Is New Ageism=Satanism?

Matthew 12:30 He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.

I surfed the site a little, enough to roll my eyes at it. If Lucifer was so interested in enlightening us, he would have encouraged us to eat from the Tree of Life, giving us forever to become enlightened. That right there blows their whole belief system out of the water! :lachen:

The New Age Movement is actually many different beliefs that many believe can be easily united because of their similarities (certain practices and symbols). That is why Oprah will never pinpoint one religion as the true one, since they are all revealing truth. That is a logical fallacy: the universe, creation itself, has a special order and Someone who does not deal in confusion set it in motion. Chaos breeds chaos, not peace.

There is only one truth, one way and its path is more narrow than the human mind can imagine.

That is why we have grace; we can never hope for perfection stuck in this yucky flesh.

Eph. 5:11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

We are at war.

The Elites own and control everything going on in the world, so who do they serve? What is the only thing left they can take from us? How can they accomplish this?

The depths of deception run deeper than more people realize. We have become too comfortable in the West, allowing complacency and ignorance to flourish. The financial, political, personal, medical...everything is connected by the spiritual, but few notice. We have embraced so much of the world, we are afraid to see things as they truly are, to search for the real truth no matter how heart-rendering it is. There will come a time when the veils will be ripped from the eyes of the followers of Christ. What a sad time that will be.

Arm yourself with the Word at all times and be watchful.
Powerful! :up:

Thanks Nymphe ... :Rose:
I surfed the site a little, enough to roll my eyes at it. If Lucifer was so interested in enlightening us, he would have encouraged us to eat from the Tree of Life, giving us forever to become enlightened. That right there blows their whole belief system out of the water! :lachen:


I actually laughed out loud :lachen:
Matthew 12:30 He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.

I surfed the site a little, enough to roll my eyes at it. If Lucifer was so interested in enlightening us, he would have encouraged us to eat from the Tree of Life, giving us forever to become enlightened. That right there blows their whole belief system out of the water! :lachen:

The depths of deception run deeper than more people realize. We have become too comfortable in the West, allowing complacency and ignorance to flourish. The financial, political, personal, medical...everything is connected by the spiritual, but few notice. We have embraced so much of the world, we are afraid to see things as they truly are, to search for the real truth no matter how heart-rendering it is. There will come a time when the veils will be ripped from the eyes of the followers of Christ. What a sad time that will be.

Arm yourself with the Word at all times and be watchful.

Wow - there is so much in this post... Could you elaborate on the bolded?
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I personally sense some type of ugly agenda to make us all miserable and obedient to nonsense or that it looks that way...crazy laws and whatnot popping up all over the planet. But I don't know if it is just the natural result of sin, famines, hunger, disease, crime, hatred etc. Perhaps the Iluminati exist...masons do, some of them were in our family. G20 lol...what a laugh...yes, there are top families controlling us G20 and we think our national status makes us so privileged.:nono: We all have different views on Revelations. I think it's all allegory.

But I have to believe in my traditions, in our the scriptures because they crosslink...I dunno. It's such a negative thing. What does get me angry? I think New Agers misappropriate Native and African cultures, horribly. They are manipulating this mess about Maya 2012 and their leaders have come out and said that is NOT their interpretation. Biggest manipulation, world failed economy. Perhaps all these things are being manipulated to bring upon us a contrived "reality." I'm not blind, not naive...I just hold onto our traditions and live for today. That's all that matters, what I did with today. G-d won't allow what He won't allow.
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I personally sense some type of ugly agenda to make us all miserable and obedient to nonsense or that it looks that way...crazy laws and whatnot popping up all over the planet. But I don't know if it is just the natural result of sin, famines, hunger, disease, crime, hatred etc. Perhaps the Iluminati exist...masons do, some of them were in our family. G20 lol...what a laugh...yes, there are top families controlling us G20 and we think our national status makes us so privileged.:nono: We all have different views on Revelations. I think it's all allegory.

But I have to believe in my traditions, in our the scriptures because they crosslink...I dunno. It's such a negative thing. What does get me angry? I think New Agers misappropriate Native and African cultures, horribly. They are manipulating this mess about Maya 2012 and their leaders have come out and said that is NOT their interpretation. Biggest manipulation, world failed economy. Perhaps all these things are being manipulated to bring upon us a contrived "reality." I'm not blind, not naive...I just hold onto our traditions and live for today. That's all that matters, what I did with today. G-d won't allow what He won't allow.

Pretty much.

I just wanted to share this because I'm sure I'm not the only person who saw nothing wrong with New Ageism but still believed in Jesus and his message.

I believed if it wasn't promoting "evil" then it must be "good". But like Nymphe says, God is very clear on this your either for Him or against Him.
To me Luciferianism is just another sect of Satanism, kind of like Catholics, Methodists, Pentecostals are different groups of Christianity. Different ways of worshipping, but in the end worship the same entity.
Wow - there is so much in this post... Could you elaborate on the bolded?
Sorry I took so long to reply--life distractions.

Revelation 18:4-5 Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of her [Babylon], my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes."

This is what I am referring to. The veils of deception have to be removed in order for this to happen. The word shout can mean a sudden, startling proclamation and it fits within the context of the verses.
Sorry I took so long to reply--life distractions.

Revelation 18:4-5 Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of her [Babylon], my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes."

This is what I am referring to. The veils of deception have to be removed in order for this to happen. The word shout can mean a sudden, startling proclamation and it fits within the context of the verses.

Hmmm....thanks.... This is begging for a spin-off thread.
Agreed, but are we ready for it? It would be pretty intense.
It will be an excellent topic for discussion. :yep:

And I need to share right off the bat, that it's not 'that deep'. It truly isn't, so the word 'intense' doesn't have to come into play unless someone wants it that way.

:yep: I look forward to this when someone begins. :Rose:
Please, share more.

Hi :)
Oh def, the illuminato OWNS the media, the schools.. everything. And they are luciferians.
The agenda is New world order and if they can make people believe they are somewhat higher than GOD and so on, they will!
They are very very evil.. and they planned 9/11
Just google bilderberg group and david rockefeller and also Central foreign relations
all the leaders of america are in it. they control it all. they would never let a person who doesnt agree decide ANYTHING.
listen to michael jacksons 'They dont really care about us'
He speaks about them, and they ****ed his life BIG time.
Beyonce is def in it, Jay-z and Rihanna.
Umbrella, read the lyrics. Its about her oath to THE DEVIL!
I posted this in the Conspiracy Thread because I would never have arrived at this article if I wouldnt have read some of the post in there, but I also wanted to post it here because I want some feedback from some Christians as well.

*** I edited this because I want people to know the TRUE defination of a Luciferian before they answer. Please click on the link, or at least read the quote before you answer***

"Luciferianism is the embodiment of knowledge and power that acknowledges the Principle of Lucifer as the "Light of Consciousness." Be it as a god or as a principle, Lucifer has transcended many cultures as the "Bearer of Light;" the Light which illuminates the consciousness of sapient beings and heightens the senses and awareness to experience Higher Levels of Being. Luciferianism is the path of Self Mastery, Self-Attainment, and the Illumination of the Higher Self."

I've pretty much figured out all this "New Ageism" stuff that Oprah's been pushin on her show and the whole Eckhart Tolle movement is pretty much Occultism/Luciferinism wrapped up in a bow. Plus all these vision boards and The Secret and all that stuff is pretty much saying your your own god right?

This scared me because I've read all those books and while I dont consider myself a "Christian", I do believe in Jesus. But I certainly dont consider myself a satanist either! But after I thought about it :perplexed

This is all disturbing to me. Nobody throw stones at me!! I'm just thinking aloud because I was all for the "new-agey" stuff but now I have my doubts :nono:


RE the bold. No, vision boards are not saying you are your own god.

I first learned of LOA from a Christian woman/author Leslie Householder (author: Hidden Treasures: Heaven's Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters). I don't do all the VBs and stuff b/c it is too much work for me but I have found that the tools do work if I use them ( I did give it a try).

Vision boards are a way to visualize your goals. Having personal goals for oneself is not sinful or ungodly. VBs are tools to remind you daily to work toward those goals. Some people put their dreams and desires on the VBs. God allows us to have desires and will grant them if they are in his will (example: a good person for a mate). The bible tells us to always press toward the mark (goal) and for some people seeing it in front of them daily helps to keep them on track.

Affirmations. Another word from this "movement". Affirmations are not sinful and I first heard that word in church from the pulpit and we were taught to put on index cards bible verses for healing, or love, or whatever area you needed help in and to recite them over and over every day until you believed them or until they were apart of you. We were taught to memorize the word (hide His word in our hearts) and using the affirmation cards was a way to do it.

Affirmations are also used by people to help increase their self-esteem, or to help them remember things. It is simply a tool just like vision boards. Again, nothing sinful or ungodly.

As for the secret, that book/movie utilizes Christian, biblical principles only the author secularizes them. People weak in the faith should stay away from books like Tolle, the secret etc. This is where these tools or the biblical principles and laws are perverted. Instead of using them to further God's kingdom or to improve you as a Christian so that you can be used by God, they teach that "the universe" is your "source" and it is abundant and you ask the "universe" and you get what you want.

The principles that they bible does teach are known commonly as "the law of attraction". That is not ungoldy or sinful. It is a term used to describe the way in which one manifests things in one's life. The bible clearly teaches us that the word of life is in our mouth, blessings and curses come from out mouths, what is in our heart will come out of our mouth. The concept called LOA is that same thing. It has been used for years way before Byrne and the secret book (Think and Grow Rich, As a Man Thinketh et. al).

LOA is simply a title given to the principles (aka laws) in the bible from God. Just becasue the phrase "law of attraction" is not in the bible does not mean it is not of God. It is the purpose on one's heart and how it is used that determines things. The word homosexual is not in the bible but the bible is clear that homosexuality is an abomination. So the LOA is also in the bible just not that wording.

Additionally, all of God's principles can be secularized, perverted, etc. but they will still work because they are His laws in the earth placed here by Him. The difference is the results. That which is used for Him reaps life and health, those used for our flesh will reap sadness, regret etc.

Ask, Believe, Receive:
These are fundamentals to Christians. Jesus told us to do that of God the Father. Well, like I said above, the secret book says the exact same thing but it is the universe not God. That is what I mean when I say that God has placed laws and principles in operation in the earth and they work whether you believe in Him or Jesus or not. His laws always work but apart from Him there is no peace, there is no fulfillment, there is no joy.

Additionally, the prosperity teachers (Creflo Dollar, Copelands, and others) use the same things and twist and pervert it to heap monetary gain upon themselves. They teach their flock things that are not scriptural or taken out of context. This is not limited to the new age movement or Oprah but is rampant in the church today which is why the church must be reformed!

If a LOAer does not manifest their visions/affirmations, they get depressed, if a Christian does not receive what they ABR for, they re-examine their purpose of heart to see if they are asking amiss or out of God's will to heap on their own lust.

The bible is very clear that we are to meditate (think on, mull over, investigate, internalize) God's word. The new age movement teaches to meditate also. Again it is not unto God but unto flesh.

Many of you know I can go on and on and already have so I will stop here.

OP, please know that those books are dangerous in the hands of a new person in the faith (aka babe in Christ) or a weak person in the faith or just someone who is not read enough in the word.

I have read and seen the secret and similar stuff. I do not recommend or endorse that Christians use the secret (as it is) or Tolle or any new age stuff. However, if the LOA is done the way Jesus and God laid it out it is okay because LOA is just a title given to cover all that we are taught in the bible.

Bottom line, the mind is the battle field for Christians. We must renew it with the washing of the word of God (affirmations). We must think on that which is good, godly, of good report (meditate and meditate on His word). We can have the desires of our hearts (manifestation) if we ask, believe, (according to God's word and will) and we will receive the desires of our hearts (vision boards). All of that is what LOA embodies.


LOA is simply a title given to the principles (aka laws) in the bible from God. Just because the phrase "law of attraction" is not in the bible does not mean it is not of God. It is the purpose on one's heart and how it is used that determines things. The word homosexual is not in the bible but the bible is clear that homosexuality is an abomination. So the LOA is also in the bible just not that wording.

Exactly our point for tradition.
RE the bold. No, vision boards are not saying you are your own god.

I first learned of LOA from a Christian woman/author Leslie Householder (author: Hidden Treasures: Heaven's Astonishing Help with Your Money Matters). I don't do all the VBs and stuff b/c it is too much work for me but I have found that the tools do work if I use them ( I did give it a try).

Vision boards are a way to visualize your goals. Having personal goals for oneself is not sinful or ungodly. VBs are tools to remind you daily to work toward those goals. Some people put their dreams and desires on the VBs. God allows us to have desires and will grant them if they are in his will (example: a good person for a mate). The bible tells us to always press toward the mark (goal) and for some people seeing it in front of them daily helps to keep them on track.

Affirmations. Another word from this "movement". Affirmations are not sinful and I first heard that word in church from the pulpit and we were taught to put on index cards bible verses for healing, or love, or whatever area you needed help in and to recite them over and over every day until you believed them or until they were apart of you. We were taught to memorize the word (hide His word in our hearts) and using the affirmation cards was a way to do it.

Affirmations are also used by people to help increase their self-esteem, or to help them remember things. It is simply a tool just like vision boards. Again, nothing sinful or ungodly.

As for the secret, that book/movie utilizes Christian, biblical principles only the author secularizes them. People weak in the faith should stay away from books like Tolle, the secret etc. This is where these tools or the biblical principles and laws are perverted. Instead of using them to further God's kingdom or to improve you as a Christian so that you can be used by God, they teach that "the universe" is your "source" and it is abundant and you ask the "universe" and you get what you want.

The principles that they bible does teach are known commonly as "the law of attraction". That is not ungoldy or sinful. It is a term used to describe the way in which one manifests things in one's life. The bible clearly teaches us that the word of life is in our mouth, blessings and curses come from out mouths, what is in our heart will come out of our mouth. The concept called LOA is that same thing. It has been used for years way before Byrne and the secret book (Think and Grow Rich, As a Man Thinketh et. al).

LOA is simply a title given to the principles (aka laws) in the bible from God. Just becasue the phrase "law of attraction" is not in the bible does not mean it is not of God. It is the purpose on one's heart and how it is used that determines things. The word homosexual is not in the bible but the bible is clear that homosexuality is an abomination. So the LOA is also in the bible just not that wording.

Additionally, all of God's principles can be secularized, perverted, etc. but they will still work because they are His laws in the earth placed here by Him. The difference is the results. That which is used for Him reaps life and health, those used for our flesh will reap sadness, regret etc.

Ask, Believe, Receive:
These are fundamentals to Christians. Jesus told us to do that of God the Father. Well, like I said above, the secret book says the exact same thing but it is the universe not God. That is what I mean when I say that God has placed laws and principles in operation in the earth and they work whether you believe in Him or Jesus or not. His laws always work but apart from Him there is no peace, there is no fulfillment, there is no joy.

Additionally, the prosperity teachers (Creflo Dollar, Copelands, and others) use the same things and twist and pervert it to heap monetary gain upon themselves. They teach their flock things that are not scriptural or taken out of context. This is not limited to the new age movement or Oprah but is rampant in the church today which is why the church must be reformed!

If a LOAer does not manifest their visions/affirmations, they get depressed, if a Christian does not receive what they ABR for, they re-examine their purpose of heart to see if they are asking amiss or out of God's will to heap on their own lust.

The bible is very clear that we are to meditate (think on, mull over, investigate, internalize) God's word. The new age movement teaches to meditate also. Again it is not unto God but unto flesh.

Many of you know I can go on and on and already have so I will stop here.

OP, please know that those books are dangerous in the hands of a new person in the faith (aka babe in Christ) or a weak person in the faith or just someone who is not read enough in the word.

I have read and seen the secret and similar stuff. I do not recommend or endorse that Christians use the secret (as it is) or Tolle or any new age stuff. However, if the LOA is done the way Jesus and God laid it out it is okay because LOA is just a title given to cover all that we are taught in the bible.

Bottom line, the mind is the battle field for Christians. We must renew it with the washing of the word of God (affirmations). We must think on that which is good, godly, of good report (meditate and meditate on His word).

We can have the desires of our hearts (manifestation) if we ask, believe, (according to God's word and will) and we will receive the desires of our hearts (vision boards).

All of that is what LOA embodies.
At the bolded....

Oh my Precious Jesus. What a master deception!

This is all witchcraft, Little One.

And I know what I'm talking about.

When God gives full warning about staying away from such, He meant what He said and He still means it.

Since when did God ever stop answering prayer? Did David or Solomon or even the Apostle Paul have a vision board? No! The only visions they depended upon was the vision God gave them in their hearts to follow Him.

Answer to prayer comes from relationship with God. The loa is not relationship with God the Father, it's relationship with witchcraft, self will, and total dependency upon self and not God.

These vison boards have nothing to do with the word of God. Nothing! It is all man created and man 'channeling' what man wants to come into his life.

Now something is not quite right. The items themselves which are placed on a vision board exposes the focus and the intent of one's heart... totally based upon material things. And not one mention of fellowship with God.

Now THAT is a major clue in itself, that one's heart is so ruled and filled with worldly desires that they build an altar unto them; and the focus is not upon God. :nono: God warns us, to not be so caught up in this world and the lusts of the flesh.

It's actually is idol worship. Vision boards are idols for one puts upon there what he/she cherishes in this world.

And again, the loa is witchcraft. Keep playing around with it. I'm speaking to Chrisitians. You may as well get ready to repent. For when Jesus comes, where do you want Him to find you? At the altar of your vision boards?

Dearest ones, know ye not, that when God gives you a desire, it is He who brings it to manifestation...not the loa?

Selah.... :Rose:
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At the bolded....

Oh my Precious Jesus. What a master deception!

This is all witchcraft, Little One.

And I know what I'm talking about.

When God gives full warning about staying away from such, He meant what He said and He still means it.

Since when did God ever stop answering prayer? Did David or Solomon or even the Apostle Paul have a vision board? No! The only visions they depended upon was the vision God gave them in their hearts to follow Him.

Answer to prayer comes from relationship with God. The loa is not relationship with God the Father, it's relationship with witchcraft, self will, and total dependency upon self and not God.

These vison boards have nothing to do with the word of God. Nothing! It is all man created and man 'channeling' what man wants to come into his life.

Now something is not quite right. The items themselves which are placed on a vision board exposes the focus and the intent of one's heart... totally based upon material things. And not one mention of fellowship with God.

Now THAT is a major clue in itself, that one's heart is so ruled and filled with worldly desires that they build an altar unto them; and the focus is not upon God. :nono: God warns us, to not be so caught up in this world and the lusts of the flesh.

It's actually is idol worship. Vision boards are idols for one puts upon there what he/she cherishes in this world.

And again, the loa is witchcraft. Keep playing around with it. I'm speaking to Chrisitians. You may as well get ready to repent. For when Jesus comes, where do you want Him to find you? At the altar of your vision boards?

Dearest ones, know ye not, that when God gives you a desire, it is He who brings it to manifestation...not the loa?

Selah.... :Rose:
I agree. People really need to research and test with Scripture what they practice before they practice it. What makes Christian in the West think God reveal this to them and not others?

This is no different than the stuff Joel Osteen teaches. Of course, we should not dwelt on the negative in our lives, but the "think and grow rich" mentality (which is what it is) has nothing to do with feeding His sheep or drawing us closer to Him. I have read too many stories of faith and answered prayers; had quite a few myself. Why do we need anything else?
I agree. People really need to research and test with Scripture what they practice before they practice it. What makes Christian in the West think God reveal this to them and not others?

This is no different than the stuff Joel Osteen teaches. Of course, we should not dwelt on the negative in our lives, but the "think and grow rich" mentality (which is what it is) has nothing to do with feeding His sheep or drawing us closer to Him. I have read too many stories of faith and answered prayers; had quite a few myself.

Why do we need anything else?

Exactly! Why do we need anything else? And while this applies to all of humanity, this is especially presented to those who call themselves Christians?

Anyone who calls themselves Christian has no busniess with the loa... None! It is a blatant confession that to them, God is not enough and they are seeking their source of supply, elsewhere, outside of God.

If this were not so, then why the loa? God warned the Church about committing adultery with idolatry. The book of Revelation is very clear regarding this.

One of the biggest dangers of a Christian who practices the loa is that it takes them away from the intimacy and dependency of prayer. It waters down, it dilutes, renders ineffective, one's true relationship with God.

Nymphe, keep your Revelation thread going. God says those who read the book of Revelation will be blessed. Keep the thread going, because it is keeping the Truth above the the surface of witchcraft which has been hovering over this forum trying to 'mix in' to weaken those unaware.

Blessings, Angel. :Rose:
Nymphe and Shimmie you two are so dead on about the truth of God and the truth of the word. Its cut and dry, God calls us to put no other God before Him, and if as Christians we allow this loa stuff to enter in to us then you are exactly right Shimmie we are saying that God's power is not enough, that He doesn't hear our prayers and that He won't answer us.

Our God is a God of love, He inhabits the praises of His people, He is present with us every where we go BUT we must believe in Him and not the wisdom of this world.

You are putting your hope into a piece of paper, a wish upon a star type mentality when playing with these loa boards, pure schemes and wiles of the enemy! 1 Corinthians 2:5 KJV says That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. This loa is purely a distration man made to get people off of the true Holy One, THE ONLY ONE who regins supreme over all, THE ONLY ONE who we are to put our hope and trust in. Not any affirmation or law that a book tells us to do.

2 Corinthians 4:7 KJV But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

Again, the power of our deliverance, our healing, our desires shall come from this hidden treasure, Jesus our saviour, the Holy Spirit our very present help and our Father God. Not of us, not any in false idol. We are to walk by faith and not by sight and Shimmie I completly agree this vision board is nothing than and idol, something to look to say I am this I am that, I have what is on this board instead of focusing on who God says you are. The vision board is a form of removing the power from God and saying I created this and it is all material related.

I too would watch Oprah and she never gave the glory to Jesus. She would say you are what you create, there is power in the universe etc, etc... I could get into a deep discussion on things I feel are being done through Oprah because of her mass following but that's another topic.

Originally Posted by Nymphe
I agree. People really need to research and test with Scripture what they practice before they practice it. What makes Christian in the West think God reveal this to them and not others?

Nymphe people really do need to research and study the scripture on their own before jumping into something they have no idea about. What seems harmless and innocent and self assuring is not so.
Oprah acknowledges God all the time. I think a lot of people are upset because she doesn't always use the word God. Sometimes she uses The Universe instead but we all understand that she's talking about God. Its not just Christians that watch her show so its a broader term used to define a Higher Power.

She definitely said it here when she received her Lifetime Achievement Award. "G-d, use me." Poignant speech.
IMO, Satanism is a relative term. Anything that takes your gaze off God and places more focus on that thing that on God and his will for your life is wrong.

We all make mistakes and slip and get all caught up from time to time, but once we recognize it, we have to learn to turn away from that sinful stuff and see it for what it REALLY is.

She definitely said it here when she received her Lifetime Achievement Award. "G-d, use me." Poignant speech.

She was obviously having an 'emotional moment'.

However... her fruit still shows otherwise. She still promotes and backs up the false teachings of God.

I love Oprah. But I know the Word of God and she's not living it. She is a classic example of one who has been deceived by riches.

I'll tell you something else. Back when I was in school, there was a moring talk show called "People Are Talking' where Oprah co-hosted with another Baltimore anchor person.

I'll never forget this. I was home from school and there was a psychic "Sally Rigler' who frequented the show and she literally took a hold of Oprah, and spoke these words over her.

"That you are moving forward and will be known throughout the world and will be looked up to by many."

ETA: I remember this woman telling Oprah that this would bring her lots of money.

I will NEVER forget it. Never! Because it caught Oprah by surprise and you could tell that it moved her A LOT!

Sally Rigler was a witch! She dealt with familiar spirits.

And this same spirit has followed Oprah throughout her journey to where she is now.

We need to get it straight that satan has his tools, instruments and his disciples! I am NOT calling Oprah a disciple of satan, but you better believe that he is using her and she has a captive audience that literally hangs onto every single word she says.

Of COURSE she's talking about God. That's the biggest weapon of success that satan has. If a person says, God they can't be an instrument of satan. And this is by far a MASTER Deception!

Anyone that exaults God will not exault another god. They will not!

Show me a celebrity 'frontline' who is upfront taking a stand against homosexuality and homosexual marriages! Where are they?

I am not talking about folks on Christian TV! I'm talking the major networks and the acting/entertainment communities, , who are frontline and denouncing those things which are not of God.

You're not going to find them! They've run scared! They fear for their lives and that they will lose their frontline positions, let alone be invited to the social functions or even work again.

If Oprah is so sold out on God, then she better start producing the fruits thereof. Stop deceiving people with foolishness. God says that you cannot serve God and mannom. You can't. You will be divided and God wants us whole, and solely unto Him. Oprah is NOT!

I'm so sick of the foolishness of these fools, thinking they can trick God and folks that they are sold out for Jesus and yet won't show it.

I'm sick of this foolishness of people who are still on the fence and leaning even more away from God and leaning more and more towards the world. It's a sick and a sad compromise and folks ought to be ashamed. Totally ashamed!

How dare anyone insult the very nature of God by having the rudiments of this world slammed in His face and then have nerve...common nerve to say they are Christians.

In I Kings 18 the very same fools did this who worshipped baal. The prophet Elijah, said it plain. "How long will you halt between two opinions? " If baal be god, serve baal. but if God be God, serve Him!

Make up your fool minds. If you want God, fine! Serve Him!

If you want baal, then fine, serve baal.

Just don't play games and try to say God is in it. God is tired of folks playing these tired spiritual games with Him. He knows what's up; He's not stupid... He's God!

Do folks really think God is stupid? Just admit that what you want more than He's giving you. Admit it.

Admit that you don't see Him at your 'all'. Admit it! Just Admit It!

Stop playing around. God calls it much worse in Hosea and he used Hosea's wife as the example. And we who play games with God are literally prostituting our relationship with Him. And God is not the pimp, satan is.

It's just that serious!

I'm sick of this mess. satan never gives up. Always trying to sneak his mess into the clay before it has a chance to be in the 'Potter's Hand'.

And as soon as things get messed up, God with all of His loving mercies, takes the mess we allowed satan to put in us, and bit by bit, section by section, heart by heart, God tearfully and carefully and gently pulls out the debris until we have been made whole and clean, the way He designed us to be,

I do not understand, why it is so necessary to defend that which we know to be wrong. Then again I do. It's denial, but denied only to escape accountability. Folks want what they want, it's fully understood, but stop saying God is in it. He's not and nor will He ever be.

If anyone calls themselves Christian, leave the loa alone! It's not God! And do not think for one moment that it is. It IS witchcraft...self fulfillment.

I didn't plan on posting this reply. But I know when God is using me. What I've shared is not personally directed towards any individual here or there. But it is fully directed towards the lie that the loa and Christianity and the Bible are the same. It is not!

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An attempt to clarify.

LOA is a term used to describe a set of practices or principles. It is not a "movement", it is not a religion.

LOA embodies biblical principles and is from God. In my post I was attempting to show that. Evidently I failed.

I also thought I made it clear that LOA as taught by the secular world or new age movement was ungodly.

I never suggested that God stopped answering prayers.

I am not now nor ever have been a practitioner of the secular version of LOA nor am I an endorser of such.

The principle of LOA is not evil, sinful or ungodly. It is from God and in His word.

I research secular LOA and new age so that I can steer people away from it and its dangers and so that I can show them where it conflicts with the word. I study it so that I can show people how truth is mixed with error and will cause people to fall to the wayside. I study secular LOA so that I can show that it is stolen from God and that when used as Jesus taught us to use it, it is good not evil.

The practice of LOA started in the church. It has been perverted and pimped from the pulpit for years and the secular world now has grabbed it because they see they potential for wealth just like the pulpit pimps do.

Ask, believe, receive = God's word and His instructions
Mark 11:24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive [them], and you will have [them].
Jam 4:3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.
Visualize the plan = God's word and His instructions
Hab 2:2-3 Then the LORD answered me and said: "Write the vision And make [it] plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision [is] yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.
Meditate (think on His word) and memorize it (hide in our hearts) = God's word and His instructions
Phl 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things [are] noble, whatever things [are] just, whatever things [are] pure, whatever things [are] lovely, whatever things [are] of good report, if [there is] any virtue and if [there is] anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things.
Psa 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
The purpose = to have a relationship with Him and see that He is our source and apart from Him we are nothing.

The pulpit pimps and the secular new age movement has taken these principles, perverted them but perverted or not they still work and reap results either to the flesh or the spirit based on the intent of the person's heart.

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God bless you beautiful saints for knowing the truth and being brave enough to share it. I will l keep you and your families in my prayers because after all we are a body. No matter what Satan does in this world, know that God evens the books and all will be corrected. My heart really goes out for those who aren't saved because they are so easily deceived. I have folks in my family who I love dearly who fall into the whole new age garbage. As for 2012it's a mass deception to scare people into doing desparate things and into believing false idols.

Matthew 24:18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. 19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! 20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: 21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. 23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25 Behold, I have told you before. 26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. 27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
Let me keep it real for a second. If you are a true saint and a believer that Jesus Christ came to earth to die for our sins then you can’t buy into all these New Ageism garbage. Jesus came to give mankind deliverance, healing and SALVATION. Anything that is not of God is of the Devil. I don't care if it looks pretty, makes you a lot of money, or is a way for folks to "feel" good about their corrupted morals, values, and ungodly activities. If you aren't a Christian then why are folks even on this board debating the word of God?! The bible speaks of false prophets and false gods. Those practicing new ageism is worshiping Mammon/ Satan. There is no half stepping when you are a follower of Christ. Jesus doesn’t have time for luke warm Christians. Either follow him or don’t. I’m so tired of people trying to have it both ways. You can’t be of this world and of God. It’s like trying to mix oil and water! You pick sides and deal with the consequences of your choice. Your walk and life as a Christian isn’t going to be easy but eternity starts now. You are a living sacrifice and testimony to how amazing Jesus Christ is. (Romans 12:1). The fact that there are people identifying themselves as Christians but playing around with the Devil’s toys is disturbing to my spirit. Nevertheless I pray that the Lord gives everyone revelation, allows the holy spirit to guide them, and give them the spiritual vision/eyesight to make responsible choices and see the truth.
IMO, Satanism is a relative term. Anything that takes your gaze off God and places more focus on that thing that on God and his will for your life is wrong.

We all make mistakes and slip and get all caught up from time to time, but once we recognize it, we have to learn to turn away from that sinful stuff and see it for what it REALLY is.

Satanism/Satan is not relative. Satan is an evil spirit hell bent on destroying mankind and removing them from God’s grace. He uses his demons (fallen angels) to get into the hearts, minds, and spirits of man so that he/she will sin. As a result of sin man becomes corrupted and loses is ability to bond with God. You are playing in dangerous territory by introducing relativity when it comes to matters of the spirit. When Satan becomes relative, then so does evil, morals, and slowly but surely the fact that Jesus brought salvation to mankind also becomes relative. That is why people struggle to believe and lack faith. If Satan is relative so is evil. Thelema philosophy which is rooted in Satanism is based on the idea of morals and evil being relative. That is why their motto is “Do what thou wilt.”
An attempt to clarify.

LOA is a term used to describe a set of practices or principles. It is not a "movement", it is not a religion.

LOA embodies biblical principles and is from God. In my post I was attempting to show that. Evidently I failed.

I also thought I made it clear that LOA as taught by the secular world or new age movement was ungodly.

I never suggested that God stopped answering prayers.

I am not now nor ever have been a practitioner of the secular version of LOA nor am I an endorser of such.

The principle of LOA is not evil, sinful or ungodly. It is from God and in His word.

I research secular LOA and new age so that I can steer people away from it and its dangers and so that I can show them where it conflicts with the word. I study it so that I can show people how truth is mixed with error and will cause people to fall to the wayside. I study secular LOA so that I can show that it is stolen from God and that when used as Jesus taught us to use it, it is good not evil.

The practice of LOA started in the church. It has been perverted and pimped from the pulpit for years and the secular world now has grabbed it because they see they potential for wealth just like the pulpit pimps do.

Ask, believe, receive = God's word and His instructionsVisualize the plan = God's word and His instructionsMeditate (think on His word) and memorize it (hide in our hearts) = God's word and His instructionsThe purpose = to have a relationship with Him and see that He is our source and apart from Him we are nothing.

The pulpit pimps and the secular new age movement has taken these principles, perverted them but perverted or not they still work and reap results either to the flesh or the spirit based on the intent of the person's heart.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm NO! :nono:

We have got to careful ! Extremely careful ! The truth is cut and dry, there are no compromises or loopholes.

loa is not a Biblical principle. It is however, a perversion of God's word used for the benefit of man to justify man's desire for material gain.

For example:

When God says write the 'Vision', He is clearly speaking of a prophesy that He has ordered to be written for the benefit of those to be able to read it and be forewarned; also so that no one can come back and say that they never knew what God warned them about.

Man however, has taken this word to say 'make a wish list'.

Relating the loa to the Bible has to carefully defined and spoken as Truth, which is that Biblical principles are being 'exploited' for selfish gain.

Saying that the loa is a Bibilical princiiple is not only incorrect, but dangerous because it is a mis-leader to many to think they can have a Biblical loa, which does not exist.

God is to be taken 'straight', no chasers.
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Let me keep it real for a second. If you are a true saint and a believer that Jesus Christ came to earth to die for our sins then you can’t buy into all these New Ageism garbage.

Jesus came to give mankind deliverance, healing and SALVATION. Anything that is not of God is of the Devil. I don't care if it looks pretty, makes you a lot of money, or is a way for folks to "feel" good about their corrupted morals, values, and ungodly activities.

If you aren't a Christian then why are folks even on this board debating the word of God?! The bible speaks of false prophets and false gods. Those practicing new ageism is worshiping Mammon/ Satan. There is no half stepping when you are a follower of Christ. Jesus doesn’t have time for luke warm Christians. Either follow him or don’t. I’m so tired of people trying to have it both ways. You can’t be of this world and of God. It’s like trying to mix oil and water! You pick sides and deal with the consequences of your choice.

Your walk and life as a Christian isn’t going to be easy but eternity starts now. You are a living sacrifice and testimony to how amazing Jesus Christ is. (Romans 12:1).

The fact that there are people identifying themselves as Christians but playing around with the Devil’s toys is disturbing to my spirit.

Nevertheless I pray that the Lord gives everyone revelation, allows the holy spirit to guide them, and give them the spiritual vision/eyesight to make responsible choices and see the truth.

I just want to say 'Thank You'. :Rose:

In the end, "Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord..."