APL by Dec 2010!!!

Honestly you look pretty darn close right now!! thank you, Love.akihsoy! i only WISH you are right!!!:yep:

But I think if you can hold out, then wait the extra month.

I say, wait it out until June (or at least the end of May) ... for my own selfish reasons, I suppose. That's when I'm trying to stretch until and it would be great to have a stretching buddy. :look: I'll be 12 weeks post on monday and I'm trying to at least make it until 16 weeks post. :grin: The stretches are tough but they are so worth it!!!

these stretches ARE tough! i know you're right when you say they are worth it, but how are you dealing with the ng?
i MISS MY HAIR!:sad:
haven't "seen" it since january, lol!:lachen:
it's not only hard to "see" my hair (yes, i wet bun), but it's hard to see growth and progress, too.

anybody here ever leave their hair "naked" (no products) for a lil bit just to "see" their hair?

i think it's good for accessing, but i also think the only TRUE accessment permed ladies can do will be AFTER the hair has been permed. :rolleyes:
Hey grow. Wait it out with me! I'm almost 19 weeks post and I'm not relaxing till June. We can be suprised together!

here i am whining about my lil 15 week post nappy jungle and you are already 19 weeks post?!

CONGRATULATIONS! that's an accomplishment right there!:yep:

ok, girlie, i just might do it.....BUT......can you please explain how you've made it 19 weeks?

how's the breakage issue going? what's the easiest hairdo at this time? do you comb? what do you do for the almighty line of demarcation?

thanks for the inspiration!
here i am whining about my lil 15 week post nappy jungle and you are already 19 weeks post?!

CONGRATULATIONS! that's an accomplishment right there!:yep:

ok, girlie, i just might do it.....BUT......can you please explain how you've made it 19 weeks?

how's the breakage issue going? what's the easiest hairdo at this time? do you comb? what do you do for the almighty line of demarcation?

thanks for the inspiration!

I would wear my hair in a bun Monday through Thursday. I Prepoo/Wash/DC/rollerset Thursday night and wear my hair down all weekend. Co wash Monday (or Tuesday) and bun it till Thursday. Pre-pooing has kept my NG soft and manageable. So far, no breakage issues anywhere, and I comb my hair everyday. However, right now, I had cornrows put in and will wear those for three to four weeks. After that, I may go back to my usual routine or get cornrows one more time till relaxer day. I will prob just go back to my regular routine. It's tough and your hair requires more TLC during a stretch, but it's sooo worth it!
hi ladies, again many thanks for your help in feeling better about reaching these hair goals! :yep:

i was going to wait and post pics once i had "gotten somewhere", but i need help in deciding what to do, so here goes. :ohwell:

i had planned to texlax in may hoping to have my ends at APL by then.
my last texlax was in jan.2010, so i'm 15 wks post.

should i go ahead and perm in may or do you think it could be disappointing, given my deadline.
would it be better to wait to perm until june, giving my ends more time to reach APL :rolleyes:(we're only talking ends here....my bangs will take forever!) or should i just go for it and perm in may?

here, i'm straight out of the shower, but i'm trying to keep the ng from bouncing back up...

What the?! Oh, I know you BETTER stretch. You practically put me in a headlock to get me to agree to stretch and now I see you're questioning whether to continue? Girl. :rolleyes:
Update: I've been off the radar for a while, but I wanted to post my progress pics. I'm happy with the growth I've attained over the last 3+ months and I'm looking forward to the summer in hopes that I get an inch or two closer to APL:spinning:


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What the?! Oh, I know you BETTER stretch. You practically put me in a headlock to get me to agree to stretch and now I see you're questioning whether to continue? Girl. :rolleyes:

i hear ya momma! :whip:

imma stretch! :dazed:

sorry about the headlock!:lachen:you know i only said it cuz i care!:bighug:
just think about how happy you'll be with freshly permed hair right in time for that big day!:grin::yep: THAT'S worth the wait!
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So I've learned that twists done on dry hair only look good for 4 days and then I can rock a twist out for the rest of the hair week. I just did this last set on damp hair but sat under the dryer once I was finished so I'm hoping these can last the entire week. If they end up on the same level as my dry hair twists then from now on I'll be twisting on freshly washed hair and let the style set via airdrying. I'm also taking One A Day Women's Active Metabolism in addition to my GNC HSN, not for hair but will still be monitoring to see if it makes a difference. I feel like my growth has stalled but that probably because I'm stalking it so much so I'm going to try to do my best to hide my hair from myself, which will mean no out styles in between twist sets, if one only lasts 4 days then I'll just be retwisting sooner, no ifs ands or buts about it.
Just took a new pic this weekend. I don't know how to put it in my sig so it's my new avatar. Sigh - to think a few years back my hair was BSL :wallbash:. Oh well - that's what stress will do.
i don't take as many pictures as i used to take, Belleza.

i found that when i was "watching my hair" too closely, it made me depressed and had me thinking it was not growing, which is not true.

as for the former bsl, you will get there again, but focusing on how it was isn't useful.
"yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery" they always say to me.
"if i've got one foot in yesterday and the other foot in tomorrow, i'm pi**ing all over today".

i know it's not easy, because i get down too, but sometimes we've got to learn to love where we're at, an hun, if you're here on lhcf, you are definitely in the right place!

stick with it, things WILL get better; there WILL be better days!
I honestly thinking Im making some progress here ladies. As hard as it is for me to keep my hands out of my hair, I found a new way to just let it go. I dont wrap my hair the same as I used to so it makes it easier for me to do my updo style
I honestly thinking Im making some progress here ladies. As hard as it is for me to keep my hands out of my hair, I found a new way to just let it go. I dont wrap my hair the same as I used to so it makes it easier for me to do my updo style

how are you wrapping your hair now?
I used to just put it in a wrap (the whole way around) then put a scarf on it, then every other day I alter the way the wrap went.

NOW I separate my hair down the middle or across from side to side, apply my hair oils or whatever, then put two small buns in my hair. When I take out my buns, it's kind of curly so I make a quick bushy bun (one big bun) stick my chop sticks thru my hair to make it look full and call it a day, or else I twist the ends up and stick a stick thru it ...I would have to take a pic to show you what I meant, lol sounds a little crazy right now
Took new pics today... I'm getting closer, I'm so excited!


2.5-3 inches and I'll be ready to say I'm APL!!!!
If I make full SL in August then I KNOW I can graze APL in the last 4 months of this year because I did it once before. Now that I'm gettin my Soul Glo on i'm pretty confident that I will reach my hair goals on schedule.
I BC'd last night and I was thinking about bowing out of the challenge. However my nape was 100% natural before the BC so I'm going to try to still shoot for APL by Dec. Some of the nape strands are SL or below SL. I probably still won't make full APL until next year since I've chopped.
It is with great regret that I have to pull out of the challenge, ive had a major set back serious breakage that has taken me back to
ear length. I'm over it and back to growing, braids are really not for me when relaxed. Ladies keep it up and wish you all well!
Took new pics today... I'm getting closer, I'm so excited!


2.5-3 inches and I'll be ready to say I'm APL!!!!

looking fantastic, Love.akihsoy! just fabulous!

also, i LOVE how you have the measuring tape with the lines showing the inches!
GREAT IDEA! (i think i will try that, too, if you don't mind!:yep:)
It is with great regret that I have to pull out of the challenge, ive had a major set back serious breakage that has taken me back to
ear length. I'm over it and back to growing, braids are really not for me when relaxed. Ladies keep it up and wish you all well!

Nya33, i'm sad for your setback. these things are really not so easy to deal with, but i'm glad that you are over it and back to growing!
stick with it, thanks for all the encouragement, and jump back in soon!
we'll be waiting for you!:yep:
Nya33, i'm sad for your setback. these things are really not so easy to deal with, but i'm glad that you are over it and back to growing!
stick with it, thanks for all the encouragement, and jump back in soon!
we'll be waiting for you!:yep:

Thanks grow! It was so disheartening to see the damage and it was a harsh lesson to learn. On a positive note. I've been cut so I have healthy ends again and it really is back to basics, I loved my braids from South Africa but they were no good for my relaxed hair. I followed the c&g method buts everything broke off at line of demarcation at the back of my head. I will def see you all soon! :yep:
I finally made it to armpit length! :thumbsup:

I decided to take down part of my sew-in that I installed the end of February, about a week after I got my ends clipped and my keratin treatment... I had my ends trimmed about an inch, but I have retained about 2 inches since December.
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Here's a pic of my APL hair! BSB/BSL... Here I come!


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It is with great regret that I have to pull out of the challenge, ive had a major set back serious breakage that has taken me back to
ear length. I'm over it and back to growing, braids are really not for me when relaxed. Ladies keep it up and wish you all well!

I hate to hear that nya :nono:. I'm sorry for your setback but I'm glad that you are back on the growing grind because you'll get it all back in no time!

I finally made it to armpit length! :thumbsup:

I decided to take doen part of my sew-in that the end of February about a week after I got my ends clipped and my keratin treatment... i had my ends trimmed about an inch, but I have retained about 2 inches since December.

I guess you will have to look at my profile pic...I can't seem to attache pics for some reason....

Sweeeeeet! Congrats! I can't wait until I can say that!
I hate to hear that nya :nono:. I'm sorry for your setback but I'm glad that you are back on the growing grind because you'll get it all back in no time!

Sweeeeeet! Congrats! I can't wait until I can say that!

Thanks! See the post above yours...I attached a pic!
Still growing...working on a low manip reggie to put me at full SL by July. Then I'll be in the running for *some hair* :p stretching to APL by Dec 2010.

No more trimming for me :)
Thanks grow! It was so disheartening to see the damage and it was a harsh lesson to learn. On a positive note. I've been cut so I have healthy ends again and it really is back to basics, I loved my braids from South Africa but they were no good for my relaxed hair. I followed the c&g method buts everything broke off at line of demarcation at the back of my head. I will def see you all soon! :yep:

:bighug: Sorry to hear about your setback.
grow, no prob girl! It works for me because it's super accurate as far as telling how many inches I have left to go. T-Shirts are weird sometimes b/c they might not line up the same every time but the measuring tape don't lie!

Congrats on making APL liliz!

And I'm so sorry about your setback Nya... it will grow back longer and stronger!!!
grow, no prob girl! It works for me because it's super accurate as far as telling how many inches I have left to go. T-Shirts are weird sometimes b/c they might not line up the same every time but the measuring tape don't lie!

Congrats on making APL liliz!

And I'm so sorry about your setback Nya... it will grow back longer and stronger!!!

i hear ya, Love.akihsoy! i had tried to order one of those shirts a few months ago, but there was some difficulty with checkout and sending it to italy, so i have to be glad i just settled with the measuring tape.

it's all i've been using and you're absolutely right, there's no second guessing with the tape....no shrinking from washing/drying, etc.

i can't wait to finish this perm so i can post pictures and yes, i'll do them just like your efficient example!:yep: thanks!
Start of the journey, Dec 09:



It took me 3 months to get my regimen right, but I'm finally seeing progress!
:dance7: <--me after seeing the difference!

When I started wrapping my hair this evening, I thought there was a long piece of black string on my clothes. Turned out that it was the small (20 strand!) section of my hair that grows the fastest, and it was less than an inch away from APL!! :yay:

Changes I've made: Added S-Curl to my regimen and it is DELISH! :lick: I could've retained SO much more had I known about it from the beginning!