Let's Tear Down These Idols

Just discovered a new idol last night. hmmm. ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of my relationships since i started dating have been no coincidence after all.
another resource tool I've found


THIS GOT ME!!!:nono: This is me, I repent, Lord forgive me and help me direct my self seeking knowledge according to You God.

KNOWLEDGE There are people who crave knowledge. They study and study, but for the wrong reasons. Knowing is fine. Studying to be a competent worker or professional is necessary. Being curious is one of God’s great gifts. Craving to better understand the functioning of God’s creation is wonderful, if it leads to a deeper appreciation of God’s greatness. Studying history is a terrific exercise, if the aim is to better understand how society became the way it is today, and to see what Satan’s ways have produced through the ages. And on and on and on.
God has given us a mind that wants to be filled, and it will be filled forever and ever, in the spiritual realm.
Knowledge for knowledge sake, though, can be a problem, if the motivation is wrong. If we study to feel superior to others, that is wrong. If we study to impress others, that is wrong as well.
“Knowledge puffs up, but charity edifies” (I Cor. 8:10)
Some people say: "I only have one obsession: Bible study. I study my Bible hours and hours a day." Others may say "I take one topic at a time and dig into it at great lengths." Is that not impressive?
Could Bible study be an idol? The answer is absolutely, yes!
Bible Study has historically been some Christian’s greatest idols. Why? They study their Bible so much that other responsibilities are neglected. Their family suffers, studies suffer, work may suffer. They spend too much time studying things that are of little or no consequence, when it comes to God’s will or spiritual growth. They spend little or no time studying the Bible for self-analysis. They study to feel superior. They study to find new Truths, revealed to them only. They do little or no praying. Prayer is not for them. Bible study is sufficient. They do little or no fasting, little or no serving, but they do much Bible study.
What kind of knowledge should Christians thirst for, first and foremost:
Colossians 1:9 For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;
2 Timothy 3:15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness...
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Pride is the root of all idols. I am getting spiritually slaughtered tonight. I feel like I'm on the brink of pain. Comfort of old wounds is a idol of mine. It's something that I know will always be there. This hurts really deep.
Pride is the root of all idols. I am getting spiritually slaughtered tonight. I feel like I'm on the brink of pain. Comfort of old wounds is a idol of mine. It's something that I know will always be there. This hurts really deep.

While those old wounds will always be there, we have to remember that they will never heal if we continue to rip the scab off repeatedly. I've had to learn this. There were some hurts from my childhood that I constantly used as a source of my excuses(reasons is what I referred to them as) and thus, I never allowed the wounds to heal. I had to learn to let it go.

as far as pride being the root of all idols, that could be one option, but then there are some idols that we set up due to lack of pride, lack of esteem, etc. girlll, I wish we could talk because through this tearing down of idols I'm seeing changes so fast that God is working in me.

I recognized that I have had a control idol for a long time. well, that is one of the idols I tore down this weekend and wouldn't you know, I can tell the difference instantly in my parenting and my being a wife. example: I'm trying to get my DD off this pacifier, it ismore of a comfort for me than her, because it keeps her quiet. well, yesterday at nap time, I just refused to give it to her. normally, I would try to get her to be quiet out of control. . .i.e. me wanting her to hush. however, I noticed myself that I was holding her and comforting her through her screaming and I just wanted her to figure out that she could go to sleep without the paci and that she just simply wasn't getting it, no matter how much she screamed. I didn't even get remotely angry. I was like WOW! Thank you Jesus!

Burn it all down by Lexi

I remember how I use to worship
and said that nothing else could have my love
I would dance before my king and daily I would sing of your goodness and your mercy
My intentions have been pure, but I've strayed
and my passion for your heart has been displace
Bring me back to where I first believed in your light
Lord I'm sorry for what I've become

Burn it all down and leave only you
Let nothing stand in the place of your truth
All that we've made and buildings we've raised
All that's in vain you can take it away and leave only you, leave only you

If my ambition blocks the path where you lead
and if my drive directs my heart from destiny
Lord if I ever lose my way and my own desire over take me with your holy fire

Burn it all down but leave only you and let nothing stand in the place of your truth
All that we've made and buildings we've raised
All that's in vain Lord you can take it all away and leave only you

Have mercy on me oh God with your unfailing love
show me compassion and wipe out my sin
and purify me again

Burn it all down leave only you
I'll let nothing stand in the place of your truth
Burn it all down and leave only you
let nothing stand in the place of your truth
All that we've made and buildingss we've raised
All that's in vain you can take it all away
Burn it all down but leave only you and let nothing stand in the place of your truth
All that we've made and builds we've raised
All that's in vain take it away
All that we've made and builds we've raised
All that's in vain take it away
leave only you
leave only you
Where you put your trust is where you idol becomes. Even with low self worth pride has it's root. Control something major for me esp being a perfectionist is all pride. I don't want to look like xyz so everything must be perfect in order for no one to look at how really jacked up I really am. I cried all the way to the gym today. To turn over things to God and to release and acknowledge some things have been real for me. Change is in the making some will be quick some will be a process.
God just revealed to me that I have a poverty/lack idol that I have been building on since my childhood. I grew up on welfare and that has been my crutch. Although I do fine for myself, I never even go for jobs with the big salaries. Help me pray against this one in particular ladies. I have to make sure my kids dont carry this idol on. This is also not just financial poverty, it is lack in all areas. I guess thats why I often feel so unfulfilled. I'm not allowing God to full my cup until it runs over because this idol is in the way. Lord forgive me for putting this poverty idol above you. I repent. I'm sorry. I dont want it anymore. Help me tear it down brick my brick, never to let it rise again. Replace it Lord with more faith in you, more grace and more favor. I know that you are my source. I know that you want to bless me abundantly and I am open to you, God. In jesus name, Amen
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God is busting things open for me and I'm not overly amused. I was laying around the house and was in a cleaning mood. So I was throwing away some stuff here and there. I felt like all of a sudden God put on my heart who do you worship. I have and always love Marilyn Monroe. I don't think of her as a god but I do love her. Her pics decorated my house. So I felt the urge of throwing away every picture and then to take it a step further all my night light dressed ie tight fitted some short dresses and skirts had to be thrown away. It took everything in me and I felt so heavy doing it. I feel light and airy right now though. My walls look bare but I know I worship Jesus so it's what it is. Maybe on payday I can find some nice crosses to adorn my walls.
God is busting things open for me and I'm not overly amused. I was laying around the house and was in a cleaning mood. So I was throwing away some stuff here and there. I felt like all of a sudden God put on my heart who do you worship. I have and always love Marilyn Monroe. I don't think of her as a god but I do love her. Her pics decorated my house. So I felt the urge of throwing away every picture and then to take it a step further all my night light dressed ie tight fitted some short dresses and skirts had to be thrown away. It took everything in me and I felt so heavy doing it. I feel light and airy right now though. My walls look bare but I know I worship Jesus so it's what it is. Maybe on payday I can find some nice crosses to adorn my walls.

That's awesome. That's how you know when God is purging things. It hurts in the midst, but it feels better afterward.

God is showing out today! God is telling me to have some hard discussions with the "people" idols I have created. Ughhh. :nono: I am not looking forward to it. I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it.
I so can understand not wanting to do it HeChangedMyName. I'm not amused but God doesn't care about that. I will press deeper. After all this is said and done God will get all the glory and honor he deserves!
Sorry it took so long for me to post this but the name of the sermon listed on the web is called Keep Yourself From Idols by Martin G. Collins.

I also just listened to James and Betty Robison who had a guest on by the name of Pete Wilson. Order his book called Empty Promises. It deals with so much of getting rid of idols out of our lives.

Why is it so painful to even look at the idols that are in my life, let alone start removing them? But by the grace and power that my God has given to me, I will remove each and every one. The Holy Spirit will help me to do so.
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I will look into those resources. Thanks. I think I am at the place of being so sick and tired of these idols. My life could have been much different. I do have plans to teach my children about idolatry though.
HeChangedMyName, thank you for the study on the web dealing with idolatry, it is priceless.

I will now begin study intensely on how to get rid of idolatry.
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So I lucked up and caught this book free on Amazon and downloaded it the other day. I just started reading it yesterday.


It is a daily devotional type of book and one of the days dealt with idolatry. I'll give you guys a snippet of the devotion on idolatry. I'm telling you! God Is Awesome!!!! I thank Him for allowing me to grow in Him everyday more and more.

You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.—Exodus 20:4-5
First, let’s erase the impressions of molten gold and carved wood from our minds and consider the matter of idolatry, rather than the idol per se. The sin of idolatry occurs when we offer those things reserved for God to the things created by God. Our worship, for instance, is reserved for God. By “worship,” I don’t mean a Sunday-only event, and I don’t mean only music and singing. I’m referring to a lifestyle marked by a passionate pursuit for Him.
Along with worship, we also grant God the authority to govern our behavior. This is manifested in a willingness to obey His precepts and submit to the way He has instructed us to live. We don’t offer our opinion and we don’t make an analysis of God’s expectation of us. We simply obey.
When something else assumes these roles in our lives—that is, when we passionately pursue something other than God or when we obediently submit to an authority that is not God Himself or God ordained, then we have slipped into the sin of idolatry.
But there are other idols in our age that are wreaking havoc just like the idols of money and power, and I believe(while some may disagree) that addiction is one of these idols.
victim mentality mindset idol---DESTROYED!

People will only do what we allow them to do to us(within reason, because there are those select crazy people who really don't care and will do whatever, no matter how much we try to make them stop. it is those types of people we just have to cut off all together)

Other than that. I feel so empowered. I'm no longer bound. No more chains holding me. I'm freeee
"not enough time/busy being idle" idol-being torn down AS WE SPEAK

I'm getting my home organized and restructured so that the old excuse of not having enough time can be gone for good. I say this is an idol that I had, because it always became my reasoning for limiting myself, even when it came to church attendance at times or to participating in fellowshipping activities. I spent a lot of idle time just do-dadding around or web surfing. I've stepped up to the plate and sought out help to get myself on track, this past few days I have had time that I never knew existed.

Along with this one, I can see consistency and obedience being rewarded to me.
Another idol destroyed! No more sacrificing to the alter if "settling" . I won't settle another day for anything less than what God has for me and my life.
Ladies pray for me. That last idol is mad. I'm getting major backlash on it. The enemy is in attack mode. He is trying to take me back to my old self, and usher me to another idol...that of vengefulness. I refuse to go. I'm standing firm in the Lord. What God has for me is for me and anything less than God's will is NOT FOR ME!
Thanks to a loving sister in Christ, I have discovered yet another idol. "self-serving". There is nothing wrong with wanting and even asking God to bless us, but when we start to put him in a genie bottle and rub him when we have requests. . . .THAT is a problem. Lord forgive me. Trusting in anything outside of the Lord for provision. THAT is a problem

POW!!! another idol destroyed. Its amazing how at first there is resistance in tearing down the idols but the more idols that are destroyed, the easier it is.

I know I will never be perfect, but I will definitely continue on the path to righteousness. I pray that God continues to bless me as he has been, even in the face of what looks like defeat. God's Got It!
Just a thought, but I'm convinced that unfair prejudice and racism are an idol. We stay finding ways to divide ourselves up and call it self-preservation. Nothing in our divine prescription for living remotely favors such. And if one wished to argue about the Amalekites, they were destroyed for their lack of faith in G-d. We are all one...or we are all none (:giggle: even Dr. Bronner got that right). Just looking at another person as less than self or undesirable, with neutral disdain (as though that's possible it be neutral) is essentially hatred. Favoring one over another and failing to see your brother is against G-d. He is the author.
“He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful” (John 1:2, NIV).
Job sacraficed to the idol of "fear"

5 When a period of feasting had run its course, Job would make arrangements for them to be purified. Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them, thinking, “Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.” This was Job’s regular custom. Job 1:5

I say this because he was fearful that they had sinned and felt like he needed to cover them.
How many times I have sacraficed to the idol of fear in the name of "just in case" hmmph!

Not anymore. I'm not afraid for the Lord is with me. His rod and staff comfort me.
Mines is being on here... I spend more time on LHCF than I do talking to god or reading my bible so I need to step away from this site I dont want anything to jeopardizing my place in heaven

Sorry my EVO misspelled it *shrugs*