Any Leo women dating Taurus men...


Well-Known Member
Just met another one - I'm a Leo and it seems all I attract (and attracted to) are Taurus men but I just can't. My last long term relationship was with a Taurus and I just love the hell out of him but he would just would disappear for weeks at a time and then come back and i was too young and naive to tell him to go back where he just came from.

The there's church man who calls me every 5-6 weeks and now I meet another one. I didn't even have to ask. He had this big a** tattoo on his arm of a bull. Charming as all out doors and I'm so tempted but do they all just DISAPPEAR?

I just love these Taurus men but I swear they are going to drive me to drink. Leo women how do you handle this?
That didn't work out for me. All the bulls I've ever dated tried to bully the lioness...which didn't lead to great health for the bull. I don't know...they were all also prior military or law enforcement, so that could have had something to do with it.

But I just felt like they were control freaks and that combined with their natural stubborness just was not a good match.

Only outdone by the Scorpio man, who while not found to be control freaks came with many other issues. Like grudge holding, using the silent treatment as punishment (weird they all did this) and just being genuine O's.

My SO now is a Leo and we get along like a lazy Sunday afternoon....just absolutely smooth and so easy.
If you can't handle the going and coming, then its best you cut ties. It's not gonna change until he marries you.

ETA:...and even then...
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JeterCrazed;15720431[B said:
]If you can't handle the going and coming, then its best you cut ties.[/B] It's not gonna change until he marries you.

ETA:...and even then...
Sent from my Inspire HD using LHCF

Yep! This looks like what it will be. I went on line and this seems to be a problem of the "Sign". I didn't realize how many questions other women have had about the same thing with a Taurus man. As for marriage - geez I haven't even thought that far. I was just hoping for a couple of phone calls within 72 hours of each other :lachen:
Wow, my longest healthiest relationship was with a Taurus. I have never dated a more reliable guy. I'm a Scorpio tho, we're supposed to get along well.

I like to date Tauruses and other Scorpios. Funny b/c it seems like those are two of the most hated signs on the zodiac relationship wise :lol:

Oh wellz.
TrueToHair said:
What are your moon and rising signs? Do they come on strong?

I'm an aquarius who ALWAYS, without fail, attracts virgos. And always the same issues. But I have a capricorn moon, and capricorns are always going to attract virgos. Probably should evaluate aspects of your personality and make a decision from there.

I'm a cap and have never attracted a Virgo. The one Virgo I know I don't much like.
My fiance is a taurus and I'm a leo.....
I'm usually the one who calls the shots so, I don't know what taurus men do.
He is kinda clingy (everyday he has off he wants to be together), but besides that nothing bad.

I think the most interesting man was an aquarius though.
Those people are fun to talk to and be around.
What are your moon and rising signs? Do they come on strong?

I'm an aquarius who ALWAYS, without fail, attracts virgos. And always the same issues. But I have a capricorn moon, and capricorns are always going to attract virgos. Probably should evaluate aspects of your personality and make a decision from there.

Gemini Moon, Aquarius rising. - I'm not sure what all that means yet but I'ma readin'.