Assumptions Made Because You're Natural


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen a thread like this so I thought it might be a fun thing to share all the assumptions people make because you are natural.

For example:

People assume the "wonderful" scent I am wearing is some kind of special oil.
[Why can't I be wearing Estee Lauder like everyone else??? :crazy:]

I listen to reggae.
[I don't even like reggae! :brucelee:]

Family members buy me things that have cowry shells because it's apart of "my style".
["Excuse me! When have you ever seen me in anything such as that?! :nuts: ...Please return this and take a trip to Macy's or Zara's!"]

I really like Jill Scott, Eryka Badu & India Arie.
[:clubu: Now, why! Just because they are natural too or have been natural at some point, I must be deep into their music? Please, neither of those ladies are on my ipod.]

What are some assumptions that have been made about you because you are natural?
Assumptions are just that....assumptions. I dont bother or care about what other people assume or I would be nutty.
Hahahah that is too funny. So they think you are part of the consciuos movement with a KANG in tow also:lachen::lachen::lachen:Cowrie shells hahahah.

I haven't seen a thread like this so I thought it might be a fun thing to share all the assumptions people make because you are natural.

For example:

People assume the "wonderful" scent I am wearing is some kind of special oil.
[Why can't I be wearing Estee Lauder like everyone else??? :crazy:]

I listen to reggae.
[I don't even like reggae! :brucelee:]

Family members buy me things that have cowry shells because it's apart of "my style".
["Excuse me! When have you ever seen me in anything such as that?! :nuts: ...Please return this and take a trip to Macy's or Zara's!"]

I really like Jill Scott, Eryka Badu & India Arie.
[:clubu: Now, why! Just because they are natural too or have been natural at some point, I must be deep into their music? Please, neither of those ladies are on my ipod.]

What are some assumptions that have been made about you because you are natural?
When I bc'd years ago, I bought my guitar shortly after.
On came the Tracy Chapman jokes :(
You know I never get the Jill Scott and India Arie, I wish I did, All I get is "Girl What You Doing With That Jherri Curl" and I tell them I am natural and don't have a jherri curl, then of course we all know they are gonna start singing that Damn "SOUL GLO"!
OMG those are funny!

Most people assume I'm a foreigner.
Yeah I am. But that's not the point!

I get that too. lol. They always assume I'm Haitian or Jamaican and can't name no other islands....I always look at them and say "I'm gonna need you to expand you geographical knowledge. You must of been absent on the day they taught geography." lol.
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People I assume:
1) I am not a Black American (how could I be with all these curls :rolleyes:)

2) I am not "deep" (again how could I be with all these curls :rolleyes:)

3) I am stuck up

4) I jump out of bed in the morning, hop in the shower, step out and go (I wish)

5) I couldn't possibly have any information about hair that they could use (dang these curls :look:)

6) I am really into nature and natural living (I am, but they don't know that :grin:)
that i give off the jill scott/eryka badu vibe

when i wore my puff,this boy kept calln me Jamaican..i mean seriously what does a Jamaican look like? i have seen them of all colors and looks.
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this so funny, i always got the, "are you jamaican, hatian, DRepublican?" when i use to wear twist outs, i got the "what are you mixed with"

want to scream "OH JUST SHUT UP AND GET OUT MA DANG FACE, DUMA$!!!!" but i nicely say, "no" lolo
Really??? All of this??? I have never thought about it.... No one assumed anything....All I got was grief from my Monster in law about why I don't have a perm... :rolleyes:.... But - since she is a CHAIN SMOKER..................... She can't talk. I don't pay attention to any crap people tell me.....
That you are angry and hate white people.
That you are unapproachable if you aren't smiling twenty-four-seven.
That you are from NY.
That you are the exclusive slave/lover of black men and that you write afrocentric poetry.
Monster in Law DAYYYMMMM

That is an idea for another thread My DH sister MIL is a monster

Really??? All of this??? I have never thought about it.... No one assumed anything....All I got was grief from my Monster in law about why I don't have a perm... :rolleyes:.... But - since she is a CHAIN SMOKER..................... She can't talk. I don't pay attention to any crap people tell me.....
OH you Ethiopian Eritrean? Okay no wonder nevermind. People are so silly.

I get this all the time and I am neither. Also...

1) I'm a vegetarian :nono:
2) I really like poetry
3) I'm afrocentric
4) I like shopping at thrift stores-LOL
5) I'm gay-I used to get this when I first bc'd 10 years ago and had a twa but not anymore
6) That I really care whether or not other people have natural hair. I always get people that come up to me telling me why they can't wear their hair natural as if I'm judging them.
That I'm from an island--nope, married to an islander tho.
That I like reggae--which I do, but they still assume. haha
That I'm Ethio/Eri, especially living here in Atl which has a huge Ethio/Eri community.
Family members buy me things that have cowry shells because it's apart of "my style".
["Excuse me! When have you ever seen me in anything such as that?! :nuts: ...Please return this and take a trip to Macy's or Zara's!"]

LOL...I agree
I am some type of earth mother. Heck no, I am a girly girly, I like perfume, I shave and all the girly girly stuff.

People always assume that I am loced. Um, no I just wear twists all the time. When I tell folks they are twist and I take them out and redo them, folks seem offended and tell me I should loc. I just tell them they should loc. Don't get me wrong I love locs, but I am not a lochead.
I don't pay ignorant people the time of day. And all of those comments were ignorant. IDK why people assume a person's style would automatically change to afrocentric/earthy once they go natural. The two things are not related.

I remember getting a few ignorant comments from my family when I first BCed but other than that most people had positive things to say. People asked me where I was from back when I was relaxed - but not so much since being natural.
Oh yea, I have friends that wear big curly half-wigs. Because I wear big hair when I'm out (and it's real)--a lot of ppl assume my friends' hair is real as well. lol
These are the assumptions/statements people made when I was newly natural. People now just accept it as part of me.

That it's a fad and I will relax
That I am growing out my hair so that I can relax
That I went natural to have dreads. They wanted to know what I was going to do to or with my hair. The only answer they could come up with was dreads.
Heres an excellent vid a natural diva on youtube did on this very subject **HAIR PORN ALERT! Prepare yourself for some drop-dead gorgeous hair** (skip to 1:20 if you wanna get to the point)

Heres a newly natural young lady that discusses this issue with incredible eloquence:yep: (you can skip to 3:22 for when she speaks on this subject)

As for assumptions made:

- When I'm wearing my coils for the world to see, Black men seem to approach me with the utmost respect and manners, it is as if my hair sends a message about the fact that I must be treated like a queen....I dont mind AT ALL.

- I don't get cat-calls I get you look beautiful today sista and pardon me, may I speak to you for a moment?

- If people assume I love Jill Scott, India Arie, Lauryn Hill they're right I love Golden, Brown Skin, Just like water and many thats true.

- If they assume that I'm more cultured in the arts, they're right, the only two genres of music I was exposed to untill I got to junior high was Jazz and Classical

- If they assume that I'm afrocentric, they're right, my mom made it her business that I knew my heritage and knew my history as well as the european history they taught me in school from a very young age.

- If they assume I'm into natural organic things, thats true lmao....but I'm not strict with it.

- I try to smile alot when I rock my fro though because people do assume you're angry lol
I get, "Are you AFRICAN??" a lot....Then when I say, no, I'm from the Caribbean. Then they respond, "I knew it...Same thing!!