Is New Ageism=Satanism?

I think it started in the church with Norman Vincent Peale's book The Power of Positive Thinking. Robert Schuller and others picked up and expanded where he left off. Yes, we are to have such a strong faith that we can ask and receive the impossible if it is in line with his will. The danger in any idea that attempts to isolate God's work in one's life is that when devastation occurs, the person can easily fall away. We don't need labels or principles; just faith, the Word, and the willingness to correct (warnings, forgiveness) or be corrected (humility, growth).

What you described has nothing to do with attraction. Living life and observing others (stories of perseverance in the Bible for example) shows us the need for Him in our lives.
My Lord and my God....:nono::nono::nono:

"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works."
Matthew 16: 26-27

Word faith is a lie from the pit of hell. It is based on materialism and gaining "stuff." Matthew 21:22 (And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive) and John 16: 24 (Hitherto have y asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive) have been twisted by Christians to justify their greed and desire to be of the world. It's sickening. God is not a genie. You don't make a wish and poof your mercedes is sitting out front. You have to align your will with what God wants for your life. That is what that scripture means. Not everyone is meant to be wealthy or have nice cars. God will provide for his sheep if we are obedient to his word. So many Christians need delieverance to clean up their minds and hearts. Once that happens they will be at peace and have true faith.
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You know, the title "Christian" is nothing to play with. The name "CHRIST" is intergrated within that name, so if we say we are one, we had best make sure we aren't taking the name in vain. We shall be held accountable....

Jesus "The Christ" is our Lord and our Savior...nothing to play around all.
You know, the title "Christian" is nothing to play with. The name "CHRIST" is intergrated within that name, so if we say we are one, we had best make sure we aren't taking the name in vain. We shall be held accountable....

Jesus "The Christ" is our Lord and our Savior...nothing to play around all.

Thank you. :Rose:

It's liken to a wife who takes the name of her husband then turns around and gives her heart and adoration to someone else. She wears the name and the Integrity that goes with it, yet she sleeps with another.

No Christian should be in alliance with the loa. :nono: Neither say there's a Biblical form of it. :nono:
Thank you. :Rose:

It's liken to a wife who takes the name of her husband then turns around and gives her heart and adoration to someone else. She wears the name and the Integrity that goes with it, yet she sleeps with another.

No Christian should be in alliance with the loa. :nono: Neither say there's a Biblical form of it. :nono:
You certainly hit the nail on the head....:yep:
Thank you. :Rose:

It's liken to a wife who takes the name of her husband then turns around and gives her heart and adoration to someone else. She wears the name and the Integrity that goes with it, yet she sleeps with another.

No Christian should be in alliance with the loa. :nono: Neither say there's a Biblical form of it. :nono:

Amen Shimmie, we cannot play the harlot.

I just want to run around my living room and shout on this... (we need a shout smiley)
Amen Shimmie, we cannot play the harlot.

I just want to run around my living room and shout on this... (we need a shout smiley)

Blessings momi :kiss:

Will these do?


:woohoo2: :woohoo2: :woohoo2:

LOA is a godly biblical principle that has been perverted and misused so that people can satisfy the lust of their flesh but i do not expect some here to grasp or understand that.

i've laid it out.

i'm not asking for anyone to agree or believe as it is what it is.
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Satanism/Satan is not relative. Satan is an evil spirit hell bent on destroying mankind and removing them from God’s grace. He uses his demons (fallen angels) to get into the hearts, minds, and spirits of man so that he/she will sin. As a result of sin man becomes corrupted and loses is ability to bond with God. You are playing in dangerous territory by introducing relativity when it comes to matters of the spirit. When Satan becomes relative, then so does evil, morals, and slowly but surely the fact that Jesus brought salvation to mankind also becomes relative. That is why people struggle to believe and lack faith. If Satan is relative so is evil. Thelema philosophy which is rooted in Satanism is based on the idea of morals and evil being relative. That is why their motto is “Do what thou wilt.”

Oops, maybe I should have been more clearly defined in my wording. I'm not saying that it is relative in terms of it's definition. I'm saying it is relative in that satanism, and ageism aren't the only things that are wrong. Some people in the world believe that unless you are worshipping the devil himself, then you aren't doing anything wrong. I just wanted to bring attention to the fact that ANYTHING that takes your gaze away from the Lord Jesus Christ is wrong. It all comes from the devil but it's not just in the form of satanism.

Many people would think of satanism as something they've seen in a movie with crazy people making sacrafices.

My bad. . . . .we cool?
You certainly hit the nail on the head....:yep:

Amen Shimmie, we cannot play the harlot.

I just want to run around my living room and shout on this... (we need a shout smiley)

I'm just sitting here praying. Just praying.

Because I know the spirit behind this mess, way too well. :nono:

It's always looking for way to 'sneak' in disguised as Jesus. :sekret:

Ninevah was under this influence... Jonah ran because he knew he couldn't handle it in his flesh.

I don't want a watered down Jesus...:nono:

"Upon this solid Rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand...all other ground is sinking sand. "
LOA is a godly biblical principle that has been perverted and misused so that people can satisfy the lust of their flesh but i do not expect some here to grasp or understand that.

i've laid it out.

i'm not asking for anyone to agree or believe as it is what it is.

I'm not contending with you. You're still 5 Stars in my view and not just one. :Rose:

loa has nothing to do with the Bible.


The world has stolen Biblical principles which were orginated by God and have plagerized them and have given them a new title, called the loa, the secret, etc.

It's critical to clarify this wording for this is what some Chrisitians who have chosen and are hooked on the loa, are using to escape accountability. They are 'excusing' themselves by saying the loa is of God, when indeed it is not.

I know this may seem like it's only symantics but its more than that, it's a person's soul at stake. The loa is not of God no matter who says it is.

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I'm contending with you. You're still 5 Stars in my view and not just one. :Rose:

loa has nothing to do with the Bible.


The world has stolen Biblical principles which were orginated by God and have plagerized them and have given them a new title, called the loa, the secret, etc.

It's critical to clarify this wording for this is what some Chrisitians who have chosen and are hooked on the loa, are using to escape accountability. They are 'excusing' themselves by saying the loa is of God, when indeed it is not.

I know this may seem like it's only symantics but its more than that, it's a person's soul at stake. The loa is not of God no matter who says it is.


ITA with you there. God's Word works and the world knows it. BUT, they will pay for stealing from Him though. The devil is good at quoting scripture and knowing how to put his own spin on it. He did it in Eden, and he did it when he tried to trick Jesus. Now he's doing it to the masses and soooooo many are falling for it.
I'm contending with you. You're still 5 Stars in my view and not just one. :Rose:

loa has nothing to do with the Bible.


The world has stolen Biblical principles which were orginated by God and have plagerized them and have given them a new title, called the loa, the secret, etc.

It's critical to clarify this wording for this is what some Chrisitians who have chosen and are hooked on the loa, are using to escape accountability. They are 'excusing' themselves by saying the loa is of God, when indeed it is not.
I know this may seem like it's only symantics but its more than that, it's a person's soul at stake. The loa is not of God no matter who says it is.

This is a very powerful and truthful saying, Shimmie.

I'm saddened...but, prayerful and hopeful that the Lord will prevail in the hearts of those whom He loves.
Oops, maybe I should have been more clearly defined in my wording. I'm not saying that it is relative in terms of it's definition. I'm saying it is relative in that satanism, and ageism aren't the only things that are wrong. Some people in the world believe that unless you are worshipping the devil himself, then you aren't doing anything wrong. I just wanted to bring attention to the fact that ANYTHING that takes your gaze away from the Lord Jesus Christ is wrong. It all comes from the devil but it's not just in the form of satanism.

Many people would think of satanism as something they've seen in a movie with crazy people making sacrafices.

My bad. . . . .we cool?

Girl no worries. :drunk: I wasn't trying to one up you or anything. My apologies for misunderstanding. We are here to correct each other. I was coming from a position of concern because how your original post was written could be interpreted as if you felt that the concept of Satan was relative. But thank you for clarifying your position.
Exactly! Why do we need anything else? And while this applies to all of humanity, this is especially presented to those who call themselves Christians?

Anyone who calls themselves Christian has no busniess with the loa... None! It is a blatant confession that to them, God is not enough and they are seeking their source of supply, elsewhere, outside of God.

If this were not so, then why the loa? God warned the Church about committing adultery with idolatry. The book of Revelation is very clear regarding this.

One of the biggest dangers of a Christian who practices the loa is that it takes them away from the intimacy and dependency of prayer. It waters down, it dilutes, renders ineffective, one's true relationship with God.

Nymphe, keep your Revelation thread going. God says those who read the book of Revelation will be blessed. Keep the thread going, because it is keeping the Truth above the the surface of witchcraft which has been hovering over this forum trying to 'mix in' to weaken those unaware.

Blessings, Angel. :Rose:

And wow Shimmie

that was a 'crafty tricky' post

u answered beautifully! :kiss:
The world has stolen Biblical principles which were orginated by God and have plagerized them and have given them a new title, called the loa, the secret, etc.
this is exactly what I said in a different thread about this topic on the CF. and it is true. it is also what i've said in both of my earlier posts- that the world (secular community) has stolen them and put a title on them. that is precisely what I've been saying.
It's critical to clarify this wording for this is what some Chrisitians who have chosen and are hooked on the loa, are using to escape accountability. They are 'excusing' themselves by saying the loa is of God, when indeed it is not.

i don't know any Christians who practice LOA as laid out in the world and I don't visit the LOA threads on LHCF.

i just know that regardless of the name given to it (LOA or Name it and claim it or whatever) the process is the same: ask, believe, receive.

i don't think that people (Christians or not) understand how dangerous LOA/new age can be.

let me reiterate again: i did not say the secularized worldly LOA is of God i said that the principles used and taught in LOA are from God and that LOA is the name given to it. LOA is simply ask believe receive and that is in the bible which means LOA is biblical.

if the name LOA bothers anyone, then we all know that Jesus' name is above all names....

Saying that the loa is a Bibilical princiiple is not only incorrect, but dangerous because it is a mis-leader to many to think they can have a Biblical loa, which does not exist.

God is to be taken 'straight', no chasers.

Ask, believe, receive = God's LOA

LOA did begin in the church as "Name it and claim it"

the church's name and claim and the world's LOA are both pimping God's word and His principles.

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i just know that regardless of the name given to it (LOA or Name it and claim it or whatever) the process is the same: ask, believe, receive.

i don't think that people (Christians or not) understand how dangerous LOA/new age can be.

let me reiterate again: i did not say the secularized worldly LOA is of God i said that the principles used and taught in LOA are from God and that LOA is the name given to it. LOA is simply ask believe receive and that is in the bible which means LOA is biblical.

if the name LOA bothers anyone, then we all know that Jesus' name is above all names....

Ask, believe, receive = God's LOA

LOA did begin in the church as "Name it and claim it"

the church's name and claim and the world's LOA are both pimping God's word and His principles.

I owe you and and the ladies in here an apology. I made an error in my post above when I responded to you.

It should have read: I am not contending with you. :Rose:

I'm very sorry that I 'missed' that typograpical error. I made the correction in my post.

Happy Friday 5 Stars and to everyone here... "Happy and Blessed Friday"

This is a very powerful and truthful saying, Shimmie.

I'm saddened...but, prayerful and hopeful that the Lord will prevail in the hearts of those whom He loves.

I'm sadden by this too, Precious Wavy. This is serious and straight out dangerous. This is not game, it's people's lives and their souls at stake here with this mess.

We all know the dangers of smoking, drugs, std's, and while many throw caution to the wind and indulge themselves with such anyway, there are those who take their health and life more seriously.

This loa is far worse. It's an alienation from God. loa cannot save a person's life, or their soul.

As you shared, "What does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul?"

It is just that serious. :nono:

"Blessings to you Precious Wavy" :kiss:
Hey Darlin... :kiss:

It wasn't my intention to be crafty or tricky.... I'm straight no chasers.

Love and blessings to you Precious Lady. :Rose:

No not you mama

how LOA was being presented was kinda crafty and tricky, thats how I felt about it , tis all.

love ya Shimmie

sorry for the misunderstanding, you? NEVER!
ITA with you there.

God's Word works and the world knows it. BUT, they will pay for stealing from Him though.

The devil is good at quoting scripture and knowing how to put his own spin on it. He did it in Eden, and he did it when he tried to trick Jesus. Now he's doing it to the masses and soooooo many are falling for it.

:thankyou: You just said it! The Word of God Works!

Changed.... Look what the Lord just showed me and 'we' all know this (most of us do).

God is bound by His Word. His Sovereinty and His Integrity will not allow Him to dishonur His Word. God has to do what He says He will do. He Must! Because He is God!

Therefore, He watches over His Word to perform it. His Word shall not return to Him void. It prospers whereto He sends it.

And because He cannot go back on His Word, the world is taking full advantage of it. satan knows this and he is of course the ring leader.

Instead of giving God credit, they have taken it and are profiting from it, illegally.

This is not a game. :nono: :nono: :nono:
No not you mama

how LOA was being presented was kinda crafty and tricky, thats how I felt about it , tis all.

love ya Shimmie

sorry for the misunderstanding, you? NEVER!

Hey! You just waved at me in your 'siggy'. :lachen:

:grouphug2: Right back at you, Pretty Lady.
Not trying to correct anyone here, but just for the record :

LOA is not a biblical principle!

The biblical principle is :
Mc. 11.22 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.
11.24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
11.25 And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

Résumé :
Have faith in God
Pray and forgive

This biblical principle is based on faith in God, wisdom and love (not fileo, but agapao, sorry I don’t know the terms in English).
This is a principle for believers who are moving closer to God.

The basic biblical principle is this :
Mat. 6.31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? 6.32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. 6.33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 6.34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

LOA is a perversion of a biblical principle.

Jc. 4.2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. 4.3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. 4.4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. 4.5 Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?

In revealing a so called secret to the mass, they are deceiving and losing souls.

Watch out !

When someone is just visualizing $ 500 000, he can be asking for an accident or a death (insurances).

Receiving what you are visualizing does not mean you are in God’s will.

When someone knows the truth and decides to put God in a closet, this person receives what the Bible calls a strong delusion.
2Thes. 2.7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 2.8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 2.9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 2.10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 2.11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 2.12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Not trying to correct anyone here, but just for the record :

LOA is not a biblical principle!

The biblical principle is :
Mc. 11.22 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.
11.24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
11.25 And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

Résumé :
Have faith in God
Pray and forgive

This biblical principle is based on faith in God, wisdom and love (not fileo, but agapao, sorry I don’t know the terms in English).
This is a principle for believers who are moving closer to God.

The basic biblical principle is this :
Mat. 6.31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? 6.32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. 6.33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 6.34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

LOA is a perversion of a biblical principle.

Jc. 4.2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. 4.3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. 4.4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. 4.5 Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?

In revealing a so called secret to the mass, they are deceiving and losing souls.

Watch out !

When someone is just visualizing $ 500 000, he can be asking for an accident or a death (insurances).

Receiving what you are visualizing does not mean you are in God’s will.

When someone knows the truth and decides to put God in a closet, this person receives what the Bible calls a strong delusion.
2Thes. 2.7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 2.8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 2.9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 2.10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 2.11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 2.12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
:kiss: Crown, thank you so much for posting this. And not for me. But for others who are being mislead and are involved with the loa, and calling it God.

We just have to 'step up' and admit that we are doing what 'we' want to do. Trying to camophlage it and saying it's God, doesn't justify it.

It's a way of trying to escape 'conviction' ; its a 'fear' of letting go of the loa and trusting God to fulfill their lives.

If folks want to engage or embrace the loa into their lives than so be it, it's their choice; they have chosen their alternate god. Not even God will interfere. And that's is proof all the more that God is not in it. :nono:
She was obviously having an 'emotional moment'.

Um, okay, I usually try and give people the benefit of the doubt. Why? I'm not G-d, I cannot judge them. There are people thinking that Oprah doesn't even know there is a higher power. I just found this speech and could sense that her pray long ago was sincere. Whatever she is today, G-d knows. He sees, He'll bring her to where she needs to be...just like all of you..and me...and everybody else in the world. I find no personal strength in bashing Oprah. We live in a world full of good and bad, riches and poverty and a whole lot of pain. I can sense that this issue is very dear to your heart.

However... her fruit still shows otherwise. She still promotes and backs up the false teachings of God.

I love Oprah. But I know the Word of God and she's not living it. She is a classic example of one who has been deceived by riches.

In another thread, I will send in a conservative Jewish response to the Law of Attraction based upon the Torah (bible). I didn't want to hijack this one. But this is definitely addressed. What I don't get is why people think that Oprah has to represent the Black church or that she has to be christian. She's an individual and that free choice is given to every person. I don't judge others as horrible who do not belong to my faith...the catholic faith.

I'll tell you something else. Back when I was in school, there was a moring talk show called "People Are Talking' where Oprah co-hosted with another Baltimore anchor person. ...

"That you are moving forward and will be known throughout the world and will be looked up to by many."

This pronouncement can never trump the sincere prayer of a younger Oprah to the G-d of the Universe. Perhaps that is the deception, that her success would be the result of Riegler (I'm not sure if Riegler at the point realized how important a Black Oprah was at that very point..:rolleyes:...she's a johnny-come-lately in that sense). She was already damned wealthy.

We need to get it straight that satan has his tools, instruments and his disciples! I am NOT calling Oprah a disciple of satan, but you better believe that he is using her and she has a captive audience that literally hangs onto every single word she says.

Of COURSE she's talking about God. That's the biggest weapon of success that satan has. If a person says, God they can't be an instrument of satan. And this is by far a MASTER Deception!

Um, if I attempt to tell another person their sincere prayer to G-d was a farce, G-d will tell me to get out of the way and tend to my own spirituality. But I do know what you're saying. I'm not naive in the slightest sense of the spiritual meaning....although I know that many here think so. The deception of today is no different than that in the Garden of Eden. It's always been there. How I personally live is the key.

If Oprah is so sold out on God, then she better start producing the fruits thereof. Stop deceiving people with foolishness. God says that you cannot serve God and mannom. You can't. You will be divided and God wants us whole, and solely unto Him. Oprah is NOT!

I'm so sick of the foolishness of these fools, thinking they can trick God and folks that they are sold out for Jesus and yet won't show it.

I'm sick of this foolishness of people who are still on the fence and leaning even more away from God and leaning more and more towards the world. It's a sick and a sad compromise and folks ought to be ashamed. Totally ashamed!

How dare anyone insult the very nature of God by having the rudiments of this world slammed in His face and then have nerve...common nerve to say they are Christians.

I can understand being a warrior a la Jean D'Arc, but I think we're to be compassionate as well. Again, I don't do Oprah, I don't watch her show...only hear tidbits here and there...but I certainly don't subscribe to her, Creflo Dollar, Popoff, and a host of others out there purporting the "gospel" truth. Deceivers are everywhere. I'm going to work on my own life and it's faults and errors. Unless she comes out screaming that certain ethnic groups should be killed or something...or some other type of obvious evil...I'm just going to know inside that I don't believe in her spiritual philosophy. I won't draw strength from "hating" her.

Just don't play games and try to say God is in it. God is tired of folks playing these tired spiritual games with Him. He knows what's up; He's not stupid... He's God!

Do folks really think God is stupid? Just admit that what you want more than He's giving you. Admit it.

Admit that you don't see Him at your 'all'. Admit it! Just Admit It!

Stop playing around. God calls it much worse in Hosea and he used Hosea's wife as the example. And we who play games with God are literally prostituting our relationship with Him. And God is not the pimp, satan is. ...

I do not understand, why it is so necessary to defend that which we know to be wrong. Then again I do. It's denial, but denied only to escape accountability. Folks want what they want, it's fully understood, but stop saying God is in it. He's not and nor will He ever be.

If anyone calls themselves Christian, leave the loa alone! It's not God! And do not think for one moment that it is. It IS witchcraft...self fulfillment.

I sincerely do not think that people here are trying to defend something they know is "evil." Not everybody will see things the same way, whether the scriptures are quoted or not. I'm not saying there are no absolutes. There are...however, it's in the interpretation, the culture, etc. How many denominations and differences are here? Perhaps they took something and turned it around for good, taking out the ugly and putting it firmly in G-d's hands? I don't know and I cannot myself proclaim to know what another thinks deep in his heart. That is not my right to judge. Be careful, surely, but it's like meat offered to g-ds, to eat or not to eat. If it bothers you spiritually, then don't do it. I don't think 1Star's church was wrong...but then again, I wasn't there.

I didn't plan on posting this reply. But I know when God is using me. What I've shared is not personally directed towards any individual here or there. But it is fully directed towards the lie that the loa and Christianity and the Bible are the same. It is not!

This does seem like your forte and that you are very passionate about it.:yep: BTW, I just researched vision boards. There are some promoting them that use an element of New Age...whereas for others, it seems like some kind of teenage collage board...posting up what you dream about. Nothing wrong with that. It's the other additional that is anti-scriptures. I'll post that spinoff now.
Pondering this all, I've figured out what truly bothers me. I'm not asking for correction because it's personal. But whether a vision board, secular or transformed into a christian concept, can be claimed biblical or not doesn't bother me. I'm not tripped out by the psychedelic encroaching upon the's always been there and it's nothing new. I guess what bothers me is the realization that, had people been so impassioned to defend the faith during the antebellum South, after Columbus, at the Shoah in Africa and Europe during WWII and various other historical times, there wouldn't have been so much bloodshed. That would have been an absolute, Thou Shalt Not Kill. Written, literally, in stone. It cannot be manipulated toward any other meaning regarding the preservation of mankind. It means, likewise, that we should not use words to kill nor be unkind. Those all fall under the 4th.

If we had been so passionate about something that is so clearly understandable...whereas some others are not absolutes... I'm not saying that New Age is allowable in christianity nor in judaism. Many things have been transformed to become acceptable, tho. Pants, driving or working on the Sabbath, female pastors, positive thinking as opposed to dour-faced righteous asceticism in the laity...sigh. People will come to various interpretations of such things...however, as the first example, there was something much more important to fight for, irrevocable. Deception can even be applied to the schism in the church. We should be very careful about whom we consider deceived...we might be pointing to ourselves in the eyes of another person.
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Um, okay, I usually try and give people the benefit of the doubt. Why? I'm not G-d, I cannot judge them.

There are people thinking that Oprah doesn't even know there is a higher power.

I just found this speech and could sense that her pray long ago was sincere. Whatever she is today, G-d knows. He sees, He'll bring her to where she needs to be...just like all of you..and me...and everybody else in the world. I find no personal strength in bashing Oprah. We live in a world full of good and bad, riches and poverty and a whole lot of pain. I can sense that this issue is very dear to your heart.

In another thread, I will send in a conservative Jewish response to the Law of Attraction based upon the Torah (bible). I didn't want to hijack this one. But this is definitely addressed.

What I don't get is why people think that Oprah has to represent the Black church or that she has to be christian. She's an individual and that free choice is given to every person. I don't judge others as horrible who do not belong to my faith...the catholic faith.

This pronouncement can never trump the sincere prayer of a younger Oprah to the G-d of the Universe. Perhaps that is the deception, that her success would be the result of Riegler (I'm not sure if Riegler at the point realized how important a Black Oprah was at that very point..:rolleyes:...she's a johnny-come-lately in that sense). She was already damned wealthy.

Um, if I attempt to tell another person their sincere prayer to G-d was a farce, G-d will tell me to get out of the way and tend to my own spirituality. But I do know what you're saying. I'm not naive in the slightest sense of the spiritual meaning....although I know that many here think so. The deception of today is no different than that in the Garden of Eden. It's always been there. How I personally live is the key.

I can understand being a warrior a la Jean D'Arc, but I think we're to be compassionate as well. Again, I don't do Oprah, I don't watch her show...only hear tidbits here and there...but I certainly don't subscribe to her, Creflo Dollar, Popoff, and a host of others out there purporting the "gospel" truth. Deceivers are everywhere. I'm going to work on my own life and it's faults and errors.

Unless she comes out screaming that certain ethnic groups should be killed or something...or some other type of obvious evil...I'm just going to know inside that I don't believe in her spiritual philosophy. I won't draw strength from "hating" her.

I sincerely do not think that people here are trying to defend something they know is "evil." Not everybody will see things the same way, whether the scriptures are quoted or not. I'm not saying there are no absolutes. There are...however, it's in the interpretation, the culture, etc. How many denominations and differences are here? Perhaps they took something and turned it around for good, taking out the ugly and putting it firmly in G-d's hands? I don't know and I cannot myself proclaim to know what another thinks deep in his heart. That is not my right to judge. Be careful, surely, but it's like meat offered to g-ds, to eat or not to eat. If it bothers you spiritually, then don't do it. I don't think 1Star's church was wrong...but then again, I wasn't there.

This does seem like your forte and that you are very passionate about it.:yep: BTW, I just researched vision boards. There are some promoting them that use an element of New Age...whereas for others, it seems like some kind of teenage collage board...posting up what you dream about. Nothing wrong with that. It's the other additional that is anti-scriptures. I'll post that spinoff now.

I did a count on the number of times you 'said' Oprah... :drunk:

I'm not making light of how you were moved by her speech. I agree, her 1998 acceptance speech was very impressive And I have no doubt that she did pray for God to use her.

The issue is what Oprah has spent her entire career promoting that which is NOT of God. And while ti may not be you or me, or other here, there are too many precious lives who take Oprah's word as gospel. Which is why I cannot defend her.

She sending out a mixed message which does not fall in line with the Word of God which 'she' says or gives the impression that she abides in.

I'm not judging her; I don't have to. It's an obvious conclusion, that even my children can discern. What she 'says' and acts upon relating to God , is the complete opposite of whom He truly is.

As for the vision board, if this is what a person needs to enhance their faith, then that's their choice.

The point GV is that there is still no 'in between with this. And this is what I see in your post; allowing room for the in between. Whenever I see the word or term 'judge', it immediately says, allow 'compromise'. This is not a safe place to be. :nono:

Love and blessings GV. I mean it. No matter how hard I am about certain subjects, I hard because I care. :Rose:
I did a count on the number of times you 'said' Oprah... :drunk:

I'm not making light of how you were moved by her speech. I agree, her 1998 acceptance speech was very impressive And I have no doubt that she did pray for God to use her.

The issue is what Oprah has spent her entire career promoting that which is NOT of God. And while ti may not be you or me, or other here, there are too many precious lives who take Oprah's word as gospel. Which is why I cannot defend her.

She sending out a mixed message which does not fall in line with the Word of God which 'she' says or gives the impression that she abides in.

I'm not judging her; I don't have to. It's an obvious conclusion, that even my children can discern. What she 'says' and acts upon relating to God , is the complete opposite of whom He truly is.

As for the vision board, if this is what a person needs to enhance their faith, then that's their choice.

The point GV is that there is still no 'in between with this. And this is what I see in your post; allowing room for the in between. Whenever I see the word or term 'judge', it immediately says, allow 'compromise'. This is not a safe place to be. :nono:

Love and blessings GV. I mean it. No matter how hard I am about certain subjects, I hard because I care. :Rose:

I know you care, mamiye. But I'm not for compromise at all...otherwise, I wouldn't be in my specific faith. We're orthodox. There are no compromises...none, though. I just see things from a different perspective concerning free will, non-christians, end times, new age. I feel no need to respond in fear (in general...not you) especially since the church has already been through so much, including anti-christs. It's my desire to develop a balanced view and that means to know all sides of an issue. I wasn't in 1Star's class so I can't dismiss it because they called it vision board. I mean, churches host dances...and isn't that supposed to be worldly? They have mega rules to uphold christian values...maybe that's what her church does too.

Oprah was the subject of the post lol. And I guess she exemplified New Age philosophy somehow for her to have been mentioned before me. I see what you're saying and I know this is one area you are very active in. :hug3:
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:kiss: Crown, thank you so much for posting this. And not for me. But for others who are being mislead and are involved with the loa, and calling it God.

i agree. LOA is not God.

People need to learn or remember that seeking outside of God comes to naught.

using tools and following instructions that God gave us is correct.

ask (God), believe (in God), receive (from God). write your purpose or plan, God will direct your path. speak/affirm God's word in your life and it will come to pass.
