Are vision boards Demonic

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LOA has perverted something that people have been using for years. Even before the hype I have always left notes for my self to encourage me on my journey for life. I am single, but I have on occasion picked up a Kay's circular and picked out my engagement and wedding ring. Some would think that could be a practice of LOA but I call it being prepared for when God sends me my husband. I never thought doing these things would bring them into my life-only God can do that. As a individual who responds to visual cues it is helpful for me to have something concrete to look at. Even at work I leave visual cues to let me know what is important, what can wait, what I am working on, ect. Now, all of a sudden, because someone takes something that people have been doing for ages and gave it a name and linked it to thier own ideas I should abandon my practices? I have been doing this long before I ever heard of LOA. Having a vision board does not mean that you are practicing LOA. If someone would simply say I have a board or list of things that I look at daily to help keep me focused on what is important to me many Christians would not have a problem with it. (I don't even have a board I just used post its in my mirror). The issue has become confused. No one is supporting using LOA for personal gain. What is being said is that because someone using a tool for some practice that we don't agree with doesn't mean we should completely abandon the tool. Why should I have to give up a helpful tool for myself all because someone took an old concept and repackaged it?
My eyes are a little watery right now. All that I can see in you is a heart that wants to be right with God. Instead of defending this issue, you chose... CHOSE to research this and when you discovered the truth about the vision boards origin, you came back and posted what you discovered.

This is a true woman and a woman of God. Yes.. that's you. Not because what you've shared 'agrees' with what I've been posting, but because you have no pride, instead you have humility and I can see our Father God just beaming with joy, because you chose Him and nothing else.

This is not about anyone else but you and God. He has another level to raise you up to...just you and Him, where nothing and no one can separate you from the Love of God.

I promise you an answer from your other post about journals. God has given all of us dreams and planning for the future is not a sin; the sin comes from excluding God and putting 'self' in front of God and His will for us.

I have several Journals. I write my prayers down often; I date them and I have scriptures which I 'feel' the Lord has given me for my prayers. If I'm away from my prayer Journal, I have often 'emailed' myself a prayer and a scripture which I feel lead to share. Perfect example: Many of the threads which I've started on encouragement are actually from my journals. :yep::yep: :yep: I write a lot ... :yep: (You may 'insert' large grin here... as it's obvious by my many long posts... :lol:).

When I'm praying for someone, and God gives me a 'Word' for them, I'll write it down so that it doesn't 'slip' away or before I become distracted and forget to share it. My Bibles have scores of highlighted verses in them; and I use bookmarks and little post-it notes to flag the pages. I write in my Bibles all the time; this is because almost ALWAYS God will givve me a Word or someone's name to write beside a scripture and to pray for them.

When I'm planning a trip or a party, I write my plans out and my shopping lists also the theme of the party and how I want to arrange the setting and the order. For travel, I have my packing check list and phone numbers of whom I need to call or keep in touch with during my times away. I have a little note pad or mini notebook for addresses of places I plan to visit.

I read the thread you posted regarding listing the traits that one desires in a husband. Guard your heart with this. This is something that one should go before the Lord, asking Him what you should ask for in a husband. Note what God speaks to you in your prayer journal.

You are so very close to understanding the difference between a prayer journal and a vision board. A prayer journal notes and keeps record of what God is speaking to one's heart and what one speaks to God's heart.

A vision board is just the total opposite. People are 'willing' things into their lives and they are doing so without God.

This is where the issue gets confused. A vision board doesn't do anything. LOA wills things into an individuals life. It is the practice of LOA that is wrong. To me, posting something that would be written daily in a prayer journal in one place to be looked would be less time consuming than re-writting the same thing over and over again. As a Chrisitan, the things that I post would be something that I would write in a "prayer" journal. I don't see the difference if I place them on a wall or put them in a notebook. In both cases I am writing down spiritual matters that God has placed on my heart. Like I said before, I believe that there is a breakdown in communication. Vision board does not equal practicing LOA. It is just adopting a word to give a better discription on what our prayer journal looks like. Maybe we should call it a public prayer journal verses a private prayer journal. The way I was raised, we were not allowed to mark or write in a bible, or even write on a piece of paper using the bible as a surface. My Dad thought it was disrespectful and I still feel uncomfortable marking in a bible. My verses, ect would have to be written elsewhere.
You don't need a vision board to be debt free. God can free you all by Himself. And so will a budget. Stop letting satan lie to you. Your focus time upon that board is less focus upon strengthening your relationship and time spent with God.

I can't believe how strong this board has a hold upon people that really think they need it to succeed in life. It's like an addiction... crack. Anything that one clings to other than God that strongly is in way too deep.

These boards are indeed demonic with all of what I'm seeing in defense of them. Where's the defence for God 'ONLY'?

What happens if you lose the board in a flood or some other disaster? Then what? Where's your faith based upon? How will you survive and be successful then? Those who have placed their sole faith upon God will have a sure foundation to stand upon. Those whose faith were upon a vision board will be without hope. :nono:

Really? What if you lose your list in a fire? What if you lose a photo album in a fire? You start the heck over. If you believe in God and have a board then you faith should be in him anyway. I see no more problem with incorporate the things you are already praying and having faith for in picture form than having an illustrated prayer journal.

As far as vision boards having a demonic origin--sure they could. Isn't Christmas actually a PAGEN holiday? But most Christians celebrate it as the birth of Jesus and still have Satan Clause hanging in their windows going broke to buy their children presents. How is that different? If you are praying over your board every night for God to grant you what you have precisely placed on a piece of paper, then yes you have a problem. BUT you would have the same problem if you were praying over "just a list". I have quotes on my wall about weight loss, self esteem, and financial freedom and according to these posts that's fine and I am alright with God. BUT the minute I put a picture of flat abs next to it I am a devil worshipper?

That logic doesn't even make sense........

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"It is dangerous to be concerned with what others think of you." (Proverbs 29:25 LB)

I died laughing at this post! I don't remember seeing this in Proverbs, but I may be adding it to my e-mail signature!

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Really? What if you lose your list in a fire? What if you lose a photo album in a fire? You start the heck over. If you believe in God and have a board then you faith should be in him anyway. I see no more problem with incorporate the things you are already praying and having faith for in picture form than having an illustrated prayer journal.

As far as vision boards having a demonic origin--sure they could. Isn't Christmas actually a PAGEN holiday? But most Christians celebrate it as the birth of Jesus and still have Satan Clause hanging in their windows going broke to buy their children presents. How is that different? If you are praying over your board every night for God to grant you what you have precisely placed on a piece of paper, then yes you have a problem. BUT you would have the same problem if you were praying over "just a list". I have quotes on my wall about weight loss, self esteem, and financial freedom and according to these posts that's fine and I am alright with God. BUT the minute I put a picture of flat abs next to it I am a devil worshipper?

That logic doesn't even make sense........

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:yep: You're right :yep: Your logic doesn't make sense.
:yep: You're right :yep: Your logic doesn't make sense.

No. Your logic does not make sense. But everyone is entitled to their own matter how outlandish I supposed.

You cannot honestly sit there and say the moment you add a picture to something and put it on a piece of paper that makes it demonic. Then again, maybe you can.......

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No. Your logic does not make sense. But everyone is entitled to their own matter how outlandish I supposed.

You cannot honestly sit there and say the moment you add a picture to something and put it on a piece of paper that makes it demonic. Then again, maybe you can.......

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Jenny please stop talking foolishness. You're simply defending your use of a a vision board and your participation with the loa. If that's what you want to do then go for it. No matter what defense you put up for it, it will never be justified by the Word of God.

If you chose to base your foundation of faith upon a vision board as opposed to believing solely in God and His provision, than that's your choice. This issue is beyond pictures. Far beyond. This is about where your faith is.

This is sad. I mean truly sad. It's sad that so many are fighting so hard to keep a vision board which has no life in it whatsoever. With the fuss you've been putting up to defend having one, it's just plain unreal.

Now if someone where speaking against reading one's Bible I could see the defense. It would surely be justified. But for a piece of fiber? A piece of cork? A board and the material items upon it? You are literally falling apart over the fight to defend a vision board. Where is God in this? Where is the fight for Him? Where is so much passion for Him?

What kind of 'hold' does having this board have over you? What possible harm could happen to you by getting rid of it and just having Jesus? Just how bad could one's life be without....... a board?

Jesus said to the rich man, 'Sell all that you have, give it to the poor and come follow me..." The rich man hung his head in despair and walked away from Jesus.

I'm telling you, these boards have a stronghold ... a serious stronghold.

To discard a vision board to follow Jesus all the way, to depend upon Him solely, to get to know Him one on one... just by laying down a board.

This is... *sigh*. "Claiming it" is 1st cousins with vision boards. It's just as easy to question whether or not those who say vision boards are demonic are actually demonic themselves or carriers of a spirit of fear.

Demonic? Pft! Joseph, Abraham Paul (among others), and Jesus, himself, would all get straight roasted on LHCF. Luckily, we have hindsight.

Go on, walk soley by physical sight.

Continue to believe what you see and you will always see what you believe.

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Great discussion ladies! I've never thought about vision boards as demonic, but I definitely have a new take on it. I think it's worth considering that it may be demonic even if you don't initially believe it is. I'd rather be safe than sorry when it comes to protecting my soul. The devil has far too many things out there that can lead us astray. Remember, he is in charge of this world.
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Also, thank you for this thread. It's a good reminder that I hit the Mommy lottery. She is such a good example of a woman who is truly walking with Christ.

We grew up on vision boards and manifestation before we knew what they were. She made a list of "I am..." scriptures, framed them and put them around the house. I am a child of God, I am walking by faith and not by sight, I am redeemed... etc. There were at least 25 of them and we said them almost daily. To date, our moral compass is strong.

Thank God for clarity; thank God for guidance; thank God for logic.

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See how the devil has lied to you?

I will put it like this: I can sense when something I am doing is not right in God's eyes. I also know that not everyone is into the law of attraction stuff. Nor do I believe that very many people here have indicated that they can't live without the board or that they are focusing on the board and not God.

I will admit that I had some misgivings about things said in the Vision Board thread because many people clearly were not seeking God to fulfill the desires of their heart. Many of them are borderline atheists. But that does not apply to everyone. There's nothing wrong with visual reminders of the desires in your heart. And it seems as though people often assume that when we speak of things we desire, God has not placed that desire on our heart. You truly can't say what desires God has placed on anyone's heart. God does want to give us things that we enjoy without being made to explain to others how it will be used for the kingdom. More than anything, I think the judgment in this thread is considerably worse than people putting up pictures or writing things down that they want to see happen in their lives.
Ok, I went looking back through the forums to see if I could find anything about setting goals for yourself and I found this post-->

And the verse they used was: Hab 2:2 says "And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it."

So, we're allowed to write down our vision/goals, but not make a visual board because we would end up worshiping the item? I'm not sure if I'm understand this correct, could someone please explain.

Indeed we are. That's the scripture I referenced. And I stand by it.
Jenny please stop talking foolishness. You're simply defending your use of a a vision board and your participation with the loa. If that's what you want to do then go for it. No matter what defense you put up for it, it will never be justified by the Word of God.

If you chose to base your foundation of faith upon a vision board as opposed to believing solely in God and His provision, than that's your choice. This issue is beyond pictures. Far beyond. This is about where your faith is.

This is sad. I mean truly sad. It's sad that so many are fighting so hard to keep a vision board which has no life in it whatsoever. With the fuss you've been putting up to defend having one, it's just plain unreal.

Now if someone where speaking against reading one's Bible I could see the defense. It would surely be justified. But for a piece of fiber? A piece of cork? A board and the material items upon it? You are literally falling apart over the fight to defend a vision board. Where is God in this? Where is the fight for Him? Where is so much passion for Him?

What kind of 'hold' does having this board have over you? What possible harm could happen to you by getting rid of it and just having Jesus? Just how bad could one's life be without....... a board?

Jesus said to the rich man, 'Sell all that you have, give it to the poor and come follow me..." The rich man hung his head in despair and walked away from Jesus.

I'm telling you, these boards have a stronghold ... a serious stronghold.

To discard a vision board to follow Jesus all the way, to depend upon Him solely, to get to know Him one on one... just by laying down a board.


Hahahahahaha! You know the funniest part in all of this to me? I knew you would say something about me having a vision board and I hate to burst you bubble Shimmie, but I don't have a vision board. Never have. I had to google LOA because I had actually never heard of it. So me "defending" this has nothing to do with my participation because I am not a participant. I just have a problem with people having far-reaching theories and then trying to back it up with the bible.

Just like a previous poster brought up "name it/claim" it. I feel that is FAR more dangerous that posting some pictures on a board, a journal, or making a list. But there are die hard Christians out there that really believe they can have anything they "claim". I think its pure foolishness.

As I stated previously, I do believe that some people can have a problem with vision boards. Some people may use them in demonic ways. But actually making one? Naaa, I don't see that as demonic. I mean which part is demonic? The cutting or the pasting? Worshipping anything other than God is demonic. That covers a lot; if someone worships food that is a demonic act. However, do not bring that full circle to say that food is demonic. That is what I feel is happening in this thread. If you are worshipping your vision board then yes, by all means, you have a problem. If you are just making a poster and adding hopes, dreams, and aspirations and putting faith in God to bring prosperity, weight loss, and better relationships your way then it so be it.

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I will put it like this: I can sense when something I am doing is not right in God's eyes. I also know that not everyone is into the law of attraction stuff. Nor do I believe that very many people here have indicated that they can't live without the board or that they are focusing on the board and not God.

I will admit that I had some misgivings about things said in the Vision Board thread because many people clearly were not seeking God to fulfill the desires of their heart. Many of them are borderline atheists. But that does not apply to everyone. There's nothing wrong with visual reminders of the desires in your heart. And it seems as though people often assume that when we speak of things we desire, God has not placed that desire on our heart. You truly can't say what desires God has placed on anyone's heart. God does want to give us things that we enjoy without being made to explain to others how it will be used for the kingdom. More than anything, I think the judgment in this thread is considerably worse than people putting up pictures or writing things down that they want to see happen in their lives.

Well said!

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 true, but the world ain't his :lachen:

Heard a great worship this morning that says "believing what I can't see doesn't come naturally for me..."

Great discussion ladies! I've never thought about vision boards as demonic, but I definitely have a new take on it. I think it's worth considering that it may be demonic even if you don't initially believe it is. I'd rather be safe than sorry when it comes to protecting my soul. The devil has far too many things out there that can lead us astray. Remember, he is in charge of this world.
Really? What if you lose your list in a fire? What if you lose a photo album in a fire? You start the heck over. If you believe in God and have a board then you faith should be in him anyway. I see no more problem with incorporate the things you are already praying and having faith for in picture form than having an illustrated prayer journal.

As far as vision boards having a demonic origin--sure they could. Isn't Christmas actually a PAGEN holiday? But most Christians celebrate it as the birth of Jesus and still have Satan Clause hanging in their windows going broke to buy their children presents. How is that different? If you are praying over your board every night for God to grant you what you have precisely placed on a piece of paper, then yes you have a problem. BUT you would have the same problem if you were praying over "just a list". I have quotes on my wall about weight loss, self esteem, and financial freedom and according to these posts that's fine and I am alright with God. BUT the minute I put a picture of flat abs next to it I am a devil worshipper?

That logic doesn't even make sense........

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As far as Christmas...there was a pagan holiday celebrated around the time of the winter solstice and pagans celebrated new birth etc. Well Christians took that same day and created a celebration about the birth of Christ and now the pagan day has been lost. They counter-acted a sinful practice by practicing somehting Holy...and they called it Christ-mass to deliberately differentiate it from the pagen celebration.

Why not have a "faith board"? I have definately posted scriptures around my office, written things down, acknowledged the desires that God had placed in my heart etc. But to make it a "vision board" is aligning something spiritual with something that is unrighteous. Its not just semantics.

A vision board has a distinct worldly origin and is immersed in the LOA school of thought. (Not sure if anyone in this thread has said they support LOA or not). So when we align ourselves with it we are in a sense also supporting LOA and whatever else may come under that umbrella. We are giving our approval for this school of thought and this may lead others astray (i.e. babies in Christ who are not skilled in discerning good from evil, and sinners that believe since a Christian is doing it then theres nothing wrong with it).

I have a feeling that if the discussion of vision boards came up and a Christian said..."I dont believe in vision boards...I have a faith board" that would lead to a discussion of the differences between the two and would be a great tool of witnessing.

For all the ladies that still believe there is nothing wrong with a vision board, yall know there is no condemnation right? Its all love, and I hope that you will at least consider and pray about the status of vision boards before you make a final decision to approve it or have/keep one. Thats all we can ask from each other.
The bolded is all that some of us are saying.. of course no one knows what desires God puts on anyone's heart. I see there is misunderstanding about vision boards altogether. The ones the LOA encourage (to will things into happening) as opposed to Christians confessing what they already believe and what God laid on their hearts. From my understanding of LOA vision boards, the more you see it, the more you believe. That's the opposite of faith!

I will admit that I had some misgivings about things said in the Vision Board thread because many people clearly were not seeking God to fulfill the desires of their heart. Many of them are borderline atheists. But that does not apply to everyone. There's nothing wrong with visual reminders of the desires in your heart. And it seems as though people often assume that when we speak of things we desire, God has not placed that desire on our heart. You truly can't say what desires God has placed on anyone's heart. God does want to give us things that we enjoy without being made to explain to others how it will be used for the kingdom. More than anything, I think the judgment in this thread is considerably worse than people putting up pictures or writing things down that they want to see happen in their lives.
As far as Christmas...there was a pagan holiday celebrated around the time of the winter solstice and pagans celebrated new birth etc. Well Christians took that same day and created a celebration about the birth of Christ and now the pagan day has been lost. They counter-acted a sinful practice by practicing somehting Holy...and they called it Christ-mass to deliberately differentiate it from the pagen celebration.

Why not have a "faith board"? I have definately posted scriptures around my office, written things down, acknowledged the desires that God had placed in my heart etc. But to make it a "vision board" is aligning something spiritual with something that is unrighteous. Its not just semantics.

A vision board has a distinct worldly origin and is immersed in the LOA school of thought. (Not sure if anyone in this thread has said they support LOA or not). So when we align ourselves with it we are in a sense also supporting LOA and whatever else may come under that umbrella. We are giving our approval for this school of thought and this may lead others astray (i.e. babies in Christ who are not skilled in discerning good from evil, and sinners that believe since a Christian is doing it then theres nothing wrong with it).

I have a feeling that if the discussion of vision boards came up and a Christian said..."I dont believe in vision boards...I have a faith board" that would lead to a discussion of the differences between the two and would be a great tool of witnessing.

For all the ladies that still believe there is nothing wrong with a vision board, yall know there is no condemnation right? Its all love, and I hope that you will at least consider and pray about the status of vision boards before you make a final decision to approve it or have/keep one. Thats all we can ask from each other.

So its okay if you call it something different? The same basic concept; cut out a picture, glue it, add a bible verse and NOW its holy because I called it a "faith" board instead of a "vision" board? Changing the name of it does not change the purpose of it. (I don't know about LOA, so I am speaking of a basic human having a basic vision board and faith that the things they post will come to fruition.) You add the picturs/goals and pray and have faith for them to come to pass. So if I call it a "glitter board" I am still doing the same thing.

I guess if people feel that changing the name makes it okay for them then its okay.

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Ok, I went looking back through the forums to see if I could find anything about setting goals for yourself and I found this post-->

And the verse they used was: Hab 2:2 says "And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it."

So, we're allowed to write down our vision/goals, but not make a visual board because we would end up worshiping the item? I'm not sure if I'm understand this correct, could someone please explain.

Yes, they take this verse to justify vision boards. But, please, look at the context :

Hab. 2: 2 Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. 3 For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.

[FONT=&quot]This word revelation (#2377) means vision, oracle; it is translated by prophecy in some versions (Fr. Vers. LS); it is revelation about the end, nothing in common with our soulish visions.[/FONT]
This thread reminds me of this story :

Nbres. 21.8 And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. 21.9 And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.

GOD said to Moses to make a serpent, and this was a blessing for Israel.
But what happened after that :

2Kgs. 18.3 And he (Hezekiah) did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that David his father did. 18.4 He removed the high places, and brake the images, and cut down the groves, and brake in pieces the brasen serpent that Moses had made: for unto those days the children of Israel did burn incense to it: and he called it Nehushtan.

Just be careful :
Mat. 26.41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
I have scriptures from the Bible written here and there in my home. I have a cabinet of prayer for when I want to be really alone with my Father, and the walls are decorated only with verses and even chapters of the Bible.

But with a vision board :

What are you focusing on ?

Don’t you fear to fell into idolatry ?

Idolatry is everywhere in the confusion (world, times) where we are living and idol became a good word : Who is your idol ? What is your idol ?

With a vision board, are you sure to know when you are relying only upon your heavenly Father ? or turning God into the genius of your lamp ? or upon the Self

Don’t answer me, it is just for thinking, the line is personal.
Well thank God for your Momma as your example.

She is woman of faith, confessing with her mouth what she believes in her heart what God already says that she is.

NOT the same thing as an LOA vision board. :ohwell:

Also, thank you for this thread. It's a good reminder that I hit the Mommy lottery. She is such a good example of a woman who is truly walking with Christ.

We grew up on vision boards and manifestation before we knew what they were. She made a list of "I am..." scriptures, framed them and put them around the house. I am a child of God, I am walking by faith and not by sight, I am redeemed... etc. There were at least 25 of them and we said them almost daily. To date, our moral compass is strong.

Thank God for clarity; thank God for guidance; thank God for logic.

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Naw...not OK.

I don't think you're trying to understand what she said. She already believes what she's seeing. LOA vision boards work the opposite way.

So its okay if you call it something different? The same basic concept; cut out a picture, glue it, add a bible verse and NOW its holy because I called it a "faith" board instead of a "vision" board? Changing the name of it does not change the purpose of it. (I don't know about LOA, so I am speaking of a basic human having a basic vision board and faith that the things they post will come to fruition.) You add the picturs/goals and pray and have faith for them to come to pass. So if I call it a "glitter board" I am still doing the same thing.

I guess if people feel that changing the name makes it okay for them then its okay.

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I've been a 'lurking' member of lhcf from 2009, this post brought me out of lurking mode...

what I've noticed is the 'defence' of the vision board and that in itself tells me that something is wrong, the word of God is defended less vigorously, I say research it as one of the ladies did...

Every self help book is not to be read, even in literature we must ask God for direction less we hop on the latest 'bandwagon' all the way to hell...the devil is crafty and deceptive and uses the most subtle things to distract us from the Truth, just because scripture is being used it does not make it good or right...

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God...-John 4:1
I view a vision board different from a list like, for example:

Personal bible study each morning for at least 30 minutes.
Pay off $200 extra on credit card debt each month.
Limit caloric intake to 1400 calories each day.
Exercise on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings this summer.
Join the church anniversary committee. Attend the three planning meetings.
Offer encouraging words to husband/boyfriend every day.

So that's your list... I have pictures that represent encouraging a stronger relationship with God.. I have the words prayer, quiet time, and my church name on the board.
For health, I have how much weight I want to lose, pictures of healthy food, and pictures of people exercising.
For personal relationships, have a picture of two women having lunch, and a picture of a man and a woman holding hands. The two women represent friendship and other the couple represent a committed healthy relationship.
I have career goals listed on there as well.....
So for everything you have listed, I have pictures to keep my goals in front of me.
If my board is demonic, so is your list.

Correct me if Im wrong, but isnt it called a vision board because the point is to see what you desire and your actually "seeing" it creates some kind of power magnetism/attraction that brings it to pass.

Im a very visual person so I write plans down. Thats how I follow them better. But they were just that...plans. I didnt believe my plan had any special powers for me having written it down nor did I believe that looking at it did anything other than allow me a better grasp of what I needed to do and to keep track of what I'd accomplished so far.

Like I mentioned before, the problem with the vision board is that it was CREATED with principles that based human success on human ability/power alone. Whereas we believe that we can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens us. I see that many are trying to transform its popular use into something that is in line with scripture but forreal forreal its like taking a ouigi (sp) board and trying to use it to get the Holy spirit to make intercession for you.

I don't believe the power is in the board. You are giving it the power, not me. Faith without works is dead. (2:20) People are so caught up in the board, but not all people who have vision boards believe that LOA is better than the word of God. I know where all my blessings come from. Yes, I read LOA and I correlated it to having faith and being mindful of the words I am speaking. (Everything else I left in LOA) Personally, I don't believe I am willing anything for my life. I pray about it, and I don't worry about it anymore.

How is different from that list? The only difference is you stick the list in a purse and forget about it with a vision board you walk past and see it more. I got up today and read my verses and kept going it reminds me of what I am doing that day. If it's demonic oh well.

EXACTLY!!! Thanks was not enough. People can't tell you how to have a PERSONAL relationship with God!!! Do you!
So that's your list... I have pictures that represent encouraging a stronger relationship with God.. I have the words prayer, quiet time, and my church name on the board.
For health, I have how much weight I want to lose, pictures of healthy food, and pictures of people exercising.
For personal relationships, have a picture of two women having lunch, and a picture of a man and a woman holding hands. The two women represent friendship and other the couple represent a committed healthy relationship.
I have career goals listed on there as well.....
So for everything you have listed, I have pictures to keep my goals in front of me.
If my board is demonic, so is your list.

That's not my list. That was just an example of one.

I actually don't keep a list. I was saying I think a "to do" list, if someone were to choose to have one, is fine.
That's not my list. That was just an example of one.

I actually don't keep a list. I was saying I think a "to do" list, if someone were to choose to have one, is fine.

Whether it is yours or not, based on the things that are being said in this thread, it would be demonic also.

SN::It is really great to hear other perspectives on these types topics.
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So its okay if you call it something different? The same basic concept; cut out a picture, glue it, add a bible verse and NOW its holy because I called it a "faith" board instead of a "vision" board? Changing the name of it does not change the purpose of it. (I don't know about LOA, so I am speaking of a basic human having a basic vision board and faith that the things they post will come to fruition.) You add the picturs/goals and pray and have faith for them to come to pass. So if I call it a "glitter board" I am still doing the same thing.

I guess if people feel that changing the name makes it okay for them then its okay.

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Im not saying just to change the name and its ok.

Im saying that for the ladies who do not believe inLOA but really do use visual aids (keeping a journal, writing plans/goals, putting words to the desires that God has placed on their hearts) would be better for them to give it its own name because to use the words "vision board" is to align it with the general meaning of the vision board (which purposefully excludes GOd).

Two diametrically opposed ideas...with two different names (as opposed to trying to ease a different meaning into a demonic practice).

Call it something different because it is something different.
I'm not all the way through this thread yet, but Shimmie you are speaking the truth up in here. I love it. Praise God!

Thank you, your post was very helpful.

First I want to say, everyone's walk/conversations with God is different. In all honesty, I think depending on how things come to us, will determine if they are blessed or not. And I always consult everything though God first. If something is not right, I have a very strong negative reaction to it.

It was 2009 and I was talking to God and I told him that I feel stuck. I know that I want different from what I have, but I'm not sure what that is. And He said, I've given you your desire, but your blocking yourself because your scared. I said, "how do I unblock myself?" And He said "look in your heart and use your talent."

God has given me the gift of art, and I can tell Shimmie that He has given you the gift of writing, me not so much :lol:. So I created a collage on a poster board. He told me to release the shackles of fear because He would always be there for me and that His desires would be known to me.

I've always loved pictures, so much so that photography is a past time of mine. Anyway, I'm a visual learner, and God has sent me messages before, but sometimes He has to spell things out for me because I don't always catch on. I understand things better when I can see them in front of me. So, I went though magazine and online and found pictures that spoke to me and that I though were where He wanted me to go. I found pictures of bible quotes, magazine ads of happy married couples, articles about taking care and honoring your body.

And with every new desire He gave me I slapped it on the board. And anything that didn't feel right I removed.

I remember I was complaining to him about how men in my generation seem very demanding and disrespectful to women and they don't cherish us. And my magazine fell open and the title of the article was "Chivalry is Not Dead." And I said "You certainly don't waste time." :lachen:

Just this year He's given me the desire to start my own business and gave me a business name and added it to my board. I came across the term vision board on the internet and I thought it fit so I used it. I don't practice the LoA, it sounds a little silly to me. Perhaps, maybe I should have called it a Board of Faith?

I guess that's why I didn't see the evil in having a board. Because, I guess what I have isn't a vision board.
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