Are you prettier now with longer hair?


New Member
I thought that once I reached my hair goals of healthy BSL that I would look dramatically different--now I'd be gorgeous (or at least really good looking). I've met and surpassed my hair goal of BSL. But guess what, I look the same as before but now with a whole bunch of hurr.

This has made me re-examine my motives for hair growth. I really cannot be my hair. I am who I am with or without hair. My beauty is within, not in anything that grows out of my scalp. And I must love who God has made me--even if my hair is TBL, EL, or tore up!

Just wanted to share my epiphany and see what your longer hair has done for you.

Are you actually prettier now with longer hair?
Agreed that your face doesn't change so your hair can't actually make you prettier. When you've tried it all, and you realize that you still got the same ol' face, I guess there's nothing else to do but accept it. *shrug*

This journey has led me to a whole new me, physically and career wise ( I can go on and on about the non physical benefits but I won't bore you.) Overall, I'm taking better care of my whole body. I learned about products that have improved my acne scars which made self-conscious for years! I enjoy my hair which means I style it more which make me feel better about myself.

Now, I have the nerve to be wearing make up (well, a lil bronzer for one week straight!) I gotta admit though, being girlie takes a lot of work for me and is darn right tiring sometimes! Hair, clothes, make up shoes...

I feel more girlie and sexy...I've also attracted more men since taking care of my hair and self. Not sure if it's my hair or my new found love for myself (and hair) or both.


























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I find some short cuts to be just as flattering as longer styles, so to me its moreso about the styling than the length. I want a really jazzy shortcut quik weave before the summer is out!
It's weird. If I wear a nice curly MBL weave I feel prettier. But I recently reached full BSL and feel "the same with a whole bunch of hurr" lol. Which is not bad because I think I'm pretty to begin with (not bragging, just a healthy 'steem :)). But I guess I just have to start styling it my glamorously. curls and whatnot. Because the buns aren't cutting it lately..
I don't think hair makes anyone prettier, it's the confidence they have. :yep:

"I'm not cocky, just confident" :grin:
No. Maybe more interesting but not prettier. Textured hair definitely suits me better than flat straight hair though. Long hair does give you bonus points though if you subscribe to the idea of pluses and minuses. :look:
Long hair is great for when you want to hide your face - zits, blotches, and all.
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i think some ppl might find you prettier with short or long. i know some women have the cutest faces with short hair like halle berry. natalie portman looks good bald! i cut mine shoulder length last year and all i heard was ooooo u cut ur hair why? but my face isn't that pretty lol
I know how you feel, I keep thinking I'll be prettier if my hair grows really long but I'm learning that it pretty much has to come from within.
I agree with all of the ladies that "pretty" comes from your "inner-man" cause we have all met very attractive people...and then they open their mouths and it is all down hill and ugly-to-the-bone from there.

But I would say that my husband has an appreciation for seeing me take a little extra time for myself and trying to "pretty" up my hair sometimes. Men are visual after all...
I like to have longer hair because it makes me feel more glamorous and confident, but I don't think it actually makes me prettier.

To me, your face is your face. The length and style of your hair can highlight or play down certain features, but at the end of the day, it's not plastic surgery or a matchmaker. If you currently look like Quasimodo, TBL hair is not gonna make you a Princess Jasmine. It's not gonna get you a date either. And I really do worry for people who expect that it will, and grow their hair specifically to get a man or to be prettier, because I feel like they're heading for a bad disappointment.
I don't think it's a matter of whether or not you look better, but what features long hair vs short hair bring out in your face.
I say a pretty person is going to be pretty no matter what. I think short hair does allow people to "show off" their face more since it isn't covered. Therefore, they might seam prettier with short hair simply because their features are more visible. This is especially true for the celebrities in the pics above. Their features are far more visible with the short hair.
I think longer hair on Black people gets you more attention for it being perceived as an anomaly. That extra attention may cause a person to think that they look better. If you have an ugly inside, that will overpower the long hair. You become a witch with extra hair. The hair may draw people; however, it is your attitude that keeps them.
I have posted this but a thousand times, but I feel you OP. I keep thinking once I get to a certain length, I will be this bombshell, only to discover, I don't think the 'bombshell' girl is really me:ohwell:. I can say with longer weave or longer hair than usual, I think I feel prettier, but people close to me think otherwise:perplexed:lol:. I am this close to doing whats good for me and my facial features...
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I look good with either one, but I prefer longer hair.

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I guess I'm the only one who thinks this but I think people could look totally different depending on hair. Hair can make you look better just like a different nose can depending on your face shape, sharpness of features, etc.

Longer hair can generally make you look more feminine which can make you more attractive/ pretty.
Nope, I'm pretty cute without long hair. :look: It's just a nice extra accessory to have. Especially now that it's healthy. :gorgeous:

I actually get the most compliments when I wear my hair all pulled back in a bun with no bangs.:ohwell: I'm still going to grow my hair as long as it will go!

Now when I get toned up and drop the rest of this extra weight, won't nobody be able to tell me nothin'! :drunk:
I guess I'm the only one who thinks this but I think people could look totally different depending on hair. Hair can make you look better just like a different nose can depending on your face shape, sharpness of features, etc.

Longer hair can generally make you look more feminine which can make you more attractive/ pretty.

agreed. I know plenty of people who would look a hot mess with short hair who right now look nice with long hair. It does make a big difference in how you look. Like others said, it doesn't change your face, but thats not the only factor in your attractiveness.

I know the usual saying is that beauty comes from within, let your soul shine through, blah blah but honestly, it takes a certain look to be able to pull off short hair (and long hair!) and i don't think everyone has it. :look:

IMO some women can wear long or short hair and their appearance doesn't change much.. they look good with both/(or not so much). On the other hand there are some women whose features are more flattered more by long hair or short hair. In general I think it's important that you find what flatters your features the most, the holds true for hair and clothes... it's all about finding what's most flattering to YOU.

As for me, I know that short hair is flattering to me, I'm not sure whether or not long hair will be flattering to me, but If i grow my hair long and it doesn't look good on me, my hair will be forever short (and healthy)! cuteness comes first! lol
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I think hairstyles can make or break an individual, this does not have to relate to the length of their hair imo. My hair is short at the moment but I'm wearing micros right now and I find that length gives me the versatility that I need to change up my look and this is why I am wanting to grow my hair to a descent length. All you long haired ladies are giving me some serious hair envy, lol :lachen:
i think my long hair makes me look better. i am just an average chick when my hair is shoulder length or shorter (been there, done that). AND...i think that women who wear long weaves feel the same way...otherwise, why wear them? ain't trying to hear that 'protective styling' b.s. either... LOL