Assumptions Made Because You Have Long Hair


Well-Known Member
This is a spinoff from the thread, Assumptions Made Because You're Natural.

Ladies, what kind of comments do you get because your hair is long BESIDES the whole "mixed" thing. I know thas like #1 on everybody else list. But what are some other ones. I am curious.... whether your relaxed or natural, doesn't matter.
What kind of grease are you using? Yes, I still get that question.
I bet your mom has long hair.
Of course the "are you mixed or what island are you from" questions.
What products are you using to make your hair so long and thick? I don't stick with a product long enough to know:lachen:
What's the secret?

All these questions annoy me very much.
I'm a newbie,
Hands down worst assumption that trumps all. Out in public going about my business and a 73 year old Hispanic male asks, "Where did you buy your hair?" First, aren't you too old and not part of the "weave demographic" to know that some people like to wear extensions for whatever reason? So, I removed my wide brimmed straw hat (summertime in the South) and allowed the gentlemen to touch and see that my hair does in fact grow fom my scalp. The resulting assumption: (wait for it)

Well, then, you must be Indian because black women don't have long, silky hair. Mind you, I'm dark-skinned, (medium) full lips and he just up and decided to change my ethnicity altogether because he couldn't reconcile the fact that black women have hair that moves when the wind blows.

I found out his age because he then proceeded to tell me that although he was 73, he was quite virile and could still make good strong babies and he had 7 tall strong sons to prove it. This is kinda the part where a threw up a little bit in my mouth and bid him good day. I had to leave that offer in the street. No proof required, lol. :blush:
I assume I WILL get that tug or a feel through.

That has already happened.
Today my ma saw my hair and she touched it saying "Your hair is SO pretty"... I was like "thank you, its tracks"... she believed me for a second saying "for real?!" :look:

My grandma asks "Is that all your hair?"...almost every time I see her lol
That I am stuck up. That I am weak or something. That I think that I am better than everyone. That my life is so easy (DE HAYLE)
- That I enjoy hearing people down other Black girls just to lift me up. With statements like "Wow! Your hair is soooo beautiful! Most of these black girls are so bald headed (laughs) they barely have hair up to their shoulders yours is sooo pretty! These other girls have such stiff hair and yours blows in the wind!" I get that some of them are just speaking their minds but I don't need to hear you dogging other girls out of my race just to compliment me. I usually just smile and say alot of Black women don't have healthy hair practices yet.

- That I think I'm above others

- That I just have a REALLY well done weave. Two weeks ago when I was rocking my pressed hair I got on the elevator and two of my female classmates put their hands on my scalp simultaneously and both audibly gasped in shock because they were convinced I just got me an we were walking out another classmate asked me about my haircare blog because she was recommending it to a friend and those girls were like you're natural?:blush: it was funny as hell.

- Of course that I have type 3 hair, or I am mixed. "Oh you natural? You prolly got that hair for all that" I always proceed to pull out my phone show them a picture of my coils just for this purpose because I like for people to leave me with the knowledge that tightly coily hair CAN grow long.

- That styling my hair is some huge ordeal like crossing from the south to the north on the underground railroad. Its usually not that deep once you get your skills down pat and on the occasion that I spend an entire weekend on my hair.......its because I'm doing a style that will be wash and go from then on and last me a month.

- People always wanna know what products I use as if they hold the key to fast growing hair within them. Products are definitely helpful and my mom's natural DC's from Haiti have been a life-saver.....but I'd say technique is wayyyyyyyy more improtant then any product.
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I found out his age because he then proceeded to tell me that although he was 73, he was quite virile and could still make good strong babies and he had 7 tall strong sons to prove it. This is kinda the part where a threw up a little bit in my mouth and bid him good day. I had to leave that offer in the street. No proof required, lol. :blush:

You have me over here LMAO!!! I've had a Mexican guy at a health club do that to me. He started feeling on me and telling me in Spanish that he loved my hair and skin and asked if he could have my number.

I usually get weave-checked and when they realize it's all real, they TRY to touch it but I'm quite agile, LOL! Funny thing is that I haven't worn my hair straight since 2008 for a wedding I was in so even in it's natural state people are thinking I'm walking around with 15 pounds of afro weave or something.
^^ Really? You carry a picture to show people?
:lol: Yep! Well actually when I say picture I don't mean a physical one I mean one I'll show them on my iPhone or my digital cam:yep:

Sometimes I'll be in a Straightening phase and people won't believe me because they have such strong assumptions about what Black hair can I whip out a pic of my wet teeny tiny coils or my fro-hawk pics and show them.

They're usually like:blush: lol
1. my hair is a good weave

2. I'm using some kind of special product to make my hair grow

3. that I have "good" aka type 3 hair (that's their description, not mine, I just wanted to clarify that before I get ticketed by the good hair/bad hair police)
What kind of grease are you using? Yes, I still get that question.
I bet your mom has long hair.
Of course the "are you mixed or what island are you from" questions.
What products are you using to make your hair so long and thick? I don't stick with a product long enough to know:lachen:
What's the secret?

All these questions annoy me very much.

I get these two questions all the time. I use to not mind people asking me if I was mixed, but now it makes me so mad. I kinda feel like they are saying that me as I am is not good enough. They all look so disappointed.

They always say oh you mixed you got this or that my hair would never get that long and it just makes me want to take them and show them this site so they can see all the wonderful heads of beautiful different textured hair.

As far as the what do you use on your hair I find that people really don't want to know what I use on my hair. Like you I don't stick with one product and when I say it's all about conditioning the hair they look at me like I'm speaking French.

I also hate that a lot of people assume that my hair is damaged because I relax. I hate people assume I don't wash my hair often and that it's dirty. I hate that people give me the side eye when I tell them I wash and conditioner my hair 2 or more times a week because you know that washes out your relaxer:rolleyes:.
I dont use spanish a lot... otherwise their next sentence is "Where are you from?"

I've heard "Are you dominican?" a bit too much.
- How did you end up with hair like that (I'm dark-skinned)?
- Are you part Indian with a dot or feather :lol: (yes some idiot asked me this while attempting to
holla :lol). Or the infamous what are you mixed with (again, I'm dark-skinned). I was wearing
my hair like in the right-hand part of my siggy
- You must think you special or summin' rolleyes:
- People assume at times that I stuck-up:perplexed
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I dont use spanish a lot... otherwise their next sentence is "Where are you from?"

I've heard "Are you dominican?" a bit too much.

Auburn:"Hola! Como Estas? Asi Asi...De nada...Muy bien gracias..."
Other person:"See there, I told yall she was Spanish.":hand:

I'll let you know when I get there. I'm barely APL. Some of my family members said this past christmas when I went to visit that I had good hair that has always been long. Huh?:rolleyes: This is the firt time my hair even touched my shoulders. None of them were saying I had good hair when I was rocking my afro. One aunt volunteered to "perm it right quick before we go to church"

I guess the assuption is A) you need loosely curled hair to grow it out and B) only women who have long hair as children will have long hair as adults.
most people don't believe that my hair type is 4 because of how fast it grows. I always tell people that even 6f type hair can grow long! Then I show them LHCF's site, lol.
I get:

"You're Dominican! You ARE! No way your hair is curly on Wednesday and straight like that on Friday without a perm!"

"Which one of your parents are Spanish?"

Both very ignorant!
stuck up, i'm mixed, i send tons of time on my hair, i use a magic/speedy hair growth products( i only own poo+ condish, leave-in, and moisturizer), its too much work.
"Then you CAN'T be FULL African" :rolleyes:

That since I have fine hair, it's the reason it 'grows faster'

That I take painstaking measures to do my hair.
I'm a newbie,
Hands down worst assumption that trumps all. Out in public going about my business and a 73 year old Hispanic male asks, "Where did you buy your hair?" First, aren't you too old and not part of the "weave demographic" to know that some people like to wear extensions for whatever reason? So, I removed my wide brimmed straw hat (summertime in the South) and allowed the gentlemen to touch and see that my hair does in fact grow fom my scalp. The resulting assumption: (wait for it)

Well, then, you must be Indian because black women don't have long, silky hair. Mind you, I'm dark-skinned, (medium) full lips and he just up and decided to change my ethnicity altogether because he couldn't reconcile the fact that black women have hair that moves when the wind blows.

I found out his age because he then proceeded to tell me that although he was 73, he was quite virile and could still make good strong babies and he had 7 tall strong sons to prove it. This is kinda the part where a threw up a little bit in my mouth and bid him good day. I had to leave that offer in the street. No proof required, lol. :blush:
:lol: Yep! Well actually when I say picture I don't mean a physical one I mean one I'll show them on my iPhone or my digital cam:yep:

Sometimes I'll be in a Straightening phase and people won't believe me because they have such strong assumptions about what Black hair can I whip out a pic of my wet teeny tiny coils or my fro-hawk pics and show them.

They're usually like:blush: lol

I'm mad you carry 'proof'
These folks don't matter that much!!
Things I get asked besides the racial/ethnic type questions:

- so, you're a hairdresser right?

- you go to the salon every week or something? (why is long/healthy hair equated w/ salons? I dunno)

someone asked me if i'm a vegetarian, i said not anymore why? she said it makes your hair grow, why did you stop?
(this one was new to me LMAO)

Also I think the stuck up thing is pretty common, and like BMP mentioned, people think it's okay to badmouth ppl with unhealthy heads of hair or bad weaves to me.... like wtf?? Why does that even seem ok to you?