APL by Dec 2010!!!

I made my goal of full APL. See siggy :)

Next goal full mole length hehe

Congrats on making full APL, Charz!!!! Your hair is gorgeous and its thickness is insane :lick:

LOL @ "full mole length". My back mole is at full BSB and my next goal is also full mole length. :lol::lachen:
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I had a dream I had luscious, thick, APL (unpressed!) hair cascading all over my shoulders…then I woke up:ohwell:

I undid the flat twists I had in my hair and I was SO MAD that the smack center of my head is like 3" long! It refuses to grow! My brother's hair is like that, too, so I don't know if it's genetic or what.

Ugh…I'll try to straighten my hair this week to take my progress pic. I'm pretty sure there isn't much in the way of progress to capture though.

Nice to see others have had success with this challenge, though.
Hey ladies!! I'd like to join.
i probably won't make APL by December, but i think i'm done with the SL challenge.
here are some starting pics:


i plan to just keep it simple. wash and DC every two weeks or so. i'm getting weaved up soon as well.
i want to just leave my hair alone. like, seriously. i think i'm finally getting over a 5 year addiction of keeping my hands all up in my head. :look:
Hey ladies!! I'd like to join.
i probably won't make APL by December, but i think i'm done with the SL challenge.
here are some starting pics:

i plan to just keep it simple. wash and DC every two weeks or so. i'm getting weaved up soon as well.
i want to just leave my hair alone. like, seriously. i think i'm finally getting over a 5 year addiction of keeping my hands all up in my head. :look:

Oh, my goodness, your ends are so thick and lush! See, I can't resist the scissors when I see beautiful ends like that! :lol:
Where did everyone go?? :D :D
So I decided to blow dry my hair today. It was thick and fluffy and I loved it. (I will be 16 wks post tomorrow). I was trying to straighten my roots but my hand was getting tired from having to go over and over so I just dried it as much as I could (80%) and gave up on any thoughts of flat ironing.
I think I am 2 inches away, not sure since I don't stretch my hair and I braided it up til tomorrow when I begin bunning.
I will post a pic Thursday though to assess how far I have to go.
Thank you for the support, ladies!!!!
I finally did a good job on my bantu knot out ... I loved it. question though, how is everyone getting their hair so thick
^^ I am 16 wks (Well 16 wks in about half an hr :-D) post so my hair is really thick, especially the roots. I also joined the Castor Oil Challenge. I hear castor oil is good for thickening hair.
^afrochique...I'm in it as well but still see no difference. Let me know how it works for you. Are you transitioning or stretching? I'm 4mos and 2 weeks into my transition, can't wait until this grows out
I am stretching my relaxer. it works for me and my hair seems thicker and healthier when I get to relax. I am also trying to make it to APL by Dec and when I last relaxed, the stylist trimmed more than I requested :( so I am trying to stretch til December and see what happens.
afrochique, thanks for the reminder. i've been slacking off :blush:

quick hair update.
fotki also updated.

click thumbnails for larger pictures!

did my first successful(ish) pony-tail rollerset on the first of october.

results after takedown.

i wish i could straighten my hair.:sad: it's hard to gauge my length when i suck at rollersets, but i'm on this no direct heat kick at least until the end of the year.

good luck to everyone who's still here, and congratulations to everyone who reached their goal. :grin:
Hi Ladies!! Checking in, here's pics of my length check from last Sat. Please ignore the date as it's incorrect. I got 1-1.5 inches to go, which I should make by the deadline of Dec. 31st!! I'm soooo excited, I can't wait to see everyone's reveal!!

Happy hair growing ladies!!


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I have not posted any updates b cuz I cornrowed myhair under my wig 2wks go and been too tired to remove them. I will try to take pic this weekend since I will be taking them down and straighten my hair.

It looks like everyone is making good progress
Okay here is my update pic I took on Saturday. It looks like I got about .25 inches until I reach APL... yaay. My hair has gotten so much thinner since July so I am gonna stop direct heat for a few months and start back using JBCO and I also want to try the JBCO shampoo.

i just took my braids down and washed my hair. letting it stay down for about 3 days then back to braids because i'm swimming. but i took a few pictures of my hair and i see some growth i let my cousin borrow my flat iron so all i could do was press my hair and i didnt do a good jod at that lol.

Really trying to make this goal this year, I have managed to curb my scissor happiness I only trimmed once in the last 15months. I've now put my hair in a weave till Dec to maximise retention, I'll take it out every 3 weeks to wash and DC and spray 2-3 times a week for moisture.

Thickened my hair a lot using a cassia treatment for those interested its really good for thicker. softer hair.
Really trying to make this goal this year, I have managed to curb my scissor happiness I only trimmed once in the last 15months. I've now put my hair in a weave till Dec to maximise retention, I'll take it out every 3 weeks to wash and DC and spray 2-3 times a week for moisture.

Thickened my hair a lot using a cassia treatment for those interested its really good for thicker. softer hair.

Where did u buy your cassia? I really want to try that instead of henna.
Just checking in! I'm going to be wearing half wigs and stretching till Dec. I'm sticking to my normal regi wash & dc 1-2x a week except I'll be oiling my scalp w/ jbco more often. I've been lazy with my hair lately. I've just been doing braid outs or wearing it up with a claw clip. I'm 2 weeks post right now & I went over my moms house the other day and she's like girl you need a perm!:lachen:I'm like umm I just had one :look: *sigh* Just because someone has thick and coarse hair doesn't mean they don't have a perm :ohwell:
I have a trillion braids in my hair and hopefully I will be able to keep them until the 1st of December. I'm wearing wigs for ps. So I won't have update pics until Dec. But my siggy has my latest pic.
Breaking news, y'all!

So, I haven't been very active in this thread, but I'm still here. Around the time of the first board updates, I posted some new pics and a few ladies said I should just go 'head and claim it! But, honestly, I was feeling kinda insecure about my ends. Every winter, it's the same thing: I have great growth throughout the summer, I'm lovin' my hair, and then- BAM!- winter comes, and my ends start falling like leaves. Also, going into the winter, I thought I was probably close to a protein overload (because my hair is so fine, I've found it best to use Aphogee 5 min with every wash during the summer).

I took a proactive stance and bought a few things: SAA, hydrolized oats/ wheat/ cottonseed, and honeyquat. I also cut out the Aphogee for now, not sure if I'll pick it back up this season. I've been adding the new stuff to my Wen, half a capful of each, for maybe 3 washes (about a week and a half) and I'm already noticing the difference.

For one, my hair still feels moisturized two days after wash day and I haven't moisturized since it was dry. (I'm lazy) Two, I stopped the little bit of breakage I had started to notice. I don't know what other positive effects I should expect from this, but so far, so good.

Also, as a general length update, I think I'm in bsb territory, but I haven't straightened in a while. I'm thinking about getting a set this week, so maybe I'll post pics then (if everything is ok with the system).

Bah…my "progress" pictures:

Well, it looks like I might have grown an inch since starting this challenge. I got some shea butter for my birthday in September, so I've been using it on my ends. I'm also trying to finish up my DC mix of avocado, grapeseed oil, shea butter, and water, so maybe trying something different will help get my growth on!
I haven't written and update in a long time. Anyway, I'm still on track for APL by Dec 2010. I would say I'm about an inch away. I've had to trim a little as my hair in the back is very coily and dry. I get SSK and splits easily there. I've been trying braidouts on blowdried hair and I think that has been helping some. I've been good with my supplements: MSM, B-complex, Anti-oxident blend, Egg Protein shakes and Hempseed oil. Also, I've been using the Kimmaytube leave-in with Giovanni Direct and Alba Botanica leave-in.

I'll post pics soon.