they have the same issues of parents/family accepting this non-member of your race SO, what will the kids look like, etc. But it just never gets this deep. And I really hesitated to say this (please don’t throw stones), but I feel like many movies about the state of BM/BW relationships are about to crop up. It started with the Tired Black Man, which may have been an excellent movie (according to RR, Adequate and SummerRain). However, I feel like this topic is about to get exploited to the fullest, and not all movies will examine from a positive aspect like TBM. And I have the feeling that most of the patrons will be BW! This is a mighty industry. Aspiring filmakers, ready, set, shoot :lol:!

Coco, sweety, girlfriend, honey think too much :lol:
I agree this will simply be a new topic to exploit, angry and lonely black women, it all makes for best selling books and movies. While I do think the movie brings up some valid points that all women could learn from , I really can't get past some of the huge generalizations and hateful comments made by the film makers and his members about black women. I also think to some degree it's being played up to divide and distract black ppl. The good black men are convinced we either don't exist or don't want them and the good black women are convinced that good black men don't exist or don't want them. It's sad, both sides are running around like chickens with their heads cutoff.

When black ppl do something it's always a big deal.
You must understand, when Latina or Asian women date white men it's because they feel in love, when black men do it it's because all black women are loud, fat, mean, wear weaves and have baby daddies. When black women do it it's because all the good black men died out hundreds of years ago and the good genes now circulate only amongst white males:rolleyes:

I'm kidding, but I do think it's intensified by some individuals that date inter racially for reasons of self hate or internalized hatred, however I still think much of this excitement is ridiculous. The percentage of black men that marry white women is so small that I really don't see the purpose of being distressed or assuming the motivation behind why those two individuals got together unless you know them personally.

With that said, if black dude across the street wants to date purple or green people then by all means, I say knock yourself out.
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Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

Coco, sweety, girlfriend, honey think too much :lol:
I agree this will simply be a new topic to exploit, angry and lonely black women, it all makes for best selling books and movies. While I do think the movie brings up some valid points that all women could learn from , I really can't get past some of the huge generalizations and hateful comments made by the film makers and his members about black women. I also think to some degree it's being played up to divide and distract black ppl. The good black men are convinced we either don't exist or don't want them and the good black women are convinced that good black men don't exist or don't want them. It's sad, both sides are running around like chickens with their heads cutoff.

When black ppl do something it's always a big deal.
You must understand, when Latina or Asian women date white men it's because they feel in love, when black men do it it's because all black women are loud, fat, mean, wear weaves and have baby daddies. When black women do it it's because all the good black men died out hundreds of years ago and the good genes now circulate only amongst white males:rolleyes:

I'm kidding, but I do think it's intensified by some individuals that date inter racially for reasons of self hate or internalized hatred, however I still think much of this excitement is ridiculous. The percentage of black men that marry white women is so small that I really don't see the purpose of being distressed or assuming the motivation behind why those two individuals got together unless you know them personally.

With that said, if black dude across the street wants to date purple or green people then by all means, I say knock yourself out.

Yes, I do. I need a vacation! But I agree, and as always, your post is on point!
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

I just think that it's sad that those people never say :" I just fell in love". Instead they give 10.000 reasons that have nothing to do with love, it's really sad.

I agree. I don't mind IR, but what irks me, is that everybody I know who has ever been in one, never speaks about the love part. The BW talk about being sinck of balck men and why the "other" type of man is better. The BM talk about why the "other" women are better than a BW. Makes me feel like the whole relationship is not based on emotional baggage and superficial things.
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

Yes, I do. I need a vacation! But I agree, and as always, your post is on point!

Cocoberry10 posts remind me of HennaGirl!!!!:lol: Because you're bound to come out learning some useful explanation that you can use as thesis statement for a research paper!!!!:rofl: I don't even argue with them, I just be like, "Yeah you're right!!!" :lol:
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women?’
I found the comments more interesting that the brief article. Did anyone in Atlanta see this movie during the festival?

No. But I saw about 12 other movies playing that gave a wonderful look at black relationships around the world. Atlantians need to support NBAF/PAFF they have wonderful assortment of great films. This year, the show stoppers were Carmen & Geoffrey (about Carmen de Lavallade & Geoffrey Holder), Lost Heritage, Ada Oro, A Fat Girl's Guide to Yoga ( one of the short films), & Bab' Aziz. There were so many more great films highlighted.

Please go see them next year in the ATL in July or Los Angeles in February.
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

I agree. I don't mind IR, but what irks me, is that everybody I know who has ever been in one, never speaks about the love part. The BW talk about being sinck of balck men and why the "other" type of man is better. The BM talk about why the "other" women are better than a BW. Makes me feel like the whole relationship is not based on emotional baggage and superficial things.

Umm....yeah :look:
What makes people think that skin color alone somehow dictates the qualities of a man or woman is beyond me. If you talk about your love for a WW or WM and in the same breath put down BW or BM then I'm gonna' look at you semi crook eyed, partly because they wouldn't be in that relationship had that white person made assumptions about them, but hey do you.
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

I hesitated to post here, but this is my 2 cents. I find it amazing that so much studying is going on as to why our race dates outside the race, when we are still the statistically lowest group (both BM and BW) to go there. I mean, we live in an integrated society, gosh darn it..It’s going to be a byproduct of this. I’ve never heard any study about why WM date Asian women and vice versa. I’ve never seen a study on the amount of Latina women or Middle Eastern women or men who date outside the race. Yet, we are always the ones when the media shows images of interracial relationships, like we are the poster children of it or something! I have many Black and non-Black friends. And my non-Black friends never get into these discussions on the level that we do. If they step outside their race, it’s gravy. If not, so be it. Of course they have the same issues of parents/family accepting this non-member of your race SO, what will the kids look like, etc. But it just never gets this deep. And I really hesitated to say this (please don’t throw stones), but I feel like many movies about the state of BM/BW relationships are about to crop up. It started with the Tired Black Man, which may have been an excellent movie (according to RR, Adequate and SummerRain). However, I feel like this topic is about to get exploited to the fullest, and not all movies will examine from a positive aspect like TBM. And I have the feeling that most of the patrons will be BW! This is a mighty industry. Aspiring filmakers, ready, set, shoot :lol:!

Thank you thank you thank you. I get so tired of hearing about the BM and WM all the time You would think that they are the top of the IR game, when you have so many more races that interdate. Seeing and reading things like that make it seem that their are no other races that do it. and that all black men want white women giving us no hope.
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

Like Monique said.."People are watching us". Most people who will be watching this film will not debate the intellectual merits of the film. Most likely it will confirm some stereotypes. I looked at the post on the link you listed:

July 30, 2007 8:34 AM | Link to this

I’m a white female in Atlanta. I work with a lot of young black women and I can tell you the answer. As a group, they are usually downright crabby and intolerant of anyone messing with them. They are distrustful, b*** and lazy. It seems like the are all out to find a man to treat them like a princess. I have never seen a more spoiled group of brats as the 20 to early 30’s black women in my workplace.

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Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

Cocoberry10 posts remind me of HennaGirl!!!!:lol: Because you're bound to come out learning some useful explanation that you can use as thesis statement for a research paper!!!!:rofl: I don't even argue with them, I just be like, "Yeah you're right!!!" :lol:

Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

No and I don't plan to. I have come to the place where I don't care. I don't need to see some sterotype driven movie that tells me who i am because I am a black women. I define me.

If this movie is anything like the television shows and articles on this same tired subject, then it will simply become a list to Black Women on what we're doing wrong or what is wrong with our charater, appearance, style, romantic standards, etc. I'm with Delp, I will define me! You no likey, then you ain't "The One!" LOL! Date who ya like!
Re: Atlanta people: did any of you see this movie: ‘Why Do Black Men Date White Women

I hesitated to post here, but this is my 2 cents. I find it amazing that so much studying is going on as to why our race dates outside the race, when we are still the statistically lowest group (both BM and BW) to go there. I mean, we live in an integrated society, gosh darn it..It’s going to be a byproduct of this. I’ve never heard any study about why WM date Asian women and vice versa. I’ve never seen a study on the amount of Latina women or Middle Eastern women or men who date outside the race. Yet, we are always the ones when the media shows images of interracial relationships, like we are the poster children of it or something! I have many Black and non-Black friends. And my non-Black friends never get into these discussions on the level that we do. If they step outside their race, it’s gravy. If not, so be it. Of course they have the same issues of parents/family accepting this non-member of your race SO, what will the kids look like, etc. But it just never gets this deep. And I really hesitated to say this (please don’t throw stones), but I feel like many movies about the state of BM/BW relationships are about to crop up. It started with the Tired Black Man, which may have been an excellent movie (according to RR, Adequate and SummerRain). However, I feel like this topic is about to get exploited to the fullest, and not all movies will examine from a positive aspect like TBM. And I have the feeling that most of the patrons will be BW! This is a mighty industry. Aspiring filmakers, ready, set, shoot :lol:!

I totally agree with you on this, and couldn't have said it better.