Checking in....hey don't we have a photo op coming up soon on the 20th?
Anyway, I co-washed for a couple days because I felt like being a short hair diva lol but I'm back to my braid out and nightly rebraiding and I am excited to say that I can wear a real puff!! That's how I've been styling my braid out and I can even use my boar bristle brush again!!!! My ends don't feel like they need a trim but I do see a couple splits on my shed hairs but whatever I'm doing must be working because they aren't major splits like they used to be, but still worthy of a light dusting so I will take care of that before tonight's rebraiding session. Ummm, the 7th of this month was a milestone for me because on that day it was exactly 1 year since I last relaxed and dyed. Hopefully when my BC anniversary comes up I'll be able to rock a full SL flat iron job to show off my progress!