APL by Dec 2010!!!

Yay to Ijanei, Cream Tee, Eluv.
Salsa, hope everything goes well for you. Can't wait for pics of your new do.
I don't have pics to show since I am braided under my wigs. Not sure I will make it this year, but still pushing until December.
Good luck everyone!
so i relaxed yesterday just in time for the update.
i relaxed in four sections blah blah blah (details are in my fotki, i won't bore you with all that)

click for larger pictures!

trying to repair the damage that years of neglect have wreaked upon my temples (right, left)

rinsed the neutralizer out of the last section. looks like it's grown a little.

scalp shot
there's a little bit of a wave left, but i doubt i could find a stronger relaxer.
anyway, i don't mind a little texture.

rocking my rollerset in traffic

had to go to work before my rollerset could dry, so it came out very puffy.
this is one of the drawbacks to thick hair.

trying to make a nice ponytail. epic fail.

the solution

can't wait to see what's going on with everyone else's hair! :grin:
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Looking good Ijanei, and Eluv - keep going! :grin:

that's me right there.
i've got that tougher than nigerian hair.

i used a super relaxer today when i relaxed.
i did my usual four sections for twenty minutes each, and there's still a bit of wave, but overall i'm satisfied.
i'll update with pictures tomorrow. :]]

my only problem now is how obvious my abused/broken temples are.
i broke the hair off almost completely there from years of micro-braids and tight cornrows on freshly relaxed hair.
what do you guys do to regrow damaged hair?

Your hair is lovely and thick! :yep: In terms of the temples and the weaker areas of your hair, I think you should just keep doing what your doing (assuming you are regularly DC'ing, moisturising and the whole gamut). I would suggest relaxing that area at the very end of the process, you should avoid leaving the relaxer on that part for any long period at all. Some people only relax their very weak areas at every other relaxer. In any case the key is being very consistent in your regimen - you'll soon see results. If you haven't already, try rubbing some JBCO regularly into the area.

Cream Tee, your hair looks great girl! You are well beyond APL!!

Ladies, my curly install is great!!! I absolutely love it. I know, I know, my words are worthless without pictures. I am styling my hair tonight and will take plenty. I have so much going on in my personal life right now that I truly haven't had a chance. Please pray for me.

Thanks, although I'm still not entirely happy, so I'll be sticking in this thread until December. :)

Don't feel pressured to post pics if you have bigger issues going on Sal (I know all about those!). I'm glad that you like the install though, one of these days I might be brave enough to attempt one of those! :lol:

I think I've finally realised the best length of stretch for me, which is between 14-16 weeks. It works and the hair is still manageable so I'll be touching up quarterly from now on.
Esi, your hair looks great! Good job with the relaxer and styling. I wish my hair could be half as thick!! How long did you stretch, if I may ask?
relaxed w/ ors no lye mixed w/ a little olive oil. couldn't take a good pic, but will have someone take it for me later and I will post pics! I can't wait for the next touch up I'm getting so close to my goal!
Just checking in tonight I plan on d/c and roller setting my hair haven't set my hair in a while been rocking pony tail for the last two weeks. Im going to try to hit the wig store this weekend and see I can find me something to hide my hair with wish me luck.
Okay so I may try hiding my hair for a while, we'll see what the results may be. I did buy Joico deep penetrating conditioner to try to minimize my breakage. I will use that this week end and see about purchasing a new wig.
Ok ladies....where am I? I just straightened my hair for the first time since August. What's your assessment?


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Cream Tee Thanks for responding so quickly! I definitely needed another opinion because it was starting to feel like I would never reach APL! Or maybe I'm starting to get a touch of hair anorexia the longer my hair grows lol. Thanks once again! :)
Hey Ladies,

I'm excited to see all the updates and Ladies reaching APL. Well I straightened today. This is the second one of the year. My SSKs were getting crazy and I need a trim anyway. I believe I made it to APL. What I'm really happy about is that my hair is starting to come in at one length. I'm going to keep it straight 2-4wks if possible. My fear of heat damage may have me washing sooner.

After Rollerset & first pass with sedu @ 260.

After second pass with Sedu @ 340.

Longest layer
Thank you Ladies!!

When you are 5'11 with a long neck it is hard to tell if you hair is below your armpit! I'm going to get it trimmed tomorrow or Tuesday only 1-2inches though depending on how the ends feel. I don't want to have a blunt cut with a single layer yet. Rather let the top grow out and play catch up.
Regretfully, not this yr, but with constant healthier hair practices I will be there by this time next yr!

Had my setback and chopped off 1.5-2inches in August. We'll see tho!

Fingers crossed
I couldn't get a great pic i took it with my camera phone, but this will do. Can't wait till December update.:grin: ( will post better pics later!:ohwell::perplexedsry)

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What are you doing for growth

Low manipulation. Shampooing once a week to once every two weeks. Doing overnight deep conditioning treatments. Co-washing here and there. My hair is usually in a ponytail or bun either through a wet bun or after straightening it. Overall.. I'm trying to keep manipulation at a low level and trying to keep my hair moisturized because I am also transitioning from bone straight to texlaxed hair...

I've got about an inch to two inches to go...

What are you not going to do

I'm not going to constantly comb my hair! I'm not going to constantly straighten it either lol (personal flat iron boot camp for next 2 months).

What length are you now?
Well I'm past shoulder... guess we can call it collar bone length? I need an inch for APL and two good inches for full APL.
