APL by Dec 2010!!!

Hey Ladies - BrownBean checking in. I did a length check recently. What do you guys think, another 1' to APL?


:yep: indeed my dear.
I am not quite there yet, in fact I don't think I'm that close. I did a length check last month and I was touching shoulder length. I will not be doing another length check until another 6 - 8 months - about October or December. In fact, I'm staying away from quarterly length checks and keeping them at least at 6 months intervals.
I know I'm not going to make it. I am focusing on cutting the color out of my hair slowly but steady. I cut about 2.5 inches over a month ago and I'm pretty sure I'll be cutting another 2+ inches. I'm gracefully bowing out. Maybe next year!
:hiya:hello ladies, i am currently tranistioning and i am 57 weeks post:clap::woot:. i currently am at SL and would love to make it to APL by Dec. i cant show a current pic of my hair yet because i am currently all weaved up for the next few weeks:gorgeous:. i would love to join this challenge and this would be my first one! i will be praying :pray::meditate:for a summer growth spurt being that my hair only grows about 1/3inch per month:wallbash:. HHG!
Hi ladies, how are you all getting on?

I'm just about to DC and rollerset and I'll flat iron my roots in the morning. I had to just slap on a load of conditioner on as a prepoo on this thick nearly six months post hair just to loosen it up. I may post some pics tomorrow if it looks okay.
Hi ladies, how are you all getting on?

I'm just about to DC and rollerset and I'll flat iron my roots in the morning. I had to just slap on a load of conditioner on as a prepoo on this thick nearly six months post hair just to loosen it up. I may post some pics tomorrow if it looks okay.

Hi Cream Tee! Oohhh please post pictures!!! Would love to see your rollersetting results at almost 6 months post.

I'm still in these itchy cornrows:-( I can't wait to take these things out Sunday. I'm plan on relaxing two weeks after I take them out so I would like to do a hardcore protein treatment....but with all the shed hair and potential tangles after removing these braids, I may have to wait. What do you think?

I may attempt a rollerset, but I'm going to have to flat iron the roots. My flat iron has been collecting dust for 5 1/2 months! When are you relaxing again?
hey ladies.... so far, i've had this cornrow in for 7 weeks (under the wig), and i have 1.5" of NG... I really think exercise is helping me boost my growth rate..
hey ladies.... so far, i've had this cornrow in for 7 weeks (under the wig), and i have 1.5" of NG... I really think exercise is helping me boost my growth rate..

I definitely agree with the exercise. I started working out about 4 weeks ago (one week post at the time) and I can already see ng. I usually don't have ng growth until week 8+ post...CRAZY...but I love it. Now, if I can just stop playing with the coils...:wallbash:...I have to make it to August! :ohwell:
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I think I can make my Dec goal. I'm 4" away and recently added a little Megatek, vitamins, and exercise to my regimen. I plan to trim blunt and get rid of some layers after I make my goal.
I am sticking to making my scalp as healthy as possible, and keeping my hair (dead) as soft and managable as possible. I am not quitting, but I am not crying if I am not APL either. The length obsession I had is gone.
Hi Cream Tee! Oohhh please post pictures!!! Would love to see your rollersetting results at almost 6 months post.

I'm still in these itchy cornrows:-( I can't wait to take these things out Sunday. I'm plan on relaxing two weeks after I take them out so I would like to do a hardcore protein treatment....but with all the shed hair and potential tangles after removing these braids, I may have to wait. What do you think?

I may attempt a rollerset, but I'm going to have to flat iron the roots. My flat iron has been collecting dust for 5 1/2 months! When are you relaxing again?

Hi Salsarisma, I have to rollerset soooo slowly on my hair at the moment, but it's worth it! :yep:

How long have you had the cornrows in for? You hear so many horror stories about tangles, yes you must make sure the hair is properly detangled before attempting any hardcore treatment otherwise it may cause problems.

Well done for not touching your flat iron at all, I wish I could have been so disciplined! I'm relaxing around 15th June. :)
Hi all!! I'm still rocking my cornrows which look a hot mess. I really hope I can make it another 3-4 weeks. Thank God for my wigs!!! I plan to straighten and trim after I take these out, so I hope to make APL by Octoberish.
Hi everyone. I am jumping in late (but I hope it's not to late). :perplexed

I would like to try to make it to APL by December. I can't post any pics yet because my hair is up in a full sew-in (4 months) right now. But I plan on taking it down with in the next week and will have pics soon. When it is down I am right at SL so I am hoping that APL isn't a huge stretch for 7 months. My hair grows relatively fast, but the last year it's been through a lot (breakage/trimming :wallbash:) so I hope I can get it back on track and growing again.

I don't have a regime yet since this is my first attempt at really putting in quality time/energy to grow my hair but I hope to have one soon. There is a lot of great information on the boards so I will be reading old posts looking for products that will work for me. :yep:

So far I know that baggying and co-washing will definitely be a part of my regular process.

Hi Salsarisma, I have to rollerset soooo slowly on my hair at the moment, but it's worth it! :yep:

How long have you had the cornrows in for? You hear so many horror stories about tangles, yes you must make sure the hair is properly detangled before attempting any hardcore treatment otherwise it may cause problems.

Well done for not touching your flat iron at all, I wish I could have been so disciplined! I'm relaxing around 15th June. :)

I kept my last set in for 3 1/2 weeks. When I remove this install, it will be three weeks. I can't stand any longer than that, because even though I wash my hair in cornrows and use rinseless shampoo, my scalp still feels dirty. I think I am going to remove a braid, detangle that section, and apply pre poo treatment to each section as I go this time. Then I'll wash and do a dc...maybe even cowash and dc....do you think a co wash would be gentler? The following night, I plan to do the protein treatment.

My relaxer date is June 16th...I can't wait to see if I had any progress! Heck, I may just try a rollerset and flat iron my roots.

We're on the homestretch now!!!
Hi all!! I'm still rocking my cornrows which look a hot mess. I really hope I can make it another 3-4 weeks. Thank God for my wigs!!! I plan to straighten and trim after I take these out, so I hope to make APL by Octoberish.

Hey Diva. Do you redo your cornrows or keep the same ones in?
Hi Salsarisma, I have to rollerset soooo slowly on my hair at the moment, but it's worth it! :yep:

How long have you had the cornrows in for? You hear so many horror stories about tangles, yes you must make sure the hair is properly detangled before attempting any hardcore treatment otherwise it may cause problems.

Well done for not touching your flat iron at all, I wish I could have been so disciplined! I'm relaxing around 15th June. :)

I kept my last set in for 3 1/2 weeks. When I remove this install, it will be three weeks. I can't stand any longer than that, because even though I wash my hair in cornrows and use rinseless shampoo, my scalp still feels dirty. I think I am going to remove a braid, detangle that section, and apply pre poo treatment to each section as I go this time. Then I'll wash and do a dc...maybe even cowash and dc....do you think a co wash would be gentler? The following night, I plan to do the protein treatment.

My relaxer date is June 16th...I can't wait to see if I had any progress! Heck, I may just try a rollerset and flat iron my roots.

We're on the homestretch now!!!

Ladies, how long does it take you to detangle? Just curious...It takes me around 2-3 hrs at 16-18 weeks post but you two are warriors...I just can't imagine.
Ladies, how long does it take you to detangle? Just curious...It takes me around 2-3 hrs at 16-18 weeks post but you two are warriors...I just can't imagine.

Hey gurl! Nah, my detangling sessions have been a breeze...seriously!!! My prepoo concoction makes my hair so soft and silky that I have no qualms detangling. It takes me about 15 minutes.

My last session took 30 because I had been in cornrows for almost four weeks. But my normal detangling is easy.

Stretching has been easy for me...the hardest part is getting over having really straight hair!! Sometimes I would look in the mirror and cringe. Lol! The rest is a piece of cake. After my relaxer June 16, I'll stretch till right before Christmas and hopefully get a wonderful holiday suprise of APL hair!

After reaching APL, I plan to relax every 16-20 weeks.

How is your hair journey going??
Hey gurl! Nah, my detangling sessions have been a breeze...seriously!!! My prepoo concoction makes my hair so soft and silky that I have no qualms detangling. It takes me about 15 minutes.

My last session took 30 because I had been in cornrows for almost four weeks. But my normal detangling is easy.

Stretching has been easy for me...the hardest part is getting over having really straight hair!! Sometimes I would look in the mirror and cringe. Lol! The rest is a piece of cake. After my relaxer June 16, I'll stretch till right before Christmas and hopefully get a wonderful holiday suprise of APL hair!

After reaching APL, I plan to relax every 16-20 weeks.

How is your hair journey going??

15-30 mins? :blush: Oh. My. Goodness. THAT is impressive!!! I lose less than a quarter size amount of hair during my detangling sessions but that's because I work with tiny tiny sections. I could only wish to detangle within 15 min. Wow!

My journey is going great. I PS Mon-Fri for work and enjoy my hair on the weekends and have had no issues (knocking on wood). I have this unusually long section of hair at my nape that's waaay past APL and can't understand why...and I don't remember when it started growing longer than the rest. :ohwell: I just noticed it a couple of days ago while moisturizing. A trim is def in my furture but I really wanted to wait until Dec for it. I just wish I could know what my hair will look like at the end of the year already! It's killing me! :drunk:
15-30 mins? :blush: Oh. My. Goodness. THAT is impressive!!! I lose less than a quarter size amount of hair during my detangling sessions but that's because I work with tiny tiny sections. I could only wish to detangle within 15 min. Wow!

My journey is going great. I PS Mon-Fri for work and enjoy my hair on the weekends and have had no issues (knocking on wood). I have this unusually long section of hair at my nape that's waaay past APL and can't understand why...and I don't remember when it started growing longer than the rest. :ohwell: I just noticed it a couple of days ago while moisturizing. A trim is def in my furture but I really wanted to wait until Dec for it. I just wish I could know what my hair will look like at the end of the year already! It's killing me! :drunk:

Lol! You have waaayyy more hair than I do! Plus my nape is really short too:-(
I lose about a half dollar size of hair when I detangle, which is not too bad. Do you prepoo?

I guess I'll be PS again during the week too. It can get kind of old after a while!
hwo are you washign your hair for ladies who keep them in under wigs for weeks at a time. I take mine out every two weeks to wash and dc and rebraid but i would love to keep them in longer
Lol! You have waaayyy more hair than I do! Plus my nape is really short too:-(
I lose about a half dollar size of hair when I detangle, which is not too bad. Do you prepoo?

I guess I'll be PS again during the week too. It can get kind of old after a while!

I prepoo with AO Island Naturals condish and sometimes oil (but rarely because my hair isn't a fan and will tangle like crazy) overnight. My hair is always really soft after prepooing; I'm a little upset that I'm just learning how to take care of my hair. Boooooo! :lachen:
I prepoo with AO Island Naturals condish and sometimes oil (but rarely because my hair isn't a fan and will tangle like crazy) overnight. My hair is always really soft after prepooing; I'm a little upset that I'm just learning how to take care of my hair. Boooooo! :lachen:

Lol!!! You were a member five months before me! I'm still learning. I only prepoo for an hour~~~~two at the most. It has really turned my hair around...to think I was a prepoo skeptic when I first joined!
Yeah the prepooing helps. I don't usually prepoo but recently I've felt that I needed to. I just use a nice thick conditioner and really work it in to the roots and lengths and just put my hair in fat twists then stick it in a cap. By the time I'm ready to wash and DC my NG is much more manageable. When I've finished steaming I add a bit more DC then detangle, which I'm able to do quite easily.
Yeah the prepooing helps. I don't usually prepoo but recently I've felt that I needed to. I just use a nice thick conditioner and really work it in to the roots and lengths and just put my hair in fat twists then stick it in a cap. By the time I'm ready to wash and DC my NG is much more manageable. When I've finished steaming I add a bit more DC then detangle, which I'm able to do quite easily.

Steamer...Mmmmm...sounds delish! My treat to myself when I make APL is a steamer.

When I prepoo, I use a thick condish like AOHSR, Burt's Bees Avocado Butter, evoo, evco, avocado oil, wheat germ oil, a dab of honey, and a cheap moisture condish to thin out the consistency. I wrap in saran wrap for 1-2 hours before shampooing. My hair is so silky and soft that detangling is a breeze.
I'm final grazing APL at the nape, however my crown area is only SL which of course make my ends see through. I'm worried about my crown area, because most of the woman on both sides of my family hair in crown is either very short or bald. So, I'm hoping for full APL by Dec 2010.

Currently I'm 15 weeks post so I plan to flat iron my hair for my Bday instead of getting a touch up. My Bday is on 6/30 the same day as our photo update. I'm getting excited about getting my Maxiglide out of retirement; I haven't seen my hair straight in almost a year.
Im getting there! I think I will reach APL by Dec or even before, Im praying for September. Im keeping it real low maintenance; I wash and DC once every week and moisturize daily with HE LTR and occasionally seal and moisturize my scalp with Castor Oil. Minimal styling, I just clip my hair up everyday and leave my bangs out. This regimen is helping me retain my hair. When I used to do to much to my hair like cowashing almost daily and conditioning constantly it made my hair feel mushy (due to moisture overdose) but now I think my protein/moisture is balanced. Now I just want my crown to grow quicker in order to catch up with my nape, Im also suffering from see through ends because of this.