Are vision boards Demonic

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Dear Ones... Who has bewitched you? Who has lured you into a web of deception?

This is what the Lord is hearing from you...

"... If it weren't for 'my' vision board"...

"LOA, helped me to be more positive in my thought life..."

"My vision board, "My vision board, "My vision board..."

All glory is being given to the 'vision board' and the loa and not unto God.

Let's be real. Your faith is based upon 'your' vision boards, not God. :nono:

If not, then throw them away? Get rid of them and put your trust and your faith solely into God's will and trust your heart's desires in God's hands.

Whatever happen to the Holy Spirit who leads and guides you into all truth?

Each of those who defend having a vision board, are saying that you cannot 'live' without them. You've expressed that your need for having a vision board is beyond your need for God. If you deny 'cannot', then it's far worse for you are then saying, you 'will not'... live without the vision board...

Your 'trust' has been 'sold' to the loa and your vision board.

Where is your faith, what is it's true loyalty, it's true trust? Putting 'scriptures' on a vision board to make it 'okay', to justify one's use of it, is a farce and God is no where in it. God is not mocked, neither is He fooled. One doesn't need a vision board, neither the loa to grow closer to Him, nor to be reminded to do 'good deeds'. Something is seriously 'amiss' here. Seriously amiss. It takes a vision board to do good deeds? To pray and read God's word?

satan has truly sold you a lie.

Give up the board. Give it up. Allow God to have all of your attention; give Him the rights back into your heart and in your life to replace your vision boards and to give you far more than you could ever hope for. And that being, fully one on one with Him.

Those boards are master deceptions. God is not a part of it. Come away from the loa, it's not God. Destroy the boards... let God be the One that you consult your life with, not an instrument of satan's distractions.

Let there be not one named among us...who have defected from the faith; the faith of trusting fully our Holy God.

Give up the boards...Trust God who loves you too much to let you down.

Give up the boards... He loves you and will never forsake you.

Give up the boards... God is waiting for you to be true blue to Him.

Give up the boards...for the hours are coming for them to completely fail you.
You've 'sensed' (discerned) the spirit behind this activity.

Word of Caution: 'Manifest'

Purpose and Intent: 'To manifest material items' (fleshly desires).

Soul: "Self" -

Heart: I am manifesting ; So that I can manifest; I want to manifest ....

Where is the heart of a Christian who joins with 'others' who do not have a Godly heritage nor are they in relationship with Jesus?

Vision boards are from the laws of attraction practice, where 'self' is god and self is the manifestor of one's carnal desires. Carnality is all up in the spirit and content of these vision boards and to apply scripture makes it no less carnal.

witches and voo doo priests use vision boards and objects to represent their subject and object they desire to prey upon. Its part of the practice to have a symbol / proxy to accomplish their goal.

It may not be a Chrisitian's intent to practice witchcraft however, when they post a picture with the 'intent' to 'manifest' it into their lives or the life of someone else, it's witchcraft. It's the practice of 'self-will'. They are literally seducing the desired object/item to come to life into their life.

Again, this may not be a Christian's intent, however this is exactly what they are doing. The key words: "manifest" and "I". God is no where in it; especially if Christians have 'joined' themselves in this practice with those who are not Christians, the ungodly.

As I shared earlier, a Christian can apply any and all of the scriptures they want to their boards, however if God were in it, they wouldn't need to post a scripture, let alone post pictures or have a board in the first place.

Those who oppose God already 'know' that they don't need God's presence for a 'vision board' to work, because it is 'self will' and they've been working their self will all along without God...

Genesis 11:6

...and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have IMAGINED TO DO. ...

God has given us a far better Vision which is Him and in Him is all Provision and all Manifestation for every need and desire in our hearts for our lives.

The world has to 'steal' from God, and they do so with 'darkness'; but as His children, we don't. Every desire is His desire to fulfill for us, far better from Him than a counterfeit. As His children, we get to commune with Him, one on one. The world doesn't have this, yet we do. :yep:

What a gift, far beyond a vision board.

Lord, thank you, that our only vision is 'you' and your love for us which will always be far beyond any 'vision' and beyond any measure of any piece of 'board'. Your dreams for us will never perish, nor will your love.

The world doesn't have this, we do.


I agree! Satan is very subtle in trying to entrap humanity. He'll use something that on the surface seems perfectly fine, but really it is about you becoming your own G-d. The "I" factor.

Remember, that's one of the enticements he used on Eve, telling her that she will become as G-d.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the purpose of vision boards are to keep your goals close at heart and in mind. Is wanting to be debt free advancing Satan's kingdom? How about getting closer to your family? Did God not say he wants his children to prosper?

Some people get waaaaay too out of control on here, imo.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the purpose of vision boards are to keep your goals close at heart and in mind. Is wanting to be debt free advancing Satan's kingdom? How about getting closer to your family? Did God not say he wants his children to prosper?

Some people get waaaaay too out of control on here, imo.

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If the Lord places something on your heart, you don't need a vision board. Pray that His will be done in all areas of your life. Why does one need to look at a board?
Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the purpose of vision boards are to keep your goals close at heart and in mind. Is wanting to be debt free advancing Satan's kingdom? How about getting closer to your family? Did God not say he wants his children to prosper?

Some people get waaaaay too out of control on here, imo.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2

You don't need a vision board to be debt free. God can free you all by Himself. And so will a budget. Stop letting satan lie to you. Your focus time upon that board is less focus upon strengthening your relationship and time spent with God.

I can't believe how strong this board has a hold upon people that really think they need it to succeed in life. It's like an addiction... crack. Anything that one clings to other than God that strongly is in way too deep.

These boards are indeed demonic with all of what I'm seeing in defense of them. Where's the defence for God 'ONLY'?

What happens if you lose the board in a flood or some other disaster? Then what? Where's your faith based upon? How will you survive and be successful then? Those who have placed their sole faith upon God will have a sure foundation to stand upon. Those whose faith were upon a vision board will be without hope. :nono:
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I don't think the vision board is demonic. The scriptures say to make the vision. Plain. I think Boston Maria said it best.

See how the devil has lied to you? The scripture does not say, 'make the vision'.

God is speaking to the prophet and it has nothing to do with a vision board. :nono: This scripture has been taken fully out of context with the methods of witchcraft in the loa and you're allowing yourself to follow after it as if you have no faith in God.

This is what has happened. There are children of God who have lost hope and faith in trusting God to fulfill their dreams.

Here comes satan with his loa and their cheerleaders, boasting and parading their 'stolen' success with their practice of witchcraft and disrespect for God. Of course the children of God are watching and those who have 'fainted' in their faith, have crossed over into satan's territory to join those who don't reverence God and give Him glory.

To cover the conviction, the children of God who have succombed to the temptation and the lure of the loa...have it your way... they call themselves 'being' a witness to those of satan, yet they still follow satan's way.

So the children of God get a taste of receiving of what satan has been deceiving and they call it 'good'. Yet again, to cover the conviction, they place scriptures upon their walls in an attempt to white wash the sin they are in. The sin? The sin of joining in with those who oppose God in every way there is. The sin of giving in to where God has not placed them. The sin of calling it God when God is no where in it.

Why have they entered the loa threads, vision board posts and forums? The devil knows who they are and he laughs. he laughs heartily saying... "Did not God say.... ? Why do you not believe Him? Why are you here worshipping me?

'Me'.... Me.... Me... The vision boards... are all about 'Me'.

satan is well known as the accuser of the brethren. Day and night he stands before God pointing at the ones of God who have 'defected' from the faith of God and have chosen to follow the practices of him, God's arch enemy.

When you have God... you do not need the devil too. No man can serve two masters. :nono: Choose whom you trust indeed ... let it be God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit all the way.

Faith isn't easy ... God knows that. But if you are a child of God faith isn't supposed to be easy, but it is counted as righteousness. vision boards do not take faith to operate, but they do operate to take your faith.

Give it up and trust God. God never fails, leaves nor does He ever stop loving and giving to those, His children.
You don't need a vision board to be debt free. God can free you all by Himself. And so will a budget. Stop letting satan lie to you. Your focus time upon that board is less focus upon strengthening your relationship and time spent with God.

I can't believe how strong this board has a hold upon people that really think they need it to succeed in life. It's like an addiction... crack. Anything that one clings to other than God that strongly is in way too deep.

These boards are indeed demonic with all of what I'm seeing in defense of them. Where's the defence for God 'ONLY'?

What happens if you lose the board in a flood or some other desaster? Then what? Where's your faith based upon? How will you survive and be successful then? Those who have placed their sole faith upon God will have a sure foundation to stand upon. Those whose faith were upon a vision board will be without hope. :nono:

Preach it, Shimmie. We all need to be aware that a lot of things that are being introduced in these last days, that are the equivalent of being on a slippery slope. We need to really pray for the spirit of distinction.
You don't need a vision board to be debt free. God can free you all by Himself. And so will a budget. Stop letting satan lie to you. Your focus time upon that board is less focus upon strengthening your relationship and time spent with God.

I can't believe how strong this board has a hold upon people that really think they need it to succeed in life. It's like an addiction... crack. Anything that one clings to other than God that strongly is in way too deep.

These boards are indeed demonic with all of what I'm seeing in defense of them. Where's the defence for God 'ONLY'?

What happens if you lose the board in a flood or some other desaster? Then what? Where's your faith based upon? How will you survive and be successful then? Those who have placed their sole faith upon God will have a sure foundation to stand upon. Those whose faith were upon a vision board will be without hope. :nono:

Right! Lol. A budget and maybe a second job if you want to be aggressive about it... You have to trust that God will place inside of you the strength to accomplish (or have patience in waiting for) things He wants for you. Trying to channel the motivation from a board? :nono:
I agree! Satan is very subtle in trying to entrap humanity. He'll use something that on the surface seems perfectly fine, but really it is about you becoming your own G-d. The "I" factor.

Remember, that's one of the enticements he used on Eve, telling her that she will become as G-d.

:yep: Good Word, loulou7

That's exactly where it started... with Eve in the garden; being lured by satan's hisses and whispers.
Right! Lol. A budget and maybe a second job if you want to be aggressive about it... You have to trust that God will place inside of you the strength to accomplish (or have patience in waiting for) things He wants for you.

Trying to channel the motivation from a board? :nono:

:wave: CandiceC

@ the bolded....

satan will use anything to steal God's glory. Yet he always fails and it always those who are deceived by him who suffer.
Preach it, Shimmie. We all need to be aware that a lot of things that are being introduced in these last days, that are the equivalent of being on a slippery slope. We need to really pray for the spirit of distinction.

Oh my goodness! loulou7 Thank you. You just reminded me of a scripture. Remember this one? I know you do. .. :yep: I just having a 'lightbulb' moment here.

Loulou... when you said, 'we need to pray for the Spirit of Distinction', immediately I remembered this scripture. You spoke a true Word, Angel... a solid true word. :yep:

Here it is... this scripture shows the 'Distinction':

"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like .......a man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash."

Matthew 7:24-27

:kiss: Thank you Loulou7 ... :yep: Yes... God used you to bring this to my rememberance. I 'blanked' out one of the words as I didn't post this scripture as an afront to anyone. I only wanted to show the relevence / comparison of a vision board vs God's faith. God is the Rock. A vision board is sinking sand.


Sweet sleep Angel ... :sleep2:
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:wave: @CandiceC

@ the bolded....

satan will use anything to steal God's glory. Yet he always fails and it always those who are deceived by him who suffer.

Hey Shimmie!

Yep. Folks talking about how vision boards worked for them to get/do x, y or z. What about God? If you were praying and had faith a board shouldn't have anything to do with it. Faith pertains to things not seen.

I'm fine with writing a "to do" list with some action steps, but to create a board with images and words seems like a shrine to me.

It is possible for good things we may want to lead to idolatry.
Hey Shimmie!

Yep. Folks talking about how vision boards worked for them to get/do x, y or z. What about God? If you were praying and had faith a board shouldn't have anything to do with it. Faith pertains to things not seen.

I'm fine with writing a "to do" list with some action steps, but to create a board with images and words seems like a shrine to me.

It is possible for good things we may want to lead to idolatry.

Now that I think about it, I need to make my list for 'Almond Milk'... 'chocolate' :look: and a few other things that I need from Whole Foods.

Love to you and your family... :giveheart:

Sweet sleep :sleep2:

I also pray for the love and the peace of God over everyone here. I mean no harm or attack against our precious sisters with vision boards. It's the boards I'm attacking... only the boards.

Now that I think about it, I need to make my list for 'Almond Milk'... 'chocolate' :look: and a few other things that I need from Whole Foods.

Love to you and your family... :giveheart:

Sweet sleep :sleep2:

I also pray for the love and the peace of God over everyone here. I mean no harm or attack against our precious sisters with vision boards. It's the boards I'm attacking... only the boards.


I'm going to have to try the chocolate almond milk. I've been eying it @ Trader Joe's. I use the original kind for cereal. :lick:
ETA: Were those two separate items on your list? Opps. Lol.

I feel ya. I'm only speaking out against the boards too. :yep:

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Hey Ladies!

I had heard of vision boards and LOA but had not thought much of it. At one point I believed as many of you do that there was nothing wrong with it. Its just putting your goals on a board or the law of reciprocity in effect etc.

BUT NOW...I done seen da light! lol.

God specifically told us to delight in him and HE would give us the desires of our hearts (i.e. He would put His desires in our hearts so that HE could fulfill them).

The reasoning behind the board/LOA is this: YOU can design your own destiny. Its in YOUR hands. All you have to do is WANT it enough. YOU attract what happens to you...good and bad. All of this is contradictory to scripture. God says HE will direct our paths if we acknowledge HIM...not our board. In the instance of LOA: Sin has caused much ruckus in the world and because of it innocent people get hurt. The word says that the ENEMY is seeking to destroy/devour us. Not that all the bad stuff that happens to us is because we attracted it to us. (the 9 y/o that was raped and was her own fault?)

If we believe LOA then what place have we given to God's mercy? If the vision board is necessary then What place does prayer have?

We have to be careful of compromise ladies. There are so many new age movements that sound good, seem harmless, and are "not that serious" that are gently steering us in the wrong direction. We come to depend on our vision board and our own power to make it happen, rather than depending on God.

It really is a slippery slope. Just think about it...most of us would not accept an actual demon coming to us saying "There is no God". So satan does not try to lure us with that...he takes those "not so serious" things and before we know it we are operating completely outside of Gods will and encourageing others to do it.

We cannot pretend that the Worlds Vision boards or LOA are harmless...even if we try to "white-wash it in the blood" and mold it to vibe it with scripture (or even worse, mold scripture to vibe with it).

I encourage everyone to pray about it. Theres nothing wrong with having goals, or writing them down...but just realize that the worlds message about vision boards/LOA wil NOT change because you try to make it holy. A rose by any other name...
Ok, I've changed my mind about vision boards, though I had to do the research myself because no one really explained as to why they were evil :ohwell: Apparently, vision boards are derived from the Satanic Bible :cry2:

If you have material desires, you must gaze upon images of them - surround yourself with the smells and sounds conducive to them - create a lodestone which will attract the situation or thing that you wish!
For those that want to read more about it:

So, here my question. Would writing down my goals on a piece of paper be the same as creating a vision board? And if not why?

I want to get married one day, so if I wrote down that I wanted someone who is funny, loving, patience and loved to travel would that make me a participant in Satanic rituals?

I had a friend who made a request to God for a boyfriend. She wanted someone who was fair skinned and a Kappa, and that's what she got, a fair skinned Kappa, but he treated her horribly because she didn't specify about his personality.
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Prov. 4.14 Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. 4.15 Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away.

Jer. 12: 1 You are always righteous, LORD (YHWH), when I bring a case before you. Yet I would speak with you about your justice: Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all the faithless live at ease?

Jer. 10.2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen

[FONT=&quot]Nbr. 15.39 And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the LORD, and do them; and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring: 15.40 That ye may remember, and do all my commandments, and be holy unto your God.

[/FONT]1Pet. 1: 15 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; 16 for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”
@ bolded... It can be, yes... IF the desire in one's heart is to be debt-free for selfish reasons and not to become a blessing (enlarging God's territory) to others. That desire couldn't have come from God because He is selfless. Oh, it's still a good desire.. who doesn't want to live debt-free? But living debt-free to do what? Just enjoy life and that's it? Is that desire one that comes from God? That's the key and where the subtlety comes in, with justifiying 'good things'. Good things can be used for the wrong reasons...good intentions can cause harm.

It is God who places the desires in our hearts (through which He speaks to us) so that it can be manifested in the physical realm, to become His arms and legs on earth. That's how He operates. He wants us to prosper, but only to enable us to help, save or teach others. The story of Joseph is a great example of this..he was already 'rich and powerful' being with God (The Blessing) even though it wasn't evident in plain sight at first. Joseph's riches and power manifested in the physical in God's time, and it was to save others, because it was part of God's plan.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the purpose of vision boards are to keep your goals close at heart and in mind. Is wanting to be debt free advancing Satan's kingdom? How about getting closer to your family? Did God not say he wants his children to prosper?

Some people get waaaaay too out of control on here, imo.

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I find it ironic what is said in bold...

... because what I do see is that vision boards do just that. They put God in a box, contained only to what is on the board and not taking into consideration any plan God has for us, which likely will never make its way onto a vision board. I pray that you do see that...

If you have time, please read the entire chapter of 2 Kings 17, when Samaria was repopulated. They made what was low high and what was high low... This is what visions boards do.. very crafty, subtle to the point we 'see' NOTHING wrong with it, like the people of Samaria. Of course there are all types of 'idols'. Anyone or anything can be a false god.

2 Kings 17
24 The king of Assyria brought people from Babylon, Kuthah, Avva, Hamath and Sepharvaim and settled them in the towns of Samaria to replace the Israelites. They took over Samaria and lived in its towns.
25 When they first lived there, they did not worship the LORD; so he sent lions among them and they killed some of the people.
26 It was reported to the king of Assyria: “The people you deported and resettled in the towns of Samaria do not know what the god of that country requires. He has sent lions among them, which are killing them off, because the people do not know what he requires.”
27 Then the king of Assyria gave this order: “Have one of the priests you took captive from Samaria go back to live there and teach the people what the god of the land requires.”
28 So one of the priests who had been exiled from Samaria came to live in Bethel and taught them how to worship the LORD.
29 Nevertheless, each national group made its own gods in the several towns where they settled, and set them up in the shrines the people of Samaria had made at the high places.
30 The people from Babylon made Sukkoth Benoth, those from Kuthah made Nergal, and those from Hamath made Ashima; 31 the Avvites made Nibhaz and Tartak, and the Sepharvites burned their children in the fire as sacrifices to Adrammelek and Anammelek, the gods of Sepharvaim.
32 They worshiped the LORD, but they also appointed all sorts of their own people to officiate for them as priests in the shrines at the high places.
33 They worshiped the LORD, but they also served their own gods in accordance with the customs of the nations from which they had been brought.
34 To this day they persist in their former practices. They neither worship the LORD nor adhere to the decrees and regulations, the laws and commands that the LORD gave the descendants of Jacob, whom he named Israel.
35 When the LORD made a covenant with the Israelites, he commanded them: “Do not worship any other gods or bow down to them, serve them or sacrifice to them.
36 But the LORD, who brought you up out of Egypt with mighty power and outstretched arm, is the one you must worship. To him you shall bow down and to him offer sacrifices.
37 You must always be careful to keep the decrees and regulations, the laws and commands he wrote for you. Do not worship other gods.
38 Do not forget the covenant I have made with you, and do not worship other gods.
39 Rather, worship the LORD your God; it is he who will deliver you from the hand of all your enemies.”
40 They would not listen, however, but persisted in their former practices.
41 Even while these people were worshiping the LORD, they were serving their idols. To this day their children and grandchildren continue to do as their ancestors did.

I think that if you think about the world today, you can relate anything to God or God's plan and you can make anything related to the Devil. I've seen it done countless times. People put their own spin on things according to the way they see the world.

I fail to see how putting your goals on a board and asking God to give them to you is a sign of worshiping the Devil or someone other than God. We all have a purpose on this Earth and I think we should be actively working towards it while carrying out God's work at the same time. Just like church may be a reminder for you, visionboards can be daily reminders for someone else. Remember --- God helps those who helps themselves. For me, my vision board is to keep me proactive and never complacent. I have things on there that I want to do like volunteer, learn to be happy, and pray more. None of those have to do with material things.

Sometimes I think people need to step outside of their boxes because what you are doing is boxing God in himself. God isn't as one-dimensional as many of you think. And I also hate when people give God human characteristics and tendencies. Please think of your God as much more powerful and creative.
Dear Ones... Who has bewitched you? Who has lured you into a web of deception?

This is what the Lord is hearing from you...

"... If it weren't for 'my' vision board"...

"LOA, helped me to be more positive in my thought life..."

"My vision board, "My vision board, "My vision board..."

All glory is being given to the 'vision board' and the loa and not unto God.

Let's be real. Your faith is based upon 'your' vision boards, not God. :nono:

If not, then throw them away? Get rid of them and put your trust and your faith solely into God's will and trust your heart's desires in God's hands.

Whatever happen to the Holy Spirit who leads and guides you into all truth?

Each of those who defend having a vision board, are saying that you cannot 'live' without them. You've expressed that your need for having a vision board is beyond your need for God. If you deny 'cannot', then it's far worse for you are then saying, you 'will not'... live without the vision board...

Your 'trust' has been 'sold' to the loa and your vision board.

Where is your faith, what is it's true loyalty, it's true trust? Putting 'scriptures' on a vision board to make it 'okay', to justify one's use of it, is a farce and God is no where in it. God is not mocked, neither is He fooled. One doesn't need a vision board, neither the loa to grow closer to Him, nor to be reminded to do 'good deeds'. Something is seriously 'amiss' here. Seriously amiss. It takes a vision board to do good deeds? To pray and read God's word?

satan has truly sold you a lie.

Give up the board. Give it up. Allow God to have all of your attention; give Him the rights back into your heart and in your life to replace your vision boards and to give you far more than you could ever hope for. And that being, fully one on one with Him.

Those boards are master deceptions. God is not a part of it. Come away from the loa, it's not God. Destroy the boards... let God be the One that you consult your life with, not an instrument of satan's distractions.

Let there be not one named among us...who have defected from the faith; the faith of trusting fully our Holy God.

Give up the boards...Trust God who loves you too much to let you down.

Give up the boards... He loves you and will never forsake you.

Give up the boards... God is waiting for you to be true blue to Him.

Give up the boards...for the hours are coming for them to completely fail you.

What is the difference between a vision board and a journal? People write their goals down or what they want in a mate, so is that demonic? People write in their journals and go back over them to see how God has blessed them... is that demonic?
Hey Shimmie!

Yep. Folks talking about how vision boards worked for them to get/do x, y or z. What about God? If you were praying and had faith a board shouldn't have anything to do with it. Faith pertains to things not seen.

I'm fine with writing a "to do" list with some action steps, but to create a board with images and words seems like a shrine to me.

It is possible for good things we may want to lead to idolatry.

What is the difference between an action plan vs. a board? It gets you to the same goal..... You just make a list and I like pictures.
What is the difference between an action plan vs. a board? It gets you to the same goal..... You just make a list and I like pictures.

I view a vision board different from a list like, for example:

Personal bible study each morning for at least 30 minutes.
Pay off $200 extra on credit card debt each month.
Limit caloric intake to 1400 calories each day.
Exercise on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings this summer.
Join the church anniversary committee. Attend the three planning meetings.
Offer encouraging words to husband/boyfriend every day.
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What is the difference between an action plan vs. a board? It gets you to the same goal..... You just make a list and I like pictures.

Correct me if Im wrong, but isnt it called a vision board because the point is to see what you desire and your actually "seeing" it creates some kind of power magnetism/attraction that brings it to pass.

Im a very visual person so I write plans down. Thats how I follow them better. But they were just that...plans. I didnt believe my plan had any special powers for me having written it down nor did I believe that looking at it did anything other than allow me a better grasp of what I needed to do and to keep track of what I'd accomplished so far.

Like I mentioned before, the problem with the vision board is that it was CREATED with principles that based human success on human ability/power alone. Whereas we believe that we can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens us. I see that many are trying to transform its popular use into something that is in line with scripture but forreal forreal its like taking a ouigi (sp) board and trying to use it to get the Holy spirit to make intercession for you.
I view a vision board different from a list like, for example:

Personal bible study each morning for at least 30 minutes.
Pay off $200 extra on credit card debt each month.
Limit caloric intake to 1400 calories each day.
Exercise on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings this summer.
Join the church anniversary committee. Attend the three planning meetings.
Offer encouraging words to husband/boyfriend every day.

How is different from that list? The only difference is you stick the list in a purse and forget about it with a vision board you walk past and see it more. I got up today and read my verses and kept going it reminds me of what I am doing that day. If it's demonic oh well.
Ok, I went looking back through the forums to see if I could find anything about setting goals for yourself and I found this post-->

And the verse they used was: Hab 2:2 says "And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it."

So, we're allowed to write down our vision/goals, but not make a visual board because we would end up worshiping the item? I'm not sure if I'm understand this correct, could someone please explain.
Ok, I went looking back through the forums to see if I could find anything about setting goals for yourself and I found this post-->

And the verse they used was: Hab 2:2 says "And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it."

So, we're allowed to write down our vision/goals, but not make a visual board because we would end up worshiping the item? I'm not sure if I'm understand this correct, could someone please explain.

:wave: Hi nerdography... I'm on my way home from work. I'll log on later tonight with a reply. Okay?
"It is dangerous to be concerned with what others think of you." (Proverbs 29:25 LB)

What if they love you? Is that dangerous? :kiss:

Babygirl... there is no scripture to defend the issue of vision boards. None. Not even Proverbs 29:25. :nono:

You see, the devil is crafty. he KNOWS scripture... and quite well. he also knows the power of it and that God stands behind His word. But he can only misuse the Word of God; it will never bless his mess. With the loa and its components such as vision boards, etc., satan has taken the Word of God and has misused it to offend God.

As for Proverbs 29:25, I don't think badly of you. I more than positive that no one here does. I do think badly of what satan has control of.

Don't ever think that anything that is said against the works of satan is about you or anyone else personally. If nothing more, we are here to destroy the works of the devil; to expose his deceptions, and to take full authority over all of his works, for this is the TRUE POWER which Jesus has gifted upon us....

Luke 10:19

Behold, I give to you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

We're not supposed to 'link' up with the devil, otherwise we will not tread upon him, instead he'll tread upon those who are in his domain.

I've been reading each of the 'siggies' and the 'language' of followers of loa and vision boards.... :nono: The glory of God is not among them; the words are mantra's ... about 'self'.
Ok, I've changed my mind about vision boards, though I had to do the research myself because no one really explained as to why they were evil :ohwell: Apparently, vision boards are derived from the Satanic Bible :cry2:

For those that want to read more about it:

So, here my question. Would writing down my goals on a piece of paper be the same as creating a vision board? And if not why?

I want to get married one day, so if I wrote down that I wanted someone who is funny, loving, patience and loved to travel would that make me a participant in Satanic rituals?

I had a friend who made a request to God for a boyfriend. She wanted someone who was fair skinned and a Kappa, and that's what she got, a fair skinned Kappa, but he treated her horribly because she didn't specify about his personality.

My eyes are a little watery right now. All that I can see in you is a heart that wants to be right with God. Instead of defending this issue, you chose... CHOSE to research this and when you discovered the truth about the vision boards origin, you came back and posted what you discovered.

This is a true woman and a woman of God. Yes.. that's you. Not because what you've shared 'agrees' with what I've been posting, but because you have no pride, instead you have humility and I can see our Father God just beaming with joy, because you chose Him and nothing else.

This is not about anyone else but you and God. He has another level to raise you up to...just you and Him, where nothing and no one can separate you from the Love of God.

I promise you an answer from your other post about journals. God has given all of us dreams and planning for the future is not a sin; the sin comes from excluding God and putting 'self' in front of God and His will for us.

I have several Journals. I write my prayers down often; I date them and I have scriptures which I 'feel' the Lord has given me for my prayers. If I'm away from my prayer Journal, I have often 'emailed' myself a prayer and a scripture which I feel lead to share. Perfect example: Many of the threads which I've started on encouragement are actually from my journals. :yep::yep: :yep: I write a lot ... :yep: (You may 'insert' large grin here... as it's obvious by my many long posts... :lol:).

When I'm praying for someone, and God gives me a 'Word' for them, I'll write it down so that it doesn't 'slip' away or before I become distracted and forget to share it. My Bibles have scores of highlighted verses in them; and I use bookmarks and little post-it notes to flag the pages. I write in my Bibles all the time; this is because almost ALWAYS God will givve me a Word or someone's name to write beside a scripture and to pray for them.

When I'm planning a trip or a party, I write my plans out and my shopping lists also the theme of the party and how I want to arrange the setting and the order. For travel, I have my packing check list and phone numbers of whom I need to call or keep in touch with during my times away. I have a little note pad or mini notebook for addresses of places I plan to visit.

I read the thread you posted regarding listing the traits that one desires in a husband. Guard your heart with this. This is something that one should go before the Lord, asking Him what you should ask for in a husband. Note what God speaks to you in your prayer journal.

You are so very close to understanding the difference between a prayer journal and a vision board. A prayer journal notes and keeps record of what God is speaking to one's heart and what one speaks to God's heart.

A vision board is just the total opposite. People are 'willing' things into their lives and they are doing so without God.
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